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Stolen Opportunity - Cindy and Paige
Written by HarmonyMotion
Commissioned by anonymous

Chapter 1

“Cindy! Cindy! Come look at this! Oh my god!” the squat, chubby girl beckoned her minion over.

“Yes Paige?” Cindy shuffled over, dragging her feet along the carpeted floor. She sidled over and leaned over her much shorter, dark-haired ringleader.

“This… this is a joke, right!? Is it April Fool’s! Super Watch Blog posted, and it’s, it’s…”

Paige clicked play. The video began to roll. The supposed author of Super Watch Blog, the most brave, fearless, outspoken figurehead of the anti-super movement was on camera, stripping, showing off the apex of feminine perfection that was her transformed, supercharged body.

The camera was set up perfectly to frame stupid, fat, pudgy Annie’s reaction to the glory of the mystery woman’s superior body. The viewer could only see her backside, leaving them desperate with desire, wondering just what marvel that Annie beheld. Judging from the gobsmacked, nearly catatonic girl’s face, it must have been quite the sight.

“Well, we can’t see her face,” Cindy tried helpfully as both she and Paige watched the unveiling of Aphrodite in grainy low quality. Those legs… they were so long! And this wasn’t a camera angle trick! Annie sat there, serving as the perfect comparison to let the viewer understand and reference what they were seeing.

Those svelte legs and sculpted butt that dominated most of the frame consumed all of Paige and CIndy’s attention. Not another word was spoken as this woman who called herself Marie stripped off her heavy overcoat and let it fall to the floor. Paige let out a moan of arousal and frustration, upset at only being allowed to see the extreme hourglass shape of this mystery woman’s waist and her wonderfully arched back contrasting with her large yet tight butt.

Cindy looked at her friend in surprise. Paige, moaning and writhing at the sight of that which she so despised? Sure, it was enough to drive Cindy mad with jealousy, but Paige looked like she was about to drool! She gave her friend a nudge.

“Paige? You okay?”

“Mmf! I… hate… the supers!” she managed to squeak out through gritted teeth.

There was the Paige Cindy knew.

“This can’t be the author of Super Watch Blog! No way! Super Watch Blog has always been on top of all the news, spitting truth! They say her name is Marie, but how do we even know that’s her? She never gave up her identity before! Hell, she could be a he for all we know!”

In the video, Annie gasped. Cindy and Paige had an identical reaction as those luscious legs began to ascend, rising smoothly off the floor unaided.

“Well, she’s definitely super…” Cindy gulped.

“Mmmmmmff…” Paige suppressed another whine as her pussy betrayed her and grew hotter.

The superwoman on camera whirled around and lowered her face to fill up the whole frame. Those large, mesmerizing eyes and the perfectly symmetrical face down to the pointed tip of her chin was enough to ruin households and seduce any who laid eyes on her. A bright smile of those perfect lips revealing those incredible and flawless teeth caused both Cindy and Paige’s hearts to quicken in heat.

“And that’s it for me! I hope you losers enjoy this, just like stupid Annie here! A newly minted Super Marie, checking out!”

The broadcast ended.

“She… How do we know that’s even the author of SWB? It’s not like we knew her name, or what she looked like before. I doubt we’d even recognize her after a transformation like that…” Cindy offered.

“Ung. Maybe. Leave me alone for a while, Cindy. I need to take care of something in private.”

“Okay, Paige.”

Cindy left her own room, offering Paige her alone time. She thought maybe she should have asserted herself at some point, but she’d always just did whatever Paige wanted. As she closed the door to her own bedroom, she could hear Paige click the mouse and replay the video. Followed by the sound of a zipper unzipping and cloth rubbing against skin.

Cindy went to her own living room and occupied herself, not wanting to stick around and confirm what she already knew Paige was going to do.

Chapter 2

“Is that really her!? No way she was the owner of SWB right? I bet the supers just got to her!”

“Well, who else could it be? I’ve done a lot of research on the others. Whoever that Marie was, she’s definitely a new super.”

“Hey, you know the forum policies. Insinuating that you enjoy the beauty of the supers is expressly prohibited. We do not want to promote idolization here. As this is your first violation, your account has been temporarily banned for ten days.”

“I don’t know if you guys have heard, but there’s another super recently. This one is much more hush-hush though. This girl I go to school with, she tried to get the treatment. She was already really pretty, but she put on a ton of weight recently. She’s working it off though. She’s always been self-motivated and bitchy, but she works at it too.”

“Details? You didn’t describe anyone super.”

