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Hi everyone,

I have absolutely loved TC, but we really are nearing the end now. You'll see with the chapter that will be landing tomorrow.

So... it's time for me to pick your guys' brains on what the next HM-driven story should be. When I started TC, I had created a poll for character traits, looks, evil/good, etc, and then morphed it into my own vision based on the feedback.

I'm not sure if a poll is the right way to do this, so I will start by creating this thread. This is for Story Lovers and above!

Please, go ahead and leave comments of what you'd like to see. What type of story, what type of powers, characters and interactions, what themes, etc... I'll gather them up and let them stew with a while. Will consult with Team HarMo, maybe roll everything up in a poll after all.

Just trying to get some juices flowing here! Make sure to chip in to potentially get your vision brought to life!



Beauty Dom!


How about someone dealing with her body changing and accidentally dominating them with her beauty.


Beauty/intelligence based ascension with a greedy mc


I have several ideas, but I'll try to note some down here: 1) A pair of theives is hired to steal from a lab. They are succesful (mostly) but something goes wrong, and the female ends up picking an unusual cape/piece of fabric as they leave (That cape will give her superpowers down the line). 2) A group of friends finds a spirit/being that promise to fulfill their dreams in exchange for its freedom. They get their wishes (Popularity, good looks, etc), with the guy making the wish for his female companions to develop superpowers. The spirit escape, and the young women slowly see the effects of their wishes come true (one of them perhaps giving in to corruption, and the spitit could show up again to sow even more chaos) 3) A group of people finds a weird game and decides to play it. They soon discover it is supernatural in nature, and they are playing about power. As the game progress, most/all of them change from close friends to rivals, or even enemies as they all want to win the ultimate prize for different reasons (To either gain the powers, stop their rivals, etc.) 4) An accident happen in the world, and a guy finds himself in a situation where he semi-randomly create superwomen. As more is created, the more the world is changed, reality changing to make the world more consistent with itself (Like their being superbeings that the MC didn't create). Space for a wide variation of superwomen, but not a clear ending in sight.


going off of the super jumanji one (#3), would be interesting to see it be more like a card game type thing. Like, a deck builder/rpg type game where you build a deck stacked with abilities and powers, and it makes you better. Could even have a "mechanic" to the story where you have to use your card to gain it's ability, like for example one of the chars is carrying around a super strength card, and almost gets crushed, so the card gets absorbed, and they gain super strength lvl 1 permanently. Would allow for a person trying to steal "powers" from others by trying to take the cards before they get used.


One idea which isn't much done: you have a group- a class, a clique, just some friends, an office, etc., who are entered into a competition of some kind by a goddess, and have to cooperate with and compete against each other, gaining power as they go, with the goddess' throne as the final prize.


Stolen Opportunities Annie 15 years after the first story Life has been rough- she has been the brunt of jokes “you don’t want to get Annied” is a popular saying for missing your chance. Overweight, bad skin, string of abusive relationships. Current boyfriend abuses her. She goes to the doctor and they diagnose her with cancer. The strength of the virus has diminished over the years, which has resulted in most of the latter supers being relatively low powered. Annie gets made fun of at the gym for being fat and “getting Annied” and not getting powers by two low level super girls She finds out that her current boyfriend is sleeping with her friend that became a super though a very low powered one- she became beautiful and has 3x human super strength. When she confronts him he tells her that he is turned on by her super and that she is everything Annie isn’t including smart enough to get the treatment on time. Doctor proposes an experimental treatment to treat the cancer. Because she is stage 4 it requires extremely high doses to become successful. The treatment shares a lot of the same ingredients as the super treatment but in extremely high doses. She gets the treatment and it reacts with the low levels of the original virus and turns her into a multi powered super even more powerful than most of the originals. But because of the cancer, powers develop slower and physical change is minimal. Individual powers develop as she recovers from cancer. She doesn’t change much physically. Hair changes color from dyed blonde boy cut with bad roots to jet black, and eyes change from brown to glowing yellow Discovers powers- chapters show her practicing different powers - flight, Microscopic/ X-ray, Heat vision, Telekinesis (after she becomes alpha- see below) Cancer still remains so doctor proposes mega dose which turns her into alpha super (top 2-3). Now beautiful (beautification/power up chapters) Goes back to the gym and humiliates girls that made fun of her. Shows disparity in power (flight) - they can’t fly, Uber strength, heat vision (they don’t have it). Telekinesis (they don’t have it) Wants revenge on ex boyfriend and super girlfriend. Chapters showing her getting revenge


How about a loosers round? Annie and the others get together and scheme to get another chance, maybe with some help from someone working in the test Center. Of course some backstabbing happens…