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Tolerable Cruelty

Written by HarmonyMotion with Au Goose
Edited by Au Goose

Chapter 1

“Piper! Is the Satellar Company report ready yet?”

“Uh, I’m sorry Mike, I thought you said Cropco was the highest priority… I have that report right here.”

“No! I need the Satellar report right now!”

“But I have your email from yesterday, saying that...”

“Well, priorities changed! I need the Cropco report by tonight! Work late if you have to!”

Piper raged inwardly but slinked away. She asked her co-worker who she had a dependency on for help.

“Sorry Piper! Got plans with my drinking buddies tonight! Good luck though!” He winked crookedly and shot a finger gun at her.

“Mark, it’s 3PM! You can work on this for two hours, can’t you? Anything would help!”

“Ah, nope! I’m heading out right now!” Another finger gun and two annoying clicks of his tongue.

Piper wanted to scream.

A frustrated Piper came home to find her husband, Peter, in a dimly lit room, illuminated only by the ghostly glow of the TV. He was eating some cheap, cold pizza.

“Hey Piper, I thought you said you’d be making dinner tonight.”

“Ugh… Peter, can’t you tell I had a hard day?” she dropped her bag onto the floor angrily.

“Ok, ok, yeah, sorry. C’mere. Want some pizza?”

“Yeah, that sounds great.”

Piper snuggled up against her husband, resting her head on his shoulder. She took a bite of the cold, rubbery pizza, forcing herself to swallow the flavorless mass before throwing the rest of the slice back on the messy coffee table.

After finishing the second half of the movie, Peter went to bed while Piper cleaned up after him.

Climbing the stairs to their second floor bedroom, she walked past the framed pictures hanging on the wall, glowing from the reflected moonlight shining through the window of their front door. Peter’s high school football jersey, their wedding photos mostly attended by Peter’s side of the family, and a photo of just Peter and Piper in a studio. And finally, a photo of her as a young woman with her golden retriever, Milo. She sighed. There really wasn’t much in her life besides Peter.

Brushing her teeth and noting the black rings around her eyes, Piper looked through their medicine cabinet full of Peter’s research knick knacks from work. Why did he always leave this stuff lying around!?

A picture of Peter and his brother, Steven, was prominently on display. They were wildly drunk, with their ties tied around their foreheads. Piper scowled, the toothpaste foaming and leaking out the side of her mouth. She hated Steven’s fratboy influence on Peter.

After undoing her makeup, she crawled into bed just a stroke before midnight.

“Hey Piper?” Peter asked, reaching over to fondle her breasts as he spooned her.

“Yeah hun?”

“Are you in the mood tonight?”

“Not really…”

“Aw, please, Piper? It’s the weekend tomorrow.”

She sighed and gave in. “Okay, Peter. You owe me though. Oof, hey, not so rough!” He had begun squeezing her breasts too hard when she consented.

“You’re the best, babe. Can you roleplay as my evil superpowered mistress? That always gets me to finish fast.”

Of course he gets to finish quickly, she thought. But she wasn’t interested in her own pleasure tonight anyway, so she may as well.

Piper pushed him onto his back with her “super strength.” Peter rolled over with a loud “oomph,” playing into the fantasy.

Piper climbed on top of his chiseled abs and pecs, admiring his strong arms. He really was a delicious specimen of a man, never having stopped taking care of his body after his glory days in college unlike so many others. She placed her fingers over his neck and squeezed gently as they humped each other through their underwear.

“Harder,” he whispered.

She obliged, feeling him stiffen as she dug her fingers deeper into his throat.

“You can’t stop me, can you?” she whispered ominously. “I could kill you right here if I wanted…”

Peter grabbed her arm with his firm hands in a play attempt to get out. Piper “flicked” them away and slapped his cheek. It reddened from her open-palmed strike. She knew that he liked it. His little soldier jumped to attention even more.

“You pathetic fuck. I can feel you growing even harder as I hurt you. If I broke your arm with a pinch of my fingers, would you scream in pain, or moan in arousal?” She undulated her hips against him, rubbing his fully stiff erection even more roughly. “What if I squeezed my legs together and shattered your hips?”

Peter’s eyes were glazing over. He began to grind his burning iron against his wife’s hot intimacy as he pumped his hips.

Piper struggled to keep him restrained, playing into the fantasy. His thrusting was too powerful for her not to bounce a little, but she did her best. She placed her hand on one of his arms, trying to pin him to the bed to prevent his violent bucking. He played along awkwardly, clearly able to overpower her with his struggles.

