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Commissioned by Annihilator10k
Written by HarmonyMotion

Chapter 1 - In the Age of Powers...

Mia Silvers had none.

The beautiful girl who had attracted the sexual attention of all boys—and some girls—when she was growing up, appreciated for her long, silken, ebony tresses, her incredible height, her ridiculous hourglass shape, and most of all, her blossoming bust that doubled the width of her profile, had no powers.

Considering all the attention and favors she drew in her youth, she always expected her own personal power to be something properly superior. Something that put all other powers to shame. Super strength? She’d be stronger than that. Teleport short distances? Bitch, please, she’d be able to teleport wherever she wanted. Telekinesis, lifting and bending spoons? Pathetic. What about cars and buildings?

She came to think of all others as below her. They weren’t as attractive as her, weren’t as tall as her, weren’t as smart as her, so why on earth wouldn’t she think this way? And when the lucky 1 in 1000 struck for her, and she developed her powers when she came of age, she would be more powerful than everyone else.

It didn’t matter that other people seemed to have longer lasting relationships than her. They simply settled with other people. She could have anyone she wanted, and did. Or so she told herself.

It didn’t matter that other students got better grades than her. She wasn’t even trying. She was doing perfectly well just coasting. If she really wanted to, she could be valedictorian. Year after year.

And while she was undeniable, inexorably beautiful, she told herself that she didn’t harbor any jealousy for some of the other girls around her. Some of the girls she felt had prettier toes than her. Whatever. Her platform boots, her natural preferred fashion, rendered that irrelevant. Some other girls had a bit more muscle tone to them that looked subtle and appealing, even to Mia’s eyes. Whatever. She didn’t have to work out like a gym rat to achieve that. God forbid she run into anyone sporting a larger, perkier, more irresistible bosom than her...

So, she marked her eighteenth birthday on her calendar with excitement. She stayed up all night with a group of “friends,” although she secretly referred to them as inferiors, expecting a huge power reveal as soon as the clock struck midnight.

Tick. Tick. Tick.


A few people suppressed some nervous laughter before everyone went back to drinking. Mia just sat by herself in the corner, fuming.

That was fine. It made sense. If she were to have a super power—that is, a real super power, a power that toppled all powers, it would take time. Something as wonderful as that needed to be nurtured. Carefully fostered, raised the right way, and belonging to someone worthy of it. Someone like her.

The days passed. She never doubted herself. But the power never came.

She attended a middle of the road university, one of the ones that had accepted her application. The interviewer had been quite smitten with her. But of course he was. Who wouldn’t be?

On her nineteenth birthday, she was a little more cautious. Inviting only a few of her dormmates, they sat in her single room and awaited the countdown to midnight. Only one of them had powers, and it was minor. His teeth were supernaturally tough and strong, and looked like they belonged on a toothpaste commercial.

Please. She couldn’t wait to show him what true power was.

Tick. Tick. Tick.


The party disbanded early. A sullen, frustrated Mia lay awake in her far-too-small bed, completely silent. She pictured a bright ball of power in her mind, planted in a little pot of soil. She watered it diligently, brought over a stool and sat by it, entertaining it with bedtime stories, regaling it about how it would grow up to the largest and most beautiful power of them all, that it would rise high into the sky and block out the very sun with its shining glory.

Mia drifted off to sleep, content and confident that the day would come to pass. The ache deep in her gut? Probably just some shitty food the cafeteria served.

That’s right. She was a way better cook than those people too.

Halfway through the year, some blonde bimbo on campus manifested a power. It was a good one, too. Super strength... but some real super strength. People around the world demonstrated the ability to lift the end of a car off the floor with relatively little effort. Pretty lame. That was strongman stuff.

Alexia Aronson, however, was made of sterner stuff. Nothing seemed beyond her power. She lifted heavier and heavier things to raving media and cheering fans. The end of a car? How about an entire truck? The admittedly sexy girl had both arms fully extended underneath the two ton vehicle, and her arms weren’t trembling at all. And the bitch... the bitch had flashed a bright, winning smile, before lowering one hand and balancing the whole thing on the other!

And then she did it with one finger!

The crowd went wild. She was instantly declared the world’s strongest human, not just the world’s strongest female, as the case usually went with female achievements. She became an overnight sensation. Product endorsements, public appearances, demonstrations... there was no way she would ever want for money again in this lifetime.

But the girl was as fake as she was powerful, Mia decided. No, little power princess Alexia wanted to stay in school. Live a normal life.

What a duplicitous bitch! Playing up the sweet little angel angle.

Whatever, Mia consoled herself. She’s what, 19? I’m already 19 and a half. So my power is already going to be way better than hers.

In the meantime, she barely attended her classes, noting once again that she produced barely passing grades with zero effort. She’d found a boy who had taken quite an interest in her too.

Jason Kim.

They shared an optional elective together. The very first class, he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. Her black lipstick, dark and shiny, matched her long flowing hair perfectly. Bright hazel eyes on ghostly pale porcelain skin, dotted with the faintest freckles. And her lips, always dolled up in midnight black lipstick, of course.

Mia was famous on campus not just for her attitude, but for her appearance. And her prodigious height made her stand heads above everyone else. Measuring in at around six and a half feet, she rivaled the female (and sometimes even male) athletes where height was a major factor. It wasn’t uncommon to see Mia’s beautiful gothic face towering above a sea of unmotivated students, shuffling from class to class while Mia was busy doing... whatever she was doing. Thinking herself superior to everyone.

Along with the rest of her beautiful proportions, she was a handful for anyone to look at. Long legs with soft, fleshy thighs, her unbeatable bust magnified by a tight corset around a narrow waist that was already so narrow and pinchable that she barely had to suck in to put it on, and black, knee high platform boots to further accentuate her truly superior height. A black, frilly, layered skirt over her fertile, child-bearing hips, torn off at the ends to reveal her fishnet stockings completed the ensemble.

It was no surprise that Jason was utterly enthralled.

Of course, Mia didn’t keep many friendships. Or any. Everyone found it too difficult to endure the fact that all Mia talked about was herself, and specifically, how she was better than other people. Even when she was being polite about it, her comments always turned into backhanded compliments that circled back to how much better she was, or could be, at whatever subject they were on.

But Jason wasn’t bothered by it. He hung by Mia’s side and stuck with her, grateful just for a chance to be in close proximity to such towering beauty. He agreed with all of her brazen proclamations, truly believing in Mia’s superior knowledge and wisdom. They began to spend all their time together.

Jason propped up Mia’s barely passing grades by doing her assignments at her behest, quoting that such mundane child’s play was beneath her. The sexual tension grew ever stronger before Mia decided to just take charge put a spiked collar around his neck, declaring that he was her special little puppy.

Jason was overjoyed.

On Mia’s 20th birthday, after an insufferable year of seeing Alexia completely overshadow herself, it was just Jason and she in her dorm room. People didn’t associate with her anymore, what with an ugly blonde with impossible strength showing off every day. It definitely wasn’t because of her attitude.

And Mia didn’t want to admit it, but she was relieved. In the back of her mind, she began to wonder what would happen if her power never manifested? What if she was just some regular nobody. A tall, smart, beautiful, and wise (duh) Mia. But a nobody nevertheless. She’d seen the way people would look at her and scoff.

So in that intimate darkness, the two of them huddled on her bed as the clock marched forward.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

It was Mia’s 20th birthday. She felt... nothing.

But Jason didn’t.

Chapter 2 - Jason Becomes Worthy

Mia clenched her fists in frustration. She tried to keep the welling tears in her eyes from dripping down her pale cheeks bathed in moonlight, but the more she thought about it, the harder it got.

Meanwhile, Jason was shifting uncomfortably and looking at his own hands in confused awe.

“Mia... I mean, Mistress... I feel kind of strange...” he whispered quietly, knowing how much Mia’s birthday meant to her.

“What the hell do you mean, you feel strange?” Mia hissed.

“I feel... I think...” Jason began, but he felt an strange instinctive compulsion to touch Mia. Chastely. Gently. He pushed his leash out of the way with an arm and reached out to lightly grip Mia’s forearm.

Mia’s deep-set hazel eyes went wide in shock before a pulse of pure arousal surged through her body, all originating from where Jason’s hand was touching her. The creamy flesh of her large pale breasts in that tight corset began to jiggle and vibrate as she writhed in a sea of burning lust.

“Oh my godd... Jason, what’s going on?!” she moaned, her voice thick and husky.

“I think I got a power,” he whispered in disbelief.

“How is that... possible!? It’s my birthday! Mine!” she objected. Her frustration outweighed even her little pet’s induced lust.

“It’s mine too, actually. I never told you because, well, it’s not as important as yours,” Jason admitted sheepishly. “I’m sorry to surprise you like this, Mistress.”

