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Chapter 15

Peter and Piper left the car parked somewhere downtown as a compromise to not subjecting their vehicle to Piper’s super strength and flight powers. Well, compromise was an overstatement. Piper told Peter to park the car and get the fuck out, so he did.

“Piiiiiperrrrr!” he screamed as she wrapped a single limb around his waist, squeezed him tight, and flew him through the air at incredible speeds.

“It’s so cool, isn’t it Petey!? Just look at how much freedom I have!” She put on another burst of speed as they flew high over the city, swerving at will and ignoring the force of gravity.

Peter clutched on even tighter to his wife’s warm, harder than steel body. His teeth chattered from the biting cold, high up in the atmosphere. His stomach lurched into his throat as Piper began her rapid descent to their suburban cul-de-sac. The trip had taken half the time of the drive, and Piper was going easy on poor Peter.

She landed on their front porch, dropping a jelly-legged Peter onto the concrete. His body immediately gave out as he crumpled into a messy heap on the concrete block.

“Oh come now, Peter, can’t you handle just a little flight?”

Piper floated up and back, waiting for Peter’s gaze to meet her. Then, she performed some midair somersaults and figure eights.

“I barely get a chance to practice,” she reclined on her side, resting on an invisible couch with her head resting on her open palm. She was floating ever closer to Peter now.

Peter reached his quivering arms her way, trying to pull her down and out of view from any public passersby.

She raised a single eyebrow at him. Her body didn’t budge at all from his panicked tugging.

“Oh Peter, are you that desperate to make love with me? Although, it would be more appropriate to say, for me to fuck you until your body falls apart, hmm? Now hurry up and unlock the door, and I’ll grant your deepest fantasy…”


Maria bought a family meal from her local taqueria. Accustomed to eating small dinners, she realized that she hadn’t taken Peter’s advice to eat a large meal when she had taken the serum. Hopefully she could still rectify that.

Crunching through stale, mass-produced nachos with uninspiring pico de gallo, and wolfing down fajitas stuffed full red rice, black beans, barbacoa, and grilled bell peppers, she lamented that she couldn’t have the home-cooked meals that the personal maids at her hacienda prepared. The Mexican food here was so woefully inadequate. Maria didn’t even notice how her hands were moving so quickly, they blurred as they pivoted smoothly from chip to dip while she watched her telenovela.

And even the drama unfolding on the screen no longer captivated her interest. The actresses whom she had always found so beautiful… they were nothing compared to her now. She blushed at the arrogance of her own thoughts, but it was true. And what she really wanted was to become even more beautiful, more powerful than she already was. Maybe then, she could rescue Peter from his domestic situation. Maybe then, she could grow even more beautiful and seductive.

Maybe then, Peter wouldn’t be able to deny her.

Before she knew it, every single takeout box was completely empty. She couldn’t believe her endless appetite! Freaking out for a moment, she looked at her stunning body, as if it would reflect all of the food she had eaten so quickly. But there was nothing to worry about. Her tall, slender, supermodel body remained as lithe and sublime as it had on that first day she’d taken Peter’s formula.

Gathering up all the trash, she walked to the kitchen, amazed at her cat-like quickness and agility. She dumped the empty bags and put the dish in the kitchen sink.

She felt fine. Great. Superb. ...But with none of the shocking, burning pleasure of transforming.

Maria sighed, muttered something softly in Spanish, and prepared to run a hot bath. Waiting really was the hardest part.


“Oh Peter,” Piper taunted her muscular, bruised, naked husband kneeling on the floor while she hovered a few feet away from him in midair. “You really do look so beat up! Are you sure you can handle another round with me?”

The discoloration of his chest had finally started to fade, but she could see he was still tender from having his rib snapped by her breast. He definitely also hadn’t regained full motion of the arm that she’d dislocated with a little tap. And his hips were still blue from being used as a human pogo stick.

“Piper, wait, please, be gentle…” he pleaded.

“Oh no, my poor little hubbie. What happened to your fantasy, hmm? Am I too much for you to handle now? Too much woman? Too much… power?” her voice became a husky growl. “It was all fun and games when I couldn’t shatter your fragile body, but now…”

Piper tilted forward, presenting her pendant cleavage for Peter’s enjoyment. She raised her perfect fingers to her pouty lips, kissed the tips, and blew it his way.

Her breath slammed into him, lifting and sending him careening over the surface of the bed. With his good arm, he dug his fingers into the mattress, grabbing a handful of the sheet as he hung on for dear life.

Peter grimaced as the force of his wife’s sweet, blown kiss washed over him like a tidal wave. He screamed as he slid off the edge of the bed, the untucked cover providing no sturdy leverage for him to hang onto. His beautiful, cruel, domineering, superpowered wife defied all possible logic as she hovered there, blowing him away like a leaf in a hurricane with a wicked gleam in her luminescent sapphire eyes.

Crying out in panic from nearly being ripped off the bed, Peter struggled to bring his other arm forward. But it was far too weak to resist Piper’s easy blowing.

