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A Date with Belle

Written by HarmonyMotion
Commissioned by Annihilator10k

Chapter 1

A ghostly pale girl dressed in a black mini-skirt and a cropped black jacket emphasizing her exceptionally long torso was seated in her cosmic, black empty void that she called her room. A human mortal girl was on all fours, serving as the goth goddess’s chair.

“So what else do human dates entail?” Belle asked, crossing a fishnet clad leg over the other.

“G-g-g-go have a meal together…” the hapless girl stuttered.

She stared at the infinite black void before her as she rested on absolute nothingness. Her mind was shutting down, incapable of processing the unknowability of the universe.

Belle took a note of it in her little notebook composed of entire galaxies that she had condensed small enough to fit in between her generous bosom, bound in a low-cut black top. The celestial pad was one of her favorite belongings, one she’d created just by closing her fist, watching comets, planets, stars, and dark matter scream in protest as it all caved inward. She etched her notes onto it with a polished, black fingernail, carving deep grooves into it.

She flipped the page with her lone index finger. The notebook’s inexorable weight was no match for her little gesture.

“Okay, dinner. Fancy?”

“Guhh…” the mortal was starting to drool.

“Pay some fucking attention! Fancy dinner?”


“What else?”

“Music… outdoors...”

The girl’s mind was unraveling now.

Belle clicked her tongue.

“Well, thanks. Looks like you’re useless to me now. Should I put you back on Earth?”

If not for the distinct lack of gravity, her little chair would have collapsed to the “floor” by now. But thanks to weightlessness, she just remained motionless in place.

“Oops,” Belle mused, putting her notebook in between her breasts. She “stood” up and nudged the deceased girl with the toe of her black, thigh high boots, and her little deceased furniture piece disintegrated into sparkles.

“Time to surprise Adam!” Belle chirped.

Chapter 2

Adam saw Belle calling on his phone. He immediately exited his sports video game and answered. He would do anything for his girlfriend! It wasn’t like her not to have contacted him in two whole days, and it’s not like he had a number for her. She just… “called,” or whatever it was, at her leisure.

“Hey Belle!”

“Adam!!! My little lovebug, I have a surprise for you!”

“Oh my goddess, Belle! I was worried about you! A surprise?”

“Worried? Oh, you’re so funny, Adam! But yes, I have a surprise. How would you like to go on a date?”

“A date? Well sure. What brought this on though?”

“Well, every moment is special with you, but I thought we’d have a special special moment, you know? You don’t comprehend moments the way I do, but one of your fellow mortals told me how you may commemorate special days, and I wanted to try!”

“Well of course, Belle! I love every moment or whatever with you too!”

“So is now good?”

Adam chuckled. It was always funny when Belle tried to mimic mortal behavior.

“Now’s fine, Belle.”

Before he could take a deep breath to steady himself, he’d been teleported besides his goth goddess girlfriend to somewhere in Cleveland. The sudden transport left him woozy. He was about to collapse face first into the infinite space between Belle’s breasts, but Belle reached out with a single arm that pierced him through the chest and poked out his back, holding him in place. She occupied the same physical space as him with her limb, leaving them both unharmed.

“How do you like Italian food?” Belle asked.

“Mmm,” Adam purred, enjoying the sensation of Belle’s flesh in such intimate contact with his own. It was an indescribable feeling, to be overlain with the flesh and power of an omnipotent. “Like it. It’s good.”

“Great! Table for two, please!” she demanded from the maitre’d.

He stared at the impossible scene before him. This regular-looking young adult male dressed in shorts and a t-shirt had just materialized out of nowhere, and this beautiful goth girl was currently pulling her arm out of his chest, leaving him completely whole… what was happening?!

“Hellooooo!” Belle was notoriously impatient.

“Uh… I”m sorry ma’am, we’re fully booked, and your attire is not appropriate for our… decor…”

Adam tried to stifle a gleeful giggle, wondering how creatively Belle would handle this hapless, glorified door-greeter.

“Isn’t it your job to seat people? You literally have one job!” Belle glared.

