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Tempestress and Tempest
Written by HarmonyMotion
Commissioned by Tempest

Part 1

Chapter 1 - Present Day

“ARRRRRRGH!” Dani screamed as she stormed back to her dorm room covered in fetid water. That was it! If Olivia was going to go this far to ruin her life, then she, she’d…

Dani stewed in anger as she stood in the middle of her shower, fully clothed and dripping. The hot droplets traced through her brunette locks, matted to her face. Her fists were clenched.

Yes, she’d do it. It’s not like things could get any worse for her. And if whatever those mysterious runes were depicting came true, then her situation would be better. A whole lot better.

Chapter 2 - A Brief History of Events

“Good luck at school sweetie! We love you!”

Dani smiled as she replayed her parents’ farewell greeting in her mind. She was finally of age to attend Morgan’s Mysteries of Magicks university, and she had worked her whole life for it. Gifted, studious, hard-working, she had clawed the right to admission despite the generally high society student body they usually admitted.

But she wasn’t ready for the sort of bullying and social games that these spoiled rich kids played. Especially Olivia.

“Welcome, class. We will be studying this rune,” their general studies teacher, Sorceress Fiona gestured in the air, conjuring a blue and silvery-white smoky diagram into existence. “Does anyone know its name? Perhaps you, Miss Dareheart?”

Olivia Dareheart came from a long lineage of rich, high ranking sorcery family. Her great-great-grandfather had made huge strides in pyromancy, exalting it and inspiring young conjurers everywhere into learning to control all of the untapped power that he’d unlocked in its research. Now, it was widely considered the most powerful element of them all.

The blonde girl was caught unawares. She immediately stopped whispering to her posse of friends as the spotlight shined on her.

“I, ah, I don’t think I know its name, Sorceress. Perhaps it’s one of those less important ones?” she answered smugly.

Her friends giggled.

“It’s the rune of Calipha!” Dani whispered to the blonde girl sitting right in front of her.

Olivia and her friends didn’t even register what Dani said. But Sorceress Fiona did.

“You have something to say to the class?” Fiona’s eyes lit up as her disapproving glare turned into curiosity.

“Oh! I, um, it’s…” Dani choked, suddenly nervous.

“Speak up, child.”

All eyes were on her now. Including Olivia’s menacing green gaze.

Dani cleared her throat.

“It’s the rune of Calipha,” she announced with certainty.

Very good!” Sorceress Fiona smiled. “I see someone has done the summer assignment.”

Olivia scowled.

And that was their very first meeting.

“Did you see that, that… homeless looking girl!? Who does she think she is, showing me up like that!” Olivia screamed with Dani within earshot.

“I know! She looked like she got her clothes out of the bargain bin!” one of Olivia’s lackeys chimed in.

“Or perhaps the lost and found. For dogs,” another one cackled.

“Oh, she won’t last long here. I’m going to make sure her life is a living hell for what she just did to me,” Olivia looked at the poor, out-of-place girl to emphasize her point.

“I… I was just trying to help… it’s a storm rune…” Dani whimpered, heart pounding as she stared at a random spot on the polished wooden floor of her dream school.

“A storm rune!? Ha! No wonder you knew about it. Low class magic for low class peasants. I’m going to coast through this school and join my family on the high council. Let’s see how far your little storm rune will get you!”

The three mean girls headed for their dorm room, exclusive to families that could afford the most lavish rates.

Dani shuffled back to her little hovel, the best that her family could afford for her. They’d given up so much to get her into MMM, and it looked like she’d already made powerful enemies.

If Olivia Dareheart was Olivia’s personal tormentress, then Niccolo Benedetti was her guardian angel. Tall, dark haired, and handsome, his family was also fairly well known in the sorcery world. And he fit the mold of the Bennedettis.

As Dani struggled in her classes, slowly becoming more and more outcast as Olivia spread her poisonous rumors, she found it harder to focus on her school life and projects. And now that it was time for a group research project, Dani discovered that she’d become a leper. Nobody wanted to associate for her.

Except for Nick.

“Sorry you’re stuck with me,” Dani apologized in advance when Nick had missed a week of school due to family affairs. She was the only available partner left.

“No big,” he shrugged. “Can you catch me up?”

Dani was cautious at first, but Nick really didn’t seem to mind. He did the work diligently, but always at the last minute, causing Dani to panic. All she had now were her good grades. If she could just focus on that and survive school, it would all be fine.

But she found herself becoming infatuated with Nick. Maybe it was the lack of human connection as she grew more isolated day by day, or maybe the fact that Nick talked to her earnestly and treated her fairly, or maybe the fact that his rugged good looks were frankly, too hard to ignore… she’d caught herself staring at his sculpted ass more than a few times. Her cheeks flushed with heat whenever he turned to face her, nearly catching her in a moment of weakness.

