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Guilty Wrecking Machine

Coral felt good, but she still barely had any experience with proper sex. And certainly not now that she was apparently superhuman! If rubbing against Trevor was enough to make her come, how good would it feel to get real stimulation?

She slipped on her frilly pink dress where she’d stashed it, the silky caress of the fabric sending another shiver down her spine. She was so sensitive! Fuck it. Matt had already been upgraded to friend with benefit—although it might have been more dominated victim with benefit—but she could really use another round, and having sex with him had been surprisingly good. Way better than the two other times she’d done it in the past.

With a smug grin, she brought her unbelievable superhuman eyesight into play. Once again making sure that no one was around, Coral zipped through the halls with unbelievable speed. And her feet weren’t even touching the floor. If anyone had been around to witness it, she would have been a tan and pink blur, leaving behind a floral scented wind in her wake. Which was awesome!

She slowed down and let her fancy heels touch the floor once again when her acute ears picked up nearby conversation. Turning the corner, Coral zoomed with her telescopic vision toward the pool, but someone had pulled the shades down. She was about to be annoyed before realizing that whoever had done it, had probably done her a favor. Nobody needed to see her fucking Matt’s brains out flying in midair, after all!

“Hey Coral!” some of the adults greeted her. For most of the guests, the conversation had turned to business matters and social sparring once dinner had ended. It was important to remember that even if this was her night, it was their world.

But she was totally attuned to the sound of Matt’s voice at the moment. All other sounds would be registered later, but for now, she was deaf to everything. Annoyed at having to walk over to the pool at a normal human’s pace, Coral gracefully sauntered her way through the crowd, nodding graciously by long honed reflex. She came to the heavy curtains and drew them open.

Matt was nowhere to be seen. The pool had been significantly drained from her... enthusiasm earlier. The concrete was chipped and heaved up at parts, looking somewhere half-way between moderate earthquake and construction equipment accident.

So focused was she that Penny coming up and tapping her on the shoulder startled the bejeezus out of her.

“Oh my god!” she yelled, flipping and whipping her blonde mane around at slightly above average speed. “Oh, Paris! It’s you.” Her heart rate came back down to normal. Well, new normal. One thundering beat approximately whenever it felt like it.

“Coral dear,” Paris leaned down and whispered into her pretty little ears.

Coral’s smug grin grew even wider. She wanted to tell her stepmother that she could hear her perfectly fine, even if she whispered from across the room. But no. Coral touched her blue necklace. She didn’t want to make any rash decisions.

“Are you looking for Matthew? We had to summon a private ambulance to pick him up. He was quite bruised... perhaps internally. He said he tripped over some concrete. We were aghast. We’re closing off the pool area. It’s a good thing he is a very close friend—he won’t cause any financial trouble for us or harm our reputation.”

Coral’s smile evaporated. Had she really hurt Corey that badly?

“Anyway, I just wanted to let you know, dear. In case you were, um, looking for him for a little extracurricular activity.” Paris rubbed Coral’s shoulder. “Make sure to pay him a visit later, okay?”

“I... yes. Yes, thanks Mom. I didn’t know.”

Paris lingered for a few moments, but the stunned Coral was motionless and speechless. Paris patted her gently on the shoulder and took her leave.

Shit! Coral thought. She considered going outside right now, flying up into the air, and searching for an ambulance. But the thought of confronting Matt was a little too scary. Would he even want to see her? Had she... had she basically raped him? Fuck!

She wiped the welling tears away from her expressive eyes as she avoided eye contact with everyone else. The background murmur of speech as the adult gathering that had accompanied her party was winding down was suddenly all too loud as her hearing picked everything up, throughout the entire house, all at once. She covered her ears and bolted out of the grand front doors and just ran on her heels headed nowhere in particular.

Her feet left the floor amidst her long strides as she rubbed her eyes with her arm. It would’ve been hard to tell if she were simply running on thin air or just taking unnaturally wide steps—that is, if her legs weren’t a total blur as they carved through the air. Thirty seconds later, Coral finally took her arm off of her watery eyes and realized that she was about to ram into an entire lot full of cars!

The blonde birthday girl panicked for a moment. But it took less than that moment for her speeding body to come to a complete standstill. Half a second more and she would have plowed through millions of dollars of manmade machinery, but she came to an immediate stop with her dress whipping around her in a pink whoosh, her perfect body gently touching an expensive red sports car.

