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Chapter 4

“What do you want to try today?” Piper whispered into Peter’s ear as she pressed her new, voluptuous body against his. Her hot, sensual breath tickled his eardrums and caused a shiver to tingle down his spine.

“Mmf!” Peter moaned as Piper had suddenly, forcefully, mashed her lips into his before he could answer. He was powerless to resist her kiss as she nibbled and sucked against his will, her powerful tongue thrusting into his mouth and swatting his aside. Actually, it was becoming difficult for Peter to breathe! He surged even harder.

Before he could pass out, she broke off the kiss and was whispering into his ear again.

“Want me to choke you out? Break your arm? Crush the bed into splinters as I grind my wide hips against you? Or maybe you want me to rub my nipples and breasts against you instead...”

“Piper!” he panted, his erection surging and throbbing harder than he’d ever experienced. “You’ve never been so eager before!” Her new, pulchritudinous body was certainly helping to inspire him as well.

“You better answer quickly, or I’ll just decide on my own how to kill you,” her eyes gleamed as she smiled wickedly. She was really feeling it today!

“Can you smother me with your breasts?” he whispered eagerly.

“You like how huge they are, don’t you? I’m sure I’ll pay for this with back pain later, but for now… they feel absolutely weightless! Let me know how this feels, baby...”

She placed a single finger on Peter’s chest and pushed as hard as she could, playing up her “super strength.” He slammed violently onto the soft bed as the breath was driven out of his chest.

“Whoa!” Piper yelled in shock, breaking the roleplay fantasy. “How’d you do that so convincingly?”

Peter could only wheeze as he struggled to suck in air.

“Okay, okay, sorry to break immersion!” she cried out in her normal voice. Then, sinking deep and throaty again, “Now, your sexy, evil wife is going to break you with her super breasts…”

She placed one long leg on either side of him, then pulled them together, straddling his body tight. Piper gave him a little squeeze, watching him wince in pain extra-convincingly. He placed his hands on her firm thighs and tried to pry them apart, but Piper’s perfect flesh didn’t budge an inch.

“So powerless against me,” she taunted him, really getting into it. Peter’s acting was really out of this world today! It made Piper feel strong. Powerful. Unstoppable. For the first time, she was genuinely enjoying it, not just going through the motions to make her husband blow his brains out through his dick.

Bending forward at the waist, she let her heavy breasts fill his vision. Suddenly, as if mesmerized, he stopped struggling against her legs. His mouth was hanging open, heaving in deep breaths in uncontrollable arousal as she felt his erection surge ever harder, poking insistently against her vagina.

“You think you like seeing them now,” she whispered directly onto his face, the scent of fresh chocolate cookies still strong in her breath, “just wait until I press them into you…”

Piper lowered a bit more, letting her diamond-hard nipples scrape roughly against his chest. She watched as Peter’s face alternated between a grimace of pleasure and pain. Fuck yeah, this was hot!

She pressed down fully, her full, firm mounds not deforming at all as their spherical perfection pressed into his far softer body. His eyes went wild with panic as placed his arms around her tiny waist and tried to hoist her off. His chest was caving in just from the gentle pressure of her tits!

“Aww, poor baby, you can’t take it? I’m barely touching you! Why don’t I squash you harder and let you really feel them?”

Piper swung her powerful, irresistible breasts back and forth, pressing even harder. Peter winced as he felt his bones begin to creak! He tried to stop his wife, but no sound came out of his tortured body but a whimpering moan.

She drank in his delicious, panicked look with relish. But just to be certain, she arched her body off of his, and he gasped lungfuls of air like a man who had just been drowning.

“P-P-P-Piper!” he wheezed. “We… we need a safe word! I couldn’t breathe!

“Ooh, is that right? My breasts were squashing the life out of you, were they?”

“I mean it!!!” he squealed.

She traced her index finger along his chest, swirling circles on his skin, and then pressed down on a rib. It gave way to her gentle push, and broke with a large crack!

“Hnnnnnnnnng!” he cried out, unable to breathe once again.

“Holy shit!” Piper exclaimed. He wasn’t playing! “Are you okay, Petey? I barely pushed down, I swear!”

He rolled over on his good side and wrapped his arms across his chest, cradling his bruises.

“I think your serum really worked! Petey, I’m so sorry! I had no idea!”

“Safe… word...,” he wheezed.

“Are you okay? Do I need to take you to the hospital!? What do we say?”

“Broken rib… probably… it’s okay,” he huffed.

“I’m surprised you didn’t actually… sorry, forget I brought it up. I know you don’t like when I mention it.”

Peter could only groan and wheeze.

Leaving her injured husband on the bed, Piper scooted off his body. Standing there in the darkness, Piper flexed her fingers, curling each digit individually into a fist, cracking her knuckles loudly and threateningly. Experimentally, she grabbed a cheap, thin, engraved, bronze trinket, a souvenir from their honeymoon. It deformed under a pinch of her fingers, and she twisted it further and further like a wet rag, leaving behind only a twisted knot of metal.

“Holy shit!” Piper yelled.

Peter could scarcely see what she was doing, but he saw the effect clearly enough. Their memento looked like a rolled up tortilla. His wife was now his fantasy come true. And he had the bruises and broken bones to show for it. Despite the pain, his erection did not fade.

“Piper… wow… that’s amazing.” He was finally able to speak, now that he could breathe again, albeit painfully.

“So, about that ‘safe word’…” she mused as she airquoted the words.

“How about... mmf!”

Piper’s hand shot out at superspeed and covered his mouth.

“How about I don’t fucking care about your safe word? This is your fantasy, after all, isn’t it? Look, your pathetic little penis is still all hard for me. Oh look, it’s getting even harder! So I’m right, aren’t I? No safe word for you!”

His eyes went wide with panic.

“Yesss! I’ll throw you around, use you, break you, and you’re going to like it!” She lifted him up just with the casual grip around his mouth.

Peter panicked as he placed her hands on her steely, immovable arm. She leaned in close and nipped his earlobe gently, swirling her tongue over his soft flesh before giving it a lusty suck.

“We’ll come up with a safeword after,” she whispered hotly. “Just go along with me for now. I’m really feeling it. And I’ll try not to break your little soldier. Besides, it’s not like you can stop me, right?” She pinched his arm under her powerful fingers, causing him to wince in pain.

“And I know you want this,” she smirked, cupping her hand over his jeans, feeling his angry, twitching cock.



This is the best chapter I've ever read. I can't wait to read the rest


Definitely enjoyed it!