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A Party with Belle
Written by HarmonyMotion
Commissioned by Annihilator10k

Chapter 1 - Peer Pressure

“Yo Adam, you going to the end of year party?”

“Naaah, I’ve got plans. You guys have a good time though!”

“Come on dude, loosen up a little. You heard what happened last year right? Angela got drunk as hell and tried to take off her top on the dance floor!”

“Yeah yeah, I heard. Everyone’s told me about it. I mean not out loud… she’d probably fire us on the spot.”

“No pictures either.”

“So it didn’t happen,” Adam smirked.

“So you have to go, is what I’m saying!”

“I don’t wanna see…” Adam drifted off, checking over both his shoulders before peeking at Angela’s office. “I don’t wanna see our VP’s tits!”

“But you’re curious, right?”


“Not even a little? For an older lady, they’re pretty,” David mimed a pair of big spheres over his own chest.

“God damn dude, people are staring!”

“Alright man, I’ll say it. You never show up to these company events. You gotta schmooze dude. Play nice. Show people you’re a fit for the culture. That you care about the team, you feel me?”

Adam grimaced. He hated these things. And what use did he have for it when he was dating Belle?

“Isn’t my work enough?” Adam grumbled.

“Dude, your work is fine. Just like mine. Just like Jane’s. You think Sarah can’t clean up and mux audio as well as you?”

“Well, of course she can.”

“And she got promoted before you. Even though you started earlier. Why is that?”

“Well, she’s smart. Talks to people better. Is more demanding, I guess?”

“Smart. Talks to people better. Sounds like someone that would be able to show that off and rub some elbows with upper management at… I dunno, say… a company party?”

Adam sighed again. “But my girlfriend…”

“Your girlfriend! That’s who you need to bring! Is she even real, dude? Or just some made up fantasy of yours?”

Angela came out of her office and approached the slacking pair.

“Oh hey, Angela! Uh, I’ll have these files ready for you soon!” Adam scrambled and muttered nervously.

“Oh don’t worry Adam. Actually I came to talk to you about something else. Are you not coming to the company New Year’s party? The RSVP deadline is tonight. We have to get headcount.”

Fuck, Adam thought. “Can I bring a plus one?”

“Of course,” Angela answered as if that were the dumbest question she’d ever heard. David snickered.

“Alright, let me confirm with my girlfriend…”

Chapter 2 - Intergalactic Orgasmic

Belle could sense Adam trying to contact her. She was completely engrossed, floating somewhere millions of light years away, far beyond the reaches of the Milky Way Galaxy. Her arms swayed through the air, her fingers dancing delicately as her little motions were reflected on a dense rocky ball a few hundred times heavier than Earth. Every pinch of her fingers, every twitch of her digits, carved deep, precise grooves onto the previously unremarkable lump. She was like a painter at an easel, putting her fingerprints onto a planet in an expanding universe that nobody would ever find or care about.

With a telekinetic curl of her finger, large chunks of rubble flew apart as she finally revealed a perfect replica of Adam’s face on the planet. Now onto his torso…

Ring, ring. Adam was calling again.

“Hey Adam, what’s up?” she answered, speaking into the vacuum with no device beside her ear.

“Belle! Hey! Love you, babe!”

Belle smiled as she began to work on the contours of his wavy hair.

“Love you too, Adam. You need a little pick me up?”

“That sounds nice, but…”

“Well, go ahead and come for me.”

Belle giggled as she continued to chip away at her galactic statue of her beloved boyfriend as he groaned and shook uncontrollably from the pleasure she had forced unto him. She could sense the burning heat from his stiff, quaking flesh as he continued to jet his fluid violently into his pants.

“Feel good?” Belle asked, licking her lips. She could taste his delicious semen on her tongue.

“Urgghhhhhh!!!” Adam continued to thrust his hips and groan.

“Keep coming, my sweet little pumpkin!”

“ARRRRGH!” Adam screamed as tears of pleasure dripped down his cheeks.

Belle paused her sculpting, feeling the flames of lust flickering violently in her own human simulacra of a body. It was funny how oddly sympathetic she could be, considering, well…

The goth goddess’s pussy began to leak and throb. Her dark, pulsing nether lips generated so much force that her little shunt of pleasure fired a faster than light pulse through space, disintegrating all the asteroids, stars, space dust, and even space itself. Her pussy pleasure spear continued off into the ever expanding void, puncturing an irreparable hole in spacetime.

