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Curvy for a Day
Commissioned by echo
Written by HarmonyMotion

A New Day

Stella Georgiou’s alarm clock beeped at 6:00 AM. Her roommate Stacy moaned, put her pillow over her head, and turned over.

At 6:01 AM, Stella hit her alarm clock, performed an effortless sit up, yawned, and stretched. Her enormous, jiggling breasts bumped into and folded around the blanket covering her legs. She threw her toned arms back in a satisfying stretch, thrusting her chest out even further as it molded itself against the thick, luscious thighs of her folded up legs.

Swinging her voluptuous legs out of bed, Stella’s short, thin grey shorts and tight, ragged top that she used for pajamas molded to every curve of her body. The massive tracts of land on her chest pressed against the thin cotton material, bulging out beyond the side of her torso, her jiggling teardrop-shaped flesh swaying side to side from her morning routine.

Her boy shorts clinged to her backside, emphasizing the large, well-formed hemispheres of her overdeveloped ass. As she climbed out of bed, she grabbed a bathrobe and wrapped it around herself. Tying the purple ribbon across her thin waist, the extreme contours of her ridiculous overexaggerated hourglass proportions came into stark view. She was built like a drawn comic book character designed to give young teenage boys wet dreams.

Putting on a pair of throwaway flip-flops, Stella marched into the shared bathroom in the women’s section of the dorm. She was always the first one awake, given her dedication to working out.

While brushing her teeth, her toned arms oscillating back and forth causing her breasts to quake, Stella checked out her body. Smooth olive complexion, matching hazel eyes, and a manageable bob cut for her jet black hair just for convenience. She twisted around and checked out her thick booty with a quick glance at the bathroom door to make sure that no one was coming in. Flipping her robe to a side, she eyed it for a few moments before shrugging, causing her mammaries to flop violently once more.

Stella spit into the sink, rinsed her mouth twice, and sighed. She’d always been so flat chested, with a body as straight as a pencil. No hips to speak of. Just good, clean living and healthy muscle. If she had the kind of hopelessly idealized, unrealistic womanly figure that everyone lusted after, combined with her gym rat life, just imagine the places she would go, the admiration she would get!

Oh well.

Gym Rat

Dressed in her stretchy workout gear, Stella made her mile run across campus to the gym. She preferred the scent of fresh dew and morning sun beating down on her face.

Her clothes were really bothering her today though! A thin sheen of sweat dotted her forehead, but she felt awfully heavy on her feet for some reason. Standing about average female height, her bust bouncing, hips swaying, her full, juicy ass jiggling with every step as she pounded the pavement, Stella constantly had to tug at her stretchy blue shorts to prevent the lycra from sucking in between her voluptuous buttcheeks. What was going on today!? Had she put on weight!?

The thought horrified her. She squirmed uncomfortably as her heavy breasts continued to flop as she tried to keep pace. Thankfully, due to how well she took care of her body, the extra weight of her chest didn’t cause her impressively toned core any pain at all. Her bare abdomen and the smooth, strong contour of her back bore the load mode than adequately.

A good workout at the gym should give her a rush of endorphins and have her feeling fine again. Maybe she’d have to watch what she ate a little more.

Stella waved at the male college student front desk receptionist as she flashed her student ID. He just stared at her body and drooled.

“Um. Hello? You wanna beep me in?”

“Huh? Oh, uh, yeah! Sorry…”

He pressed a button. The turnstile unlocked with a clang.

Stella raised an eyebrow before deciding to ignore it and just go on through. She could feel his gaze boring into her backside, but she didn’t dare look back. Her shortie shorts were bunching up again, revealing her bare, bouncing ass for his viewing pleasure.

These damn things! she thought. What is it about my shorts today!?

She walked right past the bikes and treadmills, disdaining the boring, unnatural indoor routine. Instead, she moved straight to the squat racks and began to load up weight.

“Here, let me help you,” a particularly tall and well-built fellow gym rat came by.

“Oh, uh. Thanks. I got it though,” Stella replied.

“You sure? I don’t mind…” he insisted.

“Um. Okay. Go ahead.”

He reached for some small weights, but Stella quickly corrected him.

“Use the full ones, if you don’t mind. I can squat pretty good.”

“Oh, heh heh. Sorry. I can spot you too.”

“Okay, sure…”

Stella was flabbergasted. She’d seen this guy in the gym all the time, and they’d never talked before. Ever. He’d never offered to do anything like this; he always stuck to his own bicep curls. And clearly he didn’t pay attention to her, considering the weight he had tried to put on the bar. So why today? And what was with the lowkey insult?