Dani unearthed some more details about the weather rune beyond the scope of their project. Her family had always been especially attuned to weather events. Nick encouraged, no, even helped her to dig into it, more than he needed to. Their shared curiosity about the mysteries of the unknown drew them even closer.

And then the project was over, and Nick’s obligation to work with her was gone.

School was going well. Dani’s grades were good, Olivia’s petty scheming and machinations were becoming more tolerable and grew irrelevant and silier by the day. And she’d worked up the nerve to talk to Nick to see if he would be… interested in dating her. The real concern was if Olivia found out about it should Nick turn her down. Then her life would be a living hell once again.

She’d invite Nick over to show him what she’d done with the weather rune. The possibilities were so much deeper than anyone had realized, perhaps even the teachers. Else, why would they give it to mere first year students? Perhaps it was the lack of prestige associated with the perceived impossibility of controlling lightning and storms. But Dani suspected they were wrong. The world was all wrong. She’d show Nick, and ask him out discreetly in the process, and the two would go on to forge new paths in sorcery together. Arm in arm.

Dani sighed in contentment with a faraway, lost puppy dog look in her eyes.

But her fantasies were dashed. She found Olivia, arm intertwined with Nick, throwing herself all over him as she rubbed her petite body against his side. Their friends were all laughing. News of their status as a couple traveled like wildfire through the sorcery world.

In all the ruckus, Olivia locked eyes with Dani and sneered triumphantly.

“Ta-da!” Olivia shouted as she performed a complex fire juggling routine for her end of semester demonstration.

The balls of flame swirled through the air as she gracefully rotated her hands. Her dextrous digits manipulated the destructive power so casually, so naturally. She looked like a beautiful blonde angel, framed by lashing tendrils of heat that licked at her body but never singed her. Only those who were truly talented and well practiced could achieve such sublime control.

With a loud clap, Olivia extinguished all of the flames in an instance and took a deep bow.

The auditorium cheered loudly. The teachers nodded approvingly.

Dani was next.

She struggled to move two large, opaque, heavy jars of water onto a long table.

“Um, this is some of the… follow up research I’ve been doing from Sorceress Fiona’s assignment…” Dani began meekly.

“Speak up!” One of Olivia’s cohorts yelled. The audience snickered.

“Ahem,” Dani nervously cleared her throat. “I said, this is a follow up to the assignment that Sorceress FIona gave us…”

“Teacher’s pet!” Olivia coughed loudly from the audience.

“Oh my god, she’s doing that sort of magic?”

Dani’s nerves were failing her. She stopped speaking and decided to get on with the demonstration.

Reaching out with unsteady, trembling hands, the bullied brunette focused all of her magic and concentration on the water within. If she could show just a fraction of the power yet untapped by the world of sorcery from the deeper teachings of the Rune ot Caliph, she could earn the respect of her fellow students and the magical world at large. Maybe, just maybe, she would be able to get along in the school. Perhaps not with Olivia and her cohort of rich bitches, but through her own means: merit and hard work.

But something was wrong. The jars were shaking violently, but the water was… tainted somehow. It wasn’t obeying her command!

Dani’s glowing hands began to shake furiously as she struggled to conjure the water into dark storm clouds. She could hear a malicious snickering from behind her. The voice belonged to Olivia, of course.

No, she wouldn’t be beaten by this! She’d worked too hard… and if she was ever going to get out of this living hell, this had to be one of her best shots!

Sweat beaded down her furrowed brows as the veins bulged in her thin arms, flexing ever harder, willing her spell to work. What was going wrong? Her prepared water felt… wrong, somehow.

Finally, the water began to rise unsteadily out of the jar, swirling violently as it rocked the jar. The localized eddy multiplied in force as it grew, beyond the control of Dani’s magic. The glass containers wobbled on the table, its strangely yellow liquid splashing out the upper lip.

Yellow!? Dani’s forehead creased in confusion as her entire body felt drained from exertion. It was too out of control! She couldn’t manage it any longer…

The glass jars broke as the yellow fluid burst from its container. Dani tried to calm the tumultuous waters, but it splashed all over her clothes, drenching her with the stench of urine.

The crowd erupted into uproarious laughter. Olivia had a shit-eating smirk on her face. Even the sorcery staff covered their mouths to stifle their inappropriate reactions.

Dani stood there, looking shell shocked as she envisioned her entire future ruined by this moment. A moment later, she ran off stage with tears in her eyes, to the jeers of all of her peers.

Chapter 3 - Present Day (cont.)

Dani stripped out of her smelly clothes in her shower. Replaying recent events in her mind, she’d come to a decision. She’d planned to take it slowly, take her research to Sorceress Fiona after a wildly successful demonstration, but that was clearly out of the question now. She’d wanted to ask Nick to join her as well, since his clout would be worth something. And he seemed to tolerate her well enough.

Fuck that.