“Sorry, it’s her mom. Her mom went super and I think took her boyfriend as a toy. She’s a total wreck.”

“Can anyone confirm? Where is this? What’s her name?”

“Dude I’m not gonna dox myself.”

“So just hearsay. Move along folks, nothing to see here.”

“Whatever man. Believe me or not, it’s up to you.”

Paige scrolled through the new thread on the SWB Forum. A post dedicated to their eponymously named activist figurehead going super now spanned more than 200 pages. Discussions about whether or not it was real, what they would do now, users veering to off-topic postings, all of the usual stuff. Along with an influx of trolls and new accounts being made, laughing at the movement’s symbol betraying its entire base.

For now, Paige ignored the rumors about the other super. There were always rumors here and there; most of the time it was just wishful thinking. Little Margie Sue in Podunk, Mississippibama can now lift a tractor with a single arm! Blah blah blah.

The real question was, who was the person in the video she watched, the so-called Super Marie? Author or not, it was undeniable they had a new confirmed public super now. Perhaps it was the right time for Paige to make her move.

She started a new forum thread.

“Hi everyone, AntiSuper Pennywise here. Some of you may have met me in person during the rallies. Otherwise, I’m pretty sure most of you know how active I am here. I don’t know what’s happened with SWB and who this new Super Marie is, but what we know for sure is that SWB is compromised. I’m going to be starting a new blog, REAL Super Watch Blog. I have plans to open it with a bang, using poor Annie as a launching pad. Please watch and follow... we need to have a second place to gather in case these SWB forums go down. We have to stand strong, guys!”

The reception was better than even Paige could have expected. She squealed in delight as the followers flooded onto her blog.

“Oh shit, ASP! Yeah, you post all the time. Good shit. For anyone who doesn’t know, ASP is the real deal, right behind what used to be SWB. Give them a follow.”

“I met ASP in person. Checks out. You have my endorsement.”

“Can you check up on SWB? I’m convinced it’s not the original author. Are there any reports of missing persons? SWB would never betray us like this…”

As the thread grew rapidly, Paige prepared the inaugural post on her REAL Super Watch Blog.

“My friends, no doubt you have seen the news of the tragic takeover and downfall of Super Watch Blog, or what we in the sphere affectionately referred to as SWB. Another super has emerged, along with another poor victim. Annie and Marie serve as a reminder to the injustice of this virus. Every winner creates a loser. Always. Never forget that.

I, AntiSuper Pennywise, am coming out. To avoid what’s happened on SWB, I will tell you that my real name is Paige. I am just an average girl who cares about equality for all. This virus and the new class warfare it promotes is a blight upon our society. Forget about the 1%. The supers are the 1% of the 1% of the 1%! We need to reject their temptations!

I will be trying to reach out to poor Annie to get her side of the story. Meanwhile, my friend and I will have a live conference to help reunite and strengthen the bonds of our cause.

We only stand strong if we stand together!

Let’s fight the good fight!”

Paige posted to the roaring, silent adulation of flamey emojis. The SWB forum also lauded her first rallying cry.

BeautyGoddess707 replied to Paige’s post.

“Hey everyone… this is annie… i cant make a new account because im already verified here… its true you have to stay away from this stuff this si the worst my life has ever been. everytime i try to move on, she shows up in my home to taunt me. ASP im here if you want to talk ill DM you i dont know if marie was really the author but i really hope she stops showing up and torturing me”

“You stupid fucking idiot! You got what you deserve! It’s so easy to pretend to be one of us after you fucked it all up!” came a reply.

Paige wanted to chew the stupid fat girl out too, but she realized that the mantle of leadership she was attempting to don required a higher standard of her. She hammered out a reply:

“Guys, let’s all calm down. Annie is human, just like the rest of us. Yes, she made a mistake. But unfortunate people like her serve as a reminder to why we’re doing this. Let’s invite her into our ranks. She’s suffered enough already. -Paige”

“thank you paige and everyone ill get a new screenname im ashamed to look at this one”

Paige rolled back from Cindy’s computer feeling a renewed sense of self-righteousness. She wiped the sweat from her brow and exhaled as if she’d just endured a long day of work.

“Everything go okay?” Cindy asked, lying in her bed while leafing through an exposé about Super Alice once again.

Paige examined her pretty friend with a twinge of jealousy before manifesting her anger in an indirect way.

“Hey! Put that down! Don’t believe anything they write about Super Alice!” She ripped the magazine out of her friend’s hands and threw it away.