Stella took a swig from the rubber nipple of her water bottle, enjoying her electrolyte-enhanced water. People were starting to trickle in now since her mile run had taken almost double the time it usually took. And they were all staring at her too!

“Is this enough?” whatever-his-name was asked.

It wasn’t, but Stella didn’t want to seem rude.

“Yeah. Thanks.”

Stella walked into the rack, put her shoulders underneath the bar. The motion made her butt really pop, its absurdly erotic bulge almost symmetrical to the the enormous melons on her upper torso. Lifting the bar up with a smooth heft, Stella engaged all her muscles as she dipped deeply, causing an audible gasp from the entire gym. She did her best to ignore it as she rose smoothly, keeping her head level and butt engaged tightly the whole time, enjoying the relative ease of the lighter weight as she rose smoothly to a standing position with the bar resting behind her neck the whole time.

Inhaling going down, exhaling rising up, Stella smoothly ripped off a whole set effortlessly as everyone stared transfixed at her voluptuous body. The entire gym stopped to witness this impossibly busty, outrageously curvy and thick girl perform a workout that defied their expectations.

She set the bar back onto the rack with a loud clang. The heavy plates weren’t the only thing to rattle. All of her beautiful curves bounced seductively as well.

“I thought you said you were going to spot me, but all you did was stand there!” Stella chided.

“Oh! Oh, uh… sorry…” his face turned beet red. “You didn’t look like you needed the help, to be fair… say uh, what’s your name?”

“I’m Stella.”

“Hi Stella, I’m Mark. Do you wanna get some coffee with me sometime?”

“We’ll see. You wanna put 50 more pounds on this bar for me? And help me out this time; this is a little more weight than I’m used to.”


After another set full of staring and drooling boys (and some girls, though most just stared in awe or jealousy), Stella re-racked the bar all by herself and wiped her face down with a towel.

“So uh, about that coffee…” Mark started lamely.

“Sorry, guy. I’m just gonna keep working out some more,” Stella turned him down. She didn’t know what his ploy was or why he kept giving her attention, but the inattention during her workout was reason enough.

He watched Stella’s backside as she walked away like some sort of supermodel with her hips swaying so majestically, utterly dejected yet still burning with hot lust.

Dorm Mates and Roommates

Feeling a pleasant burn throughout her upper body, Stella completed her early morning routine with a light run home. Her arms, her chest, her core, and her back all thrummed pleasantly with another productive day of breaking down her muscles and building them back stronger.

But these clothes! What the hell was wrong with them? It was like her crop top and yoga shorts didn’t fit her anymore. Students were shuffling around campus now, and all of them stared at her as she ran past them. Just openly staring at her front, not even stealing a glance and then pretending to look away.

What was so interesting about her chest!? She’d always been so flat, she thought to herself, as her tanned cleavage morphed back and forth while her massive mounds squished up against each other. The movement of her pumping arms pressed against the outside of each breast, left, then right, left then right. She clearly wasn’t wearing a bra, because her large nipples made themselves quite known with how they were poking through the elastic fabric.

Maybe that’s it, Stella thought to herself. Maybe my nipples are showing. I do feel pretty good today. Maybe a bra… but the thought displeased her. It was a waste of money, and they were so uncomfortable! The only blessing of her flat chest was that she never had to deal with those underwire nuisances.

Still, she could probably do with a new wardrobe. Maybe she shrunk her damn clothes in the wash somehow. It didn’t seem possible, but what else could explain her wardrobe difficulties this morning!?

She got back to her room at 8:00 AM. It was a co-ed dorm with the boys on one side of the building and the girls on the other. Stella came in the front entrance, which was right in the middle.

The early risers stared at her, and then muttered in surprise when she unlocked the door.

“Whoa. Uh. Do you live here?” John asked her breasts.

“Ha ha, very funny,” Stella rolled her eyes.

“Stella? Is that you?!” Britney tacked on.

“What kind of question is that? Of course it’s me!”

“It’s just that you look, so, um. I mean to say…” Britney was at a loss for words.

John just continued to stare.

Stella shrugged, causing her massive bosom to heave. Her rippling, jiggling flesh, juxtaposed with her tight midsection and then flaring out to her child-bearing hips mesmerized John on the spot. He shifted uncomfortably as he grew hard, faster than he thought possible from just looking.

Britney’s eyes narrowed as she felt a twinge of envy.

“Whatever. You guys are being weird,” Stella declared. She turned the corner and walked down the hallway to her room.

Stacy was sitting at her computer with her toothbrush hanging out of her mouth, back facing Stella. Her boyfriend was sitting on Stacy’s bed, looking straight at the buxom beauty.

“Hey Stace, hey Bryan,” Stella greeted.

“Hey Stella, good workout?” Stacy mumbled with her mouth full of drooling toothpaste.