The maitre’d suddenly felt a deep, existential dread creep into his soul. Something about this girl just wasn’t right… her dark eyeshadow appeared to morph into a large, unfathomable deep black that he stared into, beginning to lose his sanity.

Meanwhile, Belle had begun to transform the rest of his body into bundles of straw, all neatly wrapped up in a thick red flannel shirt and denim overalls. Inch by inch, his legs, his torso, his arms, all transmogrified into tufts of rough hollow grass, with a large stick stuck up through his ass.

His mind was still fading away. Belle reached out and slapped him across the cheek, hard, bringing his consciousness back into focus.

“Alright scarecrow man. Hopefully you can do your job better now. Greet people and let them in like you’re supposed to.”

“What… what am I… how…” he gasped as he found himself completely immobile and unbearably itchy. He screamed when he saw what had happened to the rest of his body.

“I told you to do. Your. Job,” Belle demanded ominously.

His speech halted immediately. He literally had one job now.

“Welcome to d’Orson’s. Please have a seat.”

Belle and Adam walked in.

“You are so fucking cool, Belle.”

“Ugh. Is the date going okay so far? I didn’t expect to have to cross a hurdle so soon. I hope I'm not ruining it…”

“Not at all, Belle! Goddess, you are so hot!”

Belle smiled. This wasn’t how she had envisioned their date so far. Adam liked it, but he liked everything she did, so that didn’t count too much.

There was a rising commotion outside as people stared and pointed at the maitre’d who was robotically welcoming everyone inside without a care in the world for his own plight.

A waiter brought over the menu along with some water.

“Is this all you have to eat?” Belle huffed.

“Why no, miss. Here are the drink menus. We have beautiful red and white wines, a beautiful…”

Belle was bored already. “My date is hungry and would like to eat. Why don’t you just bring out everything you have for us?”

“I’m sorry, miss, but that would be quite out of the ordinary. And if I may ask, how were you allowed indoors?”

“Ugh! You may not ask! In fact, you don’t get to talk at all anymore!”

Belle swiped a horizontal line in the air with two pinched fingers. Their waiter’s lips sealed shut, now covered completely by skin.

His eyes grew wide in fear as he clawed at his former mouth.

“Food. Now. Go.” Belle walked him away with a gesture of her index and middle finger.

He spun on the spot, his legs stumbling forward awkwardly as he mimicked her motions.

“This is so annoying! How do you deal with this?”

“It’s not so bad, Belle. I never imagined being in a restaurant like this… this is already a great date! Really!”

Belle was not convinced.

Their waiter came back out, arms filled with plates of food. He placed a ton of courses in front of the odd couple.

“Ma’am, sir, this is our entire tasting menu, all brought out to you at once,” he trembled in fear, not understanding what was happening. This goth beauty’s control over him was so terrifying!

“Is that all?” Belle regarded the tiny portions. “Adam, does this look like enough food for you?”

“I dunno, Belle…”

“Is this really how you serve your customers!?” Belle yelled.

“Ah, uh, ma’am, it is quite a comprehensive meal…”

“Excuse me, could you keep it down?” An older woman from the next table huffed at Belle.

Belle glared at the older lady. She began to wither away at her deathly black glare.

“No, I don’t think this is enough food. And no, I will not keep it down. But I’ll fix both of those problems. Using you two.”

Belle waved her hand toward the waiter and older lady. They both froze, becoming completely stiff and rigid. The goth girl had left them their consciousness as they experienced their bodies transforming into larger portions of the petit fours, microgreens, and small cuts of meat that their waiter had placed before them. Slowly, each portion of their body came apart and drifted over to land in Adam’s plate. They would have screamed had they been able, up until their head had been transformed into food as well.

Instead, they just suffered their existence in Belle and Adam’s plates.

“Now that’s cooking!” Adam whooped.

The restaurant was getting crowded now. The maitre’d had begun letting everyone in, and curious outsiders were wondering what kind of attraction or hoax the fancy restaurant was planning with their scarecrow greeter with a lifelike head.