“Well in her interview, she says she polices the new supers of the world, since she’s the most powerful and all,” Cindy offered.

“Yeah? And who gave her that right? Besides, she can say anything she wants! How do you know it’s true? You’ve seen what she does for fun. She just fucks with normal people and laughs in our faces!!”

“I know. But still, it’s weird how no other super-woman has tried to take over the world. We haven’t heard from Super Marie in a while right? Maybe Alice did something…”

“I doubt it! If she really cared, we wouldn’t see Kim pulling half of the crap she’s done to us normal people. Just wait and see!” Paige spat.

“Yeah, guess so.”

“Now, come on Cindy. We’re going to Super Diag up in San Francisco.”

“Did you organize a rally? Already? Wow Paige, you really got this thing off the ground in one day flat!”

“No, that comes later. I have a plan…”

Chapter 3

Anon623 writes:

“Did you see the updates on Super Watch Blog? Or maybe I should say, Watch Me Super Blog.”

NewSuperGeist writes:

“What the hell are you talking about?”

AntiSuper Pennywise writes:

“Holy shit! It’s changed now!? And it’s… it’s Super Marie!”

“Cindy! Look!” Paige yelled as she acknowledged the notifications on her phone. They pulled up the newly re-christened “Watch Me Super Blog.”

“Paige, I’m driving here! It was your idea to go to Super Diag, remember?!” They were stuck in bumper to bumper traffic on the highway leading into the heart of the city.

“Shut up! Shut up!” Paige yelled at the blaring car horns as she pulled up Super Watch Blog on her phone, an oft-visited bookmark. The page spun and loaded.

“Oh god! It really is renamed now! Watch Me Super!?” Paige screamed.

“Can you yell any louder? I think I can still hear things!” Cindy slammed the car horn along with the rest of them out of frustration, adding to the cacophony that smothered them.


A frustrated Cindy acquiesced to her friend’s demands as usual. The two girls watched in fascination, Paige more than Cindy, as a high quality video loaded up from SuperTube. There she was, that mysterious super who called herself Marie and claimed to be the original SWB. She was dressed in a white sports bra contrasting her ebony skin and a pair of matching exercise shorts. Every inch of her was sleek, sculpted, feminine muscle. Paige and Cindy gulped.

“Hi everyone! Super Marie here! It’s been a little while, but I’m back and ready to give you a fresh new perspective on supers like yours truly! No more shitty videos for me. I just walked into Better Buy and asked for their best camera head mount and other stuff like that. And they just gave it to me! Well, at first they refused, but I snapped my fingers and blew out all the glass around the store. After that, all I had to do was raise an eyebrow, and like magic, they did everything I asked of them! Isn’t that awesome?”

“Bitch!!” Paige spat as she rubbed her thighs together.

“Yeah, really,” Cindy agreed wholeheartedly, not picking up her friend’s arousal once again.

“And here’s something that Super Alice and Super Kim never gave you. A first person view!” Marie’s mellifluous voice bubbled as though she was giving the greatest gift anyone could ever receive.

The dark skinned girl slipped the camera strap over her perfect head. The recording wobbled for a bit before settling down as Marie presumably tightened the strap. Her vantage point was so high! Paige wondered if Marie was flying.

As if on cue, Marie looked straight down. Her legs and feet were barely visible along the outer edge of the frame. Yes, they were in fact planted on solid earth. But Paige no longer cared about such trifling matters.

Marie’s enormous jutting breasts occupied most of the picture frame. They were so unbelievably ripe and firm, her dark skin looking so perfectly smooth and glowing with vitality. Those luscious mounds, so gravity defying and magnificently shaped, naturally outlined a deep, alluring chasm between them that threatened to suck the viewer right through the view screen and deep into their hypnotic pull.

“Like the view?” Marie giggled, knowing that whoever was watching would have been completely entranced.

Paige and Cindy both snapped out of Marie’s tease as soon as she spoke again. This girl! How did she know?

Cindy recovered quickly. “She’s pretty.”

Paige scoffed. “Yeah? So what! It’s not like she earned it! And you too! You were born pretty! And I was born looking the way I look.”

“What!?” Cindy blurted out in shock. She knew it was true—Paige was not an attractive girl. Cindy had striking porcelain skin which contrasted her slightly curly hair, stayed relatively in shape, and could even be considered fetching by some. But neither she nor Paige had ever made a big deal about it.

“Sorry. Forget I said anything. It’s these damn supers!” Paige tried to correct the course. “Take it as a compliment, ok? I’m sorry I said something so crass.”