“What if I just burn you to a crisp with my eyes? Think you’d come before you die? Nah… my lasers are way too powerful. You wouldn’t even be able to process it before you turned into ash. I’d probably blast a hole through the entire planet too. Imagine all the screaming...”

Peter’s virile erection was leaking now, causing a wet stain to appear in his boxers. The thought of his wife being able to do these things to him, to anyone, was so wonderful… He ground his shaft against her, so near to orgasm just from her nasty teasing.

“Or what if I freeze your stupid little dick with my ice breath? Could you imagine the shrinkage!? And then I’d flick your frozen little stiffy with a finger and shatter it into a billion pieces!”

Peter couldn’t take it anymore. With a few final thrusts, he groaned as he flooded his pants in four urgent spurts. His back arched as he came, throwing his wife off of him in the violent process. Once his pulsing subsided, he lay back down on the bed, breathing hard, the last few dregs of his orgasm dribbling out of his now softening member.

He went to clean himself off in the bathroom. Changing into a fresh pair of underwear, he climbed into bed again.

“Hey honey… that was great. I love it when you threaten to kill me and do all those crazy things. I’m pretty tired now, so… do you mind if I go to sleep?”

“Yeah sure, Peter.” She was too exhausted to be disappointed today.

“Love you, sweetie. I’ll make it up to you, I swear!”

Uh huh. Getting rid of Peter’s little brother, finally getting one over on his rich, hyper-competent, alpha sister… If only she actually had these powers that her husband fantasized about, oh the things she would do...

Chapter 2

Piper woke up early despite her long day. She had long since learned not to rely on Peter to do any cooking, despite his constant promises of treating her.

Still sleepy and pulling some eggs out of the fridge, she grabbed a thermos which she assumed to be her old coffee from yesterday. She took a swig and smacked her lips in disgust. Awful, cheap stuff. She chased it down with water, but it didn’t rid her mouth of the taste of metallic tang.

As the pan sizzled and popped, firming the egg whites at low heat, Piper began to feel worse. What exactly had she drunk!? The thermos was completely unmarked. She unscrewed the cap and gave it a sniff—it smelled like nothing. Certainly not coffee.

Oh no. Was this one of Peter’s weird lab experiments that he brought home once in a while? She had told him not to leave this stuff unlabeled in their fridge! And why did he use their own personal thermos!?

Cutting the heat, Piper stumbled into the living room, whereupon her vision went dark and she barely collapsed on the couch.

“Piper! Piper!” Peter was shaking her awake.

“Ufff. Huh?” Piper awoke groggily.

“You okay? Why’d you sleep on the couch?”

“The… thermos…” she groaned.

“You didn’t finish cooking the eggs, you know. I had to finish cooking them myself!”

“Peter!” she uttered. “What was in that thermos?”

“The… you drank it?!” His expression mixed concern with horror.

“Peter!! I told you so many times, why do you put your lab shit in our personal thermos?! And then you leave it in the fridge next to my actual stuff!”

“Look, it’s something I’ve been working on in secret! How much did you drink?!”

“All of it! There wasn’t much. Wait! Was it… poisonous? Am I going to die!?”

“Piper! Do you know how much work it is to make even that little? It’s super concentrated!”

“The fuck is it!? Am I going to die?”

“I don’t know. I hope not. It’s… um… it’s supposed to be a super serum.”


“Yeah, uh, I was going to suggest… that you try a little at a time… Like one drop maybe,” he replied sheepishly.

“You and your fucking fantasies! Fuck!” Piper struggled to her feet and began to climb the staircase to their bedroom.

“Piper! Let me help you!” He put his arm around her waist and tried to help her up.

“Go away!” She flung her arm, slamming him against the wall before he tumbled down just a few steps, bruised but not broken.

He gingerly rubbed his wounds as he watched her stumble up those steps.

Piper awoke to the pleasant aroma of grilled chicken. Peter was sitting there with a takeout bag of gyros, pita, hummus, dolma—everything that he knew she liked best.

“Hey Pip. I’ve been monitoring you, but you were deep in sleep and you were breathing okay, so I went out to get you dinner. I have chocolate chip cookies in the oven too…”

“Oh, thanks. You know, I really do feel pretty good. And that smells great! You got it from Stop, Falafel, Go?”

