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High in the Sky, Strong on the Ground

Coral slowly regained her rational mind after a total loss of control (that felt so good) with Matthew in the pool. She was still swimming in a haze of lust as she luxuriated in the wonderful afterglow of an orgasm so much more fierce than she’d ever experienced before.

Moaning and caressing her body, she slowly opened her new, intensely blue eyes only to be met by a cloud of gray fog as thick as the lust that had overwhelmed her mind. it never occurred to Coral that she’d spent entire minutes submerged underwater with no adverse feeling at all.

It also never occurred to her that she could be flying thousands of meters in the sky.

The cold, thin, basically unbreathable air totally escaped her notice. Coral didn’t even realize what was happening. She felt as if she were in some sort of wonderful erotic dream, her body flooded with the endorphins that accompanied her powerful climax, but feeling zero fatigue after the fact. Her arms felt strong, her nether lips pulsed and ached with heated lust, and there was no reason for Coral not to go again. She was pretty sure Matthew would be well and truly finished after how long and hard he’d erupted in her greedy mouth.

Not even realizing what was happening, Coral began to grope her own full, firm breast. Had she gotten even larger? Her mother may have left the family, but she also left Coral with her fantastic genes. The pictures of her were quite something—Coral was shocked to find that all women weren’t as staggeringly large and symmetrically shaped as Freya Connors-Swan.

Coral groaned. Why was she thinking about her mother now? Totally harshed the mood. She focused on herself again, flicking her fingers powerfully over the swollen peaks that were her dark cherry nipples while her other hand caressed down past the fluid, outer edge of her child-bearing hips and over her marvelously bare pubic mound. She traced her nether lips which seemed to thrum and vibrate all on their own as she gathered her own slickness along her fingers before focusing her attention on her clit, teasing it out from under its beautiful pink hood once again.

The beautiful necklace she was wearing seemed to be tugging at her neck, but she paid no mind to it. There was a cold wetness surrounding her… probably just the splashing waves of the pool on her body.

Then, she felt the warmth of the sun on her skin. The golden brightness of the star making it past her barely open eyelids.

Only when the sound of an approaching airplane engine buzzing louder and louder dragged Coral out of her intimate reverie. She opened her eyes wide and saw a commercial plane heading toward her. Upside down.

She could see the golden-red hue of the sun coloring a perfectly clear sky. That was because… that was because the gray clouds were beneath her head. And the upside-down plane…

Coral gasped. The world wasn’t upside-down. She was!

The plane was fast approaching. Tens of thousands of pounds of steel propelled by jet fuel was heading on a collision course with a beautiful teenage blonde who had just turned nineteen.

She began to panic and flapped her toned arms trying to get above the wing. Unfortunately for Coral, she wasn’t exactly an expert in unaided human flight thousands of feet in the air. She also didn’t realize that “up” didn’t mean “in the direction of her blonde head” when her head was pointed toward the earth and her dainty toes were pointed toward space.

Coral plunged downward as she tried to control her flight, bringing her right into the path of the airplane engine.

She closed her eyes and prepared for… something. Imminent death? What a way to go.

The blades of the engine struck her protruding breasts first, naturally. The metal screeched and pinged off of her invulnerable feminine orbs, bending and warping before shattering entirely into large pieces. The velocity of those shards sent it pinging around the rest of her perfectly sculpted body to no ill effect either, bouncing against her face, trying ineffectively to slice through the golden silk that she called her hair, pinging against her intimacy and between her athletic thighs.

Soon, not just her breasts, but her entire body was inside the large, cylindrical machinery. The engine crumbled into pieces before finally overheating and exploding all around Coral. She didn’t even move as the pistoning machinery hammered her body!

Coral emerged out of the other side in a blast of concussive heat, totally unmarked, unscratched, and unharmed.

Still upside down, she looked at the palms of her hands in amazement. Then the backs of her hands. Even her nails were completely untouched. Just like the rest of her perfect body.

Now that Coral didn’t have to worry about herself, she managed to spin around 180 degrees to check out the damaged plane. She could hear the screaming passengers inside the cabin with her super sensitive ears, but even more incredibly, she could hear and see that the captain and co-pilot were completely calm as they prepared an emergency landing. It looked like they had everything under control.

That was good. Coral was everything but control at the moment. She’d probably just rip off the wing entirely while she was at it, if she could even catch up. It was moving as fast as an airplane after all. And besides, she was naked.

One thing at a time. Coral’s entire body finally began to rotate in the correct direction, like a hands on a clock. Her head ticked from 6 o’clock to 12. She was upright again.