“It’s okay, Paige. I understand. They make us all crazy.”

“Damn right!”

When they looked back, Marie had ceased teasing the viewers with her powerfully lascivious curves. The dark-skinned superwoman swiveled her head back and forth, getting the viewers immersed in the slightly abandoned downtown streets.

“So here we are, downtown Phoenix, for those of you who don’t know. It’s just a short flight from NYC. At least, under my new super powers. Lots of empty buildings here that just don’t get leased. Why don’t I do them a favor?”

Marie tilted her head up and the camera followed. She was looking at the top of a 30 story building. Suddenly, the sound of roaring wind emanated from Paige’s phone speakers. The blustering gales were so loud and so violent!

The windows along the top of the building all cracked and shattered, flying off high into the sky. It was like watching a silent film in the midst of a tornado. There was no sound of clinking glass as the fragments broke off and spun into the air.

The entire building started to rumble from the top down. Structural supports and beams began to bend away. The concrete developed deep gouges in its supposedly solid, hardy structure just from Marie’s easy exhalation.

The entire top three floors crumbled into large pieces that flew off into the sky, vanishing into little specks that could no longer be captured on video. Only then did the sound of roaring air subside, the downtown commercial building standing three stories shorter.

“That was so easy!” Marie’s voice did confirm that it appeared to be effortless. “That’s how it feels to be me! I bet the other supers never showed you any of that, did they? Now, let me show you what it would be like if I were to use you as my little plaything…”

The scenery became a complete blur. A swirl of colors flew by before Super Marie came to a full stop. A group of hapless, shocked pedestrians came into view as the camera refocused.

“Where did… wha…?”

The camera tumbled around as Marie took it off her head. She directed the lens at herself and winked at it before slipping it onto a relatively tall, yet still shorter man.

“Wait, what?” cried her victim. He raised his hands to try to stop her from slipping the camera over him for reasons unknown, but his arms trembled as they fought futilely. He was powerless to stop Marie from doing whatever she wanted.

“Why are you… grk!” he squealed as Marie’s twinkling eyes looked right into the camera. The frame panned downward, revealing her strong, smooth limb. Her hand was blocked from view, clearly gripping her little plaything by the neck.

“I wonder how it must feel to be soooo inferior to someone like me. I honestly can’t remember how it felt to be insignificant!” Marie just stood there looking straight into the camera, not even at her victim’s eyes. Her beatific smile never left her face.

“Oh, and where do the rest of you think you’re going?” Marie taunted. The camera was still at her legs. She playfully raised the pointed toes of her foot and brought them back down onto the sidewalk pavement.

Just the little tap of her delicate digits in those open toed sandals caused solid earth to wobble like the waves of the ocean. Marie stood perfectly motionless as the floor rose and fell beneath her feet, as if her casual little toe stomp causing this level of disturbance was an everyday, casual thing.

Which it was. It had only been a week, and Super Marie was already flaunting her powers this much!

The sound of screaming could be heard in the background. Marie reached up with a finger and reached toward the camera. With a little flick, the elastic strap and mount swiveled around 180 degrees, giving her audience a wonderful view of the apocalypse unfolding before them. People stumbling on unsteady legs, wobbling back and forth before ultimately falling to the ground. Sidewalk pavement broke apart with large cracks, seemingly attacking those unfortunate enough to be in the wake of Marie’s little wave.

“Oops!” her melodious voice rang out. “Looks like my little victim blacked out from my pretty little fingers wrapped around his neck! I guess that if it’s supposed to be a first person experience, then it’s time for you guys to black out too! Ta ta!”

The video feed faded to black. Cindy was so stunned by Marie’s sheer demonstration of power and superiority, both in 1st and 2nd person, that couldn’t help but imagine herself in her shoes, holding all that incredible power…

“Hey come on bitch fucking move!!” came the scream from behind. The driver was sticking his head out of the driver side window while holding the horn down.

“Shit!” Cindy lurched forward into empty space. She’d completely stopped paying any attention to the road. Paige was still completely oblivious, writhing in a combination of agony and arousal. A bead of drool formed at the edge of her lip. Then, she sprang into action.

“Let’s go Cindy! We gotta get to Super Diag asap!” she snapped.

“Paige, what exactly are we going to do there?”

“We’re going to get diagnosed, of course!” The chubby girl tapped her fat fingers together like some sort of evil mastermind.

“What are you planning in that crazy head of yours? You’re… are you hoping you’ve been infected? Are you going to take the treatment and protect the rest of us?!”