Now clean but still feeling defiled, Dani donned the ceremonial dress that she’d prepared in advance. It was a necessary artifact in the summoning of the weather goddess herself. Black, sleek, and silky, it started from her neck, tight and form-fitting over Dani’s petite body as it hugged her torso tightly on its descent. Two wide slits left her thighs open for the world to see, the front and back of her dress open being blown about by the will of the wind. And an additional attachment around her neck—a black cape with gold trim, Calipha’s signature colors. The loose fabric was meant to catch the wind, to sway and flutter in it unabashedly, demonstrating its destructive force while leaving the goddess (or her avatar) completely unfettered.

Dani grabbed her now straight, wet hair into a ponytail and squeezed as much water out of it as she could. It felt uncomfortable and clammy against her bare shoulders, but that was going to be the least of her concerns. The ritual had to be performed in a fierce enough storm, and the storm brewing outside was a good match for her current emotional state, as if empathizing with the apprentice sorceress-to-be.

She grabbed more of her proper, Calipha-consecrated water this time, stuck them in her backpack, and carefully made her way out into the growing weather phenomena. If this didn’t work, if Calipha didn’t accept her, or if she’d made some sort of miscalculation… well, maybe she’d just die. Or be a permanent laughingstock, as if she weren’t already. Her status couldn’t get any worse, could it? Either a rousing success or death seemed a preferable outcome.

Dani borrowed one of the school’s shoddy broomsticks and carefully flew toward the growing storm miles away from the school grounds. The rumbling thunder called to her, its swirling eddies and pockets of gale singing a song to her, as if she belonged to them, as if she were one of them.

Throwing caution to the wind, literally, Dani put on the speed, leaning forward and rocketing on the woefully inadequate hand-me-down broomstick. She wobbled furiously, eyes squinted, cape billowing back as its fabric dragged her down like a parachute. Her wet hair was yanked backward as her cape also proved non-aerodynamic, all serving to stop her advance.

Dani grit her teeth as her lips flapped in the blustering force. This was all part of Calipha’s test. She knew it. It just had to be.

As if on cue, a powerful gust of wind slammed into her from below, out of nowhere. Dani yelped, her girlish scream deafened and carried away by the uncaring zephyrs. Her arms nearly flew akimbo from the violent gush as she struggled to hang onto the broomstick. She couldn’t even flatten her body against the unstoppable forces. It was all she could do to manage to hang on.

Unfortunately for Dani, hanging onto the broomstick against Calipha’s shearing torrents meant that her ailing, abused broomstick had to rotate. Dani knew she was being thrown and thrashed about, like being on an amusement park ride with no safety. She could manage to hang on, but not the consecrated water she was carrying in her backpack.

The zipper widened at the top as she tumbled upside down, the heavy jugs slamming into each other as they undid the flap. Lucky for her, they fell out of her bag before turning into shards of dangerous, sharp glass. Unluckily, the loss of her tribute angered Calipha.

As soon as Dani’s gift smashed into the fields below and seeped into the dirt, she heard the storm pick up in power. It was as if the rumbling thunder was speaking to her, chiding her, taunting her for seeking out such an ancient, forgotten power. The dark clouds thickened overhead, blotting out all light. The rain came at her from all directions, soaking Dani to the bone. And all the while, her dress, her cape, her hair, even her flesh, twisted in the wind.

She wanted to cry, but all she could feel was Calipha’s rage all around her. Why had this happened!? Why did she ever come to this school? Being bullied by some bratty high society bitches was suddenly bearable! Why had she dared to enrage this goddess of storm? How unlucky had she been that she’d even been accurate in her research?

“Child… what do you seek here?” a ghostly voice whispered in her ear. Its breath was warm, a shocking contrast to the torrential, biblical downpour that Dani was tumbling in.

Dani gasped, but her cheeks blew out as she was suddenly filled with Calipha’s breath. Another violent whoosh yanked her cape and pulled the flaps of her dress back fiercely. She held onto her broomstick for dear life as she contorted and twisted. So high up in the air, the world spinning beneath her, so helpless and merciless under Calipha’s unimaginable power…

“Such hubris. Prepare yourself, child,” another whisper tickled her ear.

The clouds above her flashed ominously. Was it above or beneath? Dani felt like a ragdoll that belonged to a little child, being tossed around so flippantly and callously with no regard to her well-being. The expected cracking boom of thunder followed.

This time, another flash of lightning. But Dani didn’t see this one.

No. She felt it.

A jagged bolt of silvery-white electricity sundered the heavens and plunged into the sodden earth. The tang of ozone filled the air. And right in the middle of it all was Dani’s wracking body, impaled on the electric bolt, spasming uncontrollably.

Her broomstick splintered under the apocalyptic force. Dani dropped it, her nerves no longer under her control, her hair and ceremonial robe being blown and flung around by Calipha’s breath as her body followed in its wake. Her eyes glowed as the errant electricity sparked through them, searching for the ground. The blood in her veins boiled as more bolts fired from every single fingertip and all of her toes into the rubber sole of her shoes.