“Ew. I can’t believe your computer hasn’t broken yet,” Stella chuckled.

“It’s part of my charm and skill! Right, Bryan?”

Bryan was speechless. He pressed at Stacy’s arm to try and get her to turn around.

“Bryan?” Stacy sputtered.

Stella gave Bryan a dirty look. She’d never seen him behave this way before. But his mouth was hanging open in shock. His lips moved up and down like he was trying to speak, but no sound came out.

“What?” Stacy finally swiveled in her chair and turned around.

Her toothbrush fell in her lap as the white foam stained her pajamas. Her expression was reminiscent of a startled cat.

“Not you too! What is it!? Did someone play some sort of prank on me? Stick some sort of note on my back?!” Stella wailed.

She turned around and flailed her arms along her back. Both Stacy and Bryan’s mouths only grew more agape when the sight of Stella’s butt came into full display, so juicy and alluring. Stella’s panicked flailing only served to magnify the effect of her new curvy magnificence.

“Stella! You… you’re huge! Your boobs and your ass. It’s crazy!” Stacy’s spittle went flying everywhere.

“Ew, gross! Go rinse!”

Stacy ran to the bathroom to gargle water. Bryan just stared.

Her roommate came back after a few seconds and immediately grabbed Stella’s chest to confirm that they were real.

“Stacy! What are you doing!? It’s not like there’s anything there for you to grab!” Stella swiveled away in shock at her roommate’s behavior.

“Oh. My. God,” Stacy spoke in punctuated, halting gasps. Her hands had been swallowed whole by Stella’s chest. She could only grip a mere fraction of Stella’s womanly flesh!

“Is the world playing a trick on me today!?” Stella sat on her bed in a huff.

Bryan continued to stare at Stella’s ass. The sides of it were visible from the front!

“You can’t be serious, girl! You didn’t look like this yesterday!”

“Seriously, is this gaslight Stella day? Because it’s not funny anymore!”

Stacy whipped out her phone and started scrolling through photos. Pictures of them just hanging out in the room together that she’d sent her friends, her family, their first day of eating in the cafeteria together…

Stacy gasped. Stella was a total vixen in those pictures too!

“This is… this is impossible!” Stacy exclaimed as she continued to swipe.

“What is?” Stella was doubting it was a prank at this point. She’d never known Stacy to commit this hard to something this weird.

“I was gonna show you pictures of us back when you were just really athletic! But… but all the photos of you look like this!” She thrust her phone in Stella’s face.

Stella looked at the photo. Then back to Stacy’s face.

“What are you talking about? I look the same as I always have!”

Stacy stared at Stella in disbelief. Finally Bryan picked his jaw off the floor and chuckled.

“Right Bryan? Help me out!” Stella pleaded.

“Did you really go jogging and work out and not notice that you have those huge fucking knockers on your chest? That seems totally impossible,” he contributed.

“UGH! I’m going out!”

Stella stormed out and slammed the dorm room door. Stacy and Bryan just looked at each other blankly.

Gone Shopping

Stacy got in her car and drove off campus to a local strip mall. The day was getting weirder and weirder. Had someone adjusted her car seat forward!? Her breasts squashed uncomfortably against the steering wheel, sitting where the chair was originally configured. Her bosoms mashed together and nearly touched her chin!

Sliding it back with the manual lever, Stella finally got comfortable and buckled her seat belt. It was oddly difficult as well, having to wrap in front of the large shelf of her breasts. The seat belt dug into her two chest pillows and sank deep into her cleavage, hidden from view.

She was still dressed in her workout gear since she hadn’t gotten a chance to change after storming out on Stacy and Bryan. What was their deal, anyway!? In any case, she needed new exercise clothing. These shorts were uncomfortably tight and sat way too high on her hips.

It was an early weekday morning, so there weren’t any customers in the shop yet. But she drew all the attention of the store employees, all of whom had completely failed to greet her. They just watched as this absurdly curvaceous vixen sauntered into their store and made a beeline for their workout gear.

Stella grabbed some of the tops and bottoms and overlayed it across her body for a cursory glance. So weird! None of her usual sizes seemed to fit her body too well. She went a few sizes up, and then some, ending up taking all of them to try on before deciding on a color.

Now in the privacy of a dressing room, she stripped off her ill-fitting workout gear with relief. Stella examined her body critically, narrowing her green eyes as she scrutinized. No, she definitely looked the same as always. Flat, toned, fit, athletic. It just didn’t make sense!

Putting on a medium top instead of her usual extra small, she still found it hard to wriggle on. The blue, painted-on top covered more of her, but for some reason, it just didn’t seem to make it down to where her ribs began!