“Adam, you taste good…” Belle moaned into his ear as she opened her mouth and began to drink him down. Her hot, moist, invisible mouth was suddenly on his shuddering, twitching erection. His virile jets of semen fired from his angry tip. Instead of splashing on his thoroughly soaked underwear, it was whisked away right into Belle’s inviting mouth. She swallowed his cum, moaning in rhythm with his every helpless burst, every angry thrust.

“Belle!!!” Adam cried as he felt her supernatural, spacetime transcending blowjob along his turgid length. He tried to reach where her head should be, but there was nothing there.

“Ah ah,” Belle chided, forcing his arms to fling backwards and pin in place. “Let me work…”

Adam’s mind nearly shattered as she felt Belle’s hot, slick tongue working along his tumescence. It curled around his entire length and squeezed. Adam could scarcely process how long her invisible tongue must be to perform a feat like this… but it kept extending, further and further, wrapping itself along his entire not-insignificant length. He could even feel her lashing at his balls, massaging him gently as she continued to force his simmering loins to erupt!

“Buh, buh, Belle…!”

“Feel good?” she whispered in his ear, her mouth sounding like it was stuffed full of his cock.

How could she do things like this?!

As her tongue stroked his shaft while her lips squeezed the base, he could feel her dragging him out, enlarging his already engorged erection. Longer and longer it grew, extending the torturous trail of ecstasy that his overworked body struggled to meet. Belle clamped down with furious force, eliciting a gasp of pain from Adam. Before he felt his dick about to snap off, it surged with power, becoming steely hard. Literally.

Belle continued to suck his now superhuman member, pushing him beyond the limits of human pleasure. Gallons of his semen ejaculated through his testicles.

Adam’s fingers curled. He couldn’t move his arms. He had no control of his hips. And he damn sure had no control of his sex.

“Fuuuuuck yeah!!!!” he heard in his mind.

Belle was thrashing and groaning herself as a replica of Adam’s penis plugged her up and thrust in and out of her. Her head was still bobbing up and down on actual Adam’s shaft while her Adam-dildo moved of its own accord, fucking her eldritch infused body just the way she wanted. Every twitch of her leg shattered another distant galaxy, every gasp of pleasure swallowed dozens of stars in her path. When she opened her eyes, an apocalyptic universe-ending beam of death emitted from her dark pupils, causing the universe to positively sag and melt.

“Oh, oh, Adam, that was so good…” she cooed into his ear.

He could do nothing but continue to pump his love into her waiting mouth.

“Oopsie! The universe is about to collapse! Look how hard you made me come, Adam! Sorry babe, we have to stop for now. I have to put things back together before my little orgasm reaches Earth!”

A microsecond later, Belle had put everything back in place. Besides Adam, that is.

“So Adam, what was it you wanted to talk to me about?”

Adam was speechless. His throat was dry, his essence utterly drained.

Belle gave him time to recover as she returned to her Adam sculpture. Where had it gone? She rewinded the events in her mind. Oops. Orgasmbliterated.

She began to piece it together, gathering swirling dust and packing it tightly into its larger than Earth lump. But it just didn’t compare to actually being with Adam. She snapped her fingers and shattered the thing back into nothingness.

“B-belle… I um… forgot what I was going to ask you…” He could barely speak.

Then, he felt her lips pressing into him firmly. Their fleshy gates intertwined and suckled greedily at each other as she sent a breath of refreshing life force straight into his lungs, enveloping him in a glowing light that restored his vitality.

“Try again?” she asked gently.

“Oh. Oh yeah! Do you want to go to a company party with me? I’m sort of being peer pressured into it…”

“Oh, I’m sorry Adam! Do you want me to turn them into goo while I let them keep their consciousness? Maybe slice their heads off with a swipe of my fingernails, then cauterize it with my laser eyes? Or maybe just have them committed to a mental hospital with my mind control?”

“No! No! Belle, not that! I think it would actually be good for me. And I do want you to meet some of my friends,” Adam said with trepidation. “Do you… do you think you’d want to come as my plus one?”

Belle squeezed her all-seeing eyes shut. She sucked in her cheeks as creases appeared along her perfect forehead. She pinched the bridge of her nose.

“Alright Adam,” she acquiesced. “I’ll try.”

Chapter 3 - Fashionably Late

Adam got dressed in his business casual outfit—some black slacks and a button down shirt. He had no idea what business casual really meant.

“Belle? Are you coming?” he asked as he checked his appearance in the mirror. “Ahh!”

A startled Adam fell backwards as Belle appeared in the reflection. Belle reached out with her pale, powerful arms and caught his fall.

“Ooh! Sorry Belle, you scared me,” he admitted sheepishly.