Mia was afraid that Jason was going to leave her like everyone else, but he was genuine in his apology. He clearly accepted his place beneath her. And this power was definitely... nice.

“You’ll just get yours next year, Mia. I’m sure of that,” he stroked her bare arm with his thumb, practicing his new power and watching entranced as Mia’s body continued to quake in lust.

“You’re making me so fucking horny, my little pet!” Mia growled. “Fuck it! It’s about time you really make yourself useful to me! No more clumsy work eating my pussy! Now you can really make me come, the way I deserve to!”

She beckoned him off of the bed to kneel on the floor. He obeyed in complete submission and looked adoringly at his owner as she seductively undid the criss-crossed black laces of her corset and peeled it off her body. Jason gasped upon seeing Mia’s magnificence not clad in armor for the first time in the six months he’d known her.

She was so marvelously slender, yet so huge chested. And when that black leather bodice came off, she didn’t sag at all! Those enormous slopes thrust forward, large and proud and ignoring the force of gravity somehow, retaining their perfect swollen teardrop shape. The skin of her torso was just as pale as her face and glowed in the moonlight as if supernatural.

Jason licked his lips hungrily as he looked at the ghostly pink nipples that decorated the peaks of her feminine mounds. He’d always known Mia was the most beautiful woman on the planet. And the reality far bested what he had imagined.

He was her faithful servant for life.

“Like what you see?” Mia taunted, giving her more than impressive bust a heavy shake. They barely moved, but her flesh rippled ever so subtly and tantalizingly.

Jason was at a loss for words. He merely panted in lust and nodded. And he was the one who had just developed a power.

“Of course you do,” Mia gloated. “It looks like today, you’re finally worthy of servicing me sexually.”

Jason bit his lip and nodded eagerly. He couldn’t wait to bring Mia to the untold heights of pleasure that she deserved.

Mia continued the show by wiggling her hips and pulling down her shorts and fishnets. She’d spent countless hours checking her perfect beauty in the mirror in the morning, after showers, at random intervals during the day... and she was glad that it was every bit as effective on Jason as she’d anticipated.

Soon, her beautifully symmetric nether folds were in full view. Fragrant, soft, supple skin, with absolutely no hair present on her pubic mound, same pale polished marble flesh with a beautiful hint of pink in between those heavenly gates...

“Oh mistress, please! May I? I promise, I’ll do such a good job!” Jason begged.

Mia tugged his leash, pulling him forward. He scooted along the floor on his knees.

“You may,” she ordered imperiously.

He traced his fingers up her salacious thighs, exerting his power over her as he pressed and lightly traced his nails over her polished skin. It wasn’t purely for her sake; Jason was just as fascinated and aroused, excited to live out his fantasy for real between his mistress’s thighs.

But he wasn’t ready for just how potent his touch really was now.

Mia’s pussy gushed as soon as he dug his fingers in. Her erotic growling was music to Jason’s ears, and he hurriedly traced his ascent toward the sweet heaven of that beautiful slit between her thighs.

As soon as his tongue touched her lubricated lips, Mia’s entire body clenched into a tight little ball before detonating in pleasure.

“Oh fuck! Jason! Yesssss! Good pet! Eat meeeee!” she squealed, thrashing and wrapping her thick thighs tightly over his head.

She squealed and spasmed violently as she sank her hands into Jason’s thick brown hair. She pushed him into her, urging him to continue as she exploded over and over, gushing her sexual fluids all over his face. He greedily lapped it up, every pulse of her nectar a gift from his beautiful goddess. His enthusiasm of drinking her down sent her into mind-shattering pleasure as the endless loop of pleasure continued, coursing through Mia’s superior flesh and shape until she was drenched in sweat and could no longer take it anymore.

“Oh fuck...” Mia whispered as she lay back, utterly drained and exhausted. She’d never felt anything like this. Not even when she pleasured herself.

Jason whimpered and remained kneeling on the floor, awaiting Mia’s permission to climb up onto the bed. He was insanely hard, his shaft uncomfortable in his pants and desperately seeking relief. Maybe, just maybe, he’d done well enough for Mia to let him fuck her. He knew he could make the previous chain of orgasms seem like a distant memory if he could just be inside of her.

“Mistress... may I...” he pleaded when Mia continued to heave on the bed, seemingly forgetting him.

She sat back up, her skin flushed red with heat. Her normally beautifully brushed and sleek hair was a total sexy mess, her hazel eyes piercing through his soul.

“You did so good, my sweet, loyal pet. Tell me, do you know if you can do that to all women?” Mia asked slightly insecurely.

“I could never imagine satisfying any woman other than you,” he quickly stifled her concerns.

“What a good, good boy!” she ran her hand gently through his hair. Crossing her long, long legs, she peered down at him knowing that he was willing and totally at his mercy.

Jason surged even harder in his pants from her haughty attitude. Being nothing compared to Mia stoked his desire even further.

“Go ahead and stroke yourself off. I want you to ruin your own orgasm dribble all your pathetic cum all over my carpet. If you keep serving me, maybe I’ll even let you have a satisfying orgasm,” she laughed.

Jason eagerly pulled his cock out of his pants and stroked himself carefully to obey Mia’s orders. When he was nearing his climax, he let go of his cock as his semen pathetically dribbled out of his tip all to the sound of Mia’s beautiful laughter.

Chapter 3 - The Leaguey League of Leaguers. Also, Mia’s 21st Birthday

“Alexia Aronson joins the Leaguey League of Leaguers!”

That was the headline all over Williams University college-run papers... as well as papers all over the world. Photos of the blonde powerhouse lifting a tank were circulating social media like wildfire. #AlexiaStrong with women flexing their biceps was the new symbol for female power and empowerment.

She was joining a fledgeling, yet extremely powerful group of other metahumans. Unchecked by government laws, they operated as they saw fit. Speedsters, people who could fly, energy emission at extreme levels of power were the norm. Some of the subtle, non combative powers were perhaps even more powerful and influential. Mind reading, mind control, things like that that could rip people’s darkest secrets out of their memories and even implant new ones.

And there were rumors circulating about entire buildings around the world disappearing and being reconstructed in the middle of the night. Yet those that reported such strange occurrences were quickly found to change their tune by the very next day. Like the Tower of Pisa, which some nutcases swore used to lean to a side because of unstable foundation due to alien influences, but clearly stood perfectly straight up. Or the little tourist location of small pyramids constructed in the desert in ancient times, which yet other outspoken people claimed were actually 500 feet tall instead of the actual ten foot structures they actually were. How would ancient civilizations have built 500 feet tall monuments without modern machinery?

But those people all disappeared or went silent. Perhaps they saw the error of their ludicrous claims, but other conspiracy theorists came out of the woodwork to claim this was the work of superpowered people wreaking havoc on history.

Mia found all of it tiresome. She wanted her goddamn powers already! But at least the nights spent with Jason pleasuring her make the days go by quickly.

As the world’s balance of power continued to shift with one person per thousand gaining an ability daily on their umpteenth birthday, Mia celebrated her 21st quietly with Jason. She lay there on the bed and trembled in violent delight as Jason worshiped her nubile body, touching and squeezing her breasts while sucking on her ghostly pale, sensitive nipples.

“Mia, Mia...” Jason whispered into her ear, his low, sexy purr of a voice sending the statuesque goth beauty into more conniptions.

“Oh fuuuuuuck! God, I can’t believe even that makes me come!” she squealed as her long, rigid legs seized while her pink pussy throbbed and struggled to find something to grip and crush.

“It’s midnight, Mia. Do you feel anything? It’s unmistakable when it happens...” he latched back onto her nipple and swirled it with his tongue.

As Mia rode the waves of nonstop pleasure focused on her aching nipples and coursing through her body sending tingles into her fingers and toes, she did in fact feel something click. It was faint amidst the orgasmic turmoil within her body, but like Jason said, it was unmistakable.

Her twitching, jerking hand made its way to his cheek, caressing him softly like an owner pleased with its pet. When her silken fingers and black nails landed on his skin and gave him a delicate stroke however...

Jason’s entire body seized up.

An enormous moan, muffled by her luscious, engulfing breast flesh.

Then he sprang off her body and began to flood his pants from his erupting erection, absurdly powerfully and far more productively than he ever had before.

And she wasn’t even touching him down there!

“FUUUUUUUUUUCK!” Jason wailed as his hips pumped nonstop. His muscles were getting sore, but his body was no longer under his own control! Load after load of viscous semen soaked his boxers through as he felt his heart worked to the bursting point. He jerked so hard that his leash and collar went taught as he thrashed about in ecstasy.

“Jason! It looks like I got your power!” Mia gasped in astonishment. She began to reach for him again, almost ominously.

“Mia... mistress... pleaaaase! I think... I’m gonna die...” he managed to gasp. His heart was still pumping furiously, sending his heated blood to fill his testicles with more semen as his pulsing tip continued to ejaculate.

