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Gym Break - Steve

It felt good to be back in the gym with the boys! This year, we were definitely going to go to state championships! We knew Coach’s playbook in and out, and he was drafting up new stuff for us to learn. Brain and Juan, part of our offensive frontline, were fucking RIPPED. I bet I’d never get sacked again with these two guarding me. But I was bulking up too. Gotta stay in good shape and be able to fend for myself, after all.

We were joking and slapping each other with our rolled up towels before we got down to the business of lifting. Juan was spotting me on the bench.

I saw what he was benching. I knew I couldn’t, but stupid male bravado got the best of me. I told him I could do it and asked him to spot me. Hey, maybe I could. But if something went wrong, no problem.

I looked at the plates again. 300 pounds? 325? God damn.

Lying on the bench, I took a deep breath and prepared myself. Brian helped curl the bar off the rack, and I could feel the strain in my muscles. My arms wobbled. Okay, this was definitely a bad idea.

I slowly let the weight descend until it came all the way down… and that’s where it stayed. I couldn’t flex my arms enough to push the weight back up.

“Juan! Ok, help!” I cried as it pressed down against my chest.

Nothing happened. Was this some kind of joke? This wasn’t funny!

“Juan! I mean it!”

I looked up at his face. He was staring off into the distance blankly.

Suddenly, a sweet aroma blasted over me. Juan was sent flying to the side with a loud “oomph!” And my vision was filled with the most amazing thing I could ever have imagined.

It was Eva. At least, I think it was Eva. No, I’m pretty sure. I would recognize those huge Asian tits anywhere.

I felt the pressure of the barbell ease off my chest. She was… she just had two, long, dainty fingers curled underneath it! Was this a dream!?

No, it really wasn’t! Now she was lifting it up smoothly! I couldn’t even see any strain in her toned arms. She made it look feather-light!

“You okay, Steve?”

“Uh… uh huh…” I muttered. Oh god, I must have looked pathetic in front of her! The hottest girl in school—no, in the world I’m pretty sure—and I looked like a total fuckwad!

“Juan, was it? You really need to do a better job of spotting. Steve could have gotten hurt!”

“Sorry, Eva,” came Juan’s voice, weakly.

“Don’t you think you should apologize to Steve?”

“Sorry Steve,” he obeyed, with what sounded like a gasp of lust!

She flicked the bar into the air and caught it with a single outstretched arm before racking it back up. How… how strong was she!? How could she be this absolute semen demon of a beauty but also be this wickedly powerful!? And the whole time, all I could see was her tremendous underboob. It blocked nearly everything else from view!

“Everyone, would you mind leaving the weight room please? I think I need to show Steve how it’s done.”

With a collective groan of lust, everyone agreed wholeheartedly.

“Yes, Eva!”

“I’d love to, Eva!”

“Please let us know when you’re done!”

I watched as the room emptied. There was only so much time we got in the weight room. Not that I was complaining about being alone with Eva. What the hell…

One person seemed most conflicted. He was rooted to the spot. Eric. Yeah, I knew him. Water polo captain. He was cool.

“Eric? Are you okay? Could you please leave?”

“E-Eva… please… I’ll do anything, can you… can you just let me stay? I’m happy just to even watch. Maybe in a corner, over there, far away.” He was begging like a puppy!

“Next time, okay Eric? If you behave, I’ll let you lick me again. Now be a good pet and shoo,” she commanded.

He waddled away with his tail between his legs.

Did I just hear everything correctly!?

As the weathered door slammed shut, Eva began to rack more plates onto the barbell. Every single 45 pounder was taken off the rack and placed onto the bar. I watched her every movement—the beautiful length of her miraculous legs, the tight, firm swell of her butt. She was perfect. But what was she planning?

I didn’t have to wait long. She curled the massive weight effortlessly. The bar was beginning to bend at the ends. I gasped as she began to twirl it like a baton. The heavy plates clinked against each other like the steel orbs on one of those pendulums.

“Now Steve, I have to say, I’m not really that interested in you…”

My heart sank like a bowling ball dropped into a lake from 500 feet in the air. I was about to cry!

“But you’re Jess’s boyfriend, right?”

Oh right! Jess! I totally forgot about her!

“Umm, yeah,” I sniffled.

“So I guess you’re lucky. Would you like to feel my hair?”

“Y-y-yes please…” Oh god, I would like to do so much more than that! But I’d settle for anything!

Eva dropped the bar, letting all of the plates crash to the floor, chipping away the concrete. She picked me up by the collar of my shirt and hoisted me into the air with just that one, beautiful hand!

Helpless to resist her unfathomable strength, I flailed and struggled as she marched us against a wall and slammed me against it, my feet dangling in the air. She leaned in close, very close, our noses almost touching. I could feel her sweet breath invading my senses. The sight of her beautiful pink fleshy lips, her large almond eyes, her dark, long lashes, sent my heart soaring. It was almost painful how fast it was beating!

I was harder than I’d ever been. Absolutely throbbing. Liquid fire swishing through my dick. And then I felt it. Her silken tresses slipped into my shirt, rubbing against my bare skin, forceful yet soft. I groaned loudly, right into her face. She simply smirked.

“Feel good?” she taunted, blasting my face with more of her sweet scent.

I inhaled deeply in response. Her sexual allure, injected directly into my lungs, coursing through my body, was too much for me to handle! Still pinned against the wall, off the floor, I began to come violently in urgent spasms right into my underwear.

“You poor thing,” she commented genuinely. “At least Eric got to taste me…”

She mashed her lips against mine, massaging me forcefully. Even her tongue was unstoppable! Eva explored my mouth, massaging my tongue and swatting it with her own moist, powerful muscle. Her taste commanded my ejaculations even harder!

For one long minute, she forced me to come, her breasts crushing my torso, her hair sending tingles across my skin, her tongue squeezing me in sync with my spasms. Finally, she pulled away, her hair giving me a final lingering caress as it left my skin. She exhaled hotly over my face one last time as she broke her soul-conquering kiss.

“Mmm… so, how do I compare to Jess?” she asked as I continued to spurt.

“Nng! Fuck! She’s… nothing!”

“Not yet, anyway,” Eva replied mysteriously. “And if you would, please don’t try to hide your devotion to me when you’re with her, okay?”

That voice! I would do anything she asked of me. I would do everything she asked of me! My entire body clenched as I emptied everything I had in one, long, final burst of molten pleasure.

She dropped me to the floor. I crumpled into a useless heap and passed out, drenched in my own fluids.

When I awoke, my mind was filled with Eva. Find Jess. Belong to Eva. Show Jess. Make Eva happy.

Jess isn't going to like what I've done to her little boyfriend!



Absolutely loving where this is going! And the picture at the end is the cherry on top!