“What the hell, Cindy! You really think I’d do that!? No way I’d ever become one of… them.”

“Then why are we going there? We’re not going to protest, we’re not going to scare people off or shame them, we’re not going to film or sneak in… you want us to get diagnosed, why?”

“You’ll see…”

Chapter 4

“Paige! Paige! I got the results from Super Diag!” Cindy blurted on the phone with a cheerfulness she never expressed before. “I’m… I think it says that I have it! I have the virus right now! They estimate I have one day to get the treatment. One day! Today!”

“That’s great, Cindy!!” Paige cheered from the receiving end of the phone call. “I’ll come right over! After I make a pit stop somewhere. Sorry, something came up. But! I don’t think it’ll take long! I need your better internet to host this conference call! This is even better than I could have imagined!”

“Are…are you sure? ? They said they can arrange the treatment for today if I go right now! You do want me to become the hero of the oppressed, right? That’s why we tested, right?”

“No! Hell no! Didn’t you understand any of what I said before? You’re going to become super, silly! You’re going to publicly reject it!!! Show people that we’re for real. Unlike that lying slut Marie!”

“Oh…” Cindy replied soullessly.

“Don’t tell me you’re upset about it! And remember what happened to Annie! She thought she was going to own the world, and look where she is now! Instead, you’ll be a shining example to us all!”

“But that’s because Annie was stupid…”

“Oh yeah?” Cindy could see Paige’s angry, pockmarked face in her mind’s eye. “And you think you’ll still be saying that after the treatment goes horribly wrong for you? Everyone always thinks they’re smarter than the pack! But as a whole, we have to end up average somehow, don’t we? So some people, a whole lot of people, obviously aren’t as clever as they think they are!”

“Yeah… I guess you’re right…” Cindy sighed. It sure would be fun to be all-beautiful and all-powerful. She wouldn’t change as a person, she was sure of it!

“It’s for the best. Trust me. Just think of stupid, fat, ugly Annie, crying there in front of a superwoman! You don’t want that to be you, do you?” Paige cackled, a bit too mirthfully.

“No, that would be horrible!” Cindy was aghast.

“So you should be thanking me. We’re going to warn girls off of this stupid fantasy. You’ll be a launching pad for that. People around the world will hail you as like, some sort of buddha zenmaster! Revoking these stupid impulses, not seeking superficial stuff that’s only skin deep… you’ll live a good, honest life like we were meant to! And when this super stuff blows over and Super Alice and Kim and Marie are long gone, and so many stupid fat girls took the treatment and you didn’t… you’ll be the spiritual leader of us all!”

“I don’t wanna be some sort of idol… that doesn’t sound like me at all! I’m just Cindy!”

“Okay okay, not some sort of leader. Just a good example. The best example of what to do. Okay?”

“Okay, I get it Paige.”

“Attagirl, Cindy.”

The sound of another car horn assaulted Cindy’s ears, followed by the screeching of tires.

“Shit! Fucker!” Paige yelled.

“Are you driving?”

“Yes! That motherfucker!”

“You really shouldn’t talk on the phone while you drive, Paige,” Cindy tried to lecture her friend.

“Yeah whatever.” Paige brushed her off as easily as always.

Cindy grunted. She was used to this. But while she had Paige on the phone, she may as well ask.

“Paige, did you get your test results too?”

“Uh huh.”


“So…” Cindy continued.

“Negative. What the hell do you think!”

“Maybe I could transmit the virus to you, somehow…” Cindy offered. “Then you can take the stand and be all those things instead of me.”

“Don’t be silly, Cindy.”

Paige hung up.

Paige knocked abrasively on Cindy’s front door. The poor put-upon girl ran as fast as she could to stop Paige’s impatient rapping.

“Cindy! Let’s go let’s go I’m two hours late for our livestream!” Paige huffed.

“Why are you yelling at me! You’re the one who was late! What were you doing!? I kept texting you!”

“I’ll tell you later! Come on, we have to broadcast! You have to make your announcement that you rejected the treatment!”

“What!? Now!? Why didn’t you tell me earlier! I thought… I… you know I don’t do public speaking well!”

“It has to be now! It wouldn’t mean much if your incubation period passed, would it?!”


But Paige just grabbed Cindy’s hand and ran toward her bedroom. Cindy halfheartedly tried to get away, but wound up following meekly behind her friend’s heavy footsteps.