“Aww... okay, my sweet little thing,” she cooed. “I think I’ve got it now. This will be gentle.”

She sidled up to him and cuddled him, acting as the big spoon as she naturally was. The warmth of her body and her loving caress helped guide him through the rest of his violent orgasm, winding him down gently and sending him off to sleep.

He really was such a sweet, loving pet. Mia would never do anything to hurt Jason.

As she lay there and enjoyed the sound of his soft breathing, she wondered. She really did seem to manifest the same power as Jason. Two people having the exact same power—had it ever happened before? Similar, sure. But exactly the same? And the effect that she had on him was evidently far more powerful than the effect he had on her.

Perhaps it just had to do with her beauty and natural place in this world. She owned him. She was superior to him, after all.

It wasn’t the most amazing power ever, but for tonight, Mia Silvers was content.

Chapter 4 - Welcome to the League, Alexia

“Hi guys! Um, wow, it’s nice to meet you. You’re all so famous!” Alexia nervously introduced herself.

“Hi guys! Um, wow, it’s nice to meet you. You’re all so famous!” a spitting image of Alexia emerged from the back of the group and spoke back to her.

“Whoa! It’s... it’s me!?” Alexia gasped.

“Pretty thing, isn’t she?” other Alexia remarked, checking out her own body and feeling her shimmering blonde hair. But maybe not the smartest.”

The clone Alexia outer appearance began to melt away, turning into the famous shapeshifting mimic, Maya Halcyon.

She felt a rush of wind encircle and swirl around her before Alan Smithster, the world’s fastest speedster appeared next to the group of people welcoming her.

“Not bad, not bad,” he fist bumped a flying Simon Cain.

Only then did Alexia feel her skirt flutter back down to her thighs. She turned beet red when she realized that she’d just been taken advantage of without even knowing.

“You’re a pig, Alan,” Heather spat.

“And what’re you gonna do, bring down the LLL with one of your stomps?” he countered petulantly.

“Um...” Alexia mumbled. This was not at all what she thought the Leaguey League of Leaguers would be like.

“Alan, I will melt your brain,” Tiffany said coldly.

“Tiff, please. We all know how your power works now. You couldn’t get that spazzy perv to stand still and look at your pendulum long enough even if you tried,” Heather continued.

“What the fuck, H? I’m on your fucking side here!” Tiffany scowled back.

One girl that Alexia didn’t recognize just sat in the corner, not paying any attention to their immature conversation. She looked familiar... didn’t she? Alexia couldn’t remember.

The Leaguey League of Leaguers was made up of similarly aged twenty-something year olds. All of them were at the top of the hierarchy in terms of powerful powers, and they had formed a little superhero group to best organize their collective efforts. Saving innocents from car accidents, rescuing cats out of trees, and the like.

But at the heart of it all was a bunch of lucky, spoiled young adults who hadn’t learned what true adulthood and maturity was like before they hit the genetic jackpot and were freed from all constraints that other humans, and even weakly powered metas, had to endure.

The LLL building looked like nothing of this world. The glowing tactile interfaces, the whooshing sliding automatic doors, and... was it even larger inside than it had looked from the outside? All of it served to intimidate Alexia even further.

They indoctrinated her quickly. After all, they were the most powerful and influential group the planet had ever seen. Who wouldn’t have buckled to the peer pressure?

Within six months, she came to see things their way. The world was their oyster. Any indiscretions  in the public, and Tiffany and Claire (the girl who Alexia and the world could barely recall) would clean up the LLL’s image. Normal people were simply beneath them. To be used and discarded at their whim.

Sure, they played nicely otherwise. Being lauded and loved was its own reward.

And Alexia was at a level of strength and invulnerability that no one had ever seen. All packed in a tight, beautiful, blonde package. She could’ve been a glamor or runway model who just happened to be able to swat down buildings with a flick of her finger rivaling the power of hundreds of wrecking balls.

So, she bought into it.

Welcome to the League, Alexia.

Mia and Jason walked around campus, giggling and laughing to each other in the aftermath of Mia’s power discovery. She’d never been so genuinely happy and bubbly around Jason while still being dominant, and he was over the moon. He wore his collar proudly, displaying it to all who were looking his way. Engraved on it in hot pink were the words “Mia’s Pet” in beautiful, swooping cursive.

They were so engrossed with each other that they almost didn’t even notice the sea of students parting in front of them.

Finally! Mia thought. The people beneath me showing some respect!

Unfortunately, her reverie was interrupted by a handful of students being shoved away by a superpowered push, their bodies flying through the air from Alexia’s effortless gesture.

“You,” the new Leaguer pointed at Jason.

“What do you want?” Mia spoke for him.

“I’m not talking to you, tall goth. I’m talking to your boyfriend.”

“Boyfriend?” Mia laughed. “This is my pet!” She tapped his collar.

Jason’s face turned pink from embarrassment as Mia so nonchalantly announced their relationship in public. But being a good boy, he immediately corroborated his mistress’s statement.

“Yeah! I’m lucky she keeps me around!” he proudly declared.

“Fuckin’ weirdos. But I hear you make your girlfriend howl like a banshee in bed. The whole campus is talking about it. And I want to see what makes you so special.”

“The hell are you talking about?” Mia growled. “I told you, he belongs to me!”

“And you think you can face my strength?” Alexia smiled mischievously. She lunged for a nearby student, grabbed him by the collar, and lifted him off the floor. He began to struggle fiercely, kicking his legs to no avail.

“What? You’re part of the stupid Leaguey Leaguers, aren’t you? You can’t just take my pet!”

“Watch me,” Alexia sneered.

She marched up to Mia, craning her neck to look at the beautiful girl who stood about a foot taller than her. But the super strong blonde knew that she held all the power here. She reached for Jason’s black and hot pink collar and pinched it gently between her thumb and forefinger.

“Will he still belong to you after I shatter this with my fingers? Ooh, this is custom too!”

“Don’t you fucking dare!” Mia grabbed Alexia’s wrist.

There was no way Alexia would actually do something like this, was there? Mia was calling her bluff. And despite knowing she was severely, massively outgunned, she wasn’t about to back down and act the bitch.

Indeed, Alexia didn’t shatter Jason’s collar. Her hand trembled violently under Mia’s uncertain grip. She winced with her pretty blue eyes before a grimace of pure pain creased her lips.

“Ahh... ah... owwwwww!!! FUCK! Let go, let go!” Alexia screamed.

“What.” Mia responded flatly.

“You’re... crushing... my wrist!” Alexia exclaimed.

The crowd gasped.

Mia let go.

Alexia’s wrist was turning blue and purple. She cradled it with her left hand and looked at the goth girl in shock.

“You’re strong!?” Alexia said, more a statement than a question. “Stronger than me!?”

Mia was just as confused, but played it off coolly as if she’d always known.

“No shit, blondie! I’m better than you in every way!”

Despite her injury, Alexia was fast on the draw. She hurled her good left hand straight at Mia’s slender, beautiful, frail-looking stomach. The blonde brute would have aimed for Mia’s freckled porcelain face had she been able to reach it, but Mia was simply too tall.

Her left fist impacted Mia’s stomach with an enormous thud. The cracking of bones was almost as loud as the shattering impact.

“Ffff....fuuuuUUUUUUCK!” Alexia cried out in pain. She’d broken her hand on Mia’s stomach!

As for Mia, she’d winced and prepared for the worst. It had been a nice year she’d spent with Jason, but apparently Alexia was going to kill her, and even she wasn’t deluded enough to think that she would survive the blow.

When she felt a soft bump against her soft belly, she peeked with one eye open to see Alexia beaten and broken. It... it wasn’t a trick! Mia really was stronger than her! ...Way stronger.

“Oh my god!” Mia exclaimed, unable to keep up the facade. “Too cool!”

“How is this... why didn’t anyone know...” Alexia gasped.

“Better run back to your Leaguey League!” Mia cackled.

She trotted up in her black platform boots, and without even drawing her leg back, aimed a gentle kick right between Alexia’s own. The light tap of Mia’s shin sent the blonde so-called superheroine flying through the air and over the horizon.

The crowd gasped.

“Mia?” Jason asked, so flabbergasted that he forgot to use her title.

She looked at him, a wicked gleam in her bright hazel eyes.

“That’s ‘Mistress’ to you, my loyal pet. Now it’s time for me to find out if this is too good to be true.”

That night, she ordered him not to use his sexual prowess on her lest she return the favor and cause his heart to burst. Lying flat on the bed, she lifted his body in and out of her excited canal with both hands on his hips as she exercised the impossible strength in all of her muscles, including the intimate ones she never knew could be so powerful.