“Impressive. You’re still alive,” the voice whispered. “And your garments…”

Another gust of wind pushed her up into the wide, swirling lip of the tornadothat had touched down. Dani rode along, tugged by her dress and cape, the centrifugal force battering her body but never breaking her.

“It seems you may be worthy,” the voice whispered as a second bolt struck Dani.

“Arrrrrrgh!” she screamed as javelins of pure energy erupted from her open mouth. The pain was almost unbearable! Her entire body was clenched, rigid and twitching. Her neurons fired at rapid pace as the soul of Calipha invaded her body, intertwining her power into Dani’s devoted, worthy form.

She felt her body being torn apart as she swirled around in the winds of the cyclone, but somehow, it was becoming bearable. Soothing. Pleasurable, even. Her garment was still being blasted, tugged, but Dani found it easier and easier to ignore those extreme forces on her body. Slowly, she was regaining awareness. Her body began to relax as she grew accustomed to the surging electrical power that coursed through her being, bottled up, controlled. Her dress and cape fluttered, but Dani immediately halted her journey as a piece of debris in a cyclone and hovered there, serenely in the most furious part of the storm.

When her half-lidded eyes finally shot open, they were glowing a shimmering, opaque white.

“Go do great things in my name, child…” the voice whispered in her ear before drifting away in the winds.

Dani smiled as she floated into the eye of the tornado. She took care of her appearance with a snap, drying her hair and letting it fall into dark, lustrous curls. Flexing her new, supple legs as she floated in midair, she languorously stretched her arms behind her head and arched her back with a contented groan of relief, letting all the tension in her body dissipate. Experimentally, she drifted up and down, the flaps of her dress and cape billowing up down with her easy movement, exposing her sexy, bare legs.

With unbridled joy, Dani pursed her lips and exhaled a little puff of air. The storm died in an instant.

She gestured with her left arm first, then her right. Two enormous bolts of lightning struck the earth, splintering and igniting old, enormous oak trees that were completely drenched from Calipha’s little ritual.

“Oh yesss…” she purred, the sound primal and deep in her throat. She brought a finger close to her nipple. A thin bolt of power leapt from her slender, elegant digit and ignited a spark of stinging heat into her aching peaks. Her body nearly bent in half, this time from pure, backbreaking pleasure.

“Calipha, I will make you proud,” Dani declared to herself and to the heavens.

Her eyes crackled with electricity as they blazed with glorious purpose.

Part 2

Chapter 4 - Tempestress

“What the hell is that?!” the students and sorcerers screamed as a new, transformed Dani flew toward the school building, arms out, palms up, crackling with energy. Storm clouds and billowing winds trailed her graceful flight.

A gesture from Dani, and a bolt of destructive lightning sundered the marble columns leading up to the esteemed school’s archway. The sturdy building material cracked and shattered under Dani’s simple gesture.

“Defenses! Defenses!”

All of the faculty sorcerers began to weave a spell, placing a translucent spherical barrier around the school. The rain outlined it as the heavy water droplets splashed along its edge and trickled down the sides.

“You think this will stop me?” Dani yelled, the power of wind carrying her voice so that all could hear her divine decree.

Swishing her arms forward, her cape and dress surged forward like a swaying banner, heralding the head-on blast of wind sent the school’s way.

The crowd of students gathered outside stared in horror as benches, large rocks, and even ancient trees uprooted in the wake of this mystery girl’s power. Even the teachers began to question if their magical barrier would be able to withstand the blast.

It dissipated in an instant. Dani’s power washed over it, creating large cracks in the glowing sphere before it shattered into a scintillating shower of sparks.

“What do you think of Calipha’s power now?!” Dani roared.

The entire crowd trembled before the mighty goddess who controlled the power of storms.

“Bring me Olivia Dareheart!” Dani demanded, reveling in her power over everyone beneath her.

A young man stepped forward.

“Dani…? Is that you?!” He covered his face as the winds howled all around him, threatening to lift him off his feet.


Dani’s visage softened for a brief moment as she stared at her handsome crush approaching. He had simply treated her as a human being, and that was enough. Why did he have to end up with that rich bitch?

The storm began to subside. Nick could move forward with his hands up in a gesture of caution and peace.

“Yaaaaa!” Olivia screamed, hurling a fireball through the brief lull of Dani’s rage.

Dani turned her head to face the oncoming projectile. Her eyes glowed once again. She pursed her ruby lips, exhaled a gentle puff, and dissipated the deadly flames into nothingness.

“Olivia! What the fuck!” Nick turned to scream at his girlfriend.

“Yes, Olivia. What. The. Fuck,” Dani declared coldly.

“M-m-m-m-m… helpp!” Olivia screamed as she backed away, realizing she was no much for her former tormentee.