“Yeah, your favorite…”

“Thanks Petey! I’m really hungry.”

She tore into her food with relish, packing an open pocket of fresh pita full of everything and devoured it in huge, ravenous bites.

Peter watched, entranced as she chomped on her meal. His wife was positively glowing as she ate more and more. In fact, it was more than glowing. She was… Was she transforming?

Her wispy red hair grew thicker, brighter, bolder. It positively screamed “Look at me!” She would definitely stand out in a crowd of dumpy brunettes and badly bleached blondes. Every single strand of hair, down to its root, was healthy and lustrous. A flip of her flaming locks would absolutely floor onlookers.

Her blue eyes, already a stunning combination with her tangerine locks prior to this metamorphosis, grew even more intense. The color in her pupils brightened, a sharp contrast to her tanned skin and bold red mane. They appeared to almost emit their own light, sparkling brightly as she devoured her favorite meal. He could only fantasize about those eyes, glowing ever brighter before emitting an unstoppable ray of death, her gaze obliterating everything in its wake!

In fact, he was certain her entire face was subtly shifting, all for the better. Her eyes grew wider, rounder, her eyebrows and lashes thickened, changing from their normally a light, faint tint to a dark shade of scarlet, finally adequate to accent her luminescent eyes. Her cheekbones rose, giving her face a nice heart shape as her lips filled in. Those soft, cupid-bow folds looked so plump and oh-so-kissable right now. Even her teeth seemed to gleam bright white, all perfectly straight in a row.

Piper’s usually slender arms seemed to grow taut as well, loose skin drawn over tight new cables of feminine muscle. He marveled as they actually changed before him with every bite she took of her food. Her fingers grew slimmer and longer, looking so beautifully delicate… Yet Peter could only imagine the juxtaposition of how powerful they must be, if her swelling muscles were any indication.

Now even her body was shifting! He could see her sleek torso growing just a bit longer, revealing the most beautifully sculpted abs. Suddenly, he felt her feet press into his legs at the side of the bed. But she hadn’t moved! Were her legs getting longer too? It would certainly explain the soft creaking of the covers pulled over them.

He hadn’t said a word during her entire meal, vaguely wishing he’d thought to video the whole scene with his phone. Finishing off the last bite with a satisfying smack, she patted her tight, scuplted tummy before performing a big luxuriant stretch, arching her back with her hands on her waist.

Oh my god, Piper’s breasts look so perky! And kind of huge! He thought to himself.

“Hey sweetie, what about those cookies? I can smell them. They should be done. Why don’t you bring me cookies and milk in bed, like all those times you promised you would, hmm?”

“Y-yes dear!” He bounded down the stairs in two large leaps.

The sweet scent of molten chocolate announced his return with a plate of warm, gooey chocolate chip cookies and a large glass of milk. Peter’s heart surged as he looked at his more beautiful than ever wife. Had his serum really worked!? He hadn’t had a chance to test it beyond abstract simulations, what with the fact that he was stealing company time and materials.

Piper bit into the steaming hot cookies without a care in the world.

“Piper, they’re hot!”

“Mmf?” she responded, lips smeared with scalding hot chocolate. She licked them clean and gulped down the entire glass of milk in one swig.

Peter could swear her boobs were expanding underneath her loose shirt as she continued to gobble down cookies. He swore he could even hear it.

“Thanks Petey. I feel good. In fact, I feel great! You still think it’s safe that I drank your whatever the hell serum?!”

“I think it’s better than safe, Pip…”

“What do you mean?”

“You better take a look at yourself…”

Chapter 3

Piper nearly tripped over herself as she stumbled out of bed. For some reason, her legs hit the floor much earlier than she was used to!

Sidling nervously in front of the full length mirror, not really sure what to expect, she wondered what Peter was so eager for her to see. Nerves quickly gave way to elation.

She was gorgeous! Her hair was so lustrous and shiny, intensely boldly red! She had tried color shampoos in the past, but even dyeing her hair had never had this profound an effect! As she ran her fingers through it, the ruby tresses felt so silky smooth, not a single knot or split end in sight!

She sucked in a startled breath when she saw her own glowing ice-blue eyes. They were piercingly bright, offset by the new, dark, long lashes. She could be on the cover of any magazine! Without touch ups! Experimentally, she put on a come-hither gaze and performed a languid wink… oh my god, it was like a siren’s call! Even to herself! She had caused her own heart to skip a beat as she flushed with arousal!