Coral caught her breath and surveyed her surroundings. This was the parking lot where the valets took their guests’ automobiles! And she knew this admittedly really suave-looking, hundreds of thousands of dollars vehicle.

It was the pig’s. Everett.

How could she forget? How many times had he driven up to her, lowered the window, stuck his arm and head out of the window, and showed off his prized possession like this while asking her if she wanted to go for a ride?

Taking her frustration of hurting her friend out on someone who was actually worthy of her fury, Coral gave the passenger door a spiteful little kick. But knowing how powerful she was and exercising control over that power were two completely different things. Despite trying to be gentle, her bare toes impacted the door with a loud clang, leaving a deep dent where her flesh had touched the cold metal.

Coral looked at the damage she’d caused with a halfhearted swing of her leg. Fuck it. She felt righteous.

Extending her index finger, she let her pink painted nails drag along the shiny, waxed paintwork of Everett’s overpriced hotrod. She intended only to scratch up its superficial outer appearance, but her dainty manicured nail actually carved into the metal and ripped out a huge strip!

Coral cackled as she continued her path around the perimeter of the car, tearing out a neat little loop. She gathered the thin sheet of metal and mashed it together in her bare hands, squeezing the thing into a molten, unrecognizable blob and throwing it over the shoulder with a lazy fling, sending it far over the horizon.

She was standing in front of the hood now. The body damage alone wasn’t enough for Coral; Everett allegedly had nearly totaled the car once, and his family had spent an exorbitant amount of money to repair his drunken irresponsibility.

It still wasn’t personal enough. She leaned forward and extended her finger once more, stenciling a poorly drawn “C” into the hood of the car to the sound of crunching paint and metal. There. She stood up straight and admired her fingerwork. A personal touch that gave her plausible deniability.

WIth a loud harrumph, Coral spat at the windshield. It was gratifying to do it as a mild act of defiance out of sight of her parents, avoiding a lecture being ladylike. That little blob of spittle tore right through the plated glass, leaving a large hole, shattering it into a million beads. An enormous crack of spider web lines traversed through what remained attached to the car’s frame.

God damn, I’m so powerful! Coral thought gleefully to herself. She wasn’t even really trying to damage it. Just… not being gentle.

Suddenly, Coral’s ears twitched as they picked up the soft sound of a heeled shoe rubbing against a millimeter of concrete.

“Who’s there?!” Coral shouted. She did a quick scan with her eyes and found Alisa standing a bunch of spaces down, recording with her phone.

“Holy shit!” Alisa yelled, never taking her eyes off her phone. “You... you trashed Everett’s car! What did you do?!” She scanned around for whatever sort of garden tool Coral used to deal the damage. Where had she stashed it?

“Hey! Stop recording! D-delete that!” Coral stammered.

“I’ve got you now!” Alisa laughed, realizing she now had an incontrovertible piece of evidence with which to control her rival.

Fuck it, Coral thought. Two birds with one stone.

Her feet left the floor in controlled rage, eyes glowing ominously. A gobsmacked Alisa gasped as she continued to watch the spectacle through her phone, then did a double take into the air to check if Coral really was flying, or if Alisa had somehow turned on some sort of filter!

“Oh my god! How are you flying!?” her voice wavered, but she never lowered her phone to stop filming.

She lost sight of Coral’s graceful, controlled air ballet. The girl she was so fixated on filming had suddenly disappeared from her video recording’s frame, and Alisa had no idea where she’d gone!

Before she knew it, Coral was standing before her. Directly in front of her. Not just in her phone. She had her middle digit covering the phone’s camera and her thumb on Alisa’s touchscreen, pinching the thing between her dainty fingers.

“You sure you have the upper hand?” Coral put on her most terrifying voice.

“That’s... impossible...” Alisa whispered.

“You haven’t seen anything yet.”

Alisa’s vision was locked with Coral’s own mesmerizing blue sapphires that she called her eyes. Suddenly, she heard a loud snap! The phone in her hand seemed to weigh significantly less for some reason.

Her phone was neatly severed in half. Apparently from just a pinch of Coral’s fingers! Alisa was left holding only half of the expensive circuitry and the jagged remains of the glass screen.