“No worries honey. Sorry to pop in just like that. I’ll come in through your bedroom next time,” she smiled.

“Is that… is that what you’re wearing?” he asked.

“Yes. What’s wrong with it?”

“Nothing. It’s just…”

Belle was dressed in her usual black-and-white checkered skirt and black crop top. For all her power, she sure didn’t have a lot of creativity in her clothing choices.

“I thought you liked this outfit.”

“I do! It’s totally you! It’s just, the party has a dress code, you know? You’d sort of stand out.”

Belle extended her hand as her nails extended like claws. They smashed into the mirror. A twist of her fingers, and she carved it into large fragments.

“And something like this wouldn’t?” she asked as her nails continued to extend, bursting through his walls and extending down the entire neighborhood, spearing walls and humans alike. She made sure to deafen their screams of agony so Adam wouldn’t hear it. She retracted her finger blades, shaking the blood and plaster off them before they zipped back into Adam’s view.

“Belle! Please! You know I love you, every part of you. That stuff is so hot… but please, can you play nice tonight? For me?” He pleaded like a little puppy.

“Tch. Fine,” she declared as her blades finally snapped back into her fingers with a loud clack. She waved her hand dismissively, causing the mirror shards and brick wall dust swirling in the air, reforming as if nothing had happened. But she left the other houses and victims in their ruined state, mangled corpses flayed out on the floor.

“Great! So… can you put on a business casual outfit?”

“Adam, what the fuck is business casual?”

“Aren’t you an all-knowing, all-powerful goddess?”

“Yes Adam. Yes I am. And I have no fucking clue what business casual is.”

“Damn! I was hoping you could tell me!”

The pair laughed wholeheartedly as they gazed lovingly at each other.

“You know I could just warp us there,” Belle complained impatiently from the passenger side of Adam’s car.

“That always makes me so woozy. I usually barf after that,” Adam replied without looking, keeping his eyes on the road.

“So I’ll just clean you up and make you feel good again. Ready?” Belle raised her long fingers, black nail polish gleaming, preparing to snap.

“Belle, wait! Let’s just go as a normal human couple, can we? At least try. I know you can do all these things, but the knowledge that I just barfed makes me feel nauseous, even despite your power. You know what I mean?”

“Then I can just wipe your memory of that.”

“No! Belle, please. I love you. I don’t want to lose a single memory of you, good or bad. I want to remember every single moment. On my own. If there’s anything that’s sacred to me, it’s this. Can you understand that?”

“Adam, that’s really sweet.” She truly did not comprehend his only-human thinking, but she could feel his sincerity. It touched her.

“Thanks Belle.” Adam reached over with a hand and caressed her soft thigh.

She returned the gesture, her hand trailing dangerously close to his currently limp penis.

“Wait Belle! Don’t… I have to drive!”

She hovered over his member and gestured with her long, extended index finger, teasing him into full hardness. He gasped.

“You sure?” she purred, batting her eyes at him which he couldn’t see. It probably saved him.

“Agh! Yes! Fuck, it feels so good, but I just… mm! Belle, please! Can we just do it on the way back?”

Belle could have crushed his self control, but she conceded. A long line of concessions for Adam today. She retracted her hand.


Adam stopped at a red light and gazed at his goddess girlfriend. Her pale, creamy skin contrasted so beautifully with her elegant black gown. Her abnormally large bust, so firm and delectable, formed an irresistible valley of cleavage that threatened to ensnare Adam’s entire body, literally. He’d seen Belle suck objects right into her little erotic portal, or reach in and pull things out. He’d titfucked her boobie portal before, and it was one of the most mind blowing experiences he’d ever had. Their hypnotic, gravitational pull was too much to ignore.

“Whoa! Hey, calm down!” Adam shouted to the driver behind him. The light had turned green, and Adam had been completely entranced.

The horn fell silent as Adam rolled across the intersection. What he didn’t know was that Belle had re-wired the angry driver’s mind with naught but a thought, turning him into a slack-jawed drooling idiot.

When the car was clear out of Adam’s rearview mirror, the idiot who had dared to be impatient with Adam drove straight into a metal pole, giving him severe whiplash and totalling his car. Belle closed her fist and the car crunched as if in a compactor, squashing the driver fatally.

“So how am I supposed to behave?” Belle asked, crossing her legs. They phased through the dashboard, her lower leg dangling and shifting in and out of Adam’s car.

“Just… normal, I guess. Not too much powers? Smile, make conversation, laugh at jokes. The food and drink will be good, I’m sure.”