Cindy watched as Paige sat down at her computer and typed in Cindy’s password. She immediately started up the livestream to hundreds of viewers.

“Hi everyone! This is me, Anti-Super Pennywise, aka Paige! This is my face reveal, so you can verify that what I’m posting is really from me in the future!

We recently visited Super Diag to find out if we had the virus or not. While I was researching Super Marie’s background for a blog post, I found out that she did attend rallies with us while hiding her identity as SWB’s author, so I had a suspicion.

Cindy, tell them what you found out!”

Paige scooted herself out of the camera frame. Cindy sidled up, hands crossed in front of her, fidgeting nervously.

“Um, h-h-hi everyone… you see, turns out I…I’m positive.” She looked at Paige. The fat girl rolled her eyes impatiently and urged her to keep talking with a little “push” of her hands.

“But I….I…. I didn’t ake the treatment. It’s… not right. So I refused.  Erm, oh, you probably want to see that I actually had the virus to believe me, so uh…”

Cindy fumbled her phone out of her pocket. It clattered to the floor.

“Oh fuck’s sake, Cindy!”

Paige barged back into frame and shoved her doormat friend out of the way.

“Hi everyone, Paige here again! As you can see, Cindy was positive, but refused treatment! She was still within her incubation period when she got the result, but now it has since long passed. She’s truly an example for you all!“ said Paige, barely countianing her delight. “By the way, I just wanted to say that I also got a positive on the test! I have the virus as well!”

“What?!” Cindy blurted in shock, lying on the floor out of the camera frame.

“Yes, that’s right! And I… just took the treatment! It’s coursing through me as we speak!”


“Yessssss! I had the virus too!” Paige turned to address Cindy directly. “You always thought you were so much better than me, you little door mat! Thinner than me, prettier than me… people like you better than me. And now, I’m going to be Super Paige, and you’re going to be nothing!”

“Paige… why…?” Cindy began to cry. “I, I did everything for you…”

Paige ignored her and turned back to the camera.

“Oh yes, that’s right! Boo me! Go ahead! See what happens when I’m super by tomorrow! The only injustice in this world was that I wasn’t super like Alice or Kim or Marie You’re all just envious of them! Of me! If you had this chance, you would take it too! You’re just masking your insecurity and inferiority with outrage! Pathetic! Projecting it like some sort of immature brats! Like the… like the envious and jealous losers that you are!”

“Paige…” Cindy sobbed.

Paige got to her feet and triumphantly slammed the livestream off. The rolls of fat jiggled grotesquely on her belly. That wouldn’t be a problem by tomorrow.

She looked at a broken, sobbing Cindy lying at her feet.

“Why did you lie to me?” the poor girl choked out. “We could have taken the treatment together…”

“And let you become super too and ruin all my fun?”

Paige should have felt the sharp knife of guilt stabbing her in the heart, but she grasped it with both hands and accepted it with her entire being.

“I would rather stay normal than ever let someone as pathetic and doormat as you become super! Fortunately, this won’t be a concern ever again!” she declared triumphantly with a wicked gleam in her eyes.

Paige had finally won. The very moment she got the results, she knew what she needed to do. She wasn’t like stupid Annie, who wasted her chance with her stpud stunt. Despite having plenty of time, Paigehad scheduled her treatment as soon as possible.

However, She still needed to push Cindy towards staying away from it. The whole point of desiring superhood was to mainly surpass and be superior to her underling. If Cindy had taken it too, what with her natural good looks, who knew what the resulting hierarchy would be? Fortunately, the prettier girl was too much of a doormat to refuse Paige’s selfish orders. Now, for the first time in her life, Paige would be superior—truly and actually superior—to her friend.

Soon, it wouldn’t matter. Nothing would matter but for the super pecking order.

Paige exited the house and triumphantly pulled out her phone, putting the loyal friend she had backstabbed without mercy out of her mind.

As soon as she left, Cindy’s phone rang.

Chapter 5

Cindy spent the day scrolling through Paige’s old internet stomping grounds. The acrimonious backlash on the SWB forums and Paige’s new blog killed any hope of anti-super activists. Paige had just turned out to be the next Marie. It seemed like any icon they flocked to not only met, but embraced the fate of the very thing which they were trying to oppose. Many of the readers and supporters immediately went to go out and get themselves retested in the vain hope that they could go super as well.

She heard a familiar rapping at her front door. The petite girl took a deep breath and smoothed her light green t-shirt. That was Paige’s signature, irritating knock alright. Cindy no longer held back her true opinion of all of Paige’s annoying habits and machinations.

