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Chapter 3

Piper nearly tripped over herself as she stumbled out of bed. Her new, longer legs hit the floor much earlier than she was used to!

Sidling nervously in front of the full length mirror, not really sure what to expect, she wondered what she was about to see. Nerves quickly gave way to elation.

She was gorgeous! Her hair was so lustrous and shiny, intensely boldly red! She had tried color shampoos in the past, but even dyeing her hair had never had this profound an effect! As she ran her fingers through it, the ruby tresses felt so silky smooth, not a single knot or split end in sight!

She sucked in a startled breath when she saw her own glowing ice-blue eyes. They were piercingly bright, offset by the new, dark, long lashes. She could be on the cover of any magazine! Without touch ups! Experimentally, she put on a come-hither gaze and performed a languid wink… oh my god, it was like a siren’s call! Even to herself! She had caused her own heart to skip a beat as she flushed with arousal!

“Wow Peter…” she said breathlessly, “Are you seeing what I’m seeing?”

“Uh, I don’t think so, Pip. Too busy staring at your backside, here.”

“Why? You never told me you were an ass guy.”

“I didn’t think I was. Until now.”

“Oh really? Something interesting back there to see?”

She turned 180 degrees and craned her elegant neck to look at her own reflection. It was so high, so rounded, so tight! Her tanned skin was perfectly smooth; no cottage cheese thighs here. Those firm, spherical swells looked like they would’ve taken thousands of hours of dedicated work at a gym to build. Instead all she had to do was drink some stupid mystery fluid and eat a few chocolate chip cookies.

She slapped her own butt, expecting it to jiggle or redden. But it didn’t give an inch. Instead, the powerful contact sounded like a gunshot being fired. Peter covered his ears in shock. Piper merely tried wiggling her hips and bending one leg at a time, admiring her pert derriere. She stretched, finding her new, devastatingly gorgeous body impossibly flexible. Her fingers reached the floor easily even as her longer legs remained perfectly straight, presenting that ravishing rear end on full view for Peter. She could hear him gasp.

“You like?” she grinned.

“Yes!” His enthusiasm was undeniable.

“Was I changing in my sleep?” Piper asked as she stood back up, arching her back in another flexible stretch, presenting her jutting breasts to the heavens.

“Hnng,” Peter moaned as he drank in her luscious curves. “Piper! You’re so hot!!”

“Well, if you want me to do something for you, you’ll have to answer me first.” She was genuinely enjoying having this much control over her husband. “Was I changing in my sleep?” she repeated.

Peter now had sufficient motivation to obey. “No... I don’t think so. It was only when you were eating, actually. I don’t know why that would matter… but like I said, I never actually tested the serum on anybody yet.”

“Eating, huh?” Piper grabbed another cookie and bit into it. She could get used to this. Peter grabbed one as well. Maybe some molten chocolate could distract him from his needy arousal.

Piper continued to examine her backside as she nibbled on the warm, gooey chocolate chips, savoring what was to come with a languid lick of her tongue. She wasn’t exactly sure what she was looking for though. Peter called it out first.

“Your… your boobs! They’re… growing!

“No way. That’s too cliche! Are you sure you didn’t plan this in the serum!?”

“Piper, I swear! I was going to test it on myself. Why would I want breasts! Oh my god, look at them! They’re getting seriously huge!”

Her breasts were filling out the loose crop top that she slept in. Her nipples were tenting the fabric as the whole thing rose higher on her torso, leaving her underboob in clear view. And what a view it was! So much of her luscious flesh was on display now, more than she ever thought she’d possibly have even in her wildest fantasies. Piper watched in rapt anticipation, actively willing her breasts to grow larger, fuller, more sensitive! Slowly, they continued to fill out her top. She brought her fingers to massage those massive slopes, urging them further!

Growing tired of the glacial pace of her expanding bust, Piper quickly shoved the rest of the plate of the cookies in her mouth, one after the other. Her chest inflated again, swelling with every swallow, expanding to become fuller, rounder, stretching the fabric of her top to its very limit. Creases appeared in her top as they pressed against it ever harder, until finally, the threads could no longer take it and ripped apart, fluttering to the ground in little scraps.

And just when she thought her boobs had finally ceased their epic inflation, they rested for a second, settling on her chest before both perked up in unison. Piper yelped and arched her back from their unstoppable motion. And as the pièce de résistance, her crowning perfume pink nipples protruded proudly to present themselves to the world—large, thick, and a visual feast for all eyes to stare at and mouths to salivate over.

She admired her bare, magnificent, rounded slopes. They looked so firm and amazing! She traced a thumb over her large, perfect nipples and visibly shuddered with a lusty gasp. They felt good! She tweaked and twirled it, sending bolts of pleasure right down to her glistening intimacy.

“Oh my god, they’re so large!” Piper admired herself in the mirror, enjoying the contrast between her jutting breasts and her slender, trim and toned waist. She massaged herself with her elegant fingers, kneading her new, firm, lust-inducing orbs, easily overflowing the palm of her hands. Cupping their incredible size and hefting, Piper found that they in fact did not need any lift at all. Tracing the outer curve of her breasts with the back of her fingers sent tingles down her spine, causing her pussy to begin to burn in arousal. She pushed her tits together, gasping at the irresistible cleavage she had at her disposal. She was like a goddess of sex and sensuality, come to life.

Every massage, every squish, every trace of her silky fingers over her soft skin was pure pleasure. She moaned as she pinched the large nubs of her perky nipples, swirling her fingers over them and massaging them. Her pink pussy lips began to quiver as they leaked her ambrosia. Even her scent was powerful and intoxicating, sweet, floral, irresistible.

It didn’t take long for Peter to confirm Piper’s evaluation of herself. She heard a moan from behind. Turning around, she saw Peter with his pants down, gently stroking his leaking erection which stood at full attention. His other hand was covered in chocolate, his cookie long since forgotten and broken on the floor. His breathing was shallow, raggedy, and urgent. His mouth was wide open, drooling, and his eyes were desperate with desire.

“I think it’s time for your supervillain wife to fuck you to death,” she smirked.


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