“Sounds kind of boring, Adam.”

“Yeah… I’m not looking forward to it either, really. I’ll make it up to you later!”

“Okay babe.” She resurrected the idiot driver and his crushed car at the intersection a few blocks back before slamming him into the traffic light pole once again. Rewinding and replaying the incident over and over, she made him live the experience repeatedly out of nothing but boredom. Another clench of her fist, and the car compacted once again.

They pulled up at the hotel where the end of year party was taking place. Adam climbed out of the car while Belle simply stood up, her body becoming incorporeal as she walked through the roof and the engine block.

The odd couple walked through the main doors of the hotel. Adam looked for “AudioTastic” company signs but found none. He approached the receptionist.

“Can you point me to the AudioTastic company party?” he asked.

The receptionist opened her mouth to answer, but all that came out was, “Blah blah blee bloo. Uwee hee dah dah dee.” Her eyes went wide with terror.

“Beg pardon?” Adam asked.

“Deeeeehhhhhhhh wee woo ah ah! Bunga bunga!” Her hands flew to her mouth as she began to panic.

“Are you alright?”

The woman shook her head, trying to keep her mouth covered. But despite her will, she found her arms beginning to pry away. She struggled in vain, limbs trembling, body violently shaking. Then, with one fell deathblow, her arms escaped her control entirely as her hands curled up underneath her armpits.

“HEE HEE HEEE!!!” The hapless woman began to dance around like a monkey as her eyes never ceased darting around in existential horror.

Belle cackled, both fingers pointed at her and twirling her around like a puppet.


“Haha. She’s cute!” Belle continued to manipulate her little toy.

“I love Belle so much!” the woman declared as she bounced in place. “Control me, tear me apart, play with me!”

Even as she declared her love and fealty, tears were streaming down her face. She felt something terrible and foreign invade her mind, body, and soul! Every attempt to resist was absolutely crushed, accompanied by Belle’s malevolent laughter ringing in her head.

“Can you… can you just tell me where the AudioTastic party is?” Adam begged, glancing at Belle disapprovingly.

“She’s about to answer, Adam! Pay attention!” Belle smirked.

The woman’s arms popped off as if she were a doll. There was no blood or flesh, just plastic joints meant to plug into their respective sockets. Her detached arms flew into the air as both pointed to her left, fingers extended.

“Go to the elevators, fifth floor, follow the signs!” the receptionist chirped with a wide, fake smile plastered on her face. Her lips stretched wider and wider, giving her a sadistic, insane appearance.

As she screamed internally from the unknowable pressure on her body, her head detached from her neck with a loud pop as well.

“Uwee waa woo hee hee!” cried her disembodied head.

“Belle, please! At least make the sounds stop!”

“Okay, Adam! You got it!” Don’t fall apart on me now, Belle laughed into her toy’s mind.

The doll woman’s lips popped off and fell to the floor with a clatter. Her torso separated from her legs, and all of her pieces floated and rotated in midair.

Adam tried to protest, but the sight of Belle’s unmatched power was a total thrill to watch. He couldn’t bring voice to his objections, far too fascinated by the total and utter domination he was witnessing..

“Pop! Pop! Pop!” Belle announced, pulling the woman’s panicked eyes and dripping nose off. No more struggling, dearie! At least not for my Adam to see!

People were beginning to stare.

“Belle…” Adam whispered.

“Idiots in the lobby, go back to whatever you were doing,” Belle announced loudly.

Everyone in the lobby went back to minding their own business, their intelligence halved.

“See Adam? No problem,” Belle declared triumphantly.

“God you’re sexy, Belle,” Adam drooled.

“She is, isn’t she!” The pair of detached lips yelled from the floor.

“Okay, okay. Let’s go! I only want to be fashionably late!” Adam grabbed Belle’s arm and began to drag her toward the elevator.

The disassembled woman-turned-doll clattered into a lifeless heap on the floor as her soul remained trapped in those fragmented pieces.

Chapter 4 - Party Animal

The elevator dinged as the metal doors slid open. Belle floated through the floor of the transport and resolidified next to Adam.

“Sorry, I forgot to let myself be carried by this… metal box,” she explained nonchalantly as the stems of her heels finally came through.

“Belle, you look so pretty tonight. Really.”

“You think so?” She swished her high-slit gown, the eldritch material warping in and around her soft legs and butt, emphasized by her dressy shoes.

“Yeah! Can’t you tell? Oh god, your boobs are awesome like always, but seeing you dressed up like this, it’s like… like you could take on the world.”