Peering through the thick clouds, her deep ocean blue eyes turned ice blue as they glowed. Her vision was crisp and clear over the extreme distance, making out the details of every leaf on every tree as her house came into view.

She wondered aloud about how to fly back down, and immediately she began to descend like a feather.

This day was definitely not turning out the way she expected.

Coral woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed, jumping out of her king-sized bed complete with lace curtains. The blonde beauty was dressed in an expensive red silk negligee that served as her pajamas.

She skipped to her vanity, that luxurious silk swishing against her satin thighs with every step, every swivel of her generous hips. Sitting down in front of the mirror, she grabbed her hand-made boar bristle hair brush and began to run it through her silken platinum blonde hair.

To her shock, the bristles began to bend before the entire construction fell apart. She was left holding only the polished plastic handle.

“Ugh! Cheap stuff!” she complained as she threw the whole thing into the trash can. She’d be sure to order a hair brush that cost more than $200 next time.

Slightly worried, Coral began to brush her long fingers through her hair. What if she had some knots that needed to be untangled? What if every strand didn’t fall exactly the way she wanted it to? She was very particular about how her hair framed her delicate face, after all!

Fortunately for Coral, there was nothing to worry about. Her hair was warm, thick, and strong. No sign of damage at all. It felt like soft, spun gold spilling over her hands.

She checked her complexion in the mirror. Plump lips with no sign of chapping, striking eyes highlighted by tasteful dark eyeliner that she hadn’t bothered putting on… long, well-defined and curved lashes that sliced through the air with her oft-practiced cute little winks.

She was perfect. Ready for her 19th birthday gala.

Coral, her father Harrison, and her stepmother Penny stood in the center of the antechamber greeting their long line of guests. A servant whispered the names of the families that Coral and Harrison were unlikely to know or remember. Those who weren’t close friends of the family and had sons of age were always potential suitors.

“This is Johan and Eva Andersson and their son Fredrik. They own the 5th largest retail conglomerates in Sweden. Relatively small fries.”

The entire Connors-Swan family expression remained smiling and serene. This was a well practiced performance.

The two parents introduced themselves first before the son walked forward in perfect choreography. He and Coral met eyes for that all-important moment. Harrison and Penny exchanged pleasantries with a script-breakingly gracious and grateful Johan and Eva while Coral got to take her time with Fredrik.

“Hello, Fredrik. It’s nice to meet you. Your parents seem to be a big fan of mine,” Coral observed as she tested him. He was pretty cute. Familiar, somehow.

“Yes,” he confirmed. “Your mother saved my life when I was very young.” His English was flawless, with only the tiniest hint of an accent.

Coral looked over at her stepmother Penny who was deep in exchanging fancy platitudes.

“No, with apologies to your lovely stepmother. I meant that your biological mother saved my life.”

“Oh?” Coral hid her displeasure at hearing her mother brought up. By these paupers, of all people! Still, there was something about him that piqued her interest.

“It was lovely meeting you. I hope we can get along well, and not in the sort of way the others will imply. I owe your family my life.”

Fredrik bowed deeply before he and his family moved on. The Connors-Swan servant announced the next family.

A few more families showed up and were introduced. Coral knew most of these; they were her classmates or colleagues from regular social gatherings. Country club dances, monthly banquets, that sort of thing.

Oh great Everett Bradford and his family were coming now.

The parents nodded and exchanged pleasantries while Everett, the slimy playboy, sauntered up with his relaxed, out of place gait. His shirt was half tucked in, his hands in his pockets. All of the girls went crazy for his rebellious defiance, but Coral knew how many girls he took as trophies only to discard them later. She wasn’t interested in becoming a conquest, which made Everett crave her attentions even more. The ultimate trophy.

“Coral,” his thin lips curled into a smile.


Coral offered her hand reluctantly, which Everett enthusiastically took in his own. He placed his lips on the back of hers, lingering longer than necessary. He squeezed and rubbed her fingers as he gave her soft skin a little lick.

Coral’s stony expression remained unchanged even as she recoiled from his disgusting assault. She placed her thumb in his palm and squeezed his fingers against hers, trying to inflict some pain and maybe wriggle out of his nasty embrace without surrendering a reaction.

It worked. Spectacularly. Even better than she could have hoped.

Coral had barely begun to squeeze at all before Everett retracted his lips from the back of her hand. His face was a grimace of pure pain. Coral wasn’t sure if the boy was just teasing her—everything was a game to him, and he always seemed to be a few steps ahead. But an even tighter grip and she swore she could hear something crack under the pressure of her dainty fingers! What’s more, Everett seemed to be truly struggling to get away!

Coral let go.

Everett took back his hand and cradled it gingerly. It was beginning to turn blue and purple.

