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How's everyone doing?

This is the monthly open thread to share whatever you feel like sharing, without controversy :)

I still haven't gotten around to seeing Dune... but I'm on the final season of The Wire now! Man, what a masterpiece. I wish I could write a story like that!



what are you working on?


Your story, Jackie of All Trades this weekend, and then onto another large or small commission, depending on how things with my editor times out


I’ve only gotten to watch two seasons of the wire, but damn, what an unforgettable story. Glad you like it! I have a question. Do you have an ideal super/beautifying girl? What would her origin be, what would her powers be like, and what would she do with them? Have you already written her?


I'm just a boring softie. Stay at home, cuddle a lot, casual and accidental world takeover...

John Lee

I finished Guardians of The Galaxy and I was not prepared for how much I cared about the characters at the end. Game needed a bit more polish, but it was a lot more fun than it needed to be. I finished Cowboy Bebop and I think there is a lot to be appreciated with the series. About to start Succession, Wheel of Time, Hacks and Ghosts - I consume a lot of content all at once.


I think Guardians 1 and 2 are both excellent. I hope the quality doesn't drop if they continue that