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Chapter 10

Peter arrived home to see Piper cleaning up the wreckage of broken furniture that all her displays of power and sex had wrought. He sucked in a deep breath at the sight of his gorgeous, leggy wife holding huge slats of wood with a single outstretched arm.

“Petey, you’re home!”

“Piper! Oh my god!”

She enjoyed watching his shocked expression turn into one of unbridled lust. Experimentally, she casually waved around the huge piece of jagged wood with its splintered legs sticking out at odd angles, eliciting a throaty moan from Peter as his legs suddenly became a bit wobbly.

“Haha! So easy!” Piper laughed at the bulge in his pants. “Hurry up and close the door before someone sees me!”

“Piper, you’re so hot…” He clicked the door shut behind him.

And I’m fucking strong!” She squeezed her fits, her long, slender fingers disintegrating the wood in her elegant, steely grip. The whole thing hit the ground with a loud thud.

Peter gasped in lust again.

“Good boy, Petey! That’s right, you’re hopelessly addicted to your supervillain wife, aren’t you? And right now, your supervillain wife wants you to clean up this fucking mess!” She gave him an evil sneer.

“But Piper, it would be so easy for you…”

“And?” She brought her bare foot down on another slab of wood, curled her toes, and splintered that one as well. “If you don’t get started soon, you’ll have even more to clean up. Happy villainess wife, happy submissive life.”

“Okay, okay, Piper! Let me just… order dinner for us first. Both of us. I promise you’ll like it.”

Piper’s expression softened as her rosy lips curled into a beatific smile. Her azure eyes positively glowed.

“You don’t mean…”

“Yes! Yes! And I’ll get started on cleaning up as soon as I order.”

“Well, since you put it that way…” Piper was suddenly in front of him, cradling one cheek gently in her hands while placing a gentle kiss on his other.


Maria Martinez parked her car, grabbed her bag of fresh corn tortillas, and checked her phone as she stepped into her cozy downtown apartment. It was from Peter.

Drink the vial? She searched her purse. There it was, a little stoppered glass of clear, mystery fluid. Just what the hell had Peter really been doing in the lab?

Her tablet beeped. It was her mother. Time for her weekly dinner call.

What the hell, she thought. Peter hadn’t led her wrong yet. She swirled the slightly viscous fluid, removed the stopper, and gave the bottom of it a little lick. Maria wrinkled her face at the bitter, slightly tinny taste. Holding her nose, she gulped down the whole thing, gagging for air after she forced it all down her throat. Blech!

She grabbed a tupperware of leftover carnitas, turned on her tablet, and joined the call.

“Maria! Kids, come look, your tia is here!”

A chorus of screaming children overloaded the microphone. Maria smiled and waved at the camera.

“Mamá, where is everyone else?” Maria asked as she scooped a few pieces of pork onto the white corn tortilla.

“Ah, they’re out at a music festival. I just wanted to stay home and see my daughter.”

“Gracias, mamá!”

“How are you doing? How’s work? Did you find a nice man yet?” Señora Martinez rattled off in quick succession.

“Work is fine! No, I haven’t found a man yet. I’m very busy with my career!”

“What is that on your cheek? Is that a bruise?!”

Maria gasped and quickly tried to turn it away from the camera. She’d forgotten about that!

“Mija, did someone hit you!?”

“No! Well, yes, but it was an accident.” She took a bite of her taco. She’d always eaten a small dinner since it was how she was raised, but the hunger pangs were quite strong tonight for some reason. The bruise on her cheek was beginning to fade. Her face was reshaping subtly. She didn’t realize it, but she was sitting taller in her seat as well.

“Ay mija, I wish you’d move back here. I hate to see you in that little house, all by yourself. You can have the maids cook and clean for you. There is a lot of work you can do here.”

“Mamá, we’ve been over this! I want to do research here. It is… better. More advanced. More opportunities. I want to make a difference.”

“Your familia needs you too! Okay, okay, I know, we talk about this all the time. So… how is the handsome man you mentioned at work? ¡Digame en español!”

“Oy, mamá! I don’t speak much Spanish here anymore. Our dialect is too… formal. The workers at the carniceria and taqueria all look at me strangely.”

