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Yes, silly! It's me! Yeah, I know I look a lot different from yesterday.

You're late! I told you to meet me up here 5 minutes ago!

Just 5 minutes? I wouldn't have cared before, but to me, 5 minutes seems like an eternity now. If you could move as fast as I can now, you'd understand.

Hey. Are you even listening to me? I can do such incredible things now.

I gave myself a minute to arrive here on time. I got here within seconds. You see what I mean by how long 5 minutes is to me now? I spent my time scanning this entire neighborhood with my improved eyes, combining my x-ray and telescopic vision.

Yes, you heard me. I can do that.

I'm crazy strong now too. This railing?


That wasn't even hard. I'll show you just a tiny fraction of how strong I am when I play with those cars down there.

Hey. Wake up. I'm still talking to you here. What are you... let me see...

Oh! Oh my! I can see your erection leaking in your pants! You're so turned on! What's the matter? Is my new body too much to handle too?

These are just my old clothes. They just seem to... fit a little better now, don't they? Haha, you can't stop staring at this tight bubble butt of mine, or this beautiful arc of my lower back, can you?

Ooh, or is it my hair? Look at these wonderful, fluffy blonde locks...

Or my eyes? I know, they're so blue... and powerful, and deadly...

Oh you poor thing! Are you gonna come? Don't hold back now!

Uh oh, are you looking at my breasts now? But they're still covered up! They are firm, aren't they? So firm and so very perky... can you imagine how amazing they would feel surrounding your hard, little manhood?


Hahahaha! You came hard! Just from looking at me!

Now, I'll give you something really nice to watch. This is only the first neighborhood on my path of destruction.

Model is Alexandra Danilova

Image submitted by thero



Bernard Phillips

OK, this needs a continuation 💪😏