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With Great Power Comes

The more Coral thought about it, the funnier it got.

She’d just given her buddy Matt the most epic blow job ever, after years of being more like siblings than teenagers growing up together. She was so loopy from the delightful sensations rolling through her that she hadn’t even noticed she’d been flying. But looking down at his naked body sprawled on the side of the pool, she just wanted to pounce on him. Well, considering the angle it was more like a hawk snatching up a rabbit.

She’d dropped out of the air to impale herself on his still erect rod with perfect accuracy, bottoming him out without even thinking about it. The resulting sensation had both of them hooting in anguished ecstasy, her shrieks still beating his by orders of magnitude. Which was all that mattered.

She hooked her calves under him, using her lower legs to pump him in and out of her all according to her own body’s schedule, a pace that was more like a locomotive going full tilt than a teenage girl with hardly any experience with such things. Her necklace-charged body just knew what to do and what it liked!

Hovering above the choppy waters of pool, Coral swirled her toes in the warm salt water as she leaned forward slightly over a suspended Matthew. Her pulling away from the edge saved Matt from being dashed to death against the concrete rim by Coral’s eager, uncaring thrusting. Her large, pendant breasts swallowed and battered his face, their sheer sexiness rivaled only by how marvelously firm they remained. She had her arms supporting his upper back and hips as she easily pumped his unflagging erection inside of her silky, moist, velvety canal. He had long been spent, but the natural perfume of Coral’s body, the silky smoothness and erotic battering of his face against her chest, and the tight, wet grinding stimulation over his entire throbbing shaft was more than enough to keep him hard against his will.

“Coral... help... I... stop...” he moaned, his pleas swallowed up by the rhythmic tip-to-hilt thrusting that she so effortlessly imposed on him. His lack of breath was not only from injury and fear, but from the electric sensation of being enveloped so tightly by Coral’s unimaginably perfect pussy.

“But Daddy told you to make me happy,” she replied as she bit her lip. Her toes vibrated and trembled along the surface of the pool, making enormous splashing waves that drained into the vents only to recycle back in.

The sound of his wet flesh squishing up to her supple hips and her inner core was almost enough to distract Matthew from her throwaway, domineering comment. Almost. That was something that her father had told him after she’d run off crying. It was... moments before Coral had made his nightly erotic dreams a reality. How had she heard it? Had her dad told her something like this before as well!?

“Can... you... slow... down...” he begged, changing tack. If she wouldn’t stop using him like a toy, maybe she could at least ease up on him. And part of him didn’t want her to stop. God, her fingers felt like warm steel, her vagina simultaneously softer and firmer than he could imagine or possibly understand!

“Soon, Corie, soon,” Coral moistened her plump lips with her pink tongue and bit her lower lip.

Not wanting to hear any more of Matthew’s complaints, she buried his head in between the valley of her prodigious breasts and held him there. With her mountainous, erotic prison engulfing his mouth, any attempt at speech would be swallowed by her nubile body.

She didn’t realize that no matter what he could manage to say, she’d still be able to hear with her superbly sensitive ears.

The potential aha moment never occurred. Matthew could barely breathe in there, and what little air he did get was suffused with her floral, sweet, and vaguely hypnotic scent. His turgid erection surged even harder, shaking against her invulnerable coils while failing to dent her sensitive skin at all. The fact that his shaft couldn’t part her pressing folds at all drove him even wilder. Everything he felt, everything she allowed him to feel... her rippling skin, massaging him base to tip, was wholly of her account.

He was totally, utterly, completely at her mercy. A sex toy to be used and discarded.

Mathew thought he might die. Every ragged breath suffused his lungs with more of Coral’s maddening scent. He was sweating like crazy, his lips dry. As he stuck out his tongue reflexively to lick them, he inadvertently got a taste of her wonderful flesh. How was she this strong, this inexhaustible, and still showing absolutely no signs of exertion!? Never mind the flying, or whatever it was happening beneath them that sounded like ocean surf crashing on shore...