Adam bit into his food, savoring the sublime flavor that the kitchen staff had prepared. But Belle’s improvised portions tasted even better.

The murmur of the crowd by the door, however, was bothering Belle.

“Ugh! It’s so noisy here!” she groused as she bit on her human-transmogrified goat cheese and cracker.

Suddenly, all of the sounds ceased. The entire crowd opened their mouths in shock when they realized that they could no longer speak or vocalize gasps. Even their footsteps or their panic had gone completely silent. The only sounds that could be heard was Adam and Belle’s flatware clinking against their dishes or their chewing and swallowing.

“Belle, this food is really, really good.”

She was too busy giving the evil eye to someone who was about to crash into their table from the crowd’s panicked flailing.

The unlucky victim barely bumped Belle and Adam’s table, but that was enough. Belle scowled at the silent mime before his entire body elongated like a rubber band, head first. Then, it flew high up into the air, stretched even thinner, and flew directly into her cleavage. She pressed her generous bosom together, slapping their intruder with a mysterious finality.

Adam smiled as he continued to eat.

“You liked that?” Belle asked as she began to process the entire crowd. One by one, they stretched out and made a horizontal arc, straight into her cleavage, never to come out. It was as if they never existed. All had become a part of Belle’s swelling breasts.

“Oh god, yeah…” Adam grew hard at the sight of his goddess girlfriend. Her breasts jiggled and fluttered as they processed the entire crowd of people, causing Adam to choke on a morsel of food.

“Grk!” he coughed.


She pointed at him with her index finger. He felt a sudden burst of pain in his ribs, as if she had punched him. It was more than enough to dislodge the food from his throat. He coughed up a piece of steak and a bundle of spittle.

“Sorry Adam. This is a terrible date,” she whined. “I’m so bad at being a mortal!”

“No, it’s great…” he huffed, desperate to mollify his girlfriend. “Really, it is. The food is great, and I was so turned on already… did you have anything else planned?”

“You’re not just saying that? You want to keep going on the date?” Belle looked at him hopefully.

“Yes! More than anything!” he cried.

“Well, I was thinking of taking you to a concert. Live music. I heard it’s something you mortals like...” she looked up at him with big, worried, puppy eyes, hoping for a good reaction.

“Yes! Let’s do it!”

“Okay, just let me finish eating too,” Belle smirked.

Belle sucked up the rest of the crowd at d’Orson into her breasts as Adam watched on reverently. Deciding to really put on a show, she began to bend the building as well, folding its outer walls like a piece of paper over and over itself until the brick and mortar structure was perfectly flat. When her breasts consumed that, she decided that the entire town neighborhood and its population might serve as a fine dessert.

When there was only a gaping hole left where Cleveland used to stand, Belle whisked herself and Adam away.

Chapter 3

The lovely couple appeared somewhere in Austin, Texas. There were tents set up, filled to the brim with cheering crowds performers of all varieties of music.

“Let’s go, Adam! We can listen to whatever you like here… maybe do some dancing,” Belle traced his bare arm lightly with her polished fingernail. “Maybe I can grind up on you a bit…” she backed her soft rear into his crotch and gave it a painfully erotic brush before her cheeks clamped down on his stiffening erection.

“Oh fuuuuck!” Adam groaned. “Fuck yeah, that feels so fucking good!”

“So let’s go!”

Belle released him from her clutches before he could stain himself. This was supposed to be a mortal date, after all. She could make him come fountains later, like she usually did. She grabbed a lust-paralyzed Adam by the arm and tugged his suddenly weightless, floating, gelatinous form toward the entrance to the music festival.

“Whuoouuouuuu… I’m okay now Bellee…” his voice quavered.

“Okay! I didn’t know how long you were going to be all horny and mindfucked.”

She set him back on the ground and granted him solidity once more.

“I think I’m getting better,” Adam bragged. “I think I can last longer when you tease me now!”

“Oh really,” Belle chuckled darkly.