Belle looked at him in confusion. “What is that supposed to mean? Of course I can take on the world. In fact, this pathetic world is nothing. More like take on all known universes.”

“No, I mean… it’s just a human saying. Like your looks could kill! Those legs, that dress…”

“My looks can kill, Adam.”

A couple approaching the elevator caught a glimpse of Belle. They clutched their chests in pain as her beauty crashed onto them like a pile of bricks. The quickening pace of their hearts pumping fiercely in accordance to the overwhelming beauty she was suddenly presenting to them caused their bodies to go limp. Twitching violently, they fell to the floor as the life ebbed from their overworked bodies.

“Belle! It’s just… it’s just a figure of speech. And I thought you said you would play nice! Please? For me? We’ll do whatever you want after, I promise. I’ll… I’ll even be okay if you want to fuck with my mind a little. As long as you let me remember what you did to me after you’re done using me.”

“Ooh Adam! Really!?” Belle giggled like a schoolgirl receiving a compliment, not some sort of all-powerful eldritch goddess. “Now that’s an incentive! And I wouldn’t cause you any anguish, I swear! At least, not any sort of anguish that you wouldn’t want yourself…” Belle gave him a devastating wink, causing his erection to rip through his slacks.

“Urrrrgh!” Adam groaned as his hyper-sensitive tip burst a whole foot forward for the world to see, twitching violently. “After, Belle! After!”

“Okie, sweetie pie,” Belle smiled. She dragged her finger from the tip of his length back to the base, rolling him back up and stroking the tear in the fabric of his pants. Everything was restored.

Adam sucked in a deep breath of relief, his shaft no longer aching with urgent need. “Can you… can you bring them back too?”

“Okay, fine.”

The pair rose to their legs though their upper body and arms remained limp. One section at a time, their body parts came back to life, torsos straightening, arms becoming limber, and heads raising up as their eyes fluttered open again.

Another glance at Belle tracing the dramatic swell of her cleavage, and they began to seize into death throes again.


“Just having fun, Adam! They’ll be fine. Isn’t that right, you two?”

“Guhhh! Please! Kill us with your beauty again!!” they begged.

“See?” Belle quipped smugly. “I’m not doing anything to them they don’t want.”

“That’s because…” Adam started, but he was quickly interrupted.

“Oh god oh god, do it to us! Please! Pleeeeeease! I don’t want anything but to look at your body until I die!” the pair fell to their knees and begged.

“You were saying?” Belle ignored their desperate pleas and turned to face Adam with a big shit-eating grin on her face. She pulled her arms behind her back and stretched, making sure to present her unbeatable bosom to Adam’s bulging eyes.

“That’s not… fair…” Adam gasped as he felt the familiar pull of her extra-dimension cleavage.

“Okay, okay. No killing. I won’t even cause a scene. You promised I get to play with your mind a little after, right? With your consent, of course. You’ll remember everything I did to you after, cutie. I’ll be gentle, I swear!” Belle was the one pleading now.

“Yeah, yeah!” Adam quickly agreed.

“Okay! You two… I won’t kill you with my beauty. But you like how this feels, right?” She shook her large, soft chest at the pair. Her decolletage jiggled and bounced, so devastatingly erotic in their perverted power.

“Yes! More than anything!!!” they squealed in unison.

“Want to feel like this forever? Because I’m going to go hang out with him around the party, and then you won’t get to look at my boobs anymore…” she giggled as she gave them another lascivious swivel of her torso.

“Nooooo!!!” They both began to cry agonizing tears of sorrow from the mere mention of not being in Belle’s presence.

“Well, would you like to be a part of me forever? That way, you’ll always be near my breasts…” Another alluring, soul-crushing wiggle.

“Yes Goddess! Please, I want to be near your breasts!”

“Forever and ever! We’ll do anything! We’ll give up everything!”

“Okay then, hang onto your groins…” Belle flashed them another winning smile, her scarlet red lips and gleaming white teeth sending their hearts into overdrive once again.

They sucked in a deep breath as Belle approached them, hovering off the ground subtly. Their eyes were glued to her approaching breasts. Already large and pert beyond belief, their mind-bending hypersexual influence grew in effect way out of proportion to the rate Belle was advancing. Every inch closer resulted in a new brain-fogging, body-wracking, uncontrollable sexual twist of her lust-inducing knife. The pair would have crumpled and died already, if not for Belle’s mercy at the hands of Adam’s request.

The dark goddess floated before the pair, licking her lips in anticipation.

“Here it comes,” she whispered.

