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Chapter 9 - Eva Valedictorian?

My life had been completely upended by Eva in a single day. Even as I hated her for all of her impossible gifts—her supernatural beauty, her surprise canny for robotics, her raw sexuality, her shocking athleticism, her easy, effortless seduction of my two friends, the fact that I wanted to have the freedom to dress like her and be her, the fact that I dreamed of her doing things to me… oh, and also superpowers!? God, she was hot! ...Where was I going with this again?

Two weeks had passed, and we had our first midterm in our classes. Aside from my extracurriculars (music, robotics), I spent all my time studying. Math, physics, biology, everything was demanding.

Meanwhile, this Asian goddess that I wish I could be had tried out for every single sport team and absolutely crushed the competition. Every boy wanted to be with her, every girl wanted to be her. Or maybe also be with her. And I’m pretty sure everyone had already fantasized about her. Many times. I know I had.

At least she got a big fat 90 on our latest math test! Ha! 90! I cackled internally.

As for me, I had accidentally flipped a sign in math and ended up with the wrong answer. Right process. I got zero credit. Total bs! I had to talk to Mr. Herschel after school to try and protect my perfect grades.

When I got to his office, of course, she was there. Eva. Undeniable tease. Cleopatra and Aphrodite combined, if Isis had blessed them both and then also imprinted every male fantasy onto her ever. I crouched and leaned in to eavesdrop.

“Mr. Herschel, can we discuss my exam grade?”

“Eva,” I could hear the consternation in his voice. I could even picture him facepalming. “I already gave you a 90! The only thing you wrote on your test was ‘Mr. Herschel, give me 100 please.’ This is ridiculous!”

What! What the fuck! She hadn’t answered anything!?

“Mr. Herschel. I know the material. And I believe that you know I know the material. Wouldn’t you say so?”

That voice again… Eva’s dulcet tones was like a choir of angels... morphine for the soul. I couldn’t imagine what it would really feel like to gaze upon her beauty as she talked, watching those perfect lips and that tongue flash into view... but I tried. Mr. Herschel’s reactions were there to help me visualize it, too.

"Well, Eva, you have to, um, demonstrate to me, um, that you know…" his speech was punctuated with loud, sudden gasps. Just what was Eva doing!?

"A demonstration, hmm? Why didn't you just say so?"

"Eva!" I heard a loud thump. The walls shook. I jumped up in shock. There was nothing left to do now but peek inside.

His desk had been thrown aside! It was resting, vertically, against the side of the wall, all of his things fluttering down from her casual toss. She was approaching him head on. I couldn't see his face because it was blocked by all of her height and swooping curves, but I could imagine how it felt. Her warmth. Her scent. Her piercing gaze. It was just too bad that I couldn't be in his seat to truly experience it.

Eva placed her left arm behind his neck as she sat across his lap, slithering one long leg after the other onto him. She was moving her left thigh, the one nearer his crotch, against him, languidly rubbing back and forth, as she stared into his eyes with a knowing smirk.

Within five seconds, I knew Mr. Herschel was doomed. Fuck, even I was so hot, so slick with need!

Eva leaned her head in and rested it on his shoulder, spilling her silken strands over his neck and along his back. I saw him suck in a deep breath. As he inhaled her scent, it looked like he had nearly begun to hyperventilate. All he wanted was to continue to breathe her in!

Somehow, Eva’s hair seemed to creep along his back and spill itself over his other shoulder before wrapping around his neck. Was she going to strangle him with that hair that I was so envious of!? Why did her hair seem to be alive!? It made a single loop around his thick neck before slipping underneath his shirt to swish along his bare skin.

Leg rubbing, hair flowing, fingers tracing, Eva leaned in and whispered into Mr. Herschel’s ear. I knew it was coming. I knew it was coming because I was about to come.

Her glistening tongue emerged from her fleshy bow-lips, slowly making its way across the space in between them. It was so thick, so pink, so long! I desperately wanted her to kiss me.

When her tongue finally touched down into his ear, nibbling it oh so gently, tugging it between her pearly teeth… his entire body bent, hips thrusting violently into the air, back fully arched, eyes slammed shut. His exhale came out as a continuous hiss. Eva kept him mostly pinned without any effort, but I could see the wet stain that grew around Mr. Herschel’s groin. And growing. And still growing.

Eva continued her irresistible touching, licking, stroking. Her thick hair almost looked like it was throbbing against our orgasm-puppet of a teacher.

I was swirling my fingers in rough circles over my throbbing clit. Her easy seduction and total control was too much for me to bear! Her sexual power… utterly thrilling. But just before I was about to come, Eva’s eyes seemed to glance at the doorway in my direction! I stopped my masturbation and ducked below the window, shivering with fear, gasping with need. Did she know!? I wasn’t that loud, was I?

Still, it was enough to save me from my happy Eva fantasy ending.

I peeked back through the window. Eva was still at it! Mr. Herschel was still bent, still frozen, and still ejaculating. Was he going to soak his entire pants all the way through!? How could he come that much!? Was this Eva’s doing?! Could she do that to people!? To me?

I nearly crumpled just from watching.

Eva had a piece of paper and a clipboard in front of Mr. Herschel’s contorted face. She was writing something on it. Finally, she uncoiled herself from around Mr. Herschel, her hair slithering back out of his shirt. She stood up smoothly, letting our little teacher victim sink unconsciously to the chair. He slumped so far down that his head didn’t even reach past her legs—a fitting scene for an utter conquest like that.

Eva recovered his desk, lifting it with a single hand, and put it back in place. Fuck me, she was strong! She placed the paper in front of him and left him there to recover.

I hid behind the swinging door, heart pounding rapidly, as I watched Eva walk away once again while admiring her beautiful backside. I waited for her to disappear from view as she turned a corner. Finally, I released a breath that I didn’t know I’d been holding. My chest burned. So did my pussy.

Ten minutes later, I heard Mr. Herschel begin to rustle. He sat up at his desk and regarded the little piece of paper Eva had left him. Feeling bold, and also because I so badly wanted to know what was written on it, I stepped through the door. It was office hours, after all.

The whole room reeked of the stench of his sex! I wrinkled my nose and ignored it.

“Mr. Herschel? Can we talk about my exam?”

“V-Vicki!” he stammered, clearly startled out of the re-wiring of his sexual heights, no doubt. “How can I help you?” I could hear his soaked trousers rubbing against him.

I approached the desk and stole a glance at the paper. There it was, the last problem of the exam, its solution neatly printed row by row. And at the bottom, Eva’s reiterated request—to be given 100 on every exam—with a little drawing of her kissy lips.

“I think you were unduly harsh grading my exam here,” I fetched the paper out of my bag.

“Not right now, Vicki, I need to fix something I did wrong for Eva and also instruct the other teachers. Come back later...”

My heart sank. Looks like I wasn’t going to be making valedictorian after all.

Fuck! First she took over my robotics club, and now my title which I’d worked hard for the last 3 years was going to get ripped away by her beautiful, irresistible, sexy manipulative little clutches!

I needed to do something!