Coral took the other half and flipped it into the smooth palm of her hand. Alisa grimaced as Coral folded her hand closed, letting the sturdy, sharp pieces dig into her skin.

The impossible girl sneered as she tightened her grip, smashing that bit of Alisa’s phone into crumbled pieces.

“Oh... oh my god...!” Alisa began to backstep unsteadily.

Coral raised her hand and turned her palm down facing the ground and let the crushed junk dribble over Alisa’s head with a little flourish of her fingers. She was thinking of putting salt on a snail.

Alisa turned to run, but she hardly made it three steps. The sudden, powerful gust of wind nearly blew Alisa off her feet before a pink smear appeared in front of her. Alisa could only make out that it was Coral’s body as she was about to crash into it.

Coral helped the poor girl by wrapping her fingers over Alisa’s hand that still held the phone. With inhuman strength, she kept Alisa standing by holding on tight, causing the girl to cry out in discomfort as she her entire weight was being supported through her arm.

“N-no...” Alisa begged, looking at Coral’s hand. If she closed it into a fist, after what had happened with the phone, what would happen to her flesh and bones?

Mercifully, Coral flashed her pathetic rival a big smile. Plucking the other half of the phone out of Alisa’s grasp with her free hand, she demolished it just as unceremoniously as the first and flung her hand behind her back. The debris flew off into the hillside, scattering over the damp ground and digging into tree bark.

“Understand?” Coral asked, using her now empty hand to grip Alisa’s hip and effortlessly hefting the trembling girl to her feet. She gave her a gentle squeeze to emphasize the point. “Don’t. Tell. Anyone.”

“Yes! Yes! I understand!” Alisa gasped in pain as eyes were drawn to the vivid sparkles flowing through the stones of that strange necklace Coral was wearing. She’d never seen her rival with that piece of jewelry before. It was… enchanting.


Coral let go of Alisa and disappeared in a blur once more. Alisa collapsed to the floor, shaking and trembling. What had she actually seen? What was up with that necklace? She had been waiting to have a little tryst with a boy in the parking lot, but the mood had now been thoroughly ruined.



That had been fun, and a great way to work out her frustration over hurting Matt. But Coral decided she needed to let out a lot more steam. And this fucking incredible superbod of hers could definitely generate a lot of steam.

Leaving a shaken and hopefully silenced Alisa behind, Coral sprinted her way uphill back to her mansion. A normal, albeit endless stamina human sprint, anyway. She wanted to get going quickly, but she didn’t want to get caught. The party was ending, and she smiled brightly and waved to the valets as they made their way down to pick up the cars for the guests. They just stared at the birthday girl, too busy gawking at her full breasts and the impressive shelf of her cleavage to wonder just how she was running uphill in high heels, faster and more agile than an olympic athlete.

Coral ran around the perimeter of her palatial mansion, circling to the rear. The guests were filtering out, and she didn’t want to be seen. Taking off once more with practiced ease, she floated up to her bedroom window, pushed it open, and entered without ever touching the floor.

This window definitely had to remain unlocked for the rest of time.

Chuckling to herself, Coral slipped out of her pink dress for the final time that day. It had definitely gotten enough mileage. For what she had planned, Coral stepped into a pair of purple designer gym shorts and matching, stretchy top, noting that the spandex fabric was both tighter around her more curvaceous body, yet didn’t cause her any discomfort at all. Slipping on a pair of ankle socks and determined not to touch the ground, she swiveled upside down in midair, held her necklace tight to her chest, fetched her shoes in one hand by hooking her fingers in them, and put them on while still upside down and flying back out the bedroom window.

Wrecking Everett’s car and crushing Alisa’s phone had been fun, but it wasn’t nearly enough. She wanted to see just what this superbod could do. Also, she couldn’t help but giggle when the valets brought the car back to Everett in their large, looped driveway. The boy was apoplectic!

Coral really put on the gas now, flying out of their high income hilly area and down toward the seedy bowels of Sand Valley. There were abandoned lots near the rail yard with lots of massive junk where she could entertain her power. See what she was really capable of.

The sun was gone, but her eyes had no trouble seeing in the dark. Combined with her telescopic vision, she picked out dozens of minute details around town, seeing flaws in roofing of the more run down areas of town. Zooming back out, it only took her a second to find a suitable place to play around.

