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Jackie Rides a Coaster

“You said you were bringing a friend?” Marie nosied. “A friend, huh? Wouldn’t happen to be someone you met at a party, would it?”

“No way! Did our Jackie actually hook up with someone?!” Lisa gasped.

“Was it… Derek!?” Marie continued to pry.

“Wait, no! Jackie, tell me you didn’t! I should’ve warned you guys! In the athletic circles, we all know he’s kind of…”

“Guys!!! Stop! It’s not Derek, okay!” Jackie interrupted, neglecting to mention the deed that she had actually done with him. She idly wondered if Derek would be able to orgasm without her help ever again, actually...

“Okay, phew. That guy is an asshole,” Lisa concluded.

“Oops! I didn’t know! I just thought he was hot,” Marie confessed.

“That’s how they get you,” Lisa nodded soberly. “So, who is it then?”

“Um, this guy named Kevin.”

“Kevin who?” Both Lisa and Marie asked simultaneously.

“Kevin Johnson.”

“Who?!” they asked in sync once again.

“I met him at the party. We’ve been hanging out all week after school.”

“You have!?!?” “No you haven’t!”

“Yeah. On, um… ESO,” Jackie replied sheepishly. Seems like confidence still wasn’t one of her strong suits.

“Your game!?” Lisa and Marie looked at each other. “Jackie! Oh my god! You are a fucking bombshell now!”

“Come on, guys. I love my game. And be nice to him. Here he comes.”

A relatively skinny, blue-eyed boy in glasses with thick, brown, unkempt hair approached them. His eyes lit up when he saw Jackie.

“Jackie!” He tried to play it cool, but failed utterly.

“Hey, Kevin!”

“Good job on that raid yesterday,” he smirked. They high-fived. Kevin was unsure what to do, and Jackie didn’t know either. They ended up in an awkward, one-armed side hug.

Lisa and Marie just looked at each other.

“So, you guys have been hanging out all week, huh?” Marie took the lead.

“Yeah, online. I couldn’t believe someone as pretty as Jackie plays ESO!” Kevin answered.

Oh. My. God. Lisa mouthed at Marie.

“Kevin, girls, let’s go!” Jackie didn’t want to hear any more of it.

And the truth was, Jackie had been working out all while playing. She had been stealing weights and adjustable dumbbells out of the school gym, figuring that nobody would miss them for a day, since that was more than enough time for her to master it. By the end of the week, a barbell loaded with every single weight was no effort to her at all. Bicep curls, reverse curls, deadlifts, squats, leg presses… everything was effortless. And with her ability to control her own appearance, she could hide any too-rapid gains from showing. Was it even right to call them gains? Her supernatural powers were making definitions difficult.

The four of them walked down the boardwalk, Lisa and Marie in the lead, Jackie and Kevin trailing behind. They went into an arcade.

“Hey! Let’s play this!” Lisa pointed at a game that involved throwing balls to knock down targets.

“Come on Leese, we didn’t all play softball when we were young!” Marie moaned. “I wanna ride some rides! And maybe meet some cute boys on the beach!”

“Um… can I play with you?” Jackie asked.

Lisa and Marie both looked shocked. Jackie had never expressed interest in this before.

“Oh yeah! I bet you’d be great! You’re so strong, Jackie!” Kevin chimed in.

Lisa and Marie looked at each other as if what he said was crazy. Jackie, strong? How weak did he have to be to think that?

Lisa inserted tokens for both of them. “Okay Jackie, you don’t have to throw too hard, but you still have to throw hard enough. The trick is not to wear yourself out.”

Jackie smiled. “Got it.”

The lights came to life as the little obnoxious clowns flipped up, laughing maniacally. A set of balls rolled into the tray.

Lisa grabbed them with her left, moving them to her dominant right hand in one fluid, continuous motion, and struck a clown. She wasted no time constantly loading and firing, her left hand always groping for an available bullet.

Jackie just watched for a bit.

“Jackie! Come on! You have to help me!”

“Okay, okay!”

She reached down and grabbed a pair of balls and simply flung both at the same time by pushing her arms forward, with no windup or effort at all. They struck the iron poles holding up the clowns with a loud clang before they hit the back of the arcade booth, putting large dents in it.

Lisa was none the wiser, but Kevin and Marie gasped. Jackie made sure to dial it back, picking up another pair and flinging them much the same way, just… with a fraction of the strength she had used before. Not that she felt like she was using any strength at all.

She mowed down every last one before Lisa did. The game came to an end as it ejected their paper tickets.

“Phew! I only missed one! Not bad! How’d you do, Jackie?”

Jackie held up the incredibly long string of tickets the booth had given her.

“Whoa! Holy shit! Did you get them all?”

“Yeah!” Jackie smiled.

Lisa looked at Marie and Kevin for confirmation. They merely nodded wordlessly.

“Well, looks like we underestimated our little ESO gamer,” Lisa stated with a hint of jealousy. “Roller coaster?”

They paid for a ride and were promptly seated after a short wait. The old, wooden, rickety thing clanked as the metal gears grinded them higher into the air, before the inevitable tipping point and the screaming started.

As the ride zipped and zoomed around, Jackie could feel something strange inside of her. Her body had never been this sensitive to forces before. The sudden sharp turns, the force of gravity acting on her in different directions… she could sense it, and she knew she could overpower it. She actually defied it for a moment, the safety bar deforming as her slender, powerful, invulnerable legs pushed against it, until Jackie let gravity take back over.

As the ride continued, she made sure to bend the bar back in place by pushing on it with her fingers. She probably wouldn’t get hurt if she flew through the air and crashed to the ground, but the same couldn’t be said about Kevin, who was sitting next to her.

The ride came to an end. Surreptitiously, Jackie stepped out of the car and experimented with that fuzzy feeling, finding that she had basically hovered out of the coaster! Both of her feet were suspended in midair, and she hadn’t jumped! She quickly turned off that feeling, and she was earthbound once again, walking on wooden planks.

Now this was something to explore...


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