“Oh good lord,” Everett whimpered with tears in his eyes. “How’d you turn your hand into a vice!? DId I really deserve this?”

His parents dragged their unruly child away as his eyes burned with fury as he looked at Coral.

Coral looked at her own hand. It didn’t look any different than before. Whatever Everett was planning, she resolved not to fall for it.

A few more families, some familiar faces, some not. None were as badly behaved as Everett, and all showed interest and longing for Coral. And why not? Their family was rich rich rich, and even Coral knew she was hot hot hot. All dolled up in a frilly pink dress that showed off her unbeatable legs and incomparable breasts, with her fabulously shiny and silky hair all thanks to her mother’s genes… well, it was the least the damn wench could give her, wasn’t it?

Still standing and poised like a statue, Coral snuck a glance around the room. There was Matthew, her loyal and subservient friend-zoned friend, giving her a thumbs up but pointing at someone in line as if to warn her. Coral’s eyes slid to see where he was pointing.

Ugh. Alisa Webber-Conley.

They’d been rivals ever since high school, and their squabbles had only become more heated when they both attended Rockefeller University. Of course, the campus had two lecture halls specifically named for Connors-Swan and Webber-Conley considering their sizable donations, so admission was a shoe-in.

Coral had gone to her big sister Candace for advice, but she was always so demure and focused on her own… whatever. Candace had called it a stupid petty squabble, and that she had much more important issues to deal with. But whatever those important issues were, Coral never saw any hint of it. Candace was just in and out of the house at strange hours, in her bedroom when Coral could have sworn that Candace had stepped out an hour ago, entertaining strange hobbies like going to the quarry (was that some sort of new business venture she was conducting with Dad? Because nothing ever materialized of it)... things like that.

So Candace had nothing for Coral while the two girls engaged in their bitchy warfare. Their meeting was a frozen, stilted harrumphing match where neither girl said a word to each other while communicating rampant hatred.

Finally, all the guests had arrived. Waiters walked around, serving hor d'oeuvres and flutes of champagne and wine. The children, future leaders of industry, gathered in their own little groups, discussing their lacrosse matches and extravagant summer plans.

Coral flitted from group to group like a practiced social butterfly, hesitating before approaching a group of boys that included Everett. He eyed her warily without deceit, but Coral still considered steering clear. However, Landon was eyeing her up and looking like an animal in heat.

He was clearly drunk.

“Hey Coral… looks like you really did a number on Everett here!” Landon approached her with an uneven gait.

Everett scowled and made his way… somewhere else.

“Go home, Landon. You’re drunk.”

“Hey baby, that’s no way to talk to the only man here worthy of Coral Connors-Swan.”

“Just Connors. I don’t take my mother’s name,” she corrected him icily.

“Ooh, sorry baby. Birthday girl is a little touchy, huh? I’m sorry, Coral Connors,” he emphasized. “Here, let me buy you a drink.”

He grabbed a flute of champagne clumsily from a passing waiter’s tray, knocking over the other flutes and spilling it all over the place. The well-trained waiter gave no reaction but to apologize as he began to clean up the mess. Coral came to his defense, quite unlike herself.

“Don’t be a boor, Landon. And stop making a goddamn mess for our employees. Have some dignity, for gods’ sake.”

“Who cares? That’s what they’re trained to do, right?” Landon slipped an arm across Coral’s bare shoulder.


Coral flung his arm off her body.

“Now, Coral, don’t be coy! We all know that you haven’t been lain in quite a while,” Landon chugged his new flute and threw the glass on the floor, shattering it into pieces. He made a sudden, quick approach at the beautiful blonde birthday girl.

Coral backpedaled as she thrust out an arm to try and halt his advances. Her palm hit him right in his upper chest and… sent him flying through the air. The background murmur grew quiet as nearby noticed a drunk and sloppy blond boy bent over in half, sailing a short distance through the air, and then landing unceremoniously on his ass.

“Ow… ow… my rib! I… ungg!” Landon moaned. Some Connors-Swan staff escorted the drunk boy out of the dining hall.

From elsewhere in the party, Fredrik just looked on unsurprised.

The group looked at Coral, disbelieving that she’d done so much damage just from self defense. Coral didn’t believe it herself.

“Coral! Coral, come here please, dear,” Paris summoned.

“Excuse me,” Coral left the group and found her stepmother waving to her. She happily fell in line. Paris was unbelievably sweet and had been more of a real mother to her than Freya Swan ever had.

The distinguished, older brunette woman corralled Coral and gave her a little check-in.

“How are you doing, Coral? Holding up okay?” she smiled warmly. The slight creases and elegant wrinkles in her face were a welcome and genuine sight compared to all of the women in this high society who’d had their skin pulled taut. Paris aged beautifully, like fine wine. Coral hoped she would too.

