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Day 60

Every morning I woke up at a different specific time down to the second, optimized for my busy schedule. The chefs either grew annoyed, amused, or resigned by the curious portions I ordered for breakfast, but everything I did was to be worthy of Lady Z’s affection.

I started paying more attention to DNN. It was obvious they were a crowd of Lady Z skeptics. Conspiracy nuts—or so I would have thought before. If her dark sexual fantasies hadn’t already set off my warning bells a month ago, then what I witnessed today certainly would have.

Lady Z had put an invitation to mansion 2 on my calendar, 11:00 PM at night. I didn’t know what it entailed, but I figured I would be up late, and I had plans to wake up at 7:49:02 AM the next morning. So I caught an afternoon nap after I had worked out and cooled down. Stepping into the shower actually gave me flashbacks of what Lady Z had done to me about one week ago. I could feel the phantom touch of her beauty dominating me, her dark words and silken voice stoking my desire, hurling my soul into ecstasy. I slammed my own back into the wall as if she had pushed me. The reminder of the pain she had caused thrilled me. I spent an extra long time in there, but the tradeoff was that I slept like the dead.

I awoke in the evening, had a light dinner, and made my way to mansion 2 an hour ahead of schedule, my laptop and notes in tow. Considering how Lady Z had a penchant for surprising me with her moving appointments and toying with me at will, I thought I’d actually try and get to our designated meeting on my own terms.

The mansion had been redecorated. The large banquet tables that were in the grand entrance to welcome the 30 new hires of Zenterprise were gone, and the whole thing was transformed into a dance floor. I guessed there was going to be a party tonight.

I don’t know if Lady Z was simply whimsical or playing a psychological game with me. I sat idly for fifteen minutes, checking my calendar every 30 seconds to see if my appointment had moved. Finally, I gave up and found a private room to do some work.

I played my secret recording back as quietly as possible and began to transcribe. I kept glancing out the window, hoping to be able to catch her flying in so I could stop my surreptitious spying, but it was too dark out. And I doubt I would have been able to keep track of her movements if she didn’t want me to.

For one tense half hour, I sat there, stenographing her sex confessions, admissions, fantasies, whatever, to my private files. I constantly dabbed the sweat off my dripping chin and forehead as I swiveled my head like a paranoid maniac, checking for her arrival. I quickly realized I would need to take off my shirt to prevent it from getting sopping wet from my perspiration. It was hard to believe, but I made it to the end without anyone walking in on me, or Lady Z giving me a jump scare.

I went to one of the bathrooms which was fully equipped and rinsed myself off. When I came back, there she was, floating in through the front door with seven excited people tailing her.

It had only been about ten days since I last had a “meeting” with her, and she constantly sent me pictures, but Lady Z’s appearance simply devastated me with lust. Dressed in a low-cut black evening gown, its hip-high slits revealing all of her flawless legs and covering just enough, the fabric flowing behind her… I nearly came right there. And I didn’t feel the unnatural pull of her beauty like when she turned it on and forced my orgasms! Her natural, ethereal beauty simply demanded tribute. I just stood there and trembled in her presence.

It’s hard to describe, but every single bit of her looked enhanced even further. Somehow, the sight of her alone triggered my other senses—just by ogling her endless legs, I could feel my hands traveling up the perfectly smooth, warm, silken skin. Her vagina was hidden from view, but my mouth watered and my tongue tingled from the phantom taste of her ambrosia. My body shuddered as I felt the sensation of her abs grinding against my erection as I tried to hold onto her. Her breasts… these beautiful, athletic-yet-huge orbs, sitting high on her chest, forming a wonderful canyon of pale, creamy cleavage… I could feel my head in between them, being squeezed and battered by her easy movement, inhaling her wonderful scent…

I had collapsed to my knees. Forcing myself to look up beyond the swells of her bosom, she smiled at me and mouthed, “I know, right?” The movement of her lips echoed along my erection as I felt her warm mouth enveloping and swallowing me, the sight of her thick, long tongue encircling my quivering tip, sucking, pulling, swirling powerfully over me.

I was coming! I had been coming for a while! Lord help me, Lady Z was too much!

She flipped around to face her guests, 3 male, 4 female. Her backless gown inspired images of me gripping her from behind and humping, and I continued my unbroken orgasm.

“Now, Mr. Senator, you and your lovely cohorts can see how happy my dear employee is. Zenterprise has done a lot for your career, and if we are to continue our good relationship, I’ll need something more from you as well.”

“Lady Z…,” I could hear his tiny voice trembling, “the public would never go for it! I would do anything for you, you must understand! But this would ruin me!”

“No. This is nothing. I could ruin you, do you understand?” She turned to face each of the female escorts one at a time, and one by one they collapsed onto the floor, screaming and twitching in ecstasy.

“I want you to pass that bill disallowing slander and libel against my personage and my brand.”

“It’s free speech! You can file suits against slander and libel; what you want is complete censorship!”

“Tomato, tomahto.” She examined her nails. “What about Señor Garcia’s cartel money, hmm? We wash it before funneling it to you. How do you think your career would be if that information got out?”

“You’d… you’d be ruined too!” he uttered in outrage.

“No, I don’t think so. Isn’t that right, Julio?”

He smiled at her. That smile… it was eerily familiar. Frighteningly so. It was almost unnerving enough to stop me from coming.

“Jes, Lady Z. I would be happy to reveal my ties to Senator Kineda without involving you,” he droned.

“N-no…” the senator looked like a broken man.

“But if you just cooperate for me, you can feel like this…” she snapped her fingers, and his aide crumpled to the floor as well, soaking his underwear with his long overdue erection. “Just look how happy my toy is.” She gestured at me. “I’ve fucked his mind silly multiple times, and he’s still functioning.” She turned to me. “Isn’t that right?”

I couldn’t control the words coming out of my mouth! I just couldn’t! She floated to the side, letting me witness the horrified, awestruck senator, the infamous Julio Garcia with a smile frozen on his face, and the 5 people writhing on the floor, moaning in pleasure and making a huge wet puddle around themselves.

“Yes! Senator! I love Lady Z so much! Just seeing her picture is enough, and she sends me so many! I would do anything for her!” It… it was true. Everything I said was true.

“Thank you, toy. You’re done here.” Her scintillating eyes glowed at me.

I blacked out.


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