Belle closed the distance. Her bust was so large that her “normal” limb couldn’t get behind her victim’s head, so powerful tentacles shot out of her fingers and combed through her victim’s hair. Manipulating those tentacles, she brought the male’s face right into the massive chasm of her cleavage. He began to shudder and moan as he finally soiled himself, Belle’s alluring scent and the silky, intoxicating touch of her otherworldly feminine flesh shattering any blocks that Belle herself had installed in her victim.

His head was completely engulfed by her mammaries. He felt himself being pulled into their deep gravitational field. His entire body stretched out, diving head-first into the pocket dimension between his new goddess’s bosom.

There he remained for the rest of eternity, floating in the infinite space between her breasts. He alternated between pure worship and periodic volcanic orgasms that left him in pieces. But Belle always put him back together once again.

“Me, me next…” the female panted.

Belle turned to her remaining victim and locked eyes with her. A suggestive glance from Adam’s girlfriend down at her own breasts giving the implied permission, and the woman bolted forward and jumped right in. Her body twirled in a magical vortex as she too joined her former lover in Belle’s infinite breast space. Perhaps in a few thousand millenia, they might bump into each other inside that dimension. But it wouldn’t matter to either of them. They only lived for one purpose now.

“Wow Belle…” Adam heaved in excitement. But his eyes betrayed a concern.

“Don’t worry, Adam. They’re perfectly healthy and happy. Actually, happier than they’ve ever been in their entire life. All they know is pleasure, and I’ve given their lives a meaningful purpose.”

“Okay, okay,” Adam backed off. “But please, no more? Play nice from here.”

“Sure thing,” Belle replied halfheartedly.

They made their way to the drinks where Adam quickly ordered some cocktails for himself and Belle. He drank two in rapid succession to calm his nerves. Would Belle really be able to handle this outing?

Soon, David found him and made a beeline for the pair.

“Adam! You made it! Glad to see it!”

“Hey David! Belle, this is my friend David. David, this is my girlfriend, Belle.”

“Damn! She’s real! Hey Belle, nice to meet you. Adam’s always talking about you.”

David extended his hand politely. Belle actually blushed upon hearing how much Adam had already talked her up! She reached out and grasped David’s hand firmly.

“Oof! Quite a grip!” David chuckled as he cradled his sore hand from Belle’s squeeze.

Adam looked at Belle. She shot him an genuine apologetic glance. David had flattered her and behaved himself impeccably. Belle hadn’t meant to hurt him.

“Quite a looker too,” David nudged Adam with his elbow. “How’d you end up with a schmuck like Adam here?” he asked Belle with a big smile.

Belle was about to scowl, but the good natured laughing between the two disarmed her. She had promised to play nice, and any insinuation that Adam wasn’t worth her while was an affront. But Adam seemed to be taking it well. In fact, he was more relaxed than ever. Belle let her anger subside, deciding not to turn David into human jelly.

“Yeah, I’m so lucky,” Adam smiled. “You need another drink? Come on, let’s have a toast.”

The three of them ordered a shot of liquor and downed it. Adam and David grimaced as they downed it, but Belle remained perfectly stoic.

“Wow, and she’s a stud at drinking too! Adam, where’d you find her? Where can I get a girl like Belle?”

“That’s… complicated,” Adam mused. How was he supposed to explain that his human girlfriend had been fused with something deeply buried in the ancient universe and fundamentally unknowable? Even his own mind couldn’t fathom it, and he’d been present when it happened.

Adam settled on, “I can guarantee that there’s no one else like her.”

“Damn. You’re a lucky son of a bitch. Take good care of her.”

“Oh, he does,” Belle chimed in.

“You two are making me sick with how cute you are. This isn’t so bad, is it Adam? Just come hang out with us more.” David smiled.

Adam looked at Belle whose discomfort was quickly fading. No, this wasn’t so bad.

Even Belle was smiling without mischief or malice.

“Darren! Come on, Adam’s here for once! And his girlfriend too!” David shouted and gestured over the crowd.

“Adam!?” came a remote voice. “Fuck me, no way!”

A man with dark hair and a flushed face lumbered over unevenly. He clearly had had too much to drink.

“Adaaaaam! My maaaaaan!”

His breath reeked of alcohol. Adam had heard stories of Darren at parties. Turns out they were all true.

“Dave, baby, what’s happening? And who is this lovely lady!”

“Hi Darren. This is my…” Adam began.

“I didn’t know we could bring escorts as our plus one! And look at that huge pair! Where did she get her work done!? I gotta tell my wife!”

Belle’s eyes narrowed. The sound of crashing thunder rattled the entire hotel grounds.