“Wow Peter…” she said breathlessly, “Are you seeing what I’m seeing?”

“Uh, I don’t think so, Pip. Too busy staring at your backside, here.”

“Why? You never told me you were an ass guy.”

“I didn’t think I was. Until now.”

“Oh really? Something interesting back there to see?”

She turned 180 degrees and craned her elegant neck to look at her own reflection. It was so high, so rounded, so tight! Her tanned skin was perfectly smooth; no cottage cheese thighs here. Those firm, spherical swells looked like they would’ve taken thousands of hours of dedicated work at a gym to build. Instead all she had to do was drink some stupid mystery fluid and eat a few chocolate chip cookies.

She slapped her own butt, expecting it to jiggle or redden. But it didn’t give an inch. Instead, the powerful contact sounded like a gunshot being fired. Peter covered his ears in shock. Piper merely tried wiggling her hips and bending one leg at a time, admiring her pert derriere. She stretched, finding her new, devastatingly gorgeous body impossibly flexible. Her fingers reached the floor easily even as her longer legs remained perfectly straight, presenting that ravishing rear end on full view for Peter. She could hear him gasp.

“You like?” she grinned.

“Yes!” His enthusiasm was undeniable.

“Did I change in my sleep?” Piper asked as she stood back up, arching her back in another flexible stretch, presenting her jutting breasts to the heavens.

“Hnng,” Peter moaned as he drank in her luscious curves. “Piper! You’re so hot!!”

“Well, if you want me to do something for you, you’ll have to answer me first.” She was genuinely enjoying having this much control over her husband. “Was I changing in my sleep?” she repeated.

Peter now had sufficient motivation to obey. “No... I don’t think so. It was only when you were eating, actually. I don’t know why that would matter… but like I said, I never actually tested the serum on anybody yet. Actually, I barely managed to sneak it out...” he muttered under his breath.

Piper picked up his mute utterance, internally marvelling at  her newly super-perceptive ears, but she pretended she hadn’t.

“Eating, huh?” Piper grabbed another cookie and bit into it. She could get used to this. Peter grabbed one as well. Maybe some molten chocolate could distract him from his needy arousal.

Piper continued to examine her backside as she nibbled on the warm, gooey chocolate chips, savoring what was to come with a languid lick of her tongue. She wasn’t exactly sure what she was looking for though. Peter called it out first.

“Your… your boobs! Look! They’re… growing!

“No way. That’s too cliche! Are you sure you didn’t plan this in the serum!?”

“Piper, I swear! I was going to test it on myself. Why would I want breasts! Oh my god, look at them! They’re getting seriously huge!”

She looked down… Her breasts really were filling out the loose crop top that she slept in right before her widening eyes! Her nipples were tenting the fabric as the whole thing rose higher on her torso, leaving her underboob in clear view. And what a view it was! So much of her luscious flesh was on display now, more than she ever thought she’d possibly have even in her wildest fantasies. Piper watched in rapt anticipation, actively willing her breasts to grow larger, fuller, more sensitive! Slowly, they continued to fill out her top. She brought her long fingers up to massage those massive slopes, kneading and goading them to grow further!

Growing tired of the glacial pace of her expanding bust, Piper quickly shoved the rest of the plate of the cookies in her mouth, one after the other. Immediately, her chest inflated again, swelling with every swallow, expanding to become fuller, rounder, stretching the fabric of her top to its very limit. Creases appeared in her top as they pressed against it ever harder, until finally, the threads could no longer take it and ripped apart, fluttering to the ground in little scraps.

And just when she thought her boobs had finally ceased their epic inflation, they rested for a second, settling on her chest before both perked up sharply in unison. Piper yelped and arched her back from their final surge of uncontainable motion. And as the pièce de résistance, her crowning perfume pink nipples protruded proudly to present themselves to the world—large, thick, and a visual feast for all eyes to stare at and mouths to salivate over.

She admired her bare, magnificent, rounded slopes. They looked so firm and amazing! She traced a thumb over her large, perfect nipples, visibly shuddered with a lusty gasp. They felt good! She tweaked and twirled it, sending bolts of pleasure right down to her glistening intimacy.

