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I know, it's crazy, right!? I bought the last pack of gum out of the vending machine, and I started chewing it! It tasted a little funny, and my body felt like it was on fire, and then... well... just look at me now!

Yeah, I'm so cut! My entire body just... got so much stronger! But it's not just stronger, I became... well, I'll just say it. I became more beautiful! Absolutely heart-stoppingly gorgeous! My own heart skipped a few beats!

I watched my legs lengthen, I started to tower over things that I used to be shorter than! Every single stride showed off my beautiful stems as my workout shorts rode higher and higher! My body was aglow! And my boobs didn't shrink at all despite all this beautiful, powerful muscle! In fact, they grew! Even my elastic sports bra couldn't contain it! And to my surprise, it didn't even hurt as it grew tighter against my chest! My boobs just burst them as they kept on expanding! This is the tits! Literally!

Hahaha, okay, okay, lame joke, I know. But just look at me! Damn! I could barely keep my hands off myself!

Don't be so arrogant? Oh come on, don't lie, you like it too, right? I can see that you like it. You're practically dying of lust! If I just wiggle a little... haha, you're totally drooling!

Well, you wanna get on with our badminton game then, babe?


Huh. This is really easy. I'm crazy strong now, despite my muscles not looking any bigger. I've been through the entire gym already, at the heaviest weights. Leg press, squat rack, deadlifts, curls... I even tried hooking two dumbbells at once with these fingers of mine, and 110 pounds was nothing at all for my slender little digits to manage!

The bench press was the most fun. I mean, it wasn't hard. But it was funny to let the bar bounce off my firm breasts. It didn't hurt me at all, but that bar has some new interesting angles for people to hold onto...

And of course, I just racked it back up with a single finger.


You wanna have sex? Right here? Sure, sounds like fun!

Wait, you didn't mean it? What do you mean, you're worried people might see? I'll just shove them out of the room with a little flick of my wrist!

Then why did you ask!?

Do you know how horny this superbod of mine gets? Even when I come, my body is ready to go just a second later!

No. We're gonna fuck. You don't get to tease me like that and then just leave me hanging.

And I can see that this new body of mine is way more than you can handle, physically or sexually. So when I say we fuck, we fuck.

And I can go forever...


Hey babe. Yeah, I know I look even stronger than before, but trust me, it's not from any sort of workout. Nothing challenges me anymore. You might be wondering why the gym is empty. I got bored, and squashed every last thing in between my hands until they just... vaporized. I must've broken them down to their atoms, or something. I don't know. 

No, I don't want to have sex with you. You can't even last long enough to satisfy me. Not even close.

Oh, you think you can?

Why don't you come for me then?

...See? Feel good?

Come for me again.


I'm bored.


What is there left for me to do on this planet? I can fly, I can cause earthquakes with a tiny little stamp, my useless boyfriend can't even fuck me more than eight times a day...

The sun feels really nice on my body. I think I'll give this city a parting gift of my super breath. Or maybe my laser eyes. Or maybe both!

Then, I'll go see how it feels to get a proper tan, way up close.

Good-bye, Earth. I'll come back once in a while from my galactic trip and say hi. And just in case anyone forgets me, I'll carve my name, deep into the crust with my heat vision across all of Eurasia.

Images submitted by thero

Model is Ashleigh Kim


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Ubergirls don't need masks