And then it took her far less than a second to arrive there in a burst of speed.

Her slender yet rounded silhouette droped out of the darkening sky like a very girl-shaped bomb, only to stop instantly, mere inches above the pavelemnt. Setting down gracefully as any dancer, Coral considered taking her shoes off so as not to dirty them, but the sight of some squicky used needles gave her pause. Surely there was no way they would pierce her skin—after all, she’d crashed through a jet engine and torn apart steel with just a finger, and it had been effortless!—but just the mere thought of touching a used needle gave her the shivers. She focused her eyes and recalled that wonderful orgasm that Matt had given her, and two beams of pure heat erupted from her pupils, evaporating the thin needles.

Coral sighed melancholically at the unbidden memory of him. Well, time to work it out. She’d definitely make it up later. There was no way he would turn her down, and she really wanted to rub herself to a gooey orgasm all over his cute little body. And maybe more... as long as he wanted it.

She started off slowly, bending over to grip a fallen column of concrete under the palm of her hand. It was almost a shame nobody was there to see her pert backside as she bent over at the waist, her pendant breasts creating quite a spectacle of cleavage in her tight top.

With her hand underneath the end of it, far, far off the center of gravity, Coral dug her fingers in, turning the sturdy material to dust. Then she pulled it off the floor and twisted her wrist, lifting the other end high into the air using the most difficult fulcrum possible to leverage the column's weight.

This was easy!

The concrete groaned loudly before cracking and falling into two pieces. The ruined rubble couldn’t even handle its own weight, while Coral was waving it around as if it were a feather duster!

She leapt over it, arcing high into the air before landing totally silently at that large chunk of concrete. Not wanting to ruin her designer shoes, she placed her toe at its end and experimentally nudged it forward a bit. Of course, the heavy cylinder had no choice but to move along with the effortless swing of her shapely leg.

WIth a little giggle, Coral put a little more into it and flung her leg forward with her toe still attached to the column.

It flew through the air like a spear, crashing into the wall of the building and half exploded, half impaled itself in the abandoned warehouse.

“Hee hee!” the beautiful blonde giggled quite girlishly, a shocking juxtaposition to the feats of brute strength she was now capable of.

She sped over to the gaping hole she’d created and leapt ten feet into the air to make her way inside using the new makeshift door. There was so much junk in there! Coral grabbed whatever was at hand: large, unwieldy tables, ruined debris, old unrecognizable machinery... anything that wasn’t nailed down was fair play.

Oh wait, things that were nailed down were also fair play too!

After flicking her pinky finger at a few tables and laughing as they smashed into the ceiling as dust rained down on her, she tried picking up a large gallon drum by wrapping her arms around it. She didn’t notice that the thing had been nailed to the floor until her ears picked up the loud shriek of metal. The pointy bits where she’d torn them from the floor were sticking straight up. Compressing the drum easily between her hands until it was as thick as a sheet of paper, she simultaneously fired her pale blue beams and melted those rusted iron nails into slag as well.

It wouldn’t do to be unsafe, after all.

She continued to compress the metal thing in her hands, rotating and squeezing it. It was softer even than child’s clay! She rolled the thing in the palms of her hands, heating it between the incalculable pressure and the friction of her superhuman movements.

Despite the screeching, protesting metal, Coral had no trouble picking out the sound of footsteps outside. She leapt up to the hole she’d created once more and hung onto it with her fingertips, sneaking a peek through it as she curled her digits just a tiny bit to lift her over the threshold.

Some of the local youth dressed in baggy clothing were inside of the area, examining the source of raucous noise in one of their hangouts. No doubt the needles belonged to them.

Coral flipped herself over the hole with another easy tug of her fingers, flipping herself over it in an acrobat leap. She descended parallel to the wall of the building and absorbed the impact of her landing with an easy flex of her knees. She wasn’t looking for a negative encounter, but if one should happen, she wasn’t going to shy away from it either.

They were so blind compared to her! Their eyes traced a path right past her, and they didn’t react at all! Only when Coral let a tiny trickle of energy well in her eyes, making them glow like a pair of blue LEDs did they finally notice the piercing eyes and the overwhelmingly sexy body attached to it.


