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Chapter 8 - Eva Extraordinary

Eva walked into our small robotics group an hour late. She was wearing a pair of black nylon gym shorts, the incredible length of her legs completely smooth and bare, down to her ankle socks and chic trainers. Those abs that nearly crippled me were on full display, thanks to the small t-shirt being pushed up and out by her breasts. But at least those perfect, oversized-for-her-body melons were covered fully—except I could still see and drool over their perfect shape even from under her shirt. And she wasn’t wearing a bra. God, her nipples were perky, pointed, and huge. I wanted to roll my fingers over them and swirl my tongue on them...

Her long hair was tied up in a cute bun, her highlights seemingly symmetrical along every axis. How was that even possible!?

Emma and Sara greeted her vigorously.

“Eva, you’re here!”

“We’re so glad to have you on board!”

“Hey Eva. You’re late,” I welcomed her coolly.

“Hi, Vicki, was it?” She smiled brightly at me, eyes sparkling, cheeks dimpling. My fingers clenched as I tried to maintain control of my body. My heart raced, but I refused to return that lovely, enchanting smile!

“Sorry about that,” she continued as I trembled in arousal at her devastating beauty. “I was trying out for the softball team.”

“What happened?” “Did you get in?” Emma and Sara asked eagerly. I’ve never seen them interested in high school sports, until now.

“Yeah, they want me on the varsity team. Same for track and field. I’m not sure I’ll join either. I might try out for basketball instead. That looks like it might be fun.”

“Wow, Eva!” “You’re amazing!” “You can play all those sports at once!?”

Might be fun!? Had this girl not played the sports she was trying out for?! And obviously she looked toned, and strong, and tall, and gorgeous... but certainly not like an multi athlete!

“You know, Eva, we have meetings twice a week. If you can’t commit to that, you can’t join our robotics team.” I stood my ground.

“Oh, don’t worry, Vicki! I think I should be able to contribute enough so that you won’t mind. Why don’t you show me the project you’re working on?”

As soon as she asked, I… I just wanted to answer her truthfully. To satisfy her and make her happy. Her voice echoed in my mind and demanded loyalty.

“It’s a little dog robot!” I gushed as I led her to our baby. I couldn’t stop myself! I wanted to show her our pet Robodog so much!

Sara pulled out the remote control and began to operate it. Our little quadruped moved stiffly, gears grinding, putting one wobbly foot in front of the other.

“Hey, that’s really cool,” Eva remarked. All three of us gushed from her little compliment. I felt my cheeks grow warm. I could tell that Emma and Sara felt considerably more than that grow warm.

Sara kicked it into another gear, no doubt to try and impress Eva. I wanted her to be impressed too. To give us more compliments.

Our prized robot lumbered forward clumsily.

“Hey Sara, slow it down!” I ordered, but she didn’t listen. Robo picked up momentum, but we all knew that his right foreleg was either miscalibrated or misaligned or… something. Sure enough, it began to veer and was headed straight for a metal shelf.

“Sara!!” I yelled. But it was too late. Robo crashed head on, causing the structure to creak and wobble perilously.

“No!!” I cried as it began to fall. It was all unfolding in slow motion. A year’s worth of work was going to get crushed. Eva was going to ruin everything just by being here!

Suddenly, I felt her warm scent buffet over me. The metal shelf froze there in mid-fall, halfway to the floor. There stood Eva, supporting it with just a single finger at waist height!

It was like a cover image of a comic book! With an indifferent look on her face, she posed there, her free fist on her cocked hip, drawing yet more attention to her slender, toned, perfect legs. Her long, beautiful mane was still coming to rest from her seemingly impossible speed.

With just that single digit, she pushed the bookshelf back against the wall, slowly and effortlessly.

All of us exhaled in awe at her seeming superpowers and relief that our precious robot hadn’t been crushed.

“You girls okay?” Eva asked, as she brushed her back into place behind her ear.

“Wuh… how did you…?” Sara asked.

She bent at the waist, reaching down the length of her body with incredible flexibility, her long, luscious legs remaining perfectly straight, to pick up Robo. Her eyes seemed to glow as she examined it, turning it on all axes, bringing it back to our workbench.

