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HarMo's Note: No branching paths this week! I will continue with the sex next week!

Jackie Plays with Marie and Kevin Pt 1

“Jackie!” Marie gasped in embarrassment.

“Marie! What are you doing here? How’d you know where to find us?”

“It’s just a coincidence! I just happened to be in the area!”

Jackie raised an eyebrow. “You happened to be here? At midnight?”

“Never mind that!” Marie hissed. “You’re here too, aren’t you! It’s like saying you caught me in line at the dildo store!”

“What?” Jackie was dumbfounded.

“My god, Jackie! Like, I’m in line. At the dildo store. And you catch me there. Which means… you’re also at the dildo store.”

“What?” Jackie repeated. “I don’t… oh, I get it. Haha! That’s funny!”

Even the shocking revelation of Jackie’s powers and having his brains fucked to oblivion didn’t keep Kevin from snickering.

“Never mind that!” Marie changed the subject quickly. “You… you… you have super powers now!? Don’t you, like, mind control me or something!”

“Mind control!? I can’t do that!” Jackie whined. But maybe…

“So you admit you can do the other stuff!” Marie declared triumphantly.

“Er, um…” Jackie stammered.

“Yeah! Jackie’s a freaking superhero!” Kevin announced.


“Is that why I can’t get you out of my head!” Marie wailed.

“What? What are you talking about?” Jackie asked innocently.

“It’s… um… well, Kevin will understand!”

“Understand what?” he asked.

“Jackie had sex with me too, okay! It was the most amazing thing that ever happened to me! She… she made me come with a kiss!”

“Oh my god, Marie, stop!” Jackie blushed.

“And then she made me come with a little touch, and, oh my god… it’s all I can think about now!”

Kevin was beginning to get hard again. He couldn’t even hold back his urgent moan.

“See?! It’s already happening! You’re lucky you’re a guy! Maybe after you rub one out thinking of her, you’ll be able to function for a while! I’m a girl, so I just keep going even after 2 or 3!” Marie secrets were gushing out like a geyser now.

“I, I came a lot…” Kevin admitted in half arousal, half horror. “Like, a lot.”

“Is that not normal?” Jackie asked aghast. “I thought I was doing a good job!”

“Well, I never did it that much myself…” Kevin muttered. “And I feel, well, pretty drained…”

“It’s not normal!” Marie shouted. “God, you two are such virgin prudes!”

It was a weird statement to make about a superpowered instant orgasm inducing sex goddess, but it was true.

The three stood in silence awkwardly in the chilly night. Nobody knew what to do.

Finally, assertive Marie broke the silence.

“Let’s get out of here, at least. I’m cold. Go back to my place. You know my parents are never around. We obviously have some things to talk about.”

It was true. Marie’s parents were always away on travel for work. It was why Marie was the most grown-up and responsible of their group.

“Yeah, okay. Kevin, let’s go?”

He nodded.

“Let’s take one car?” Jackie asked.

“What do you mean? Why wouldn’t we just take both? How are we gonna pick the other one up?” Marie could not comprehend why Jackie would even ask that.

“I wanna hurry,” Jackie said. “I’m not sure I can carry two cars.”

“Carry… two… so that’s how Kevin’s car got in here!?”

“You’re in for a real ride, Marie,” Kevin foreshadowed.

“I’ll come get the other car later. It’s not like it’d be any trouble for me. I can go really fast,” Jackie confirmed.

Marie was dumbfounded.

They piled into Marie’s expensive luxury sedan. She and Kevin looked at each other.

“So she’s really going to…” Marie started.

The car lurched off the road with a huge moan.


“We should probably buckle up,” Kevin suggested.

Jackie rocketed forward, the entire car supported on her back effortlessly as she flew through the air. They were in the hills, full of windy streets and dark roads, but there were no such obstacles for Jackie in flight. She was unfamiliar with this perspective on the city, but her newly discovered telescopic vision and super speed made navigating a non issue.

Immediately finding Marie’s home, Jackie took a straight line path there. The normally 30 minute trip took a mere five. She landed down in Marie’s large driveway and sent the car down gently.