“Holy shit...”

Both their heart rates accelerated rapidly as they drank in the sight of Coral’s mostly bare, long legs, and the hugely impressive swell of her chest in the relative darkness.

“Hey girl...” they approached her.

“Hi!” Coral chirped cheerfully. Please let this go the way I want, please! She begged internally.

“What’s a nice girl like you doing in a place like this? You looking for some Blue Tops?”

“What’s that?” Coral asked innocently and genuinely.

The pair of apparent drug dealers looked at each other. Then looked back at her. Apparently one of them came to a decision.

“Well, if you’re not here to get high, maybe we can show you a good time in another way...” he grinned, showing off his crooked, dirty teeth.

“Oh boys, that’s exactly what I wanted to hear!” Coral bared her teeth in a huge smile.

To really get the ball going, Coral fetched a few slivers of wooden beams and put them in a pile at superspeed. The only thing the men could see was the pair of blue light of her eyes racing around the grounds like a laser beam. Then, with all the material gathered, Coral carefully ignited it with a gentle caress of her heat vision to make sure the pair of drug dealers could see exactly what she was doing.

They gasped, both at the inexplicable power and her unmatched beauty.

Illuminated by flames and licking her lips, Coral flicked the remains of some of the concrete column she had so easily manipulated and obliterated into the air with her shoe and caught it in her hands. Then she crushed it between her palms.

“Yo, what the fuck!?” The lead guy had long since stopped his ill intentioned advances.

“I’ve been waiting to try this out on some people like you,” Coral explained.

She blurred once more and appeared right behind both men. When it was clear that they were too slow to register her movement, she gave them each a light tap on the shoulder.

Both of them screamed and jumped in fright when they turned to face her.

“Shhh,” Coral whispered breathily.

The blonde supergirl extended a single finger and poked one of them on the forehead. He slumped to the floor, completely unconscious. She’d been able to see every ripple of his skin and the little jerk of his head as she’d tapped him with exquisite precision. Clonk! Lights out!

“W-what the fuck did you do to him!?” his remaining colleague asked.

Coral’s arm flashed out to grip him by the neck. In one fluid motion, she lifted him off the floor.

His face turned blue as he struggled against her iron claw. He slammed his hands on her dainty wrist to no effect save for injuring his own pathetic fists. Her nose wrinkled as the smell turned decidedly boys’ bathroom.

Coral just watched as he lost consciousness as well. As soon as his eyes closed, she dropped him to the floor, stepping back to avoid any splash.

“Well, that was anti-climactic,” she said out loud before realizing that her arms were trembling. The rush of adrenaline in her encounter finally got to her. And even though she was clearly about a billion times out of their league, it was still quite stirring to have dealt with some local “businessmen.”

She patted both unconscious men down in a second, finding a gun on one of them. Damn! She took it and slipped it down the front of her shorts, saving it for later. The cold metal rested on her hip and slightly tickled her smooth crotch.

Now what do I do with these guys? Coral bit her lip, deep in thought. Shrugging, she grabbed both by the collar, flew high into the air, and deposited them in a heap in front of the Sand Valley Police Department.

It was fully dark out now. What a day her 19th birthday had turned out to be!


Back in her bedroom, dust and warehouse grime showered off, in the nude, and ready for bed, Coral received a phone call. She answered.

“Candy?! What’s up?”

“Hey Coral,” her sister’s voice sounded from the other end. “Happy birthday. Sorry I missed your last one.”

“Oh, so you remember,” Coral spat. That was unfair, but it was still her birthday and she didn’t have to be fair.

“Yeah, I’m really sorry. I was dealing with some... things. How was your 19th birthday?”

“Good. Really good,” Coral’s eyes glowed blue. She hovered over her bed as if to show off her new powers to her absent sister. “Super, even.” She couldn’t resist bragging a little, even completely without context.

“Oh... I’m glad to hear it.”

Silence on both ends.

“Is there anything... well... no, never mind. It’s getting late. I just wanted to wish you well,” Candace concluded.

“Thanks sis. Good night,” Coral said.


They hung up. Coral flopped on top of the fluffy down comforter of her bed and went to sleep. As comfy as it was, she was soon floating in midair, her flawless and completely nude skin lit by moonlight.


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