It was too much. His body had already been pushed beyond its limits, but Coral grew even tighter and wetter as her flushed skin aggressively exuded her perfume, suffocating him in her loveliness. His legs would have been spasming had he had the strength, but they just trembled limply in her embrace. His entire well-being was in her immaculately sexy, unfathomably powerful hands.

Coral’s deep blue eyes glowed brightly under her closed eyelids. She sped up her thrusting, synchronizing her effortless pumping with her own bucking hips, flying up and down against Matthew’s impressive shaft. If she’d known just how impressive her little buddy had grown up to become, maybe she would have bedded him earlier!

Her entire body was on fire with arousal. Every single nerve felt ablaze, from her innermost core, up and down her beautifully arched spine, radiating pure pleasure through the dark cherry peaks of her incorrigible nipples. Coral’s body flushed with almost unbearable heat, radiating and emitting delicate irresistible pheromones involuntarily as she grew ever closer to the edge of climax.

A significant portion of that heat began to build behind her eyes. It was a dull, needy ache that continued to build, second after second, as her orgasm continued to well inside of her greedy body.

Her fluid hips gripped Matthew tighter, trying to suck his soul out from his long spent dick. Her arms constricted his body like steel bands. Coral’s sweet, sexual juices were dripping out of her heated pussy now, lubricating Matthew’s entire lower body. She found that she didn’t even need to fly or pump anymore—her rippling inner muscles shifted and worked Matthew’s shaft as she buried him all the way to the hilt.

Matthew felt like his chest would burst. He could barely breathe, and what little he did manage only caused his body to betray him. His erection felt larger than it had ever been, stretched beyond his mortal limit inside of his dream girl. Except something had transpired to make her dream girl squared— his childhood friend, now a compelling beauty so overwhelming he was certain that anyone who laid eyes on her would be guaranteed to fall in love.

A faint glow invaded his senses as he continued to suffer wonderfully in her embrace. That pendant! Where was the light source on those sapphire-looking gems? How could they be glowing of their own accord!? Brighter and brighter it flared, until...

Coral screamed in sheer, soul-wrenching bliss. An incredible bubble of pleasure popped inside of her, sending searing ecstasy through her newly superior and hyper-efficient nervous system. Her toes and soles tingled, her fingers went rigid and hyperextended, and she flung her neck back as her entire body buzzed and processed an orgasm the likes that would have driven anyone to madness.

The pressure behind her eyes was building unbearably as well. As she began to loosen and detach herself from Matthew, her blonde hair spilled backwards as her biological mother’s gift glowed as bright as her eyes.

She gave voice to the pleasure, shrieking as her eyelids shot open. A thin, barely visible beam of coherent energy bolted out of her glowing irises, shooting high into the atmosphere. They evaporated a storm cloud miles away, sending overheated steam to boil high in the sky before her lasers exited the atmosphere entirely. The power never faded from her orgasmic gaze as that beam of blue light traveled through the empty vacuum of space. It would have melted any asteroid or perhaps planet in its path, but it merely traveled through the vast nothingness to the edge of the solar system and beyond.

Matthew slipped out of her physically and sexually crushing confines, long since forgotten. Coral was pinching and tweaking her still detonating nipples with incredible force, those long, slender digits applying enough pressure to crush diamonds. She floated and twitched higher and higher into the air as her pussy lips continued to spasm, her balloon-like flight accented by the herky-jerky motions of her superpowered orgasm.

Using what little strength he had left, Matthew swam desperately for the little stepladder at the edge of the pool. He managed to hurl his head out from underwater to rest on the broken concrete slabs. Rolling over he witnessed Coral's unmistakable silhouette shrinking into the sunset sky. As she rose high enough to vanish into a cloud he lost consciousness, Coral’s orgasm-induced waves still roiling back and forth, cresting over his limp body.


Coral experimented with flying, a statement that was already too wild to be true. She was hardly graceful, zig-zagging through the air this way and that. She lay out flat, long legs and pendant breasts thrust out proudly, extending one arm forward while tucking the other into her side and sped off to glorious success. Maybe those superhero movies were right!


She had fucking superpowers!