“Oh my god, they’re so large!” Piper admired herself in the mirror, enjoying the contrast between her jutting breasts and her slender, trim and toned waist. She massaged herself with her elegant fingers, kneading her new, firm, lust-inducing orbs, easily overflowing the palm of her hands. Cupping their incredible size and hefting, Piper found that they in fact did not need any lift at all. Tracing the outer curve of her breasts with the back of her fingers sent tingles down her spine, causing her pussy to begin to burn in arousal. She pushed her tits together, gasping at the irresistible cleavage she had at her disposal. She was like a goddess of sex and sensuality, come to life.

Every massage, every squish, every trace of her silky fingers over her soft skin was pure pleasure. She moaned as she pinched the large nubs of her perky nipples, swirling her fingers over them and massaging them. Her pink pussy lips began to quiver as they leaked her ambrosia. Even her scent had changed, becoming powerful and intoxicating, sweet, floral, irresistible.

It didn’t take long for Peter to confirm Piper’s evaluation of herself. She heard a moan from behind. Turning around, she saw Peter with his pants down, gently stroking his erection which stood at full attention. His other hand was covered in smeared chocolate, his cookie long since forgotten and broken on the floor. His breathing was shallow, raggedy, and urgent. His mouth was wide open, drooling, and his eyes were desperate with desire.

“I think it’s time for your supervillain wife to fuck you to death,” she smirked.

Chapter 4

“What do you want to try today?” Piper whispered into Peter’s ear as she pressed her new, voluptuous body against his muscular one. Her hot, sensual breath tickled his eardrums and caused a shiver to tingle down his spine.

“Mmf!” Peter moaned as Piper had suddenly, forcefully, mashed her lips into his before he could answer. He was powerless to resist her kiss as she nibbled and sucked against his will, her powerful tongue thrusting into his mouth and swatting his aside. Actually, it was becoming difficult for Peter to breathe! His member surged even harder.

Before he could pass out, she broke off the kiss and was whispering into his ear again.

“Want me to choke you out? Break your arm? Crush the bed into splinters as I grind my wide hips against you? Or maybe you want me to rub my nipples and breasts against you instead...”

“Piper!” he panted, his erection surging and throbbing harder than he’d ever experienced. “You’ve never been so eager before!” Her new, pulchritudinous body was certainly helping to inspire him as well.

“You better answer quickly, or I’ll just decide on my own how to kill you,” her eyes gleamed as she smiled wickedly. She was really feeling it today!

“Can you smother me with your breasts?” he whispered eagerly.

“You like how huge they are, don’t you? I’m sure I’ll pay for this with back pain later, but for now… they feel absolutely weightless! Let me know how this feels, baby...”

She placed a single finger on Peter’s chest and pushed as hard as she could, playing up her “super strength.” He slammed violently onto the soft bed as the breath was driven out of his chest.

“Whoa!” Piper yelled in shock, breaking the roleplay fantasy. “How’d you do that so convincingly?”

Peter could only wheeze as he struggled to suck in air.

“Okay, okay, sorry to break immersion!” she cried out in her normal voice. Then, sinking deep and throaty again, “Now, your sexy, evil wife is going to break you with her super breasts…”

She placed one long leg on either side of him, then pulled them together, straddling his body tight. Piper gave him a little squeeze, watching him wince in pain extra-convincingly. He placed his hands on her firm thighs and tried to pry them apart, but Piper’s perfect flesh didn’t budge an inch.

“So powerless against me,” she taunted him, really getting into it. Peter’s acting was really out of this world today! It made Piper feel strong. Powerful. Unstoppable. For the first time, she was genuinely enjoying it, not just going through the motions to make her husband blow his brains out through his dick.

Bending forward at the waist, she let her heavy breasts fill his vision. Suddenly, as if mesmerized, he stopped struggling against her legs. His mouth was hanging open, heaving in deep breaths in uncontrollable arousal as she felt his erection surge ever harder, poking insistently against her vagina.

“You think you like seeing them now,” she whispered directly onto his face, the scent of fresh chocolate cookies still strong in her breath, “just wait until I press them into you…”

Piper lowered a bit more, letting her diamond-hard nipples scrape roughly against his chest. She watched as Peter’s face alternated between a grimace of pleasure and pain. Fuck yeah, this was hot!

She pressed down fully, her full, firm mounds not deforming at all as their spherical perfection pressed into his far softer body. His eyes went wild with panic as placed his arms around her tiny waist and tried to hoist her off. His chest was caving in just from the gentle pressure of her tits!

“Aww, poor baby, you can’t take it? I’m barely touching you! Why don’t I squash you harder and let you really feel them?”

