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"Mmm, I'm so bored of this parallel universe," Belle mused as she experimented by trying to please Adam with a vague facsimile of him. She placed her palm on his messy nest of brown hair and pressed down, compressing him like a jack-in-the-box back into his container. Belle considered stomping on it with her sneaker and obliterating her toy out of existence. Every time she tried to make an Adam to play with, they just never came out right. Nothing compared to the real thing. They always smiled too easily at whatever she did.

"Maaaaah!" she groaned. "I just want to be with Adam, all the time, in our own private mansion! Something that's worthy of both of us!"

Then, a light bulb lit up above her head.

"A mansion! That's it!"

She examined her surroundings. What a dreary place she'd manufactured without a real Adam in it. This might do.

Belle lifted her leg and stomped. A shockwave burst forth from underneath the sole of her shoe.

For twelve seconds, nothing happened. And then the paved road beneath her feet began to come apart in huge, jagged shards.

The people screamed. The planet screamed. The entire known fucking universe screamed as her gentle tap began to radiate outward. The galaxy needed that much time to process exactly what had happened to it—that it had been doomed to death from nothing but Belle's dainty motion.

Molten lava began to burst up from the ground as the planet's core began to destablize. Anyone on the planet who moved after the shockwave went through them found themselves melting into a puddle, their atoms completely destablized by the smallest motion. Soon, the fountains of melted rock began to float into the air, creating a beautiful searing backdrop to Belle's casual stance.

Out and out her shockwave went, destroying Mars, Venus, Mercury, the sun. Everything exploded into pure chaos as the fabric of the galaxy came undone as well.

"Can't make a mansion without breaking a few universes," Belle mused. "Or, well, I could, but you know..."

Another light bulb lit up above her head as the parallel dimension turned into nothing but a blank, white backdrop.

"I bet Adam would love to see me do this!"




What a Girl 😍


my favorite girl so far!