Jason screamed out in pain and pleasure as she drove him to orgasmic heights the old fashioned way before denying his orgasm with a tiny little clench of her hot inner core, laughing at his ecstatic torment the whole time as she drove him up and down, up and down...

Chapter 5 - A New Jason?

“I can’t believe how strong you are!” Jason complimented Mia the next day while walking around campus. “Did you get another power without telling me, mistress? That’s unheard of!”

“I don’t know how it happened either,” Mia mused. “But like I’ve always said, I’m just better than most people. Isn’t that right?”

“Right...” Jason mumbled.

Mia looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

“I mean, um, right! That’s right, Mistress!” he fawned with a hint of saccharine in his voice.

“Something’s off with you today, pet. Does my new strength scare you or something? Are you having thoughts of disloyalty?”

“N-no, no!” Jason tried to correct his faulty behavior.

“That’s a good boy. You know I’ll always take good care of you,” Mia smiled and beckoned him over with a finger. She gave his penis a little stroke through his pants with her skilled hands, which caused him to stiffen immediately, though he felt strangely softer than usual. And his groan of arousal sounded oddly... feminine?

Alexia was nowhere to be seen the past few days. And word of Mia breaking the blonde’s hands and kicking her over the horizon was the gossip of the school. Everyone was giving Mia and Jason a wide berth now and obeying her little demands, which was totally fine by her. Finally, the world was treating her the way she deserved to be treated.

“It’s just so weird, you know,” Jason continued. “How do you not only have two powers, but it’s like, two powers that are even more extreme than other existing powers?”

“You have so many questions today, Jason. What’s up with you?”

“I’m just really curious, Mia! I mean, mistress! Were you just hiding how strong you were? Are you hiding other things from me too?”

“Slave! You’re making me very unhappy! If I’d known I was that strong, why, I would’ve gone and slapped the blonde lightening shampoo out of that ugly Alexia’s hair the first chance I got! Now, let’s go back to my room. You’re gonna eat me out until I’m satisfied in order to make up for your petulance.”

“I, um... I have class to go to!” Jason muttered lamely, way out of character. “And my jaw is so sore from servicing your magnificent gloriousness of awesomenimity...?”

His voice trailed upward and lingered for too long. Jason chuckled nervously and flashed a crooked smile at his mistress.

Mia glared at him with suspicion. She grabbed his arm with her prodigious strength and squeezed slightly, intending to cause a little bit of pain. Instead, Jason’s flesh morphed and molded, becoming slightly rubbery and deforming to her touch!

“What the hell!?” Mia shouted.

“Let... go!” Jason’s mouth moved, but the voice was distinctly feminine now. Definitely not his.

Mia quickly reached over with her other hand and grabbed his erection with her other hand. Stroking and pumping while applying every bit of her sexual mastery into her fluid movements, Jason’s head snapped back in a fierce roar of orgasmic pleasure before his flesh began to shudder and destabilize! His hair, his face, his clothes... all of it turned into a slightly liquid, goopy, flesh-colored blob before it visibly struggled to disconnect from Mia’s touch.

It broke away with only a few globs of human clay left in Mia’s hand where she’d gripped not-Jason’s wrist. The disconnected puddle of slime slid out of her fingers and flew back into that stranger’s body before the impostor’s flesh began to turn smooth. A moment later, Maya Halcyon aka Shapeshifter appeared in the flesh.

“You’re not Jason!” Mia gasped perhaps not so smartly.

“Holy fucking shit, I came hard!” Shapeshifter gasped.

“What the fuck do you want!? Where’s Jason!?”

But Maya Halcyon began to run into the crowd of students. Her signature multicolored hair faded from view as she turned herself into just any other ordinary looking college aged kid in a sea of students.

“Leaguers, did you hear that?” she whispered into a microphone and radio that she’d made out of her own flesh, calibrated to reach the LLL. “She really doesn’t seem to know what’s going on with her powers. And I’m pretty sure she’s even stronger than Alexia reported! This goth bitch is a real threat!”

“Oh really?” A particularly tall male student next to Maya asked loudly, looking straight at her.

“Hey, I’m not talking to you! Mind your own business!” Shapeshifter spat back, wearing the skin of a short, mousy, pigtailed redhead.

“Maybe you should’ve minded your own business before abducting and pretending to be Jason,” he replied with an angry sneer. “Now tell me, where is he!”

“Wh... wha...?”

The tall male began to morph, barreled chest turning into Mia’s signature unbeatable bosom, waist slimming, and jeans giving way to her black frilly skirt and fishnet clad thighs. She was even more striking and radiant than before, her limbs even more supple while her chest seemed to have swollen a few sizes larger.

“M-Mia!? How can you...!”

Maya ran for it again, looking around in the crowd to find another student to copy. But Mia’s arm shot out like a rubber band being pulled, elongating and piercing right through Maya’s malleable substance.

“Gurk!” Maya gasped.

“Where. Is. My pet!” Mia growled as she dragged Maya back.

Maya clutched at Mia’s powerful limb as it dragged her backwards. She tried to disconnect herself from Mia’s flesh, but found that she couldn’t! Clawing at Mia’s arm and thrashing her legs, she seemed to have no control over her own power anymore. She was totally, utterly dominated by Mia’s shapeshifting mastery.

“League! Help! Help me!!!” she squealed.

“Get over here!”

Mia dragged the struggling, clutching Maya all the way back where she promptly captured her in a powerful bear hug. Her enormous, fluid breasts pressed against Maya’s back as she imposed her will on Shapeshifter’s malleable flesh, turning her goopy and absorbing the Leaguer completely within her own superior, goth body.

“Helpp! Stop!!” Shapeshifter shrieked as her lower body disappeared into Mia’s mass. She redistributed Maya’s flesh in her own beautiful body, adding even more length to her luscious legs and expanding her breasts even further.

“Jason,” Mia announced once more.

“Clemens Hall! Room 120-B! Please... stop... shifting me!”

“Thank you very much!” Mia chirped.

Mia incorporated Shapeshifter wholly into herself, using that extra mass far better than Maya ever had.


Shapeshifter approached room 120-B and found Alexia standing guard by the only entrance with her arm in a sling and a brace around her hips.

“Maya? You took care of her? Did you figure out what her power is?”

Maya smiled, walked right up to Alexia, and placed her hand on Alexia’s shoulder. Alexia crashed to the floor with an enormous thud.

“Good question!” Maya placed her sneaker on Alexia’s shoulder blade, effortlessly pinning the world’s strongest—well, previously strongest woman on the floor.

“Maya! What are you doing!?”

“Oh you stupid little ant,” Maya’s lips moved, but what came out was Mia’s condescending voice. “I’m not Maya at all!”


Those sneakers began to morph into Mia’s signature thick heeled black boots, complete with buckles up to her knees. Maya’s entire body stretched out taller and taller, turning into Mia’s signature, absurdly voluptuous look. And her seductive curves looked better than ever before as she tuned her own body at will, her hazel eyes able to subtly shift to flash different colors and her hair looking longer and lustrous than ever.

“Maya! This isn’t funny! How are you so strong!?” Alexia groaned.

“You stupid cow!” Mia laughed. “You think your little Shapeshifter could imitate my beautiful form even if she tried? She’d probably fuck it up in some way! Isn’t that right, Maya? Here, you want to speak for yourself?”

“Alexia! Help! She’s... got me! Tell the league...” Mia’s mouth moved, but Maya’s voice was the one that rang out. Her face began to form in Mia’s perfectly sexy midriff before screaming in horror as she melted back into Mia’s body.

“Enough of that now. Yes, Alexia. Go tell your little league. League of hypocritical fuckers. You’re lucky I don’t stomp your head into a bloody paste for what you did to my Jason.”

She demonstrated by pressing down just a little more.

Alexia gasped in pain and whimpered. How had everything gone so wrong, so quickly? How did this stuck up delusional bitch have the upper hand on both her and Maya just like that!? Maya was notoriously crafty and hard to catch!

Without giving Alexia a second thought, Mia scrolled into the classroom to find Jason scared, but unharmed. He was overjoyed to see his mistress come to his rescue.

The two embraced warmly before Mia lifted him in her grasp to kiss him on the lips. A little flick of her tongue and a second of forced pleasure later, she was happy to note that Jason was flooding his pants with cum and not melting into some other doppelganger.

That night, in Mia’s dorm, she formed all of Maya’s body into a dildo and made Jason fuck her with it using his wonderful power. Both women squealed in carnal bliss, Mia from her new wonderful sensitivity that she’d given herself combined with Jason’s expertise, and Maya for being the lucky one to be used as a tool by Jason to satisfy the far superior Mia.

Chapter 6 - Leaguey Teamup

“Mistress, what is your power anyway? You’re crazy powerful and you have like... three abilities now?!” Jason nuzzled at her side as she did her homework assignment for once.