Cindy turned the doorknob and opened slowly. She expected to see some unrecognizable goddess of power and beauty before her. Maybe an ascended Paige had even come to apologize for the unfair treatment she’d dished out live.

She didn’t expect to find an even fatter, uglier, squashy faced Paige blubbering at her doorstep.

“Paige?!” said Cindy, immediately covering her mouth out of shock.

“Cindy… I… I’m sorry! Please, help!”

“Wh… What the hell happened to you!?”

Before, Paige would have lashed out at Cindy for asking a question with such an obvious answer. But all of that defense mechanism, that attitude, had been torn away. Paige was baring her soul now.

“I… I don’t know!” she sobbed. “The treatment didn’t work, obviously. Super Diag said their tests were 99% accurate! 99%! I don’t know what to do!”

“Shhhh. Oh you poor baby... Come inside Paige. We don’t want anyone seeing you like this.”

“Oh god, Cindy! You’re such a good friend! I’m so so so so sorry!!!”

Cindy dragged her mewling friend to her bedroom. The emotional Paige was so heavy set now, a lump of flesh that could barely travel of its own accord. She didn’t even realize that Cindy was basically supporting her entire unwieldy weight casually, shooing them into privacy.

“I didn’t mean, those awful, things I said,” Paige blubbered, hiccuping every few words.

“Didn’t you though?” Cindy replied nonchalantly with an oddly warm, relaxed smile.

“Nooo! I mean, well, yes, a little.” Paige wiped her droopy face with her blubbery fingers. “I was, always, jealous of you. And you were so pretty, and good, to me. And it somehow, made me, angrier. I know it doesn’t make sense! I’m… bad person,” she mumbled. “Please, help me, Cindy!”

“Shh, shh, there there now you poor thing,” she ushered the girl into her computer chair, then patted her head. “It’ll all be okay.”

“You don’t… hate me? After all that? You really are a saint…”

Then Paige noticed Cindy’s smile, one of of both fascination…and mockery she then looked to the computer screen, with the blog’s livestream page being set up.

“Hey, what are you doing?!”

The webcam blipped to life. The stream went live.

“Cindy!? What are you doing! Why… what are you broadcasting!? Nooo, turn it off!”

Paige tried to grab the mouse and turn off the recording, but Cindy’s hand shot out and cuffed the fat girl’s wrist. No matter how much Paige struggled, she couldn’t budge it at all! Meanwhile, Cindy kept setting up the page while humming cheerfully.

“Ow! Cindy! You’re… hurting me! How are you so strong!”

In one last act of desperation to save herself from shame and embarrassment, she lunged for the power button on Cindy’s computer. She felt a gust of wind. Suddenly, Cindy wasn’t beside her, but behind her. She felt her friend’s long, steely, fingers on her shoulder and gripping her collarbone.

It hurt!

“Cindy… what…”

“Hi everyone,” she cheerfully spoke into the camera. “Cindy here! This is Anti-Super Pennywise, aka Paige,” she mimicked her friend’s voice. “The poster child of your movement. The new Annie.”

“Cindy! Please stop!”

“Quiet now, Paige. I’m gluing the movement together, just like you always wanted. You are our newest martyr. In the flesh, even. The prideful right after the fall.”

“How are you… speaking… like this? You’re so… confident!”

“Look at me in the webcam, Paige. Really look at me. I know your mortal eyes are soooo limited, but really give it a try, hmm?”

Mortal? Paige recoiled in horror. Cindy didn’t, no… she couldn’t have! Her window had passed! Not her, please. Anyone but her!

“Figured it out?”

“Cindy, when… when did you take it!?”

“Not that long ago. Super Diag told me they mixed up our incubation periods, haha! Your longer window was actually mine! And I feel it kicking in now. The right way. Oh, I’m burning up! I was trying to fight it, wondering how long I could hold it in. I wanted to surprise you when you inevitably came back to talk to me. We could’ve been super together. But this is sooooooo much better! Watch me, Paige!”

Cindy spun the computer chair, whipping a screaming Paige around in five to six full circles before she came to a stop facing her transforming friend. It was the opposite camera placement of that fateful meeting between Marie and Annie, with Paige’s back to the camera and Cindy’s front in full view.

Paige along with the remote audience watched transfixed in pure fascination as Cindy removed her cardigan. The loose green top she was sporting suddenly became a little too tight. Her relatively flat chest bulged with luscious female flesh, pushing her top to its very limits. Stretch marks decorated the massive gap where her cleavage lay beneath, and her stiffening nipples made themselves known to the world.