Dani didn’t even give the girl a second glance. A powerful gust of wind shunted into her retreating body, sending her crashing into her lackeys. She slid across the polished school grounds and hit her head, knocking her out cold.

“Oh my god, Dani…”

“That was my old name. I think I need a new one, befitting of my station as the avatar of Calipha. Maybe… Tempestress.” Her brilliantly white teeth gleamed as she smiled.

Chapter 5 - Admissions

“So it really worked…” Nick marveled while the students evacuated all around them.

“Yes, I suppose it did,” Dani mused as she checked her nails. None of these other people were of any concern to her. She had just shattered the school’s vaunted protective magical barrier without thinking. Nick and Olivia and her lackeys were the only ones that interested her.

Nick was awfully close to her now. He seemed utterly fascinated. Unafraid.

“You… you got the consecration ritual right? That always seemed like the big sticking point. Well that, and whether or not Calipha was actually real, or just the stuff of fantasy. And wow, the ritual garb. You really did a number on that. You look like a totally different person…”

A billow of warm, soothing wind lifted the hovering Tempestress’s dress up, giving her crush a glimpse of her black lace panties. Her scent wafted over him as he was forced to cover his face from her sexual but still powerful assault against his senses.

“You like?” she smirked like the cat that ate the canary.

“Ungh. Yeah…”

“Then why did you end up with that stupid bitch!” Tempestress’s tone suddenly shifted.

“I didn’t know you liked me! You never gave me any signs!”

Tempestress sputtered. Boys were so dense. Maybe he was right… but there were certainly other issues.

“Is that it?” she raised a perfectly sculpted eyebrow at him. “Tell me the truth now.” Her eyes radiated pure, crackling energy.

Nick gulped.

“I… admit it. I probably wouldn’t have even if I did know, considering you were basically a leper. I did feel bad for you. You were totally cool in my book.”

“Tch. Not brave enough to stand up to Olivia, huh? In fact, cowardly enough to be her boyfriend!”

“No! Well, sort of. She really is a bitch. She said all those nasty things about you to me even when you and I were working together, but I ignored her. They just couldn’t be true.”

Tempestress crossed her arms and waited. The static electricity in the air all around him pricked his skin with arcing tendrils of power, flickering into and out of existence.

“Ow! That stings!”

“Mm hmm,” Tempestress’s expression turned even darker.

“Okay! Okay! Yes, I wasn’t brave enough to stand up to her. I’m sorry! I really am!”

“Brave enough now? Now that I’m powerful and can take care of myself?”

“...Yes,” he whispered. “To be honest,” his face flushed a furious shade of pink, “what attracted me to Olivia most was her confidence. Her assertiveness. Her power.” He admitted his deepest, darkest fantasy to the goddess of the storm before him.

“Oh really?” For the second time, Tempestress raised an eyebrow. “How fascinating. Are you brave enough to stand before me now? I have more power than Olivia has. Will ever have. Far more.”

Oh god yes,” Nick whispered breathlessly.

“Goddess. Tempestress. And we’ll see about that.”

Chapter 6 - Consummation

“It’s a really good name. Temptress. You’re… absolutely gorgeous,” Nick admitted as the wind continued to howl and whip around him.

“Tem-pes-tress. Three syllables,” she corrected him, trying to hide her growing arousal at his infatuation which she had sought for so long.

“I don’t get it. What’s wrong with temptress? Like the beautiful goddess that you… OW!”

A small bolt of lightning jumped from Tempestress’s eyes and arced all over his body. Nick twitched and screamed in response as she burnt his delicate skin.

The lightning goddess smirked triumphantly, luxuriating in the thrill of having such absolute power over everyone—but especially Nick. It was nice that he wanted her. That would make what she had planned much more convenient.

Emboldened by the spirit of Calipha as well as current events, she asked a shockingly provocative question that Dani never would have.

“Time to learn your place. You love power? Well, you’re gonna love my power. Tell me, are you good at eating pussy?”

“Elen—I mean, Temptres—I mean, Tempestress!” He was so shocked by her brazen forwardness!

Tempestress hovered imperiously into the air above his head, giving him a view of the soles of her black, knee high boots. Her chain struggled to hold her cape in place as her conjured wind puffed out the risque sheets of fabric of her dress, flashing him with another sight of her neat, trimmed intimacy.

Nick’s shock was giving away into pure, unadulterated lust. He sucked in a deep, lust-arrested groan as Tempestress waved her arm, conjuring a warm, fragrant wind that buffeted and stroked his cheek.

“Answer the question,” Tempestress moaned as she began to tug her panties against her needy, aching love canal. As the lacy fabric brushed against her literally electrified clit, she gasped with lust, her breath exuding a warm wind that juxtaposed the all-destructive power she wielded at her command.