“Dunno,” Mia dismissed it as she traced out neat correct answer after answer on her general education chemistry homework. Her other hand was squeezing and molding a block of metal idly, making it ooze out from between her fingers.

“God, you’re so strong...” Jason marveled at her effortless feat.

“You like?” Mia looked up at him and smiled, her bright white teeth flashing and gleaming in contrast to her midnight black lipstick which she no longer had to apply. In fact, she never even had to get dressed anymore. She just spent her time naked and morphed whatever clothing she wanted on top of herself.

“Yes...” Jason hissed. “But it’s so scary too. When you lift me and toss me around like a toy, I feel so helpless...”

Mia raised a perfectly sculpted eyebrow at him as she closed her fist. The overheated metal dribbled out of her hand in molten blobs.

“As it should be, of course! Mistress, you’re so wonderful.”

“You’re such a good pet, Jason dear. You always say the right things,” Mia’s hand had never stopped writing. She turned to a new leaf and continued to jot down her homework. “Guh, this is taking too long. And it’s so easy too. I told you I could be the school valedictorian if I ever did any of the work.”

Jason hadn’t really believed all of her claims before, but he never voiced any objection. However, the way things were going now... he was beginning to think there was some truth to her outrageous statements.

As he tried to double check her work, she clicked her tongue and morphed another right arm and hand from her torso, complete with ball point pen. Both of her right hands began to write simultaneously and independently on different problems. Jason couldn’t even keep up, but from his far less than expert eyes, she really was solving the entire p-set accurately!

“Mistress! That’s like... how can your brain do two problems at once!? It’s like ambidexterity, except it’s a, uh, your mind, and an extra hand...”

“It’s really so easy. I”m surprised I ever even got barely passing grades on tests before,” Mia’s hair flowed of her own accord. She morphed another metal cube into her hand and began to pinch it, driving her thumb and forefinger clean through the sides and into the middle where they touched.

“Shut up, Maya,” Mia stated seemingly to no one.

“Mistress?” Jason was still staring at her neatly printed answers.

“Oh, I just turned her mass into this new metal cube I’m squeezing. She’s screaming like it hurts or something. Don’t be a daft bitch, Maya,” she ordered as she crushed the entire thing into a little ball in her fist. “You can just put yourself back together. Well, I mean, if I let you,” Mia chuckled. The silvery sludge quivered in her hand before obediently morphing into another cube, albeit a little slower. The resulting metal object also seemed to wobble more than before.

“That’s what you get for trying to imitate my mistress,” Jason applauded at Shapeshifter’s torture.

“She tried to do that? Is that how she got you locked up in that room?” Mia asked.

“Yes, she tried that. No, I didn’t fall for it. She wasn’t nearly as beautiful or superior as you, mistress. She had to call in her stupid blonde enforcer to lock me up.”

“Mmm... good boy. You know something? I think you deserve a new collar.”

Mia reached over and broke her black plastic collar with a pinch of her fingers. As it fell away from Jason’s neck, the warm flesh of her arm elongated and wrapped around Jason’s neck, caressing him gently before forming into a new, improved, indestructible collar. It read “Mia’s Beloved Pet” in the same beautiful pink calligraphy, but Mia could morph it to say anything she wanted at any time.

“Mistress, watching you do your homework, I think I actually have an idea of what your real power is...”


“What the fuck!? Where’s Maya right now!?” the League questioned a humiliated Alexia.

“She’s... she’s inside Mia! It’s like she couldn’t get out!”

“What do you mean inside!? That doesn’t make sense!”

“I think Mia is a shapeshifter just like Maya! But like... better somehow! Maya sounded like she was really struggling...”

“Unless that was a ruse,” Molly mused. “Maybe Maya isn’t trapped inside of the girl after all.”

“That would still mean Mia’s a shapeshifter, if what Alexia is saying is true,” Flyin Simon correctly pointed out. “And it also wouldn’t explain Maya’s disappearance or her final message to us. Not to mention the fact that Mia’s supposed power is super strength that exceeds our newcomer Power Princess here.”

“It’s true, it’s true! I swear!” Alexia insisted.

Nobody had any reply to that.

“Alan, Simon, Molly, Heather, come on. You’re with me,” Tiffany declared as she jangled her mind control pendulum. “I don’t care how strong she is or what her powers are. You guys can distract her, and once I turn her mind into mush, she won’t be a threat to us anymore.”

“You said she’s tall? And huge boobs?” Alan licked his lips. His tongue was a blur as it slapped loudly against his mouth.

“Fuckin’ gross, Alan. And don’t fuck around, or you might just end up like our newbie Alexia here. Even Maya didn’t make it,” Heather told him off as she put on her especially durable and resonance-enhancing boots.

“Piece of cake,” Molly breathed a slight flame over her extended index finger.

“Alright. Let’s do this. Make sure you fuck her up real good, okay Tiffany? Drive the bitch into madness,” Simon floated into the air.

The five put their hands in and nodded in sync with each other.


Williams University was beginning to look like a warzone after just a few days of the attempted League intel-gathering mission. Mia enjoyed showing off her overwhelming strength as she caused wanton destruction wherever she went. Literally, her footsteps cracked the brick and mortar she walked on, not because she had to, but because she wanted to. It looked as if she were walking perfectly normally, her lasciviously long legs in her heeled boots and her near seven foot stature swaying so fluidly, but her sexy gait was a stark juxtaposition to the thrilling power within her, of which she only showed the briefest flashes of with her shattering walk.

She made it a point not to use doors as well. She pushed her breasts into the walls right beside them, entering classrooms by smashing her most feminine body parts through timber and masonry and swaying her torso back and forth to clear room for their magnificent passage. Once she’d carved out a large enough cavern for her bosom, all that remained was to put her head through the solid material as well to peek around to see if she was in the right classroom. It was about 50-50 that she was.

If not, she repeated the process one room down. And if she’d gotten it right, she crashed her luscious legs through the bottom portion of the wall, further widening the the hole as she strode through it with her marvelously flared hips.

It wasn’t enough that she was physically perfect, both in terms of power and appearance. Jason always followed along obediently behind her, and she enjoyed fucking him in class and making him orgasm as her professors tried to give their lectures. When she was feeling particularly generous, she’d stroke a nearby classmate’s crotch and cause their hearts to fail by overloading them with pleasure.

And she got perfect marks on all of her work through actual merit. Anything any student knew or did better than her... well, that didn’t exist anymore. She spoke to a professor once, and within two seconds found his knowledge shallow and pedantic. After a trip to the sports fields and the indoor gyms, she was beyond olympic level at all sporting events, not only due to her physical prowess, but also gaining grace, precision, and accuracy.

She was strolling around campus, cracking more concrete as Jason shuddered in pleasure as Mia’s shapeshifted collar had trickled down his torso and was currently giving him the most pleasurable torturous handjob ever, gripping and rubbing his cock in his pants while she prevented him from coming.

Mia was giggling at his helplessness when a voice rudely interrupted them.

“Villain! Your reign of tyranny over Williams University ends here!” a declaration from above Mia declared heroically.

Mia looked up. It was an unfamiliar sensation. She towered over everyone. And she discovered that she did not like having to look up to another.

Simon Cain, aka Flyboy, was dressed in his League outfit, making brave declarations. Below him stood four more Leaguers. They were really bringing out the big guns now! How fun! If what her precious little puppy had said about her powers were right, this was about to get really interesting...

ColdFire, MesmerEyes, Girlquake, were there beneath him, scowling and ready to rumble. Soon joined by Speedster as he blurred into view.

“The hell do you lying hypocrite idiots want?” Mia spat.

“We’re here to rescue Shapeshifter! And revenge for the newest member of our ranks! Strong... Blonde!” Alan answered.

“It’s Power Princess,” Girlquake hissed at him.

Mia just laughed. When she spoke again, it was in Shapeshifter’s voice.

“You really are a bunch of deluded hypocrites. And I don’t need rescuing. I’m much happier being...” Mia ran her beautiful, delicate hands over her dramatic torso, “...here.” She finished the display by leaning forward and giving them a marvelous view of the luscious valley of her cleavage, her breasts pressed together by her arms to make the view even more enticing than usual.

“Villain! Leaguey League, attack!” Flyboy declared after a noticeable ogle.

They were definitely practiced, Mia had to admit.

Speedster blurred and reappeared for a moment in front of her. She noted with satisfaction he had to look up at her, but there was a stupid smug smile on his face. When Mia reached for him in a bear hug, he blurred away again.

It was a distraction. Before she could regain her bearings, a large stream of fire was rushing toward her, emitted from ColdFire’s mouth. Flyboy and MesmerEyes were somehow out of the picture, and Girlquake looked on menacingly.

She felt something press up behind her. And then push her with incredible force. It was stronger than anything Mia had ever felt, but it was nothing compared to her strength. She didn’t budge an inch.