She’d definitely need a larger top. But first, she wanted to try the bottom. Sometimes she needed to mix and match sizes.

…The medium bottom also proved inadequate! She wriggled her hips as she slid it up, but it still looked like a thong that barely covered any of her flesh! This stuff was supposed to rest halfway down her thigh!

A frustrated Stella struggled mightily to get the too-tight test clothing off. She immediately went for the largest size next.

Now that was more like it! The outfit was still too small for her tastes somehow, but a quick check in the mirror confirmed that she still had the same fit bod she’d always rocked. What was with the sizing? No matter, this top and bottom was barely adequate to cover up her bulging breasts and bottom.

She tucked her old stuff into her bag and went back out to grab a few more pairs. The employees gulped and nodded when Stella asked if she could wear it out. They scanned her selections halfheartedly, even throwing one in for free by accident which went unnoticed by both parties. The female cashier just continued to stare at the enormous bulges that their largest size offering failed to cover, and not by design.

As Stella sauntered out of the store, shopping bag in one hand and purse in the other, her body began to grow again, adding height, muscle, and pound after pound of luscious, seductive, soft, womanly flesh, rendering her new outfit just as skimpy and useless as the last…

Class Time

Stella whistled joyfully as she drove back to campus. Getting her backpack out of her trunk, she made her way to a small seminar classroom of one teaching assistant and seven other students.

She was one of the first to arrive. And… she could barely fit through the door! Stella yelped in pain as the sides of her breasts brushed against the doorway. They were so massive that she couldn’t even enter like a normal person!

“Did… did someone change the size of doorways or something!?” she yelled.

Turning sideways, she tried to gather the prodigious flesh on her chest in her hands, trying to mold it flat to her chest in order to fit through the entrance. What she didn’t realize was that her ass protruded so far back now it was now her other side that prevented entrance.

“Ugh!!” Stella screamed. “Why would anyone make a doorway this small!? And overnight, too!”

Twisting at a diagonal, Stella carefully stuck one leg through the doorway, shifting and tilting one tit through, then one firm cheek. Then the other breast, then her final leg. She made it through the impossible ordeal with just some minor bumps.

The male teaching assistant, just a few years her senior, stared lasciviously like the rest of the class.

“What!? How did you all fit through that doorway? We should have just had our class in another classroom!”

“Um, Stella… is that you?” her teacher asked.

“Yes! Why does everyone seem to ask me that today?”

“G-go ahead, take a seat…”

Stella dropped off her backpack and slid carefully into one of those chairs with a tiny, barely functional desk that could be pulled up. She leaned to a side, her tits spilling onto her lap, as she reached for her notebook and pens.

When she sat back up straight, breasts thrust out far and proud, midriff not even visible under their looming shadow, Stella realized that she could not get around their glorious blocking presence to properly take notes on the little desk.

“First the doorway, and now the desks too!? Don’t we pay enough tuition to get proper, simple, basic facilities?!”

She settled with mashing her flesh downward and placing her notebook on top of her meaty tits. It wouldn’t be easy to write on her supple and jiggling flesh, but what else could she do?

Unluckily for her (and lucky for the rest of the group), they sat in a circle formation, so everyone was privy to drink in the sight of her. The students adjacent to her in the circle scooted back and away so they didn’t have to turn their heads sideways to gawk.

It turned out there wasn’t much note-taking to be done anyway. Most of the hour was spent in confused silence and broken gibberish sentences as the teacher’s assistant babbled nonsense while staring at her chest.

When the hour was up, everyone ran out of the room to find some privacy to furiously masturbate, leaving Stella alone to fight her way through the narrow doorway once again.

Day’s Over

Stella Georgiou’s alarm clock beeped at 6:00 AM. Her roommate Stacy moaned, put her pillow over her head, and turned over.

At 6:01 AM, Stella hit her alarm clock, performed an effortless sit up, yawned, and stretched. Her enormous, jiggling breasts bumped into and folded around the blanket covering her legs. She threw her toned arms back in a satisfying stretch, thrusting her chest out.

She swung her legs over the side, noting that her new tops and bottoms were far too large for her. What on earth was she wearing!? Whose XXXL clothes were these?

“Oh my god!” Stella gasped as realization hit her like a truck.

Stacy moaned in disapproval at Stella’s outburst.

Stella immediately swung her legs back into bed and buried herself under the covers.

“What on earth happened yesterday! I can’t believe I… I flaunted myself to the world like that! And complaining about clothes and doorways… I wasn’t even aware of the whole thing!” Her face flushed a furious red as her body heated up from reliving her recent embarrassment. She curled up into a little ball.

Stella didn’t leave her room for a whole week.


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