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Day 44

Every muscle in my body hurts! And no, not because of Lady Z. In fact, we haven’t had a meeting in two weeks. I would only disappoint her in my current state, and I’m pretty sure the pair of pictures she sent me could tide me over for the rest of my life. Not to mention she’s been sending even more while my body is on sabbatical for improvement. They’re really something... Anyway, my workout is grueling!

Mansion 3 turned out to be a big gym. It’s pretty highly trafficked with lots of men and women in seemingly peak physical fitness. I felt quite inadequate.

Thankfully, every single facility had personal trainers, and before I could lose my nerve, the spitting image of a Greek god came up and greeted me. He led me through the routine that he had drafted, per Lady Z’s instructions.

All I know is that, that night, I had to penguin-waddle my way up the staircase in the grand entrance. My ass, my thighs, my chest, my arms, all greeted me in the morning with a burning blaze of pain. I had to literally roll out of bed, only to lie face down on the floor for a good fifteen minutes after that. I feared I would never move again.

One week in, and I was already feeling some results. Nothing visible, but my trainer had already upped some of my weights, and my body was adjusting to the strenuous exercise, feeling a nice rush of endorphins and a pleasant ache of fatigue instead of feeling like I’d never lift a finger.

I fell behind on my work a bit in the first two weeks, but both Zelda and Lady Z were forgiving. I multitasked on the stationary workout machines by listening to or reading the news. God knows I didn’t want to let Lady Z down…

I’d just finished today’s workout and was headed back to the main entrance. The building was divided into two halves equally, and I’d never been to the other half. The left side was dedicated to the general Zenterprise employees. The right? All for Lady Z.

I felt like less of an outsider here than when I first arrived, and I was high on endorphins, so I swallowed my fear and simply asked the receptionist if we were allowed to go to Lady Z’s half. She nodded.

Her half of the mansion had just a few spacious rooms the size of buildings! The first one I stepped into had large, unwieldy objects. I walked around the area examining them as if they were exhibits at a museum.

There was a large SUV with a rope attached, resting on a long, jagged, rocky road. Presumably Lady Z hauled it along like in one of those strong man competitions.

Another display had what I can only assume to be the engine of a train meant to power at least 200 cars. It was HUGE! Moving closer to examine it, I could see the imprint of her hand. I nearly fainted.

The next one was rather tame: a boulder and an incline. I chuckled. Sisyphus had nothing on her. I reached out and touched the stone reverently. To my surprise, it began to move. I gasped! Had I done that?!

And then, that all familiar laughter. That heavenly, taunting sound rang in my ears now whenever I masturbated to Lady Z, ever since she had caused me to erupt so hard, so easily… so effortlessly.

There she was, floating directly above me, in a pair of black leather pants and matching black leather jacket. Needless to say, she looked incredible. She had a single finger placed near the top of the rock, idly rolling it up and down with her easy pushing.

“Enjoying my old gym?” Lady Z winked at me. She came back down to earth, landing silently beside me, giving my bicep and my ass a little pinch with her fingers. “Mm,” she moaned, wiggling her eyebrows at me and licking her lips as I gasped in pain from the brief, unbearable pressure of her touch.

I took being treated like a piece of meat in stride. Well, if that stride included a surging hard erection.

“You’re looking pretty tasty these days…” she continued to eyefuck me.

“Nothing compared to you, Lady Z,” I stared, wide-eyed. She was having an even more profound effect on me than when I had seen her naked. And her in the nude had completely devastated me!

“Looks like we’re both improving then, although some at a faster rate than others,” she smiled mischievously. “My beauty is really picking up these days. Just look at me!”

I gasped as I stared at her luscious lips, speaking such immodest words with such conviction. But it was true. Somehow she had dialed it up to 150. My heart surged watching her tongue flick out to lick those plump folds of her mouth. I wanted to lunge at her, entwine my lips with hers, taste the ambrosia of this wonderful goddess… but my body wasn’t listening. I was paralyzed on the spot, my iron erection leaking copiously, commanding me to continue to stare at her.

I didn’t even have a chance to ogle the rest of her.

“Pow,” she winked a glowing blue eye and pointed a finger at me.

I almost had an out-of-body experience as I heard myself moan and ejaculate fiercely. A large, wet stain appeared around my crotch as I pulsed uncontrollably from her tiny throwaway seduction. My trembling legs gave out as I fell to my knees, still shuddering, still jetting semen into my underwear.

“Told you I was getting even better,” she bragged over my moaning. “You should’ve seen what I did to a reporter this morning. He was talking to a female co-worker, I walked by him, and I just set him off! He’ll probably lose his job cuz of my little wink!” she laughed.

I merely continued convulsing for a minute until she relented.

“Fine, I’ll tone it back down. For now.”

I felt her oppressive, irresistible sexual aura recede. I finally stopped pulsing. Sucking in deep breaths of much needed air, I opened my eyes cautiously to peek at her. She was merely transcendantly beautiful now, no longer slamming me into my orgasm.

She regarded the wet stain on my pants with glee, licking her lips. I moaned again.

“But yeah, this stuff is old. Want to see more of my new stuff?” she gestured at the rest of the gym-turned-museum-exhibit.

“Old? You mean, this is all outdated?” my voice trembled, still trying to recover from my pleasure.

“Big time. I told you I was getting stronger every day, didn’t I? I’m even developing more powers, as you may have noticed. Why don’t you take a look in the next room?”

It took all my willpower to take my eyes off her, having not seen her nubile flesh in two weeks, but I did as she ordered. She stayed behind, wistfully examining some of her old workout gear, as she called it.

I got to the next room, but to my shock, she was already in there when I turned the corner. Before I could voice my surprise, a sweet scent wafted by, the wake of her superspeed washing over me and stoking my desire despite my Herculean ejaculations just a minute earlier. I struggled to contain my arousal.

This room was… bizarre. A series of well-crafted marble, brass, what-have-you statues lined the walls, end to end. Lady Z stood beside one of them, miming the pose to perfection. I laughed.

“What is this room?” I asked as I approached her.

“This one’s to gain control and precision with my strength and emission powers. When we get a new slab of marble in, I’ll have you pose against it. Then, I’ll carve an outline around you with my laser vision. Sound fun? Just don’t move!”

“I, ah, uh…”

“Don’t worry, I only amputated one guy.” She winked at me again. Given recent events, I couldn’t tell if she was joking or not. I forced a nervous laugh.

We walked through the snaking path as I examined each of her sculptures. The detailed work was remarkable. The lines, the facial expressions… At one point, she strutted up to one of them, dug her nail into the brass, and carved another wrinkle into the sculpture. Then, using the balls of her fingers, she smeared and molded the metal surrounding it. It was breathtaking to watch.

“Have you ever thought about selling these?”

“What, this rubbish? Nah, I just melt and remold it when I need to.”

We passed a small bronze bust that looked familiar to me. I peered closely at it—I think it was the crazed guy who had approached me during lunch a few weeks ago!

“Hey, I think I know him.” I pointed it out.

“Oh, him. I used to see him. We moved him to mansion 6. Let me clean this up.”

Her icy sapphire pupils glowed, before two searing beams of heat struck the marvelously accurate and expressive sculpture. His metal face sagged, quickly looking more and more like the pleading wreck he had been when I saw him. Needless to say, it was more than a little disturbing. Soon, Lady Z had transformed it into a molten puddle. The metal sludge rolled off the marble countertop and pooled on the floor, sizzling.

With a little pucker and a puff of breath, she cooled the thousand degree blob into hardness.

I swallowed in fear at her casual, brutal display.

“Next room?” she smiled brightl


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