Girlquake stomped. The brick under Mia’s feet began to rumble violently before all of it shattered in a small circle. She would have lost her footing if not for her shapeshifting abilities, but she found herself buried ankle deep in brick.

ColdFire’s pyro-breath was mere millimeters away from Mia’s face now. The white hot embers and licking flames were just about to swallow her beautiful head whole! What if... what if it singed her perfect, ghostly pale appearance?!

Mia closed her eyes and dug deep into herself, feeling her power swell. Time stopped as she became so unfathomably incomparable, so mentally and physically indomitable, just as her precious pet had predicted.

When she opened her eyes, ColdFire’s fire breath hadn’t advanced at all. Mia glanced behind her to see Speedster’s legs pumping, trying to prevent her from moving. He hadn’t even noticed yet that she was moving even faster than him. In fact, his so-called superspeed looked sluggish to her perfect eyes!

Of course, that meant the rest of the League was at an absolute standstill. ColdFire still had that stupid open mouth pose on her face. Girlquake had her feet planted on the ground, and Flyboy was carrying MesmerEyes somewhere.

Mia smiled and contemplated her next few moves. She had all the time in the world.

She flicked her toe at the ground. A quick pursing of her dark, sexy lips and a puff of breath at the stream of fire. Then, she raised her legs and walked out of the hole. Taking her time, she strolled around and behind Speedster.

When Mia turned off her superspeed, the events all unfolded at once to those who weren’t as fast as her. Which was to say, everyone.

Her superbreath pierced right through ColdFire’s flamethrower, dissipating the attack from its very core before giving the breath girl a little love tap right in the back of her throat.

Girlquake felt the ground beneath her giving way much more powerfully than she could ever have controlled it. She tried to stomp again to cancel out the shockwaves of the attack she was so familiar with, but it got swallowed like a drop of water in the ocean. She lost her footing and suddenly found herself buried to the neck in rubble.

“Wha?” Speedster stopped when he realized his target had disappeared. A light tap on his shoulder, and he fell to the floor in searing pain. He looked behind him, and Mia was a blur of black and white, vibrating in place behind him. And he still had his superspeed on!

“What’s the matter? Can’t keep up?” Mia taunted as her feet hovered off the ground, looming even more ominously than before.

Speedster panicked and blurred back to his teammates.

“ColdFire, slow her down with your ice breath! Speedster can’t handle cold temperatures! Team, she... she’s flying now! She should only be able to move in the direction she’s facing, more or less! Get behind her! Girlquake, grab the boy!” Flyboy called out battle orders.

“Oh no you don’t!” Mia scowled back.

ColdFire launched her ice breath, freezing over a growing conical area directly in front of her mouth. The extreme drop in temperature caused her allies to shiver, but they had all trained to withstand it and continue.

Mia would have smiled and enjoyed the fight, but those cheeky fuckers had threatened Jason! Without sparing a moment’s thought, she kissed her slender fingers and blew fire so hot that it looked like a searing beam of white magma had been fired out of a laser. Her breath easily ignited the entire frozen area that was lazily traveling toward her and turned ColdFire’s head to ash.

Speedster was trying to circle behind her again, but Mia was feeling kind. She kept her pace down and ran parallel to Speedster, tracking and duplicating his every movement. He gasped at her precision as he juked and jived, but Mia kept pace the whole time with a serene smile on her face. After four or five changes of directions from him, Mia grew bored and stuck out her leg. Speedster tripped over her powerful limb and went skidding miles into the distance, his body broken as he smashed and rolled along concrete.

Using that same leg that had killed Speedster, she gently tapped the concrete with her toes without shattering it, unlike what she had been doing gratuitously with her footsteps over the last few days. Instead, it triggered a powerful shockwave toward Girlquake who was still buried in concrete. She pressed her hands and curled her legs in the concrete to try to negate and avoid Mia’s attack, but it was no use. The powerful kinetic force bore straight into Girlquake’s body before erupting violently in a perfect circle, turning the girl into chunks of meat from the inside out.

Then, Mia flew over to Jason. She was so fast, they hadn’t even had time to advance on him!

“Jason, Jason, my sweet pet, are you okay?” she asked with genuine concern in her eyes.

“Ye-yes mistress, I’m okay. You’re so powerful now...” he responded with awe.

Suddenly, a glint of light hit Mia directly in the eyes. A pendulum swung back and forth in front of her face, and Mia felt compelled to stare right into it. Her face and her body went slack as the strength left her body and her willpower began to crumble.

“Yesss, look deeper and deeper into my pendulum, you evil bitch...” MesmerEyes chanted as she swung her bauble back and forth in perfect rhythm.

“No, stop!” Jason protested, but Flyboy grabbed him and silenced him with a hand over his mouth and lifted him into the air.

“Deeper and deeper, looking into my pendant. Your thoughts are so hazy, so mushy. You can barely think... it’s so much easier to listen to my voice, to watch the glowing light, swinging back and forth, back and forth...” MesmerEyes droned in a regular hypnotic rhythm.

Mia’s hazel eyes followed the perfect arc of MesmerEyes’s pendant. Her eyelids were drooping.

“Back and forth...” Mia droned. “Listening to your voice... thinking is so hazy...”

“Yes... keep looking... soon, you will be my completely obedient slave...” MesmerEyes commanded. The fight needed to go to a contingency plan that had cost three members of the League, but their victory was near!

“Soon, you will be my completely obedient slave,” Mia responded.

“Soon, I will be your completely obedient slave,” MesmerEyes droned.

“Mia is just so much better than you... Way superior than you.”

“Mia is just so much better than me... way superior to me...” MesmerEyes repeated.

“You’re completely under my control,” Mia’s beautiful eyes were fully alert once more, glowing with power. “You can’t help but to grovel at my feet. You’re nothing compared to me. I’m stronger than you, faster than you, taller than you, more beautiful than you. You long to fuck me. You want to beg me to touch you, but you’re so unworthy! And I’m so much more powerful than you or any member of your pathetic League. There is no rival in the world that can match me...”

MesmerEyes tried to speak, tried to repeat Mia’s truths back to her mistress. But her mind was collapsing under Mia’s inexorable assault. She dropped her pendant and just stared into Mia’s eyes, her knees quaking as she began to collapse under the weight of unspeakable lust mixed with abject fear.

“No!” Flyboy yelled. He hadn’t noticed from Tiffany and Mia’s droning voices at first when the tides of battle had turned, but now it was abundantly clear.

He was the final contingency plan. Tiffany was all powerful once she had someone in her hypnotic control, but it took all of her concentration to take command of someone fully. Despite her enhanced toughness that came with all powered individuals, she was abundantly vulnerable in those moments.

Flyboy dropped Jason and pulled out a gun of all things. He aimed it at Mia’s head. Mia, who was still sneering and putting MesmerEyes through the wringer, unraveling her mind and making her pant like an animal in heat.

“You don’t want to do that, do you?” Mia spoke directly to Flyboy. She looked up at him and smirked, curling her thick lips into a smug grin.

Without a moment’s hesitation, Flyboy flicked the safety back on the gun and holstered it.

Mia stomped the floor with her boot, sending a shockwave right to where Jason was going to hit the floor. Her precise control created a soft cushion of kinetic energy that caught Jason’s descent and touched him down on the vibrating ground gently.

“My hand... I... Tiffany? Are you still under her control?”

Tiffany was on her knees now. She had her hand down her pants, clearly masturbating as she looked at Mia. Tears were trailing down her face as she pleasured herself. She wanted to run away so badly. She longed for Mia’s touch. She wanted to come. Her mind wasn’t her own.

“Don’t stop, Tiffany! I have to go talk to your stupid teammate.”

Flyboy turned around to escape, but Mia stopped him in his tracks.

“Flyboy, stop. You want to talk to me, don’t you? I saw how you were looking at me. Go ahead, turn around to face me,” Mia purred, shredding his resistance and willpower like a hot knife through butter. Her seductive yet terrifying voice echoed in his mind.

He turned around to face Mia. She was gliding backwards through the air, seated and legs crossed, still watching and laughing as Tiffany mentally broke under her commands. All he could see was her long, flowing hair, and the sight of her bulging breasts from behind.

Mia rotated and floated upside down, meeting him face to face. Her hair remained in its “normal” position, ignoring the force of gravity.

“How can you fly like that... how can you... control both of us?”

“Don’t ask stupid questions. Why don’t you tell me? You already know the answer, don’t you?” Mia consciously averted her gaze which would have shattered his soul on the spot.

“You’re... you’re better than us. All of us. You’re better than everyone.”

“Bingo,” Mia laughed haughtily. “Go on. I like hearing you say it. Tell me how much better I am than your pathetic league.”