“Another reason to come back home,” Mama Martinez lamented.

“Anyway,” Maria ignored the little statement, sprinkling some salt into another soft tortilla and rolling it up. She really was famished! “Peter is… married. He really helped me at the job and covered for me when I made mistakes.”

“And what about his big musculos?” her mother smirked. “You couldn’t stop talking about them!”

“Mamá!” Maria sighed, somewhere between lovestruck and lust struck. “I think he and his wife get along very well. I am happy for them.”

She polished off her tortilla and reached for another. Maybe she’d have to order some delivery…


“Piper, could you get the door please?” Peter huffed, dripping in sweat. He was almost done moving the remains of their coffee table into the garbage.

Piper jumped down the stairwell with a single graceful leap, landing silently on her toes. Her body became a flesh-colored blur as she appeared in front of the door.

“Uh, 40 pizzas?” an adolescent boy asked. Two huge stacks of brown, grease-stained boxes sat at their doorstep.

“Ugh, Peter, this pizza again?” Her face turned sour.

The delivery boy was staring at the generous swell of Piper’s breasts underneath her loose, white blouse. A few top buttons were undone, and her nipples were clearly visible.

“Ahem.” Piper cleared her throat.

The boy willfully tore his gaze from Piper’s exquisite beauty, only to be met by a terrifying expression on her beautiful face. He began to tremble in fear. Never had he been so intimidated in his life.

“You done staring? I don’t even want this cheap shit. Get out of my sight!” Piper commanded.

“Um... but…” the boy gurgled.

“But what?” She grabbed his collar and hoisted him off the concrete step. “How about I tell your boss that you were sexually harassing me? How do you think that’ll go?”

He gasped as his feet left the ground. He dangled helplessly, his polo creased in her iron grip.

“Get out!” Piper laughed as she tossed him gently. He fell on his haunches, gave her one final terrified stare, and ran off.

Peter watched the whole scene unfold. He surreptitiously logged into the pizza place’s mobile app and paid for the huge order. He’d fantasized about a villainous wife, but… even as small a thing as dodging a $400 pizza bill left him a nervous wreck! How far would she actually go!?

No tip for ogling his dear Piper though.

“Now, Peter…”

He hurriedly hid his phone behind his back, lest he had opposed her will.

“...where’s my real treat?” Piper grinned.


Maria had hung up on the call with her mother. She was ravenous! Her body felt strangely warm and tingly.

Oh, I am going to pay for this tomorrow, she thought to herself as her doorbell rang. She buzzed them in through the front gate and collected a large, steaming order of tamales.

Unwrapping the moist, yellow husks, she dug into the soft steamed cornmeal with relish. Sparing no expense, she’d bought the entire variety of both fillings and sauces available, licking the sauce off her plate and smacking her lips on her fingers until every last drop was gone.

Maria was glad she wasn’t on the call with her mother anymore. She would’ve freaked.

Finally satiated, she suddenly felt exhaustion crash down on her like violent waves of the ocean. She made her way to the small bedroom of her apartment and checked herself out in the mirror.

She… was… gorgeous! Her hair was a beautiful, even shade of light brown, her locks fully and vibrant. Her brown eyes positively sparkled, emphasized further by her thick eyebrows and long lashes. Her complexion was oh-so-smooth, and perfectly even.

Maria wasn’t even sure if the face in the mirror was hers. Was this all a dream? Her legs felt weak and wobbly for some reason, as if the ground were unsteady beneath her. Or maybe it was her body that was shaking? She could barely stand anymore.

She wobbled into bed and began to text Peter. Just what the hell had he given her?

Before she could hit send, her entire body caught fire as it began to transform in earnest...


Before Peter and Piper lay 40 empty boxes. Peter had eaten a slice. The rest had vanished at superspeed, right down Piper’s greedy gullet.

“Holy fuck, Peter! My body, it’s burning up!”

“I tried to make this batch extra concentrated. You just had way more than the first time… are you okay?”

“I’m more than okay! This feels, this feels… ohhh!”

Piper’s needy moan and exhalation buffeted Peter, sending him flying through the air. His feet left the ground as he slammed against the wall two feet off the ground. He fell to the floor in a heap, cradling his bruised back.