Piper swung her powerful, irresistible breasts back and forth, pressing even harder. Peter winced as he felt his bones begin to creak! He tried to stop his wife, but no sound came out of his tortured body but a whimpering moan.

She drank in his delicious, panicked look with relish. But just to be certain, she arched her body off of his, and he gasped lungfuls of air like a man who had just been drowning.

“P-P-P-Piper!” he wheezed. “We… we need a safe word! I couldn’t breathe!

“Ooh, is that right? My breasts were squashing the life out of you, were they?”

“I mean it!!!” he squealed.

She traced her index finger along his chest, swirling circles on his skin, and then pressed down on a rib. It gave way to her gentle push, and broke with a large crack!

“Hnnnnnnnnng!” he cried out, unable to breathe once again.

“Holy shit!” Piper exclaimed. He wasn’t playing! “Are you okay, Petey? I barely pushed down, I swear!”

He rolled over on his good side and wrapped his arms across his chest, cradling his bruises.

“I think your serum really worked! Petey, I’m so sorry! I had no idea!”

“Safe… word...,” he wheezed.

“Are you okay? Do I need to take you to the hospital!? What do we say?”

“Broken rib… probably… it’s okay,” he huffed.

“I’m surprised you didn’t actually… sorry, forget I brought it up. I know you don’t like when I mention it.”

Peter could only groan and wheeze.

Leaving her injured husband on the bed, Piper scooted off his body. Standing there in the darkness, Piper flexed her fingers, curling each digit individually into a fist, cracking her knuckles loudly and threateningly. Experimentally, she grabbed a cheap, thin, engraved, bronze trinket, a souvenir from their honeymoon. It deformed under a pinch of her fingers, and she twisted it further and further like a wet rag, leaving behind only a twisted knot of metal.

“Holy shit!” Piper yelled.

Peter could scarcely see what she was doing, but he saw the effect clearly enough. Their memento looked like a rolled up tortilla. His wife was now his fantasy come true. And he had the bruises and broken bones to show for it. Despite the pain, his erection did not fade.

“Piper… wow… that’s amazing.” He was finally able to speak, now that he could breathe again, albeit painfully.

She grabbed a framed photo of their immediate family, cracking the wood open with an easy bend of her hands, shattering the glass with her fingers and tearing Sarah’s, Peter’s older sister’s, head right out of the photo.

“Hey, what are you doing?” Peter asked.

“None of your business,” she grinned evilly, letting that bit of glossy photo paper drift to the floor.

“So, about that ‘safe word’…” she mused as she airquoted the words.

“How about... mmf!”

Piper’s hand shot out at superspeed and covered his mouth.

“How about I don’t fucking care about your safe word? This is your fantasy, after all, isn’t it? Look, your pathetic little penis is still all hard for me. Oh look, it’s getting even harder! So I’m right, aren’t I? No safe word for you!”

His eyes went wide with panic.

“Yesss! I’ll throw you around, use you, break you, and you’re going to like it!” She lifted him up just with the casual grip around his mouth.

Peter panicked as he placed her hands on her steely, immovable arm. She leaned in close and nipped his earlobe gently, swirling her tongue over his soft flesh before giving it a lusty suck.

“We’ll come up with a safeword after,” she whispered hotly. “Just go along with me for now. I’m really feeling it. And I’ll try not to break your little soldier. Besides, it’s not like you can stop me, right?” She pinched his arm under her powerful fingers, causing him to wince in pain.

“And I know you want this,” she smirked, cupping her hand over his jeans, feeling his angry, twitching cock.

Chapter 5

“Arrrrrgh!” Peter screamed as Piper straddled him on the bed, idly drumming her powerful fingers against his barreled chest.

“Now, what should I do with you?” she mused, bruising his flesh and causing the rickety bed frame to creak and bounce violently with every single tap.

“Pip… er… I… can’t…” his voice vibrated as his body thudded rhythmically under her gentle touch.

“Oh, sorry dear, I’ll stop. Let’s try something else then, shall we?”

Piper removed those superstrong tapping fingers from his chest and encircled them around his throat instead, and lifted him off the bed. He instinctively placed his hands on her arms to try and counterbalance the pressure that she was exerting. The sight was a ludicrous paradox—a beautiful, slender, sculpted supermodel lifting a proud athlete with a single hand by this throat—but there it was, Piper picking up Peter like a ragdoll and slowly waving him about.