“I see the problem here. This front leg has a wire crossed, which is why it’s not controlling well. And the handiwork is a little bit off. Who put this together?” Eva asked.

“Vicki did…” Emma contributed.

I gritted my teeth. I had put the whole damn thing together, not just some faulty bit! Wait, how the hell did she even determine that?!

“It’s really good, Vicki! You don’t mind if I fix it, do you?” she asked me, smiling brightly.

Her beatific smile blew away my anger like fluff in the wind.

“Go ahead, Eva…” I replied dreamily. Maybe she would fix it. Maybe she would mess it up. I just wanted her to do as she pleased.

“Thanks Vicki!”

She sliced through the welded plating with just a fingernail and pried the pieces apart. Her hands blurred as she appeared to pull the wires out and reattached them. I didn’t even have time to panic before she had reconfigured it.

“Okay, that should be better.”

All three of us stared at her blankly. Did… what… how!?

“Hello? Sara, can you drive it again?”

“Oh, uh, sure…” Sara fiddled with the controller again. Robo’s foreleg moved smoothly now, without any sign of grinding. “Whoa, it’s great! Eva, how did you identify that!?”

“Oh, it’s nothing. I just saw it. Let me weld these pieces back together for you too.”

“Oh, Vicki can set you up with the face mask and torch…” Emma volunteered.

“No, it’s okay. I got it.”

Eva held together the two metal pieces that protected the naked internal wiring of Robo’s foreleg. Exactly what was she going to do!?

Suddenly, the edges where the metal plates touched began to spark and glow. I saw a thin laser blasting it and traced it back to its source. Her eyes were emitting a consistent, coherent beam of heat! And it was hot enough to melt metal!

Even as the plates fused together, the lasers from her eyes and the sparks from the metal didn’t seem to bother her beautiful, delicate hands at all. We could smell the burning dust and see the incandescent glow of burning alloy filling the air. Eventually, she finished the precision task with her eye lasers and winked them away.

She placed Robo back down on the workbench.

“I could cool it off, but it’s better to just let it cool naturally. But you guys knew that already, right?” She turned to look at us with those devastating, glowing, light brown eyes. I actually flinched, expecting, I don’t know, anything from intense heat to actually being burned alive, but they were absolutely bright and charming.

“H-h-h-how!?” we all asked simultaneously.

“Oh, I dunno. Daddy says I’m special.” She winked at us.

Daddy says I’m special!? What the hell is that supposed to mean?

“Anyway,” Eva pulled out her thermos and poured herself a shot of that mystery fluid, which she downed in a flourish, “I assume you’ll be happy to have me on the team? I won’t be able to join the meetings on time, but surely you’ll consider me a big asset and give me credit?”

“Yes! Yes!” Emma and Sara screamed. I couldn’t deny her, as much as I wanted.

“That’s… incredible, Eva. Welcome to the team,” I begrudged her.

“Thanks, girls! I’ve always wanted to be part of a female-led robotics team. Working with boys hasn’t gone too well in the past. I’m so excited!”

She sauntered up to us and gave Emma a big hug. Before I could fantasize about how it felt to be wrapped up by a statuesque model/goddess, feeling her slender, toned arms around me, pressing me into that fantastic bust, she leaned down and kissed Emma on the cheek.

Releasing Emma, she did the same to Sara. A quick peck on the cheek.

Both of my closest friends trembled and moaned where they stood as they reverently cradled the spot that had been blessed by this goddess’ lips. I waited, burning with conflict internally, for my blessing too. But Eva just smiled at me and gave me a hug, thrilling me with the touch of her perfect body. Her breasts didn’t give at all as she pressed into me. It was like they were asserting their dominance over my own, and I couldn’t protest, even if I wanted to. My breasts flattened against her perfect firmness. My body caved even as it surged in erotic discomfort. My pussy burned with need. Her thigh slipped in between my legs and gave me a stroke, eliciting a sharp involuntary gasp from me.

And then, she let me go and waved goodbye.

“See you girls next week for robotics club!” I swore her eyes glowed briefly once again.

I turned to watch her leave, ogling her entire backside. Even the arch of her back and their well-defined muscles were beautiful. I could still feel the imprint of her body against my own. The slight ache and bruising from her bulging bosom felt really pleasant. Oh my lord...


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