He watched in terror as the sheet he was hanging onto finally came fully undone. It slid out from under the mattress, and Peter was no longer anchored. As he soared through midair, surely about to be turned into paste against their bedroom wall, Piper suddenly disappeared from her midair position.

He couldn’t follow her movement, but he felt her embrace. Warm, soft skin, body harder than steel.

“Was that fun for you?” Piper whispered hotly into his ear.

“Piper! Please… be gentle… please…

“Aw, lost your nerve, Peter? Don’t like the cruel mistress treatment anymore?” She cut the thin cotton string between his button and his slacks with a swipe of her fingernail, then lowered his zipper.

Reaching inside his boxers, she found that he was fully erect.

“Seems to me you still like it…”


After eating a meal for four in one sitting, Maria soaked in her little tub, surrounded by the most decadent bath balms she had on hand. She’d been saving it for a special occasion, or perhaps a tough day… but nothing was tough or taxing for her anymore.

Nothing, except harboring her unrequited schoolgirl crush on Peter.

She lifted a long, succulent leg out of the foamy water, enjoying the tranquil sounds it made as it slid off her sinuous stems.

She still couldn’t believe how beautiful she looked.

How could anyone have such silken, supple skin? Maria was absolutely hairless on her legs, her arms, her… private area… It’d been two weeks since she shaved, and there was absolutely no sign that she’d ever need to shave again.

And not just the body hair, but how was it possible to have this sort of conflicting appearance? Maria couldn’t decide between one moment and the next whether the contours of her body were delicately feminine, or strong and toned, rippling with power. It defied all reason.

She wiggled her perfect toes, her lightly browned skin glistening from the soapy suds. She pointed and curled her foot, letting the beautiful swells of muscle of her calves flex into view. Then she relaxed, and there it was again—her luscious legs, endlessly long, so perfectly sculpted that it would make any supermodel green with envy.

Dipping her toes back in the water, Maria sank deeper into the tub, frustrated at her failures at love. How could Peter possibly resist her? She’d had plenty of rich suitors back in La Ciudad de Mexico, and that was before she had looked like… this.

She cupped her newer, fuller breasts with her elegant fingers. Massaging them gently, she kneaded her luscious bosom, sending tingling desires radiating through her body. Her chocolate nipples began to stiffen and grow erect in response to her masterful ministrations. Still cupping her bountiful bosom with three fingers each, she reached up with her thumb and index to squeeze her stiffening peaks.

Aching desire radiated through her tingling body.

Maria moaned and squirmed her legs, so unbelievably turned on from her little pinching. She tugged and pulled at her aching nipples, swirling them slightly, imagining Peter sucking on her perfect breast and begging to fuck her, begging for forgiveness for snubbing her. Her entire body began to flush with heat, starting from her beautiful intimacy, traveling up through her lower back, causing the water in the tub to boil.

Mouth agape, panting with desire, Maria’s nipples began to subtly twitch and vibrate against her powerful digits as she slipped one hand down the rock hard contours of her abs and began to swirl hard circles against her needy clit.


Hovering there in midair, Piper had molded herself to Peter’s body. She asserted her will, slipping her steamy thighs inside of his and pushing his legs out. Her smooth, sensual lower legs wrapped around his, and she spread him apart like a prisoner about to be tortured.

Meanwhile, her firm, protruding, irresistible breasts pressed into his back as her right arm rested over his collarbone, holding him firm to her body. Her left traced down his torso, sending devastatingly erotic tingles through his battered body wherever her fingers traced.

Finally, she made her way through his soft, pubic hair, and gripped his already rock hard member.

“Well, Peter? Is this too much for you to handle?”

She languidly wrapped her fingers over his quivering shaft, one at a time. She could feel his pounding heartbeat coursing through his erect organ!

“Piper… wait… nnng!”

Piper had him fully encased in her silky hand now. She gave him a little squeeze in earnest.

“AAAHHHHH!” Peter screamed, stars filling his vision as his body erupted in pain.

“Poor baby!” Piper loosened and vibrated her hand gently. “Is that better?”

Peter whimpered.

“Still rock hard though… ooh, you’re leaking too.”

Piper traced her index finger over his sensitive slit, gathering his wetness and tracing it over his raw cockhead.

“Don’t tell me… you want me to break more of you?”

“Wait! Piper! No, please don’t!” he managed in a hoarse whisper. “I… I need at least one good arm…”

Piper leaned in a tiny bit further with her left breast, pressing it against Peter’s muscled back even more firmly. Her stiff nipple didn’t budge at all, but his firm muscles did.

“Arrrrrgh!!” Peter screamed.

Piper tightened her midair embrace, squeezing him uncomfortably with her limbs and holding a helpless Peter in place. Leaning in just a tiny bit more, she heard a satisfying pop as she dislocated his other shoulder.

“Mmmmmnnnnggg…” Tears were streaming down Peter’s face.

Piper loosened the pressure, both against his entire body as well as his still little soldier, still standing at full attention. She began to stroke him with her marvelous touch.

“Painful, wasn’t it?” she exhaled into his ear, her cheek pressed against his hair. Her hot, forceful breath wafted over him and gave him goosebumps. He shuddered and moaned from her throaty, sensual words.

