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“Did you hear what happened at Brian’s party?!” one of Kate’s soccer teammates, Stacy, asked.

“Hear about it? I was there!” Kate giggled.

“There was some wild sex going on!”

“You mean you heard it!?” Kate asked intently.

“Well, I mean, no… but I saw Derek running around with a towel covering himself!”

“Dammit! I thought maybe you would have some juicy details. Everything keeps talking about it, but I haven’t actually heard of anyone who witnessed it firsthand!” Kate fumed.

“We could ask Derek’s football buddies. Or Derek himself,” Stacy suggested.

“That guy? He’s a total prick. I don’t want them to hear we were snooping around. Did you see him though?”

“Oh yeah.”

“Mm mm.”

“Yeah, he’s built! Didn’t get to see the goods though…”

“From all the stories, sounds like he really embarrassed himself. A one pump chump! Hah!” Kate mocked.

The rumors were traveling around Ascension High School though, even without the two girls’ involvement. Stories about how Derek had gone upstairs to one of Brian’s bedrooms with a ludicrously beautiful girl that no one quite recognized, unconfirmed earwitnesses about some desperate moaning, begging, and shouting, a few ecstatic grunts later, and Derek was bolting out of the door in record time, his clothes suddenly gone. The school’s football star, once heralded as the peak of human conditioning and physique at their very prestigious high school, was now a bit of a laughingstock.

Another girl showed up to join the conversation.

“You guys talking about Derek?” Gwen asked.


“Did you hear? They say he has an erection that won’t quit.”

“You were at the party? You saw it!?” Kate asked a little too eagerly.

“No, no! I wasn’t there! It’s just what I heard! I’ve been trying to sneak a peek. They say you can see it poking through his jeans. He’s always trying to adjust it so it doesn’t show!” Gwen cackled. “I haven’t confirmed it myself, but he does seem to be very uncomfortable…”

“What is that supposed to mean!? Why doesn’t he just, like, take care of it?” Stacy offered.

“Word is he can’t!”

“Whaaaaat? What does that mean!”

“Like, he can’t get it to go away. I don’t know the details yet. I’m still trying to get a peek myself.”

All three girls looked in the direction of the football field. He was too far away, but he did seem to have some… uncomfortable strides.

“That’s so weird!”

“Yeah, he’s grumpy as all fuckity fuck now too. I mean, I would be too. Can you imagine walking around with something like that?”

Kate gestured and imitated having a large, invisible penis that extended a foot in front of her. She stomped and swung it around, pretending to hit the other girls.

“Eww! Kate! Stop!”


Lisa was making her way around the red clay track at the bend where the soccer girls were talking. She veered off the dusty surface and jogged onto the grass, toward the other girls.

“Hey Lisa,” Kate greeted, putting her gigantic invisible penis away with a snicker.

“Hey Kate.” The two were familiar and friendly with each other, but not particularly close. “Are you talking about Derek?”

“Oh, how could you tell?” Kate did her awkward gait again and twirled her giant cock.

“I know who was with Derek, you know.”

“Oh shit! You do!?” Kate gasped.

“Tell us!” the other girls chimed in.

“Okay, but you have to do something for me in return…”

“Jackie? Your friend? Why don’t you just ask her? Wait, what do you mean you’re not sure!” Kate screeched at Lisa. She’d pulled the girl aside to tell her in private.

“I mean what I mean! It was always us three, me, Marie, and Jackie. You know Marie.”

“Yeah. She’s rich, right?”

“Yeah. And nice. Don’t be mean.”

“Hey, I didn’t say anything! That’s just… what I know about her. She’s really mature.”

“Yeah she is. She’s great. And Jackie is really nice too. But recently, Jackie’s kind of… transformed. She’s pretty. Really pretty.”

“I don’t even remember what she looks like. I know I’ve seen her before.”

“That’s my point. You wouldn’t recognize her now. She was always tagging along with me and Marie. Played a lot of video games, chill person, really supportive. We were friends since a young age. But it was like, we all had our realms you know? That’s what made us a great team.”

“Uh huh.”

“And then, day by day, Jackie starts to get all, like… whoomp.” Lisa outlined an extremely exaggerated hourglass figure. And then a large pair of breasts.

“So puberty hit.”

“No! It’s more than that. One day, I was doing my track laps and she came around. And she was doing them with me. And she… and she…”

“She beat you.” Kate inferred.

“YES!” Lisa sobbed.

It was easy for Kate to figure out. Everyone knew Lisa was on track to break track records. Derek was the football star, and Lisa was the track star. To be dethroned in a week by someone who purportedly spent her time playing video games was…

“So what do you want me to do? She’s your friend, right? Why don’t you just ask her?”

“She’s always been closer to Marie than me. I think she doesn’t like my competitive nature. I think she showed me up just to rub it in.”

“You sound jealous,” Kate declared without pretense.

“YES! Wouldn’t you be!?”

“...Yeah, I suppose so. So why are you telling me?”

“Just help me figure some stuff out maybe. See what we can find out about Derek. I’ll poke around Marie and Jackie. She’s got a boyfriend now too. Another video gamer nerd. Kind of cute.”

“It’s not that bad, is it? Your relationship with Jackie? I bet you really could just talk to them…”

“No! I’m… I’m embarrassed,” Lisa whispered. But she didn’t mention why.

Kate sighed. “Alright.”

Why did everything always have to be so much trouble in Ascension High?

“Hey girls! Hey Kevin!” Lisa greeted the group after school at the front steps. Their trio had become a quartet recently.

“Hey Lise!” Jackie waved back. Marie and Kevin didn’t even register their athletic blonde friend’s greeting. They seemed to be… fawning over Jackie.

“You wanna go to Glendale park? Hang out? We can bring some snacks,” Lisa offered.

Marie looked at Jackie. “Jackie? You want to go?”

Lisa did a double take. Marie, asking Jackie? Since when had Marie not been in total command of the group?

“Me? Um. I dunno. I wanted to go play Elver Scrolls Online,” Jackie answered hesitantly.

“Games again? You always do that!”

“I wanna do what Jackie does,” Kevin begged eagerly, panting like a puppy dog.

Lisa rolled her eyes. Of course he would agree to that.

All eyes were on Jackie now.

“Um…” she fidgeted nervously, her newly longer legs bent at the knees awkwardly. She twiddled her fingers together. What would Marie do? Jackie thought to herself.

Lisa just stared. What exactly was happening here!?

“Let’s go to Glendale, I guess,” she decided with uncertainty.

“Okay, sounds good to me!” Marie chirped cheerfully. She knew this routine, at least. And if it was what Jackie wanted, all the better!

“Kevin? That okay with you?” Lisa asked him directly. Maybe he would break off and go play his video game by himself.

“Ah yeah! That’s okay! I just wanna hang out with Jackie… …and you too,” he tacked on lamely.

The two never stopped focusing on the stunning teen goddess before them. Even Lisa was feeling a certain kind of way as she drank in Jackie’s appearance…

First Derek, now Marie and Kevin. Just what was going on here!? And if she looked carefully, it looked like Kevin had quite the boner. He was shifting uncomfortably and trying to hide it, just like a certain football star…

Lisa gulped. She hoped her new ally would make some headway so that they could confer later…



Nice intro, looking forward how it develops