Marie opened the car door and toppled out, covered in sweat.

“Oh. My. God. Fuck!”

“Wild, isn’t it?” Kevin asked as he stepped out himself.

“Come on, let’s go in,” Jackie urged. She considered flying them up through Marie’s bedroom window, but her friend had probably experienced enough of that for one night. Instead, she picked up Marie’s short, slender frame with a single arm and lifted her to her feet.

“Woof!” Marie exclaimed as Jackie more or less carried her to the door. The nearness of Jackie’s perfect body, her gentle warmth, was already driving away the butterflies in her stomach from her supernatural flight, and replacing it with budding arousal.

Marie unlocked their fancy smarthome door by pressing her thumb to the scanner. It clicked open.

“Whoa…” Kevin voiced his shock.

“Yeah yeah her family’s loaded,” Jackie explained. She knew Marie was tired of it.

“Jackie, you’re turning me on!” Marie whined, Jackie’s steely arm and firm breast still pressing against her torso.

“I’m afraid you’ll fall if I let you go,” Jackie explained, not admitting that she was enjoying the effect she was having on her best friend. Marie’s not-so-little confession fascinated her.

“Yeah. Okay. Thanks. I’m not sure I could stand after that flight,” Marie lied. She was enjoying Jackie’s influence as much as Jackie was enjoying the influencing.

Kevin followed behind them, struggling with his own growing erection.

The trio walked into the lavish home with its wide open living area. Kevin whistled in appreciation at the enormous mounted wide-screen TV, large, half-circle black leather sofa, and an expensive-looking digitally controlled mini-fridge right next to the large table!

“Sorry, we were hosting a party the other night. Okay household, go back to living mode.”

Kevin gasped as he watched the lights turn on to a normal fluorescent as the table and minifridge in the middle sank underground via a large, mechanical plate. Soon, it looked more like a normal living room instead of a home theater. Albeit a really, really, really expensive normal living room.

“Wow…” Kevin gasped.

“Loaded,” Jackie reminded him.

“Let’s go to my room,” Marie was quickly becoming a sexual wreck.

“Jackie, how are you not dirty from carrying the car?” Kevin asked.

“I, um… I don’t really get dirty. Not if I don’t want to. I like being really pristine and… beautiful, you know?”

“Jackie!” Marie moaned, beginning to lose control of her burning arousal. Jackie’s impossible words were going to positively push her over the edge. “My room! NOW! Kevin, you can come too!”

Jackie Plays with Marie and Kevin Pt 2

Marie stumbled up the opulent steps of her grand staircase, wracked by hopeless lust in Jackie’s presence. She nearly twisted her ankle and hit her head, but Jackie, still flying, caught her by the back of the shirt and righted her.

“Uff… thanks Jackie… ha… I wanna…”

“Don’t worry Marie, I got you,” Jackie said as she easily lifted her best friend with a single arm curled around her slim waist. “Kevin, can you keep up?”

Kevin gripped the ornate, polished handrail and tailed behind them.

“Ah, yeah, I’ll be okay. Jackie, you uh… I’ll just come watch for a while? You really, um, drained me… I don’t think I could go again so soon,” he blushed.

“Oh you have no fucking idea, Kevin. Jackie’s going to blow your fucking mind,” Marie squirmed against Jackie’s perfect body. “You’ll… you’ll understand how I feel soon enough.”

Kevin felt his penis spring to life again just from Marie’s simple, ominous statement.

“What are you talking about, Marie?! It can’t be that serious, can it?”

“Jackie, you have no idea.”

The trio made their way to Marie’s lavish bedroom, complete with a beautifully carved canopy made of mahogany and hanging velvet purple curtains.

“Wow…” Kevin gushed as he followed lamely behind a flying Jackie and Marie.

Marie wasted no time. Straight to the point and in control as always.

“Jackie, come on, do me first. Sounds like you wore little old Kevin out,” she squirmed out of her bra even in Jackie’s midair grip. “Besides, girls can come lots. Over and over. I know I can.”

“Marie, this is embarrassing!” Jackie whined as she turned beet red, dropping Marie onto her lush bedcovers.