So beautiful, so erotic, and oh-so-powerful. She loved how easily she could make Nick’s eyes glaze over! Not to mention the huge bulge forming in his black pants…

“I… I don’t know! I hope so!” Nick’s lips quivered as he stared at her quivering flesh.

“Ask for my permission,” Tempestress commanded.

“Please, may I… may I eat you out?” Nick asked as he surreptitiously rubbed his engorging member through his pocket.

So sexy! Tempestress thought to herself, the heat within her sizzling like an inferno now. But she maintained her cool exterior.

“You may.”

Nick scooted forward nervously, buffeted by her storm winds carrying the subtle scent of her fragrant musk. The closer he got, the harder he had to lean into her power to make any progress. Body tilted forward, Nick breathed deeply, trying to fill himself with as much of Dani’s aphrodisiacal scent as he possibly could.

Finally, he reached his mousy-friend-turned-goddess. But his eyes were level with her boots.

“Tem-Tempestress… how do I… WHOA!”

He felt the wind sweep his legs out from under him. Before he crashed down into the wet, sopping mud, the wind picked him up and carried his body up in its swirling tides, twisting him as easily as cradling a child. Tempestress merely twirled her finger as she manipulated Nick, letting him know how easy such delicate control came to her.

Soon, his entire body was upside-down, mouth aligned with her nether region. She licked her lips, slowly drifting him closer, inch by inch. She examined the bulge in his pants clinically, giving it a few approving clicks of her tongue.

Before she could decide how else to play with her new toy, he took the initiative. In the best way possible.

“Please, Tempestress! Let me taste you! Let me eat you out! I want nothing more than to service you!” He begged earnestly, urgently.

“Oh yessss!” Tempestress hissed, not knowing how much she longed to hear such submissiveness. It awakened a furnace of desire inside of her already desperately longing body.

Nick reached out with unsteady hands to try and pull the loose fabric to a side, but a gust of  wind blew it away before he could reach it. Simultaneously, he felt himself dragged inexorably to her pink, waiting lips, glistening with nectar. He opened his mouth completely in sync with his flight, latching onto Tempestress’s pussy and licking those folds.

“Mmm… yes…” Tempestress moaned, grinding her hips into his mouth to drive him deeper. Her new toy would definitely need some training, but the enthusiasm was undeniably there.

Tempestress sighed happily as Nick lashed at her lips with his tongue. She traced the waistband of his pants with her finger, unbuttoning his pants and languidly unzipping him. She drew her finger from the quivering, moist tip of his shaft through his underwear, tracing a line of ecstasy down his girth and swirling a finger over his burning loins.

“Deeper!” she commanded him, continuing to rub her intimacy over his face, drowning him in her sexual juices. “Use your fingers!”

He followed her cue, bringing his hands into play. He inserted two fingers into her sopping slit, curling them and applying pressure against her fiery erogenous zones.

“Suck on my clit!” she moaned.

Nick was positively drenched in her juices now. Her love dribbled down his chin as he continued to plug his fingers into her tight, greedy, aching coils, her sweet, musky scent driving him wild. His pride surged as he followed Tempestress’s instructions as he hovered there, upside-down in midair, serving his mistress and accepting his new purpose in life—to service his newly minted Dani.

Nick latched onto that electrified nub, using his lips to press his tongue into that bud of flesh and her sheathe as hard as he could. She rewarded his enthusiasm by grinding and bucking into his face, swirling circles against his mouth and fingers. Nick took the cue and began to work in circles himself, applying enough pressure while not forgetting to use his fingers.

He could hear the deep rumbling groan of crescendoing pleasure escape her lips.

His jaw ached, but he continued to work as hard as he could. All he wanted to do was bring Tempestress to an orgasm. Would it be the first one she had ever achieved? Could he be so lucky, so worthy as to be the first to experience the coming of a goddess?

“Yesss!” Tempestress hissed, her largely forgotten hands cupping his balls. Her rigid, long legs were writhing, spasming as Nick worked at her expertly. Never had she felt pleasure like this, with high voltage electricity coursing through her veins and body. Nick couldn’t see it, but her eyes were firing bolts of lightning into the stormy sky. Her lips, permanently twisted into a grimace of pleasure, finally opened as she gasped with another rough flick of Nick’s tongue against her clit, exhaling yet another bright, jagged white beam of power.

And then, Nick nipped gently at her bud with his teeth.

Tempestress erupted, splitting the sky with pleasure from her ecstatic roar of pleasure. The roar of wind picked up as it tried to press Nick’s body completely into her unyielding form. His loose clothes were inflated and blown out from Tempestress’s storm, his body getting flung around like a helpless little puppet. He wrapped his arms around her supple hips, hanging on for dear life lest he be torn from her body, sent away like a fragile leaf on the wind.

Her chest flushed hot like burning lava, turning rain to steam as the gentle droplets came into contact with her tingling skin. She clenched her buttocks as her entire backside glowed white hot with pleasure as well. Even Nick could feel the ambient temperature rising with her joy.