“You’re faster than Speedster. More in control than Girlquake. You... you absorbed Maya. Alexia isn’t even close to your strength. You killed Molly by blowing a kiss. She didn’t stand a chance. You fly so beautifully and effortlessly. So much better than me. And you completely own Tiffany.”

“Just Tiffany?” Mia snorted. She was angered by the insult.

“And me! You own me too! You own... how many people can you control at once?”

“Oh, I don’t know. I’ll be sure to play with this later. I’m sure the entire campus will be my slaves if I just ask them nicely.”

Simon began to grow hard in his pants. Mia’s beauty, her incredible power... the way she’d killed all of his friends so easily... he was so turned on!

“You like me, don’t you?” Mia swept her hair behind her ear. “Of course you do. I’m so much better than you. You can’t help but to worship me.”

Simon trembled as he knelt in midair. He couldn’t help but to worship Mia.

“Isn’t there one more of your League? Someone powerful? I can’t really remember...”

Claire Alexandra was the last and most secretive member of the team. She didn’t even go by a codename. But Simon gave her up immediately under Mia’s question. She wasn’t even exerting any of her superior mental influence.

“Claire! Her name is Claire! She can...”

“Shh... don’t tell me. I’m sure I’ll meet her soon. Send her a message, will you? And take that stupid MesmerTwat or whatever her name is with you. What an eyesore.”

Flyboy descended to pick up Tiffany who had a look of horror permanently plastered on her face. He flew back to the LLL with his tail tucked between his legs.

He couldn’t wait to tell Claire just how wonderful and powerful Mia was.

Chapter 7 - All For One

“Jason, you were so right!” Mia clapped happily as she relished all of her new abilities.

“MIstress, I’m so happy...” he trembled.

“Aw, what’s wrong, my special puppy? Are you scared of me? You never have to worry around me. Look, it’s just like you said! My power is to be way better than other people! And that includes their powers!”

“I know...” his teeth chattered. “I can... feel... your power... the closer you get, the more overwhelming it is... I... can’t...”

“What is it, Jason?” she asked with trepidation. She wanted to celebrate and use this power with Jason around. She had become quite fond of him.

“I... can’t... speak... want to be... with you forever!” he managed to gush.

Mia sighed in enormous relief.

“You silly pet! Or maybe that was my fault. Instead of asking if you were scared of me, I should have just told you that you weren’t! I guess being all powerful and beautiful doesn’t mean you can’t make mistakes,” she giggled girlishly.

Jason’s teeth stopped chattering. His heartbeat went back to normal as he basked in Mia’s frighteningly intimidating aura, celebrating its intensity while not being bothered at all by it.

“Yesss, that’s it. Good puppy. You absolutely love being around me. Around my power. You can’t get enough of it. Do you want me to make you loyal forever?”

Jason’s wide smile radiated pure love.

“I will always be loyal to you,” he gushed.

“Aw, you really are so sweet,” Mia smiled. “You’re right. I think it’ll be better if I don’t order you to be loyal to me. It’ll mean that much more to me.”

His collar rewrote itself. “Mia’s best and forever irreplaceable pet.”

Jason nodded enthusiastically, but his face still showed a slight sign of displeasure.

“Oh, don’t worry, my pet. I’ll make sure to mindfuck you in other ways. You totally belong to me, after all. I can do whatever I want with you.” She licked her lips.

Jason’s only disappointment evaporated. He looked at Mia with tears of joy.

“Now, want to watch me enslave and destroy a city with my new power? Oh, silly me. Of course you do!” She grabbed him by the throat with a single hand, using the collar around his neck as a cushion by turning it soft. Her tits engulfed his arm as she leaned in against his side. Giving his earlobe a lusty lick and inducing his penis to start dribbling, she whispered hotly into his ear, enveloping him in a warm mist with her new breath power.

“You’re so approving of everything I do. No amount of destruction or mayhem I cause will ever bother you. You’re completely, utterly, absolutely bonded to me,” Mia commanded.

“Now, come for me.”

She snickered as her sweetest pet shuddered in gut-wrenching ecstasy from her mere statement.

“Let’s go, Jason. You want to see my way more powerful powers in the city,” Mia commanded.

“Unnnggg...” Jason felt his will overwritten. “Mistress, you know I would’ve loved to see you do it even without your command. You made me love everything you do... which I also already did.”

“Oh I know, sweetie,” Mia floated down to him with her knees bent so she didn’t touch the ground. She stroked his cheek with her beautiful, sexually erotic touch. “But you love when I lock your brain up with my words,” she winked.

“I... unngg.. Already did! But now I do even more!” he moaned.

“Give me some pleasure while I fly us to the center of the city,” she ordered.

Cradling Jason in her inexhaustible arms, he suckled on one of her aching peaks while squeezing and fondling the other in with his skilled hands. His fingers sank into her soft flesh only so far before they were far too firm for his squeeze, but thanks to his own ability, he knew he was getting the job done. Swirling his tongue over her pert nipple, he felt it grow engorged with her supercharged blood as it swelled larger in his mouth, making his jaw ache from the pressure. He voiced some discomfort but continued to pleasure his mistress.

“Aw, I know, I’m way too much to handle now, aren’t I baby? But the discomfort turns you on. You love being dominated by my subconscious, involuntary actions. You just can’t get enough...”

Jason spurted in his pants while Mia laughed at him and tousled his hair. He would die before he stopped pleasuring Mia, no matter how much unbearable pressure she exerted on him.

Her collar morphed over Jason’s entire body, enveloping him in protective gear as she ratcheted up the speed of her flight, combining Flyboy and Speedster’s powers, except way beyond their original limits. Within a few seconds, she had made her way to the middle of the city.

“Everyone, make your way out of the city,” she spoke. She didn’t take a breath beforehand or make any sort of exaggerated motion. Between her supered strength and enhanced mastery and control of her breath, her mentally inviolable command rang through the city loud and clear, causing every citizen to drop what they were doing and begin to head to the nearest border of the city.

“That’s enough now, sweetie,” she ordered Jason.

He couldn’t get enough. He wanted to pleasure her at the price of his own health until his heart gave out. But suddenly, it was enough. He detached his sore, aching jaw from her extant nipple and barely managed to stand on his two own wobbling legs, his jeans soaked through to the bottom of his trousers from sucking on Mia’s titflesh.

“What will you do, Mistress?” Jason asked in fascination, eager to witness her power.

“Oh, I dunno,” Mia flicked her hair. The force of her whipping locks and the little gesture with her hand generated an incredible shockwave that behaved like a knife. It sliced through an entire swath of buildings on its upward trajectory. The buildings (and people) hadn’t even realized they’d been cut before the two halves began to separate.

With a snap of her perfectly manicured fingers, Mia created a massive shockwave along that perfect seamless cut, causing everything she’d cleaved to shake violently until it all crumbled to dust, blood, and shattered bone.

There were screams of panic from the nearest surviving witnesses.

“Oh, shut up,” Mia’s voice carried in a perfect radius from where she stood. The city fell quiet even as they tried to evacuate per Mia’s orders. She loved the idea of ordering them to flee, only to do what she had planned next.

To make sure that they really obeyed about staying quiet, she puckered her dark lips and placed her palm under her chin. Exhaling seductively, she swept her head left to right, blowing her gentle breath and letting it waft over the city.

Her gentle, frozen gust invaded every last crevice as buildings, trees, people, and the very ground itself iced over. The earth turned to ice-scorched permafrost. Windows cracked and buckled under the extreme change in temperature, but were quickly encased in a thick layer of ice before they could shatter. Buildings and signs looked weather-worn as soon as Mia’s little puff graced them as ice spikes hung from arches.

And amidst it all, a crowd of silent people, all frozen in place for who-knew-how-long the sun would take to thaw them out.

All just from Mia exhaling a little!

“What do you think?” Mia gloated, blowing a kiss over her extended finger. The casual icy puff didn’t leave a mark on her body, but began to travel over another swath of the city, crackling and icing over everything in its path. It traveled far beyond the borders of the city, reaching a mountain range hundreds of miles away before deep cracks splintered the icy stone from peak to ground.

“Wow... you didn’t even look like you were trying!” Jason marveled. He was incredibly tempted to pull out his spent dick and masturbate on the spot.

“No touching yourself, my pet. You exist to serve my pleasure,” she commanded.

Jason erupted on the spot once more, even without being touched. Having his mind rewired was far more pleasing than his own clumsy attempts.

“And of course I wasn’t trying! I think I could freeze this entire ball of dirt solid in a second! But, everything needs some balance, right? So...”

A floating Mia gracefully swerved 180 degrees, facing the opposite direction. Another puff of breath over her upturned palm this time, except now it was a raging inferno. The sweltering heat turned the air into a murky haze as people turned to ash immediately. Cars began to melt like butter in a microwave, rocks turned to obsidian from a brief glaze of her scorching breath. Wooden supports were cremated to ash while their metal counterparts oozed into a pool before bubbling and evaporating.