Or super fucking powers, she giggled to herself.

The miniature scenery below her drifted by leisurely at first, but as her confidence grew it sped up until it was whipping by nearly in a blur. Large fields of undeveloped dirt melded into factories melded into cityscapes melded into farms... she gasped. How fast was she going?! And how far had she gone?!

The blonde super beauty halted her flight, still holding her flying pose. She giggled at her frozen “action” shot, realizing that she really didn’t have to strike a pose to go into flight, did she?

Rotating back to a “standing” position, thousands of feet above the earth, she hovered side to side as if on an escalator. It was just as easy and intuitive as before!

What about back and forth?

Peeking behind to steal a glimpse at her beautiful posterior, she imagined driving a car and checking the rearview. Giggling as she imagined some beeping sensors in her beautiful butt, she began to go in reverse, faster and faster, perfectly motionless but for her supersonic travel. The scenery far below her played in reverse, going from farmland to cityscape to factories billowing white smoke.

She whooped in excitement. This was... this was true freedom! All of the house servants, getting special treatment from all of the restaurants and stores she frequented, none of it compared to being unfettered from the bind of Earth’s gravity! And all those catty bitches at social gatherings that she hated... oh, to never have to feel insecure or belittled by them anymore!

Coral swept her hair back, thinking that it would be a frayed mess after her nude supersonic travel. But it remained just as flawless as the rest of her recently plane-engine-churned body. Her golden strands fell into place, shining and lustrous as ever.

Feeling slightly concerned about being able to find home, Coral squinted down at the ground, mentally scoffing at herself. As if she could see that far. But maybe she could recognize their house at the top of a hill. It was pretty noticeable to their unaided eyes, even when she was merely an ordinary teenager.

To her shock, her vision zoomed in on the Earth as if she were about to crash right into it! Coral yelped and instinctively shot even higher into the air. Her body heated from the near escape velocity travel as she floated there serenely at the edge of space.

“Oh my god!” she shouted, the lack of oxygen and the vacuum of space no impediment to her well being at all. “What just happened!?”

She “fell” back down toward the ground and floated in her original position. Focusing and peering her sapphire eyes again, the Earth rushed toward her in the exact same fashion, but she was ready for it this time.

Clenching her fists and convincing herself that she wasn’t about to meet a premature gory end as a stain on the ground, she winced just as her eyesight stopped telescoping in. Coral hadn’t even realized that her splayed fingers were covering her face and she had closed one eye entirely as if watching a horror movie, peering out between your fingers knowing something awful was about to happen but totally unable to look away.

Coral began to hover around, staring miles and miles into the distance along the ground until she found her home. It didn’t look so far away at all!

With a cheerleader whoop that popped her a few extra feet into the air, Coral realized that the world was her plaything now. This necklace that her biological mother had given her... she may never be able to forgive her mother for abandoning them, but if this was the tradeoff, it was well worth it!

The sun was beginning to set, but considering how fast she’d flown, Coral figured she’d have more time to experiment with her flight powers. Her imagination was really zooming now, though nothing compared to her actual physical prowess.

Reclining cockily and luxuriating in her new mother-granted superpowers, she placed her hands behind her head and tilted her back as if lying on a lounge chair, one of her favorite pastimes. She assumed the shape effortlessly, then experimentally hovered back and forth, side to side, rotating in all manner of different directions as if she were suspended from a wire, all while holding that same pose. She couldn’t help but laugh when the world and the sky tilted all around her as she “relaxed”!

So she could move wherever she wanted with but a mere thought while her body remained “idle.” That included her little superhero flight pose. But what about while moving?

She began to contort her slender limbs and willowy body, discovering in the process just how incredibly flexible her limbs and ligaments were despite being durable enough to withstand an airplane’s engine blades. But whenever she moved a body part in contrary motion to where she wanted her body to go, she felt herself being tugged in two different directions.

Coral carved beautiful figure eights into the air while twirling and twisting her body, thinking she’d accomplished the challenge she set herself. Only to discover that, while graceful and beautiful, her body was still synchronized, moving in the direction she set her mind in.