David, even ignorant of Belle’s power, stepped in to intervene. “Sorry, forgive Darren. When he’s had too much to drink, he gets a little…”

“Hey baaaabe! Forget these two idiots! Adam here doesn’t even like to party! Why don’t you spend some time with me instead? I know how to treat a lady…” He opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue, pantomiming slow, sloppy, upward licks.

Belle reached for his tongue and gripped it with her fingers. She pulled it down harshly, dragging his face along with it.

“Plaaaa!” he screamed as he crashed to the floor.

“Damn… was that jujitsu or something?” David asked after the shock had worn off.

Belle was huffing in anger. A groaning Darren flipped himself around to be face up. Before Adam could gather his wits, she’d already decided in her dark wisdom how to handle this arrogant drunkard.

“You think you know how to treat a lady?” Belle flung the slit of her dress to a side, exposing her beautifully smooth and pink nether lips.

“Belle!” Adam shouted.

The crowd gasped as they all turned to view the commotion. The sight of an insanely busty, gorgeous short girl standing with her bare pussy exposed for all to see was a new one, even by AudioTastic’s party standards.

“Well, why don’t you get to work? Show me what you can do,” Belle ordered ominously.

“Wha…?” Darren was in a daze.

He stared as her elegant pale fingers drifted down in slow motion to her womanhood and parted those perfect fleshy gates. As she spread them, he found himself staring deep into a chasm, a horrifying abyss filled with unknown terrors. He couldn’t control himself. Darren pissed his pants, the stench of alcohol far overpowering the smell of urine. And even then, he continued to drift upwards as he opened his mouth to obey her orders.

The crowd gasped. David grabbed Adam’s arm in fear.

“Belle! People are looking! You said you’d play nice, remember?” Adam hissed.

Belle snapped the fingers on her other hand. A shockwave emanated from her location, radiating outward and washing over everyone and everything. All movement ceased. People froze on the spot, the music stopped pounding, liquids being poured immediately halted and remained on hold, waiting until Belle resumed the passage of time.

Only Adam was unaffected.

“Belle! Please, you said!”

“This fucker thinks I should be with him instead of you? That’s going too far!” Belle hissed back.

Her eyes glowed as she looked down at Darren. He resumed his journey toward her pussy, his mouth thirsting urgently for her taste.

“But, my friends!” Adam pleaded.

“Is he your friend?”

“Well… I know him. But no, we’re not friends. He’s a dick.”

“See? So this is fine, right? David is okay by me. He’s cool, as far as other mortals go. Aren’t you, David?”

David snapped back into motion as well.

“Holy shit! What the fuck is happening!” he gasped. “What do you mean, other mortals!? What are you!”

“David, don’t fucking worry about it. You like me. Like a friend.”

“I like you. Like a friend,” he repeated in a monotone voice.

“Belle!” Adam cried. She was getting out of control!

David shook his head, processing and internalizing her command as though it’d been true his whole life. “Whoa Belle. I know we’re good friends and all, but… what the fuck are you doing to Darren? Actually, what the fuck is going on here!”

“Hmph,” Belle grunted. “David, you have absolutely no questions or issues about my powers. You accept everything I do without reservation.”

“I have no questions or issues…” David drifted off as he processed her command again.

“Belle! Please stop!”

“You said he was a dick. And he said he would show me what he could do for me himself. Remember those two I put in my boobs? It’s nothing these people didn’t ask for.”

“Yeah Adam, don’t worry about it man. Belle’s cool. She knows what she’s doing,” David chimed in with complete agreement. He patted Adam on the back.

Before Adam could protest further, Darren had reached Belle’s inviting lower lips. His body floated in the air, mouth open and tongue extended. He licked Belle’s labia, tasting her sweet nectar. It drove him into a frenzy, and he began to flail and clutch Belle’s body as he yearned to drown in her juices. He pulled himself up further and further.

Just tasting her with his tongue wasn’t enough. He needed to be closer. He buried his nose against her pubic mound as he desperately sucked on her folds as hard as he could.

Oh god. Still not enough. Closer. Had to be closer.

He cried out loud, his moans muffled by her sex. He began to pull himself upward and inward. He buried his face as deeply into Belle as he could, drowning and suffocating in her loveliness. Soon, his entire face was inside of her pussy.

Closer. Ever closer. More of his goddess.

He continued to pull himself inside. His entire head disappeared into her nether portal. Like an object going past the event horizon of a black hole, his fate was sealed. Belle’s endless internal void sucked him up whole as his body surged in to meet only the beginning of his doom. His soul would spend the rest of eternity inside of Belle, wallowing in the complete turmoil of seeking her flesh but never finding it.