“Tickets,” the two guards asked as Belle and Adam approached.

“More hoops to jump through!?” Belle reached into her cleavage and began to pull out all manner of ticket tubs. “This?”

The guards shook their heads.

“This? How about these?” Belle shoved her arm deep into the endless valley of her breasts as she began to pull out multiple crumpled pieces of paper, raffle tickets, admission bracelet, and other various multicolored knick knacks.

“Look lady, this isn’t some magic show. You give us a ticket or go find some scalpers to buy some.”

“Dammit! Adam, sorry this date is going so badly,” she looked glumly at him. “Give me a second. I’ll fix this.”

Belle took off her black cropped jacket and peeled her top down, exposing her pale, creamy breasts to the pair of guards.

The two men sucked in a deep lungful of air as they stared at Belle’s full, perfect mounds. They were so perky despite their incredible size, jutting off of her chest proudly as if defying gravity. The ghostly pink nipples that adorned each mountainous swell captured their imaginations. They both began to drool as they imagined latching onto those large, perfect peaks and drinking deeply from her endless well of ambrosia.

To their amazement, Belle’s breasts appeared to be growing ever larger by the second as they continued to visually drink her in. Those luscious spheres began to expand past the slim frame of her upper torso, spilling out the sides of her chest until they must have been clearly visible from behind. Even the sound of those mammaries stretching and widening rang in their ears with an erotic, longing tug. And all the while, they retained their perfect firmness, never sagging or looking grotesque.

Their tongues were suddenly inexplicably coated with an unfamiliar flavor. Creamy, rich, luxurious phantom milk swished in their mouths, but when they managed to close their lips and gulp it down, all they got was their own saliva. But the swish of ambrosia against their taste buds never receded. No, it only grew more intense by the second.

They didn’t even realize that they were in the throes of their third orgasm. Both men groaned gutturally as their jeans had been completely soaked through, top to bottom.

But the burning, needy sensation in their balls never attenuated. Belle’s mesmerizing tits forced them to orgasm, each successive one increasing in impossible intensity. Their hearts pounded faster, their bodies reduced to nothing but trying to manufacture enough semen to keep up with Belle’s demanding beauty.

“Nnnnn…” they both groaned as they spasmed, their pulsing erections never flagging. Both Adam and Belle could hear the wet spurts splashing inside of their jeans.

“Oh god, Belle. That’s fucking hot. Did your boobs get so huge because you sucked up a whole city?”

“Sure, if that’s what you like to fantasize about,” Belle smirked. Of course, whatever Belle wanted to happen, Belle got.

“Fuck!!! Can you do that to me?” Adam gasped breathlessly as he watched Belle’s breasts expand from behind.

“Oh Adam, you don’t want me to do that. Look at these two,” she pointed out.

The two security guards, with a permanent grimace of pleasure plastered on their pliable faces were positively shrinking away. Their bodies were melting like wax on a burning candle, becoming drippy and deformed.

And the whole time, they continued to flood their pants.

“I’ll just give you the nice, normal megacums after our date. How does that sound?” she purred as she shook her massive tits at her victims.

They gave a final cry as their rigid, quivering penises exploded in a shower of white fluid in tandem with them melting into a puddle on the floor.

“Oh god, I can’t wait…” Adam begged as he followed his girlfriend, mesmerized by the enormous breast flesh visible to him from behind. They swayed so proudly, so beautifully…

Belle didn’t bother putting her top back on. Every single person at the venue, man or woman, immediately became spellbound and lust-arrested by the sight of her swaying orbs. They all screamed in pleasure, first flooding their clothes before melting into squishy goop stains on the floor.

Belle and Adam just walked their way over the crowd of thousands that were now reduced to puddles as they made their way to a fully occupied tent.

“Just a sec, Adam, this place is totally full. Let me clear it out…”

Belle swept her arms beneath her breasts to heft their ever-growing size. Powerful jets of milk exploded outward and blew down the entrance to the tent. That torrent of nectar slammed into all the entire audience, triggering their instant orgasms while simultaneously shattering every bone in their bodies.

