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Hi everyone! I hope you are enjoying the stories so far! I'm writing up a storm!

The tentative schedule for now (and a while into the future) will be:

Monday - Diary of a Toy chapters
Tuesday - Captions
Wednesday - Early access to commissions. If I'm not working on a commission, this may be a day off, or it may be me posting my personal project WIP (Continue Yvy Continue, anyone?)
Thursday - Captions
Friday - No More Cliques

Weekends - Tolerable Cruelty and Jackie CYOA. And unscheduled bonus stories that I happen to write, like Kay's Fine Dining and Full Service. That one was 7k words!

For ease of reading, I am trying to tag everything accurately. To read Diary of a Toy oldest to most recent, find a chapter, click on that tag, and start from the bottom. For those of you here from the beginning, if you haven't been keeping up with it because of the slow burn, the action has arrived! Please give it a try—I've never written anything like this before! 🤗

Even the captions are tagged by model. Each model is having their own loose continuity, so I do put some effort into these 😊

If you are $5 tier and want to request some captions, send me a message here! Please give me a name of the model (image needs to be publicly available). And no nudity please—just to be safe.

And feel free to message me about anything, anytime.

When I finish the exclusive Patreon stories or when they reach a natural breaking point (No More Cliques Book 1 for example, according to my outline), I will re-poll and see if people want to continue it, or if we should move onto something else. My vision for Tolerable Cruelty is not so clear yet, so I'm not sure how long that will run.

Update Aug 9:

In less-good news, some of you may have noticed that I added more expensive Patreon tiers. I should have announced this, but I neglected to. I'm sorry about that.

I wanted to write the cruel wife storyline a lot—part of the problem with polling is that one option loses out by a tiny bit, and that large minority suffers. I didn't want that to happen.

So to sweeten the deal for that, I also added exclusive CYOA story viewing and voting power for that tier. This is added stress for me, because I really have to fly seat of my pants one day before the deadline, in order to wait for the polling to come in. I can't just write it during my free time.

Don't get me wrong; I am not complaining! But the reality is that it's harder.

Even my caption backlog is growing large, and I've made it a point to try and create longer captions. This is a lot of writing for me on a weekly basis!

So I apologize about shifting the tiers and perks around. I do not see anything changing in the foreseeable future!

Thank you all for your support!!


And if I may toot my own horn a little bit:

Some testimonials!

From Malethor on commissioning me:

Nice premier! This seriously is top grade! You’re an amazing writer. I’m looking forward to our next comm.
You are a wonderful and easy to work with author :relaxed::heart:

Some anonymous commission testimonials:

Quick, fun, and an absolute blast to work with! If you’re thinking about commissioning HM, I highly recommend it.
I loved it! I appreciated your enthusiasm!

Publicly posted reviews of Yvy:

That's amazing! This story is the greatest story I've ever seen. Yvy is so lovely. The funny conversation between Yvy and Renner makes me smile every time I see it. Thank you very much for writing this story.
A must read issue, full of superfeats and erotically delicious
Really great story! Look forward to future potential chapters.
Brought it, Read it...and still in awe of this gorgeous young brat and her servant "boy Toy"can't wait for the next issue

Publicly posted reviews of Cafe of Dreams

I bought this a few days ago and only just finished it, amazing piece of work from the creators involved and is awesome value for money also. Well done and I hope there's more in the future!
This story is a must buy issue. Great story and the mixture of erotic scenes with superpowers is impossible of any kind of dislikes

From my patreon 2nd exclusive storyline, Tolerable Cruelty, by yinyu and others

This is the best chapter I've ever read. I can't wait to read the rest
Definitely enjoyed it!

From Patreon exclusive story 1, No More Cliques:

Ok,ok...I WANT MORE EVA😜💪🤯😈 And this is why I'm a subscriber...? LOVE your stories
I loved it!


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