“But still so, so hard…”

Floating in midair, splayed out like a toy at her whim, Piper began to stroke his rigid organ masterfully.


“Mmm me encanta, se siente riquísimo…” Maria uttered, lost in pleasure.

The water boiled as Maria’s body buzzed with erotic desire, her superhuman rapid movement and slick friction against her own invulnerable body heating the bath.

Two fingers plunging deep inside of her love canal, digging deeper than Maria ever thought possible, she curled her fingers over and over. With her new, unfathomable stamina, she never felt any soreness or exertion in her wrist as she continued to press against her own intimacy in all the right ways. Her tight, inner canal responded to her fingers, squeezing her digits powerfully enough to deform a dildo, she knew from experience. And she was still dexterous enough to swirl her thumb against her aching clit, pressing and kneading that oversensitive bundle of nerves.

“Ay, Peter…” she moaned breathlessly as hot billows of steam wafted into the air.

She imagined molding her body to his impressively muscular form, pressing her face into his neck and letting her lustrous brown hair spill all over him. She would inhale deeply, enjoying that subtle cologne that he always wore, before suckling tenderly on his neck.

He would moan, his insistent erection revealing itself as it poked against her thigh. She would smile and giggle, her lips tickling his skin, both of them hot and bothered by their intimate embrace.

“Please, Maria, I need you. I’ve needed you from the day I met you,” he would confess to her.

“Yes, Peter, you’ve always been such a gentleman. Always taken care of me. But I’m so powerful now. You can’t deny your desire for me. Now, papi, let me take care of you for once…”


Peter erupted under Piper’s twisting strokes, her cum-covered hands lubricating his swollen head, all the way down his quaking shaft, swirling and pumping him.

“Oh Peter, you really do like me, don’t you!” Piper cackled as she teased another powerful rope of semen out of his spurting tip.

“Gaaahhhh!” he screamed.

His entire body was like an overstimulated nerve, raw with ecstasy. His body tried to curl up involuntarily as Piper forced his violent ejaculations, but she was far too powerful for him to even put a dent in. Clenching and shuddering, Peter had no choice. Piper had him splayed out like a helpless puppet as she drove him to his absolute limit with her heavenly stroking. And in the midst of it all, he could feel the moist heat emanating from her groin, pressing against his muscular ass.

Just when he thought he couldn’t withstand any more pleasure from Piper, she shattered that faulty illusion.

Even after his latest round of orgasms, Piper continued tease him. She seemed to know just when to ease off the pressure, tracing a single finger along his shaft, with actual, extreme gentleness, only to build him back up to yet another painful, dry, orgasm. Each one was harder than the last to endure. His balls ached terribly, feeling completely empty. But Piper’s impossible beauty and irresistible power didn’t particularly care what his body was supposedly capable or not capable of.

She bobbed up and down against him, dragging her erotically-charged, lascivious swells  against his injured back. She moaned and panted as she nibbled and tugged at his earlobe, pressing against it with her soft lips, swirling her tongue around his ear, pricking him with her breath.

And all the while, she never stopped fondling his unflagging erection.

“Oh Petey, I think you’re going to come again,” she said in between tongue lashes.

“How… Mmmfffff!” Peter’s flabbergasted protest was interrupted by yet another painful, pointless shudder of his exhausted body.

“One more?” Piper whispered as she continued to work him raw.


Maria detonated in a burning haze of lust. Most of the water in her tub had boiled away as she teased herself to fantasies of Peter, filling her up, coming deep inside of her.

Her hips bucked. Her legs kicked out, feet curling, entire body going taut as she experienced the most powerful orgasm of her life.

Her fingers squeezed and gripped her own invulnerable body, but the tub was not so lucky. Maria’s orgasmic clench meant that her legs kicked right through the porcelain, her bucking hips shattering deep into the mortar that the hapless tub had been set in.

Maria continued to quiver as her voice caught in her throat. The water seeped over the bathroom floor, large chunks of white rubble crashing to the floor. She barely registered the sound over the roaring pleasure coursing through her body, imagining Peter begging and coming deep inside of her.

“That… was…” Maria gasped, her chest heaving from exertion. Her firm, perky breasts bobbed up and down, her dense abdominal muscles flexing in and out of view. Finally, she opened her eyes.

“Chingada madre!” she yelled when she’d realized just what she’d done to the bathroom.


A truly drained-beyond-his-limits Peter slept like the dead. His overworked penis had been rubbed raw by Piper’s neverending torture, forced to endure and obey her every little whim. She left him in a collapsed, inelegant heap on the messy covers.

There was something Piper had to do for Peter. And she didn’t bother asking for permission.

“Something strange happened to our cameras that night. Right before the destruction of our satellites, our cameras caught a momentary blur on film before they went out. And of course, our warehouse was completely trashed…” Prezbiak reported to the two FBI agents on scene, omitting the fact that they had been trying to cut corners.

“We’ll take a look.”

Agents Carter and Harris copied the footage and began their investigation.