“Useless,” Belle spat.

“Yeah, fuck that guy,” David echoed.

“Belle. Please. Stop. No more.” Adam put his foot down.

“Alright, let’s get back to the party. As long as no more stupid drunks come bother me, I’ll play nice. Okay?”

Adam gulped. What could he really do? What power did he have over Belle anyway? She could pussy-suck him up in an instant, just like she’d done to Darren. And she could make him want it too. More than anything he’d ever wanted in his life.

“Okay,” Adam agreed with resignation.

The sound of music winding up heralded the return of time. People started moving again. Spilled drinks splashed onto the floor. Nobody questioned what had just happened with Darren. In fact, as far as everyone was concerned, Darren had never existed. Just a nice side effect of Belle’s pussy devouring capabilities.

Belle hooked her arm around Adam’s and smiled nervously. She could sense his hesitation. The pair looked at David, who was nodding happily at everything Belle did. His best friend at work had been turned into nothing but a yes-man for Belle.

And she’d even liked him well enough.

“Adam? You okay?” she asked, butterflies fluttering in her supermassive black hole of a stomach.

“Yeah.” His skin was cold and clammy.

“Aaaaaaaadam!” A high pitched, shrilly voice echoed out across the room.

“Who the hell… is that Angela!?” Adam asked in disbelief.

“Sure is,” David continued his incessant nodding.

“Who’s Angela?” Belle asked, trying to not pick Adam’s mind apart like she’d promised she wouldn’t.

“Our Vice President. My boss’s boss.”

“You made it! And who is this lovely lady!?” Angela slurred as she asked.

“This is my girlfriend,” Adam answered nervously. His boss was well and truly inebriated, as legends had told.

“Wow!! Nice boobs!” she admired.

“Thanks…” Adam checked out David’s reaction. He was shaking his head in disapproval.

Oh no.

“But check out these puppies!”

Angela flashed her breasts at the three of them by opening her blouse.

Belle dematerialized the front of her dress, exposing her own infinitely superior orbs to Adam’s boss. Angela’s face began to melt as her body struggled to process a lifetime’s worth of pleasure in a single instant.

“You like mine?” Belle asked smugly, watching the pathetic woman before her deteriorate even as she pulsed in unbroken orgasms, squirting herself silly. “Maybe you’ll like some of this as well.”

Belle’s nipples thrashed violently, ejecting a torrent of milk onto the so-called vice president of a major company. Angela’s increasingly gelatinous wobbled and vibrated through the air as Belle’s sublime milk sucked her soul straight out of its vessel.

The front of her black gown rematerialized as if nothing of import had happened. David was nodding along blithely again.

“Belle! That is it! You promised me you’d try! But you’re just doing you as usual!”

“I did try, Adam. You have no idea what it’s like to be. How quickly I can process information. How insignificant these little walking and talking blobs of flesh are to me.”

David nodded.

“Stop your fucking bobble headed act, David!”

David suddenly fixed Adam with an ominous gaze.

Adam gasped in fear. He looked over at Belle. She had the exact same expression on her face.

“Belle. What… what are you…”

“Adam, I thought you liked my powers. I thought you liked the orgasms I give you. Remember my little blow job an hour ago? I thought… I thought you loved me,” she whispered.

“Belle, I do! I swear! But sometimes, you just have to dial it back!” Adam screeched. “My life still has to have meaning independent of you!”

“Why?” she asked petulantly. “You think this world means anything to me!? This meaningless, peddling existence, this insignificant slice of reality that you live in—do you know how absolutely pointless it is!? I’m just here for you! This stupid galaxy only exists because I allow it to! Why don’t you let me expand your mind and show you just how puny your understanding is!?”

“Because… because…”

Belle’s cleavage was beckoning him. Her breasts seemed to be bobbing and swaying of their own accord. Her nipples were tenting whatever made up the fabric of her beautiful gown. He could taste her divine milk on his tongue. He could feel his loins bursting with need. His massive, over-a-foot long erection burst from the seams of his pants once again. His mind was unraveling with desire under her nonchalant sexual assault. He was losing all thought. All will. Like dust in the wind, his sense of self was being torn apart. All so casually. All from looking at Belle’s breasts.

“Belle… are you… my mind…” were Adam’s final words to her.

“Shit! Fuck!” Belle was aghast at what she had just been about to do. “Adam, I’m so sorry!”

With that, Belle was gone.


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