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HarMo's note: A mobile wallpaper for you all!

"Oh, a fan! Sure thing, I love talking to fans!"

The insanely leggy, obscenely chesty basketball superstar hovered in midair, balancing a basketball on her slender finger. Amazingly, the ball held its balance while remaining completely still on her outstretched digit, even as she floated over!

"Hang on, let me just get rid of this lil' ol' thang..."

She pushed upwards with her arm, sending the orange ball flying high into the atmosphere. It quickly flew out of sight for normal eyes.

"It'll come back down in about two minutes. Now what did you want to talk about? Want an autograph?"

The incensed woman prepared to launch into her tirade.

"Your outfit is unconscionable, young lady! It is an affront to society! You are corrupting the youth of our nation!" she drawled.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, ma'am!" Destiny replied. "But do y'all know how hard it is for me to find clothes in my size? These stockings of mine are supposed to be thigh highs! And they barely come up to my knees? See?"

"Your shirt!" the woman began again, but Destiny cut her off.

"Oh I'm so glad you understand! Anything I get that tries to cover these abs of mine, well... they all rip before I can pull them down over my breasts! It's such a bother!"

"Satanist! Harlot! Slut! Whore!" the older woman had some other choice words for Destiny as well.

The basketball finally came back down from the atmosphere. It swished through the hoop at the other end of the court, so precisely and accurately that the net didn't even tremble.

"I see," Destiny said coldly. "You're one of those people, hmm? How would you like to play a game of basketball? And the game is, you get to be my basketball."

Destiny grabbed the lady and launched her miles into the air. Eventually her head would swish through the hoop just as the basketball had. As for the rest of her body, well...




Well she was being rude 😂

Zoey Davis

I mean I’m sure she coulda done worse