The goth girl swayed back and forth, making sure to blanket the entire tent with her divine milk. When she was done, she finally cut the fierce stream from her nipples. Her fragrant liquids seeped out from the overflowing habitat, all of the corpses of her victims long since liquefied from pleasure just like the entire crowd they’d walked past.

“Okay, let’s go. There should be plenty of room for us now.”

Adam rushed forward, lifting the flap of the tent for his beautiful date. Her milk was still dripping from the fabric. He couldn’t resist its miraculous scent. Experimentally, he licked a few droplets off of his arm as Belle walked through.

“Hoooooooog!” Adam sucked in a deep breath as he began to ejaculate fiercely in his pants. His body and soul began to melt, but he didn’t care. It was the most profound happiness he’d ever experienced in his little meaningless, inconsequential life.

“Oh Adam, I said I’d take care of you later!” Belle lectured. “Come on, I worked really hard on this date!”

She smashed her enormous wrecking ball breast into his sagging, liquefying body. His body ceased its impression of a melting wax statue as she forced a tiny fraction of her nipple into his mouth and began to overfill him.

Adam’s body regained solidity as he surged back to full height, healthy and vibrant. He began to experience the megacums that Belle had so generously promised him. His nerves were on fire, body pulsing with mind-shattering levels of ecstasy as he contributed to the sexual fluid flooded grounds they were standing on. In fact, he was leaking like a firehose, his semen exploding outward in regular intervals! His balls seemed to have infinite stamina, powered by Belle’s milk alone!

“There, there,” Belle whispered into his ear, smothering his entire face with her painfully erotic flesh. She reached a hand behind his head, dragging her fingers through his hair and caressing him through every successive orgasm. “My little boy is so impatient to come, isn’t he?”

“Mmmf!” he moaned. Belle read his mind, feeling a twinge of apology underneath the blazing, molten hot surface level pleasure he was processing. He had wanted to make it through their date that she’d worked so hard to prepare.

But Belle just smiled. She so loved to make him come. Teasing him, tormenting his lust had affected her more profoundly than him. She was the one who broke down first, setting an inevitable trap that no mortal could resist.

“Just a few more spurts, okay baby?” Belle cooed, distending his belly with gallons of milk in a few seconds.

Detaching Adam from her nipple, she let him fall to the sticky ground. As his body continued to wrack in pleasure, she noticed that there was no music!

“What!?” Belle agonized.

She looked at the stage. It had only been splattered with a tiny bit of her milk. But apparently the scent was too much for the band. They had been reduced to puddles of semen as well, evidenced by the stained clothes that covered those puddles.


Belle stomped her foot, reducing the entire continent to rubble. A sphere of protection encircled Adam as he continued to climax, blissfully unaware of what was happening to the planet as Belle’s anger and disappointment continued to radiate outward and tear apart the galaxy. The fabric of reality began to bend and snap, creating spider-like cracks in a glass window. In seconds, the ripples reached the edges of the universe, fragmenting all of reality into over a googolplex of segments small and large, before it all exploded into disconnected, unsalvageable rubble.

The floating pieces encompassing the vast vacuum of space, former stars, and all sentient life crashed into one another, leaving only the glaring white backdrop of what truly made up the universe. Something that only Belle’s omniscient mind could comprehend. The fabric of space time seemed to scream an agonizing death cry as every bit of it vanished into nothingness as the glimmering pieces collided into itself.

Belle reached into her cleavage and pulled out her galaxy-made notebook as the infinite black all around her disappeared.

“Note to self. Find more resilient, less inept mortals for my next date with Adam.”

She looked over at him and smiled brightly as he rolled around and gripped his iron hardness which still shook fiercely in his hands. It wasn’t all for naught. At least her beloved was having a good time.

And with a snap of her fingers, Belle reset the last 24 hours and vowed to try again.

Adam’s phone rang.

“Belle? Is that you!? It’s been two days since I heard from you!”

“Adam!!! My little lovebug, I have a surprise for you!”


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