“I’m… still coming!!!” Tempestress cried as Nick’s face continued to flagellate against her privates.

Her hands sparked with electricity, sending body-clenching bolts of energy right into Nick’s testicles. He gasped in pain, drowning in even more of Tempestress’s gushing pleasure.

To his shock, he could feel the metallic spark of electricity forming down there too! Right against his mouth! Was she going to…

“Fuuuuck!” she screamed.

The intensity of her pleasure was matched only by the outburst of her power. Enormous bolts of lightning struck Tempestress, her body serving as a conduit as the joy of Calipha worked through her nerves. Molten lava ran through her body as she went completely rigid and clenched all around Nick’s helpless, fluttering body. Her legs wrapped around his head, her calves and thighs fully extended and squeezing Nick’s skull. She would have bent over in half if not for Nick’s body keeping her relatively upright. Thunder crashed, synchronized to every one of Tempestress’s bursting climatic cries.

Meanwhile, Tempestress’s hands, or fingers, her nipples, and her dripping pussy channeled the lightning like a conduit, zapping Nick with all of her furious pleasure. The electricity surged through his balls, traveling the entire, considerable length of his rigid girth, expelling through the hypersensitive tip of his heated cockhead.

Tempestress’s pussy fired an unending bolt of pleasure into his mouth. His entire body wracked and spasmed under her ecstatic electrical assault as her power tingled his tongue and made his hair stand on end. His arms twitched violently, losing his grip around her perfect body. His fingers curled and tightened, feeling like they would never get free again from the shocking power that had taken control of his nerves.

Tempestress came down from her climax and began to laugh at her poor little boy. He had certainly been brave enough—even good enough—to deliver her earth-shattering pleasure. Playfully, she wrapped her delicate fingers over his twitching shaft, squeezed, and fired another powerful jolt into his tense lightning rod.

“Gnnnnh!” he cried into her pussy, prompting her to zap him down there once again.

“Poor little boy… Good little boy… I think you deserve a gift for this,” Tempestress mused.

She raised her arms to the sky and conjured the largest pair of lightning bolts yet. They struck the pair, illuminating the newly ascended couple, arcs and sparks of luminescence folding them, caressing them, transforming them…

Part 3

Chapter 7 - Tempest

Olivia roused from unconsciousness. The hallways were flooded from torrential rain, and the ostentatious school building looked as if it had suffered fierce weather for years. The walls were battered and peeling, the hallways splintered, wet, and ragged. And she could see at the front of the steps, two flying, caped superhumans.

“Nick?!” she screamed over the roar of the typhoon as she sloshed her way toward the pair. Her blonde hair was streaked and matted, completely tangled and unsightly. Her clothes stuck to her skin like glue, making her moving difficult and lumbering. She swung her arms laboriously and dragged her legs through the calf-high pool that had flooded the school hallways.

In contrast, Nick and… Dani stood—no, floated—in the middle of it all. The cold biting winds didn’t bother the woman’s beautifully bare arms at all as her silky cape and dress flapped violently. Even more miraculously, the previously tormented girl’s clothing, skin, and hair looked completely unaffected by the violent environment she stood in! Her lustrous brown curls, those bare, silky stems save for those tasteful boots… she looked like she belonged on the cover of a fashion magazine!

Olivia’s soul twinged with jealousy and hatred as she approached.

And what had happened to Nick!? Why was he wearing a cape like hers with a similar gold chain? And… why was he flying too! Olivia had worked too hard, given up too much to attach herself to Nick just to hurt Dani. And now this!?

“Hello Olivia,” he turned to face her.

“What is this!? What have you two done? Why are you with… her!” She jabbed an accusatory finger at the mouse-turned-goddess.

Nick craned his neck to look up at his new girlfriend, enjoying his place beneath her at her side.

“I’m tired of you and your stupid little vendetta. Tempestress found me worthy of a gift, and I happily accepted. Oh, and call me Tempest now,” he swept his arm, throwing back his cape with a flourish. It stayed taut in a sudden gust of wind, fluttering behind him elegantly.

“Tempest!? What the fuck kind of name is that?! Get away from this… this crazy bitch!

“Tempest,” Tempestress announced from above him. “Take care of her for me. Your second act to curry my favor. And get this school out of my sight.”

“Yes, mistress,” he complied.

“Wait, what are you…” Olivia began to back off again. She tried to summon her flames, but all she got was fizzling smoke in the wet atmosphere.

Tempest’s eyes glowed with power as a bolt of lightning scorched the library tower of the building in the background. Olivia whipped her head around to witness the aftermath of the cataclysm.

“Oh my god!!” she screamed.

The wind howled and picked up, nearly bowling her over.

“Now would be a good time to leave,” Tempest warned her ominously.

She didn’t need another hint. Olivia stumbled after her friends who had long fled the scene, gesturing for her to catch up.