Perhaps it was like riding a bike. She was sure she could do all manner of crazy, unnatural stuff, but it was too difficult to dissociate the intent and action from each other.

Oh well. What a stupid challenge that had been anyway, she told herself as she idly fingered her insatiable nether lips with one hand while performing a perfect split askew in midair. Her other hand held her necklace aloft as she tested her new eyesight on those deeply blue gems.

Pouring in even more power and gasping at the seeming limitlessness well of energy within her to sip from, she plunged her elegant fingers into her sopping slit and churned with extreme force and speed while redoubling her efforts on the gem.

It began to glow in response!

Yes! Something was happening! Coral gasped in lust as her touch drove her wild (God, when had she become that sensitive!) Her clit peeked out from under its hood, ready and eager for serious abuse.

She dripped nectar all over her hands as she continued to churn, hitting all of her erogenous zones with more than the usual practiced efficiency. A deep, arrested breath, and she shifted the wind currents around her. But she was too busy to notice something as superficial as that.

Her eyes glowed intensely, ramping up in power and brightness in tandem with her pendant. Surely once she got to the bottom of it, to the end of the infinite chaotic patterns, she would understand...


A searing bolt of pain surged through her mind. Her eyes ceased their otherworldly glow along with the pendant. She brought her other dripping hand to her forehead, rubbing her aching temples. God damn that had hurt!

At least she smelled good. Wow, Matthew had been seriously lucky to get to experience her first. If just a whiff of her powerful fragrance was turning herself on that much, how exactly had Matthew felt when she plunged him inside of her and wrung his soul out with pleasure?

Oh right. Matthew. Maybe it was time for Coral to get back to her own party.

She covered the enormous distance seated Indian style as she flew faster than a missile. The wind whistled in her ears as her hair splayed out behind her. A moment later, she was back above her swimming pool. The choppy waves had settled down. Matthew was nowhere to be seen.

She chuckled. He’d need to sleep that one off for a while. Maybe she’d give him another taste tomorrow.

Coral became a blur as she remained unmoving in that cross-legged position, whipping down the ground to pick up her dress. There were guests outside now, but none of them saw the nude nubile beauty as she turned upside down, scooped up her pink dress with a single finger, and made her way into her bedroom suite through her unlocked balcony doors. The wake of her speedy travel knocked some drinks over and blew up some skirts... not that anyone was looking as they struggled not to fall over from Coral’s inconsiderate movement.

Back in the privacy of her own princess’s suite, she slipped the dress over her head. She looked exactly the same way she did before she had her little tantrum during the necklace announcement... sans necklace.

No, it was more than her new, supercharging jewelry. Coral knew she had been beautiful before, but something else had changed too.

She checked her skin for any scratches from, well, the airplane’s attempt to turn her into ground meat. Not only were there no marks on her, with her new eyesight she could see that her skin was absolutely flawless!

No trace of hair on her arms, none of the little faint beauty marks on her forearm which she had always been slightly self conscious of... and with her new eyesight, she could examine better than anyone else in the world.

It wasn’t just her skin either. Her proportions had always been ridiculous, her breasts never sagging or needing support. But now they were downright arrogant! Perhaps it was just a side effect of her ability to fly, she rationalized, knowing that that wasn’t the truth. She wasn’t flying as she sat in front of her vanity mirror, one of her favorite daily rituals.

Coral tucked her hair behind her ear and examined her own face, seeing if she needed to touch up any of her makeup. No. No, definitely not. She looked more stunning than when she had been done up by professionals.

Her lashes were long, well-defined and thick. They made her deep blue gem-like eyes absolutely pop with vibrancy. And for sure her eyes seemed different. A soul-consuming infinite depth rested behind those pupils, just like the gems of the necklace she was wearing.

Everything about her was just better somehow. Maybe it was her lovely scent making her horny, or the fact that every single nerve in her body felt aroused and powerful, but she was definitely still Coral Connors. Just more, somehow.

The Connors-Swan mansion clock tower rang.

It was time for her birthday dinner!