“Oh my god, oh my god, oh myyyyy goddddd!” Cindy moaned, even her voice turning dulcet and tickling her listener’s ears with sensual promises. “This is incredible! Absolutely incredible! You have no idea how good this feels, Paige!”

Paige felt the familiar pangs of arousal burning inside of her. All those videos she’d watched and masturbated to of Super Alice, Super Kim, and Super Marie… her deepest, innermost desire which she never admitted to was happening right in front of her. Her best friend. Her limp friend Cindy was becoming everything Paige always desired for herself.

Cindy’s curly hair lengthened, those midnight tresses curling as they grew down past her neck. Lush, dense, and thick, their shine seemed to highlight her porcelain skin, now completely smooth and flawless.

Her lashes grew longer, looking as if they’d had mascara applied perfectly to them. Her closed eyelids fluttered rapidly, as if in REM sleep. Whenever they fluttered far enough, a brief glow of luminescent blue light seemed to radiate from her pupils.

Even her neck looked longer and more elegant now. The girl’s shoulders creaked as her fragrant hair flowed past them, expanding outward. Paige’s eyes traveled down her friend’s body, marveling at how her previously shapeless body had begun to take on the sought-after hourglass shape. Wide shoulders swooping down to a waifish slim waist, down to Cindy’s new expanding childbearing hips. With enormous, well shaped, still expanding breasts that even rivaled Super Alice’s feminine appeal.

Her top finally tore apart with a loud rip. Paige sucked in a deep breath as Cindy’s pale breasts burst into full view. Those ghostly pink nipples crowning each perfect sphere were utterly matchless, captivating, inviting her to suck on it… and the sweet floral scent wafting off of Cindy’s reshaping body caused Paige’s sex to begin leaking as hot blood swished through her veins.

Cindy’s belly tightened as her love handles melted away. Her waist cinched on both sides, looking as if they’d been pinched together by the hand of god. And in the shadow of her jutting, still-blossoming breasts was the most beautiful, erotically sculpted abs Paige had ever seen. They clenched in and out of view in rhythm with Cindy’s moans and transformations.

Paige hadn’t been paying any attention to Cindy’s legs. Her eyes had just been traveling up and down her super friend’s mind-gripping torso. But when the denim ripped, Paige finally saw just how profoundly the process had changed her friend.

Cindy’s legs looked like they never ended. Her petite friend must have grown to just under six feet now! And all of it had to be in her legs!

So long, so sleek, so smooth… thighs packed with dense flesh, satin skin so supple, her calves so svelte and her feet so delicate…

And that pubic mound, completely hairless. Those slick pink pussy lips, seemingly vibrating on their own.

Paige could taste and smell Cindy’s sex in the air. Musky and sweet, subtle yet overpowering…

Her friend was a goddess. An absolute paragon of female power and sexuality.

And then Cindy’s toes left the floor as she hovered into the air.

Paige couldn’t contain it. Her wracked body spasmed in a touchless, ruined orgasm, brought upon just by looking at her former friend.

"That was the most incredible experience of my life. I've never felt so good.” Cindy opened her glowing ice blue eyes and smirked. She massaged her own sensitive, tingling breasts, exploring her new body. Floating toward the camera, she wheeled a useless, lust-paralyzed Paige out of frame. "I’ve never felt so alive before! I can't believe I almost let you talk me into refusing this. Ha!"

“Now don’t worry everyone, I’m not like Marie. I’m not going to brag…too much.” Cindy giggled coquettishly. “I know exactly what it felt like to be downtrodden, helpless and inferior, thanks to my friend here. Obviously, that won’t be the case anymore!” Cindy ran her hands along her new, voluptuous physical perfection. ”Paige wanted me to be a champion via martyrdom. But I think I’ll be able to do far more good the way I am now. Wouldn’t you agree?”

She brought her long, sensual fingers to her pale pink lips and graced them with a little blown kiss.

“Oh, and Paige? Don’t worry. I forgive you. After all, I do need someone to share all the details of this wonderful experience.” Cindy winked at her aghast friend. “Well. Time for me to go, I’ll leave you alone with your fans. I’m sure they’ll forgive you just like you forgave Annie. Bye!”

Super Cindy waved one last time to the camera and blurred away, leaving Paige alone in front of Cindy’s computer. As soon as she saw the comments and the laughing emojis, she screamed and knocked the viewing lens away. The livestream ended.



Thanks. Currently my favorite series.