“I hope you don’t like these pants,” she purred as she tucked her finger into the waistband. Flattening the button between her thumb and index, she ripped it off before dragging her perfectly manicured nail through the zipper. She obliterated the metal teeth with a languid swipe and continued to rip his pants through the center. They fell to the floor in two perfect halves. His erect cock sprang out at full attention.

“So hard already?” Piper taunted. “What happens when your arms get tired? Will you have to rely on my little chokehold to support you? Or what if…”

She traced her index finger over his slit, collecting the wetness and smearing it around his exposed cockhead. Peter’s arms began to tremble as his strength waned, both from supporting his own weight and from her exquisite touch, forcing his body to betray itself. His heart pounded harder, redirecting much needed oxygen to his burning, needy cock that Piper was controlling.

“What if… I make you come, and your body just gives out completely? Totally helpless against me? I broke your rib with just my breast! Imagine what my hand could do to you!”

She wrapped those slim fingers over his erection, forming a ring around his shaft, and squeezed gently. His penis turned purple as she pinched him shut. Tears rolled down his cheeks as his entire world exploded in unbelievable pain.

Feeling that Peter’s strength was about to leave him, Piper released the iron grip she had around his neck, letting him slide to the floor. He moaned in agony as he sucked down much-needed air into his lungs. Gingerly, he cradled his bruising penis with his hands, yelping as he touched it gently.

“You won’t get away that easily,” she gave context to the mercy she’d shown him. “You deserve much worse than a swift death like that. I’m going to play with you more.”

Piper flicked his bulky arms away from his organ with an easy push of her perfect toes, slamming them hard against the wall of the house. Peter cried out again as his bolts of pain shot through his wrists where they had impacted hardest.

“Poor baby!”

Feeling especially wicked, she pressed her toes just a smidge against his broken rib. Peter looked at her in abject horror.

“Safe word!!!” he screamed.

“What’s that? That doesn’t mean anything to me,” she smiled sinisterly.

Just as she began to apply a bit of pressure by pushing down, Peter’s hands flew to her perfect foot, gripping her delicate arch as hard as he could and trying to pry her away. She merely held it in place and raised an eyebrow at him, not responding to his desperate struggles. Piper wiggled her foot to demonstrate just how helpless his entire body was against just her foot!

Just when his stress reached its apex, she dragged her foot down his torso, tracing her digits through his silky pubic hair, and nudged his swollen balls with her beautifully pedicured toes.

Peter spasmed, fresh new pain and pleasure rushing through his body caused by his involuntary reaction to Piper’s sexual, superpowered onslaught.

She ignored his agony, intensifying it further as she stroked his shaft using the gaps between her toes to grip him tightly. Squeezing his member, drifting up and down, she took enough care to not aggravate the pain she had given him earlier with just a squeeze of her fingers.

“God, even my feet are fucking pretty. Just look at them, Petey.”

She watched him obey. They had never discussed anything about a footjob before, but he was certainly responding. Piper really had never found feet attractive, but her own smooth skin, curved arch, and even, regular toes looked absolutely succulent and suckable. Piper was getting jealous that she couldn’t experience what she was giving out!

Peter’s legs, thick as tree trunks, began to twitch as he watched her work his shaft expertly with just her foot, the pleasure mounting higher and higher, his balls growing tighter and tighter. He could do nothing to stop her, even if he wanted to. And he didn’t. Every slick stroke, growing ever wetter, throbbing, harder. Up and down, up and down.

“Did someone have a secret foot fetish, I wonder?”

“No…” Peter moaned.

“No lying, or I’ll break another rib! This time with one of my toes that you seem to love so much!”

“I really don’t!” he cried out, clutching his chest in anticipation of the phantom pain. “But you’re right! Your feet are really fucking pretty! You’ve never… this is way better than any blowjob… any sex… Piper, I’m gonna, I’m gonna… I can’t control it… Nnnn!” His body clenched as the pressure erupted from his balls, all the way through his shaft.

“No, you can’t control it. But I can,” Piper laughed.

She squeezed his cockhead, not enough to injure him, but enough to slow his volcanic eruption into a little dribble. Piper dragged out his pleasure, milking little trickles out of his penis to drip limply onto his leg. Peter bucked his hips, desperately trying to release his own fluid. But he could do nothing to free himself from the iron grip of her toes.