Tempest looked at Tempestress for approval or admonishment. Her face betrayed nothing.

Uncertain if he’d done a good job, Tempest at least began the deed of razing their former school. There was nothing to learn there anymore. Any knowledge or power he needed, he could gain from his mistress.

The blustering gales picked up even more power, whipping Tempest’s cape in front of him. He felt the air currents massage his entire empowered body, drifting through the tiny gap between his skin and his turtleneck, pressing against his body powerfully as it flowed all around him. Always he felt its forceful presence with the feeling that it could bowl him over at any instant should he lose control.

He snuck another peek at Tempestress, her beautiful dress flapping horizontally like some sort of flag that highlighted her infinitely sexy body. She regarded him and raised an eyebrow as she “sat down” on an invisible chair, crossing her long legs lasciviously.

Tempest gulped as he was given another glimpse of heaven.

“Well?” She asked, flicking her head back at the school. “Don’t make me strip your powers away…”

“Sorry! Sorry!” He pleaded desperately, getting back to the job at hand.

Raising his arms and focusing his mind, he pictured a powerful cyclone in his mind, one stronger than man had seen in a long time. His entire body glowed with energy as the storm clouds above broke as the funnel of a twister conjured into existence, letting the bright sunlight illuminate the divine pair in the middle of their lovely tryst.

The brief respite was short lived as the funnel floated downward. The dark clouds above crashed in again as the enormous whirlwind touched down, bending trees and cracking branches. It even dug into the wet earth, flinging mud and leaving a deep nipple in the sodden ground.

Glass, brick, and mortar all began to crumble under Tempest’s mighty magic. It started off behind the pair, and Tempest brought his hands forward with a large heave. The destructive event passed right through Tempestress and Tempest’s body without leaving a trace. But the acreage of school grounds was not so lucky.

The marble steps and already abused columns snapped into large chunks before getting sucked into the swirling eddy of winds. Tempestress and Tempest floated in the middle of it all, watching as various elements met their doom at his hands. Wooden planks, chalkboards, various student bags and belongings… all fluttering away under Calipha’s gift, cycling up to the top of the storm and being sent over the dark horizon.

Tempest looked back and up at Tempestress, who performed an exaggerated yawn as she covered her mouth with a single hand. Her hair and cape fluctuated with the air, and the cutouts of her dress left her modesty exposed. Tempest began to grow erect once again.

As the building was completely razed from the earth, he began to surreptitiously masturbate by controlling the winds to massage his burning loins and stiff member, all under the guise of destruction per his mistress’s command. His cape flowed in the breeze as his legs nearly buckled under the pleasure of his rigid shaft being so forcefully blown, his aching testicles being so lovingly massaged…

When Tempestress struck him with a bolt of lightning a thousandfold more powerful than he could manage.

He couldn’t even utter a sound, so devastating was her little shock.

“You think I wouldn’t notice?” she sneered. “You’re so proud of yourself for bringing that building down; do you know what kind of child’s play that is?”

Another downward sweep of her arm, and a second bolt of lightning electrified his body until it glowed bright white, threatening to leave nothing but ash in its wake.

Tempest cried out in pure, electrified pleasure.

His far more powerful Mistress came hovering down to his prone, wracked body, curling her fingers one at a time over his sparking prick. Further power poured into his lightning rod, shaking and quivering from her powerful bolts before her wet flesh even made contact with his overstimulated organ. Torturously, she wrapped her entire hand over his impressive length and began to pump.

Tempest seized up as the throbbing tip of his penis began to spurt lightning.

“Now that’s something that’s finally worthy of me,” Tempestress smirked as she spiraled her fingers over him, pumping up and down. His voltaic ejaculation blasted away a dense forest in the distance.

“I can’t wait to use it…” Tempestress licked her lips as the wind picked up her dress. She swiveled in the air to meet his firing lightning rod directly with her pussy lips and peeled her panties to the side.

He jetted his entire soul into her as she moaned and bit her lip. With one hand behind her head and his rod jetting pure electric pleasure into her, Tempestress gave back even harder than she got. She electrified his whole body from his most sensitive tip, zapping his member deep inside of her silken steel. Her power turned his whole body into a white, glowing, opaque silhouette as her heated flesh gripped it tightly.

“Oh Tempest!” she half-moaned, half-laughed as she fucked him for her own pleasure. Tendrils of power coursed through his body, firing like a grenade as they sliced into earth and heaven. Every single pump of her hips was a gift from Calipha herself, threatening to melt his lust-addled mind with carnal energy. The wind picked up all around them, billowing out his electrified cape, the gusts so powerful that it looked like it threatened to blow away all the untold energies that Tempestress pumped into him through her pussy.

“I’ll,” she gasped. “Never,” another tight pump of his shaft. “Stop!” She cried as she buried him to the hilt, screaming in joy at her new power and boyfriend.


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