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Belle raised her arms and floated a thousand meters into the air. An ancient castle, occupying a hectare of land in a section of Europe, rose with her.

“I have to be patient! Patient! Adam loves me so much and I love him. Just remember, Belle! Remember Adam at all costs, or else…”

The goth goddess took out her frustration on the historic landmark and all the tourists and caretakers inside of it. They screamed in terror as the land cracked apart, splitting into large chunks.

The victims inside screamed for their lives as the unsteady thousands-of-kilogram earth wobbled beneath their feet. A mysterious purple aura surrounded all of them. They looked at each other, stupefied, before some of them sprang into action and tried to make their way out of the labyrinthine hallways of the castle.

Running out into open sky, they slid on the sloped earth as Belle slowly twisted a single hand, moving the incredible landmass along with her simple gesture. The humans lost their footing. Those who didn’t grab onto something slid off the edge, making their fatal, unaided descent back to earth.

Belle shook her hand a little more, and the entire structure turned upside down. Now the ones who weren’t strong enough to hang on lost their grips as well.

“It’s you! You, and you, and you! People like you that drove a wedge between me and Adam!” Belle hissed. Her wrathful scorn materialized in their pathetic minds, taking over their minds even as they plummeted to their end. Her hatred was palpable. The severity of her angry look caused the mortals’ hearts to burst, and they died in mid-flight, long before they landed back on solid ground.

“You’re all a bad influence on him! Making him care about… work! What the hell is work, anyway!? That party was so fucking boring!

The bricks of the castle were coming apart now, one by one. They swirled in a large circle orbiting Belle and the large bodies of mass, like electrons circling a nucleus. A nucleus consisting of the all-powerful, uncaring dark goddess.

“That’s it! I’ll just build a home. For me and Adam. No more of his dreary day to day life. And… and… I’ll make it nice, so that he’ll want to be here! Yeah! He’ll live in this castle as the king, and I’ll be his queen. No mind control, Belle! You big dummy! Don’t mind control him! He gets so picky about that for some reason! Oh Adam…” she sighed wistfully.

“This… this’ll work! Yeah! I’ll just make the perfect paradise! One that even he’ll like without me rewiring his mortal brain!”

As Belle’s thoughts raced, the castle began to reconfigure itself. The ancient, fading interiors were instantly restored to their former glory, luxurious relics fit only for the royalty of their era. She installed modern conveniences that Adam would enjoy, all powered by Belle’s unlimited aura. No need for electricity or a plumbing system. Belle’s infinite purple glow would take care of everything.

“And… oh, he’ll complain about not having any human friends. Grr. I’ll bring what’s his name. That guy that was pretty okay. Danny? Dufresne? Whatever. His mind is mine. His name is whatever I call him.”

Belle chewed on her lip. The entire reconstruction paused as if frozen in time as she mused it over.

“Maybe we need more friends. Not just Dobby.”

Her mind forcefully trawled through the reconfiguring building once again. She plucked out all of the survivors who hadn’t tried to escape her spell. In an instant, they had their minds wiped clean. All of their past, all of their motivations and memories, seared clean without even a murmur of a protest. Belle burned their personalities away with her mere aura and implanted in them what she thought Adam would like best.

“Let’s see… he likes playing video games. So he needs opponents…” Belle twisted a group of them into video game players as she conjured up state of the art computers for the entire gang. Of course, any computer Adam sat down at would give him a secret advantage over his opponents.

“And he likes to play rugby. Let’s see…”

The hectares materialized more land out of thin air, complete with perfectly manicured lines and white chalk hash marks. His favorite rugby teams would be at his beck and call should he wish it. With a press of a button, 30 professional players, including Adam, would be ready to scrimmage.

“Oh oops. I guess I should make them behave when they get teleported up from whatever the dumb fucking shit they were doing before.”

She snapped her glowing fingers. Streaks of purple energy shot from her eldritch being, impaling the strong, burly athletes and overriding their souls. Her violet aura settled in their eyes before fading into nothing.

And just for Adam’s benefit, his jersey and safety gear would make him far more durable, far stronger and faster than any of his competition. He could dominate a scrum all by his lonesome should he want to face multiple teams at once!

“And he can press a button to summon me any time!” Belle giggled in glee, shaking her enormous breasts. The pocket dimensions inside of her shuddered violently, tossing her captors inside of her breastspace and pussyspace.

“I’ll show up in mirrors and blast away his stubble with my heat vision if he’s shaving! If he’s ever masturbating in the shower, I’ll just form out of the water and fucking blow his dick so hard, he’ll never stop coming! Unless he wants to! If he’s horny in bed, the blankets will morph into so many copies of me, keeping him warm as I squish him with my breasts from every direction and grind his large, cute cock inside of my infinite pussies! Oh yessss!”

Belle writhed in pleasant arousal as her masterpiece, crafted specifically for Adam, settled into place. She plunged a finger in between her nether lips and rubbed herself pleasantly.

“This is great! This is perfect! Everything he ever wanted, without any challenge! How could this go wrong? Oh Adam, you’ll love it here!”




Love her imagination! 😍


Me too. Can't wait for the next story about Belle and Adam


Awesome. You're the best 👌