“Are you quite done yet?” she taunted him, wiggling her digits and flinging his jizz all over him. Finally, his contorted face relaxed, returning to a grimace of pain.

“Oh god… Piper…” Peter begged, not sure what to say. His deepest, darkest fantasy come to life was painful! And he still came harder than ever! In fact, the pain and her power probably fueled him even to even further heights of pleasure! And he now had the bruises and broken bones to show for it— literally.

The comforting familiarity of post-orgasmic sleep began to wrap its tendrils over his exhausted mind, but Piper bent down and slapped him loudly across the cheek. She watched his delayed reaction to his stinging skin as it reddened. Peter gasped in pain as sharp pricks dotted his face where she had barely touched him.

“You’re not done yet, Petey. This time, I get to have some fun too.”

She threw him into the air, putting a bit of spin into it so that he rotated 180 degrees, perfectly upside down. Halting his movement by catching his calves, she lifted him up, fingers digging deep into his thick thighs. Sparing one hand to slip down her boy shorts, she exposed her superpowered, pink pussy to him.

“Your turn, you little fuck. You owe me so many nights of pleasure. Time for me to redeem.”

The novel experience of truly and properly dominating him in reality was turning Piper on. Either that, or her new super fit and oh-so-libidinous body was dictating her desires. Or maybe both. In any case, she was dripping wet, her nectar leaking down the inside of her thighs. The anticipation of getting hers, and knowing that she could force him to do it no matter how much he resisted, definitely helped. Did it ever.

Piper let Peter probe her folds with his fingers, before inserting two of them into her tight, sopping love canal. To his credit, he remembered just how she liked it. But as he continued to fondle her insides, he seemed to be struggling, his fingers getting weaker as the blood rushed to his head.

“Hurry the fuck up. Make yourself useful and lick me,” she ordered her little toy of a husband while he was still able to function.

Peter leaned in, using his arms to attach his face to her sweet-smelling sex to prevent himself from dangling back and forth like a pendulum, suspended in midair by nothing but her powerful grip. He did his best, curling his fingers inside of her. It was difficult, considering how impossibly tight she’d become! It felt like she was actively crushing his fingers inside! Meanwhile, he sucked on her turgid clit, rubbing his tongue and lips as hard as he could against her sweet nub, drowning in her juices.

“Harder,” she ordered, despite his best efforts.

He gripped the firm swells of her marvelous butt even tighter, mashing his face as deep in as possible. Piper responded by grinding her sex against his face, hard. He could feel himself suffocating from such a gentle application of her unstoppable force! His face was slick with her violent, dominating love.

“Harder! Bite it!” Piper demanded, wanting more than his feathery light touch.

Finally, she felt the stimulation she was seeking. Her super powered legs began to twitch, pinning his ears to his head and squeezing him tight. A deep, ecstatic warmth built deep in her core, radiating outward, and as Peter grinded his teeth against her invulnerable clit, she trembled lightly as she flooded his face with her ambrosia. The gentle shaking battered his head between her hard-as-steel thighs, and he passed out as her shaking grew even more powerful.

“Aaaaaaaaaahhhhh!” she cried out, her potent, shuddering climax growing stronger and lasting longer than anything she had experienced before, inflamed by the realization her big, strong husband had utterly succumbed to her new rampant sexuality. Her strength, her curves, her needs, all amplified. She was simply too much for him now!

And it felt incredible.

As Piper came down the glorious high of her first serum-boosted orgasm, she threw Peter’s useless form on the bed and continued to play with herself, pinching her nipples and swirling circles over her clit until she was finally satisfied… A state that took a full dozen more bone-deep orgasms that had sent cracks up the bedroom walls and left a puddle of her ambrosia staining the carpet. She would definitely have to find a nice, tough dildo for the future.

When Peter finally came to, Piper lay next to him in bed, groaning in pain.

“Piper! Are you okay!? Was there some side effect?!”

“Peter!” she moaned. “I… ate like… 60 more cookies… plus all of the cookie dough left in the fridge… but all I got was this horrible stomach ache! Fuuuuuuuck…”

“Uh Pip, maybe we need more serum before that’ll work again.”

Piper lay on her side in fetal position and continued to heave through the night.


Super Fan

Much easier to read all in one go. Thanks for consolidating. I think every 5 chapters of anything should done like this.


I did this specifically to enhance the sex scene and add more details to the world they live in... but that is a great point! I'll do it as time permits!