“There. Now that’s balance, right?” Mia laughed as she and Jason stood on the only strip of earth that wasn’t suffering from extreme temperatures on opposite ends of the spectrum.

“Fuck yeah... you’re not just powerful, mistress. You’re an artist. The world is lucky to be your playground!”

“Artist, hmm?” Mia looked around, still hovering imperiously.

Without warning, she flashed to the ground and touched the ground with the toe of her boot. The ground began to shudder, but didn’t come apart at the seam.

The earth groaned as it warped under her perfectly powerful control, that straight line of unaffected earth curving from one end to the other to form the swerving line of a Yin-Yang. The two eyes in the midst of the catastrophically affected areas formed as well.

Flying high into the air, Mia blew once at each, placing a burning inferno in the icy pupil and a short pillar of ice into the fiery pupil, so cold that even her own scorching breath wasn’t able to melt it.

“You give me the best ideas, my little puppy,” Mia giggled as she floated back down. “Now, that stupid ColdFire didn’t know what she had in her. Let me show you something you’ll really like...”

Tearing apart the waistband of Jason’s jeans with a simple tug, Mia reached down into his pants to grip his searing erection with her long, cool fingers.

Jason crumbled under his mistress’s assault. Her fingers gripped his shaft with such unbearable sexual pressure, stroking him forcefully from base to tip. Already lubricated from his own cum, she gathered it up and ran her swirling fingers over his exposed cockhead, forcing him to produce an endless supply of sticky semen. Perpetually orgasming, Jason felt his heart begin to seize up. His chest burned viciously in pain, standing there in a Yin Yang circle that used to be a city.

“Mistress...” he croaked, barely able to speak. His heart was about to burst, while his penis continued to spurt. “I... can’t...”

“You’re so cute!” Mia laughed as she leaned in close to Jason’s face.

Planting her soft, full lips on his, she breathed a gentle flow of life-force into his lungs, restoring his wracked body to health. His orgasmic contortions ceased for a few brief moments as he drank in his wonderful gift from his mistress, awash in a blissful backdrop of floating serenity as her tongue danced in his mouth.

He sighed in contentment as Mia broke the lingering kiss, leaving him desperately wanting for more. When he opened his eyes, he could see the swirling power in his mistress’s hazel gaze. That beautiful, ghostly pale, freckled face. Her very body flooded him with the dark well of her unlimited power, giving him shivering goosebumps where it prickled his skin.

And then the peaceful moment stopped as Mia opened her mouth wide in laughter as she began to pump him to a near fatal orgasm once again. Jason was shocked as she forced him to orgasm harder and more productively every time, ratcheting up her intense handjob seemingly without limit as he came until his inevitable death!

He screamed in pure pleasure and fear before Mia leaned in to breathe life back into his broken shell of a body and repeated the process through the night.

Chapter 8 - A New Reality

Claire Alexandria walked through the remains of the half frozen, half molten city with no survivors. With a bit of concentration, every forward step she took began to restore the city as if an apocalyptic disaster had not taken place.

Putting together her stupid Leaguey teammates was harder. She stopped more or less at every location where a death had taken place and searched alternate timelines, trying to find one where they were still alive, but also mentally stable with relatively similar personalities to the ones they possessed in this timeline. After pulling Alan “Speedster” Smithster back (whose body had been strewn far enough away from the city to rescue safely), she stopped to think.

“Whoa. Uh, Claire? What happened? What the fuck is going on over... there?” he pointed toward a terrifying focal point emanating unfathomable power.

“Looks like you guys got royally fucked.”

“Well no shit, Captain Obvious! Come on, fix this!”

“Should’ve pulled a less asshole version of you, but there weren’t any left,” she spat.

“Can you get Tiffany back? If she can mind control... whatever that is... we always win.”

“Too far in. I’m going to need to do the irreversible. I need to wipe out... whatever that is from all timelines. Find one where it was never born. We can’t handle it. Nobody can.”

“Oh. Oh shit.” Speedster was lost for words. Claire always did mention (quite seriously) that this was always a last case contingency. One that could end the world. Even he, to whom nothing was sacred, didn’t dare joke with her about the subject.

Before she had time to second guess her decision, Claire went to work. She erected a reality quarantine bubble around that thrumming, still-growing, universe ending source of power and dig deep into its past. Finding the path in the timeline that led to current events.

“Huh?” Mia asked as an unpleasant sensation rippled through her body. She had had Jason buried to the hilt inside of her, ripping out his soul through his cock as she massaged it with her inner core while using her shapeshifting powers and indomitable strength to really make him scream.

“Yeaaarrrrrrrgh!” Jason’s eyes rolled into the back of his head as he spurted his final load as he died again.

She breathed her sparkling energies into Jason’s gaping mouth and brought him back to life once more.

“Jason? Something strange is happening... I don’t feel Maya inside of my body anymore.”

“Mistress... I’m going to come!!” he wailed with tears in his eyes.

“Hang on, pet. Something strange is happening,” Mia looked around with serious concern as Jason fired his load deep into his beautiful mistress before beginning to fade away. Literally.

“Jason? Jason!” Mia bellowed.

Off in the distance, she could sense a new person probing her past. Taking away her encounter with the Leaguers, making it so that she had never met Jason, never met Alexia, never developed powers, never come to Williams University...

Her body was beginning to quiver and crackle like static on a TV screen. She was... she was never going to be born!

And just like that, Mia faded from all existence.

Claire’s nose was bleeding. She was exhausted. Alan was next to her, overweight and powerless. Half the earth was suffering from a serious tectonic shift in its continental plates.

The world looked nothing like the one she had just left behind. She could sift through later and try to fix it. But for now, she needed rest.

“Interesting power you have there,” a sultry voice rang out.

“Who... wha?” Claire sluggishly looked behind her.

A surge of adrenaline coursed through her body. It was Mia! The girl who she had just erased by bringing an apocalypse upon the world!

“Really, really impressive. I mean it,” Mia complimented the struggling Claire. “But nothing compared to me.”

“What’s happening... I... I quarantined you... you were never born...”

“As if you could stop the birth of a being so far superior to you!” Mia beamed, baring her malicious smile. “By the way, do you need help restoring the planet? I can do that for you.”

She snapped her fingers. A shockwave rocked the world before everything came back to the way it was. The city was back, Jason was back and shooting his load high into the air where Mia had been fucking him, the League was back.

Everything was back. Except now, Mia’s omnipotence, her untapped, unlimited potential, threatened to break not just this universe, but all universes apart. Just because she existed!

“How did you... how can you... what is happening!? You didn’t have these powers when I looked! And I looked everywhere!

Mia sneered, her sinister smile still glowing with beautiful radiance.

“Don’t you know?” she vanished and reappeared with a clenching Jason cradled in her arms, partially smothered by her engulfing tits. “Jason here explained it to me. Anything you can do, I learn to do better. Much better.” She smiled her thousand watt smile again, hazel eyes blazing.

“N-no... impossible...”

“And I just had an idea...”

Mia’s entire body began to emanate a bright, blinding aura. She pulled copies of herself from other timelines into this reality. All of them tall, imposing, dark, and gorgeous.

It didn’t matter if they didn’t have the powers of the League yet. Some were blank slates, still waiting to copy and master. Others had encountered different powers—chlorokinesis, telepathy, sheer fucking orgasmic death bomb on legs...

They all looked at each other knowingly, fueling each others’ power. Mia learned all of the powers of all the other Mias, but infinitely better.

And then Mia exceeded the limits of the other Mias who had just mastered and enhanced her already frightful omnipotence.

They all laughed with glee as the fabric of the universe began to shatter.

“Thanks girls!” this universe’s Mia chirped.

“This isn’t settled yet. I’m far superior to the rest of you,” another responded.

“Don’t be a boor. There’s no use arguing about it. We’re all Mia: the most supreme being in the universe.”

All of them nodded.

“But I’m still better than all of you,” she tacked on.

They knew the discussion would never be settled, so they all went on their way to play in their own, self-constructed realities.

The planet had already shattered under the influence of Mias. This original one recreated a new Jason as they floated in the infinite void of space. She lowered her black layered skirt and parted her ridiculously invulnerable nether lips with two fingers the way only she could. Nothing else in existence was strong enough to open her heavenly gates.

“M-mistress? What’s happening? Where are we?” Jason stammered.

“Shhh, good pet. Some things just can’t be comprehended by inferior beings such as yourself. But I still love you very much. Now, suck on these tits of mine while I fuck the literal universe...”

He obeyed helplessly as he began to fondle and squeeze those all-conquering breasts while the entire cosmos turned into a swirling cylinder of infinite mass and began to thrust into Mia’s hungry, superior pussy...


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