But when he looked back up at his super wife, he forgot all about the pain.

Still dressed in her office attire, she was floating. In mid-air. Right in their living room.

It looked like Piper was flailing her limbs erratically, perhaps trying to get control of her newfound ignorance of gravity… but no. Peter recognized the telltale signs of orgasm in her bent, rigid limbs.

He got confirmation a second later as she moaned loudly, legs trembling. The powerful force of her breath slammed the ceiling, causing the house to shake!

“Oh fuck!!! Peter!!” she cried, body clenching once more. Waves of hot arousal coursed through her body as she soaked her plain white panties with her nectar. She flew straight up, her forehead crashing into the ceiling, crumbled tiles and dust raining on her.

She exhaled through her nose, clearing away all the debris on her body as she continued to wrack in pleasure. Another open mouthed moan, another sweet gust of wind shaking the walls of the house.

Peter gulped. This was unreal. He’d already made his wife super strong and super fast… now, she could even fly!? And the scent of her super breath smelled so sweet, so floral! A whiff of her pheromone-laden breath, and his penis surged into full readiness.

Finally, Piper came down, literally, from her orgasmic high. Righting her body so that she “stood” in midair, head bobbing just below the ceiling hole she’d “crafted”, she looked at Peter as if he were a fine cut of meat hanging on the butcher’s rack.

She licked her lips. The mere sight of her now transcendent beauty alone caused him to ejaculate violently.

“Oh Petey, you came already? You weren’t even touching yourself!”

He groaned as he continued to come in large, productive gouts.

“You better get ready again soon then. Because I’m going to fuck you, Peter. Right now.”

She swooped down, wrapped her arms around his still convulsing body, and flew them to the broken remains of their abused bedroom.


Maria writhed in her bed as she thought of Peter. She didn’t mean to! But this raging inferno in her body, her newfound vitality, this inexorable pleasure… all because of him!

She thought of his warm smile greeting her the first day at work, nearly the same day as her move to this country. He was so nice and patient with her as he guided through her transitory period.

Her chest flushed with heat as her breasts expanded, becoming full and firm, slowly, languidly pushing upward never flattening as she squirmed with arousal.

Maria fantasized about introducing this muscled stud to her mother. Surely, even she would approve of this gringo she had met in the states. His strong arms were always clearly visible in his button down shirt, and once, she had even caught sight of his built torso. Peter really was such a prime specimen!

She thrust her hand into her black slacks, rubbing what wouldn’t stop aching. Oh, it had never felt so good before! She involuntarily squealed out loud, shocked, but pleased at the hairless, smooth skin of her groin. Maria had always shaved down there, but since when had she become so silky to the touch!?

Oh, she’d definitely fantasized about Peter taking her after hours in their lab. He would approach her with predatory intent in his normally soft eyes, wrap her up in his strong arms, and they would fuck like animals on the harsh blue glow of the research area.

Her legs grew longer, strong, powerful thighs packed of firm, feminine flesh, feet pointed in full flex as she continued to swirl circles around her aching, tingling clit. Her body bucked a bit, her abs crunching into view as she expertly pushed herself to a practiced orgasm. She shrieked with pleasure.

But this time, her body longed for more. So much more.

Her body felt strangely energetic even after she processed her sexual pleasure, extremities tingling. And then, her fantasy took a strange turn.

She imagined herself flipping Peter’s built frameover, slamming him hard back on the desk, baring her gleaming teeth like a hungry lioness, and absolutely fucking his brains out. She could shatter his world for pleasure as she pounded her hips against him, causing him to squeal out in pain as she rode him harder than he could take. She could bury herself to the hilt with every movement, bruising his groin with her own, powerful, seductive yet unfathomably strong hips. And he would beg her to stop.

But she wouldn’t stop. He wouldn’t want her to stop.

She came again, multiple times harder than the first. Her beautiful, new, facial features settled into place, her hair finally stopped gaining luster and length, smooth legs now the perfect length to seduce a man into oblivion, her breasts high, firm, and proud, torso strong and sculpted.

Maria fell into a deep, satisfied, slumber.



Ohhh double trouble 😈 this keeps getting better and better