“I think we’re well beyond embarrassing, wouldn’t you say? You can fly, for gods’ sake! And I don’t know how you did to me what you did, and I don’t care. I want more. Please, Jackie,” she was practically pleading now.

Jackie sat down at the edge of the bed as Kevin merely watched from the closed door. Marie crawled up to her like a broken puppy, begging for relief.

“Please, Jackie, just kiss me like that time. You owe me for teaching you how to flirt and stuff!”

Jackie glanced over at Kevin.

“He doesn’t mind. Do you, Kevin?”

“Ah, heh… nope, go ahead…”

Jackie floated off the bed and extended her long, smooth legs alongside Marie’s. Closing her eyes like Marie had taught, she puckered her full lips and placed them on her friend’s own begging folds. Smooth, soft flesh intertwined, Jackie sucked on Marie’s lower lip, massaging it with her own electric touch, darting her thick, powerful tongue inside of Marie’s mouth and exploring it, tracing jagged bolts of erotic electricity wherever she touched.

After fifteen seconds, Jackie pulled back. Marie’s breath was so raggedy, her heart about to pound out of her chest. A trail of Jackie’s aphrodisiacal saliva lingered between the two girls.

“Ah… ah… more…” Marie gasped, plunging back in.

Jackie exerted more of her inexorable sexual power, taking full control of Marie’s arousal. The kiss intensified, Jackie’s lingering caresses, the scent of her pristine, untouchable beauty, her fragrant, floral perfume, all assaulted Marie’s budding arousal.

Jackie ground her full, firm bosom against Marie’s already well-endowed chest, but after Jackie’s blooming power, it was no comparison at all. Marie’s bountiful breasts gave way to Jackie’s mind-bending, lust-inducing spheres of smooth, erotic flesh. Rubbing Marie’s body with her own, she felt her friend trembling on the knife’s edge of an earth-shattering orgasm.

Jackie’s arms snaked around Marie’s back and traced their way down to Marie’s butt. Her long arms and even longer arms groped skillfully, her super strength more than a match for Marie’s only-human muscles. Her fingers had enough reach to trace Marie’s aching, sopping folds.

A simple swipe of Jackie’s index finger against Marie’s needy clit was enough.

Marie screamed into Jackie’s mouth as she came. Her deafening cries of ecstasy were completely swallowed by Jackie’s perfect mouth. She soaked her panties through as Jackie continued to tease Marie’s bud with her hand while still rubbing Marie’s tingling breasts and swollen nipples with her own perfect body.


Jackie didn’t cease, trying to give Marie what she wanted. With her super senses, she was well aware of Kevin still standing alone by the door. He was squirming, struggling not to brush his fully ready erection with his hands in front of the two girls.

Meanwhile, Marie continued to shudder against Jackie’s invulnerable body, like waves crashing and breaking against a cliff.

Finally, Jackie released her friend, turning off her irresistible seduction with an effort of will. But her ambrosial scent still lingered, permeating the air. She removed her finger from Marie’s pulsing labia with a wet squish.

“Feel better, Marie?”

“Oh god, needed that so much… I can go again… do me again…”

“Marie, I can’t. It’s embarrassing!”

“Come on! Kevin doesn’t mind! Look at him! He’s going to come already!”

Kevin nearly bent in half as he tried to contain himself. Between Jackie’s impossible aura and Marie’s matter of fact teasing and derision, he really was going to come!


Jackie turned her beautiful, luminescent brown eyes upon her new boy toy.

“Unng… Jackie, I’m gonna… I’m just gonna go to the bathroom..”

“What are you, a mouse or a man! Come here and join us!” Marie ordered. “Isn’t this every boy’s fantasy? But I bet no one imagined a fucking sex goddess being part of the threesome, did they?”

“Sex goddess? It’s just a little practice I had, Marie…”

“Jackie, let me drive! You really have no idea, do you? Kevin, come here! Jackie, use us, break us, shatter us, please! We’ll both do our best to make you feel good too, okay?”


Cleve Shivers

The interaction among these three is interesting. Jackie really doesn’t understand her powers


Wow that was amazing! Can’t wait to see what people come up with next