“I’m doing okay, Paris.”

“Beating away the boys with a stick, are you?”

“Ha! I could definitely use one. No, not a stick. Maybe a cricket bat.”

The two women giggled.

“You want to take a break and talk to some proper gentlemen? Come, I’ll introduce you.”

“That sounds nice. Thank you, Mother.”

Paris smiled at the title that Coral would occasionally use for her. She really was a sweet girl underneath it all.

They wandered the floors, gently inserting themselves into conversations. They talked of their racing horses, laughed at stories of yacht maintenance, and spoke of how long their row of ski lodges were booked out. Coral listened in politely. She did like to ski.

“Why why, if it isn’t Coral!” One of the gray-haired distinguished gentleman welcomed her. “Gentlemen, behave yourselves, we are in the presence of a lady!”

“Why thank you, kind sir!” Coral played along, gesturing in playful modesty. “I dare say, I am surrounded by unpleasant boors around here. It is such a welcome relief to be in the company of gentlemen!”

“Don’t let Charles here fool you,” another one chimed in. “He’s only a gentleman when people are looking. Just ask his wife how he behaves on the golf course when he’s down a few strokes! But, what’s a few nudges here and there, eh old chap?”

“Well I never!” Coral continued. “A wolf in sheep’s clothing!”

They all had a good laugh from their playful joust.

“My dear, my dear, happy birthday. You’re growing up wonderfully,” Charles commented.

“Thank you,” Coral blushed sincerely.

“I always preferred you over your sister. But don’t tell her!” he winked. “You’re both wonderful girls, but you were always the more personable one, I must say.”

“Now Charles,” Paris chimed in. “I love both my daughters very much. And they are both unique and special.”

“Of course, of course! I didn’t mean to imply otherwise! But it is Coral’s special day after all!” Charles chuckled and took another sip of wine before he could put another shoe in his mouth.

“You have your mother’s eyes, Coral,” another man chimed in.

Coral’s unflappable expression cracked.

“Yes, yes she does! It’s the eyes, isn’t it? They look so ethereal, just like her mother. Your mother was very special to a lot of people, you know.”

Coral tried to speak, but she could feel venom building in her mouth. She turned on her heels and made her exit. Only to run into Alisa.

“Yeah, Coral. So much like your mother. Well you know what? Mine stuck around and hosts my birthday parties.”

“Excuse me. Could I get everyone’s attention please?” Harrison spoke into a microphone as Coral clenched her fists. Alisa gave Coral a crooked smile and waved goodbye as she walked off, leaving her latest barb to twist in Coral’s side.

“Thank you, everyone, for coming to my daughter’s nineteenth birthday. Our Coral is growing up to be a strong, proud woman. And she has so much to be proud of. I want to congratulate her on her first semester of college with this…”

He reached for a beautifully polished wooden jewelry box. He opened it slowly, milking the audience’s anticipation, before revealing a long, platinum necklace adorned wth link after link of deep, blue, sapphire-looking stones.

The crowd oohed and aahed as the light glinted off the precious metal and cut stone.

“Coral, would you come here please?” Harrison smiled at his daughter.

Her pains forgotten, Coral leapt forward to receive this wonderful necklace that Father had gotten her.

“Thank you, Daddy!” she squealed like a little girl, all etiquette cast aside.

She turned around and let him gather and sweep her long, flowing strands to a side and placed the lavish jewelry in front of her swan-like neck. The stones felt strangely warm, thrumming with energy as its entire impressive length plunged down the front of her dress.

Harrison began to clasp it behind her as he leaned in to say, “This is a gift from your mother. Freya. She loves you very much.”

That was the final stab. Coral tried to keep her beautiful smile, but her eyes were welling with tears, her cheeks trembling.

She couldn’t stand it. She jumped off the raised floor and ran for the outside, leaving the necklace dangling in her flabbergasted father’s hands. Two of the family’s guards and bouncers stood at the door to the pool and tried to catch her, but an easy shove from Coral’s slender arms landed both of them on their ass as they clutched their chest in pain.

“What happened?” Harrison mouthed to Paris.

Paris just grimaced and swished her hand over her throat, as if to say to him, “Ah. Nuh uh.”

Matthew approached Harrison deferentially cleared his throat.

“Yes, young man?” Harrison asked.

“If I may… do you mind if I try to give it to Coral?”

“You may. You’re a good one,” Harrison tousled Matthew’s hair.

Matthew nodded, placed the necklace in its box, and made his way out to the pool where Coral had disrobed and was crying into the swimming pool.


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