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Written by HarmonyMotion

Chapter 2

Piper woke up early despite her long day. She had long since learned not to rely on Peter to do any cooking, despite his constant promises of treating her.

Still sleepy and pulling some eggs out of the fridge, she grabbed a thermos which she assumed to be her old coffee from yesterday. She took a swig and smacked her lips in disgust. Awful, cheap stuff. She chased it down with water, but it didn’t rid her mouth of the taste of metallic tang.

As the pan sizzled and popped, firming the egg whites at low heat, Piper began to feel worse. What exactly had she drunk!? The thermos was completely unmarked. She unscrewed the cap and gave it a sniff—it smelled like nothing. Certainly not coffee.

Oh no. Was this one of Peter’s weird lab experiments that he brought home once in a while? She had told him not to leave this stuff unlabeled in their fridge! And why did he use their own personal thermos!?

Cutting the heat, Piper stumbled into the living room, whereupon her vision went dark and she barely collapsed on the couch.

“Piper! Piper!” Peter was shaking her awake.

“Ufff. Huh?” Piper awoke groggily.

“You okay? Why’d you sleep on the couch?”

“The… thermos…” she groaned.

“You didn’t finish cooking the eggs, you know. I had to finish cooking them myself!”

“Peter!” she uttered. “What was in that thermos?”

“The… you drank it?!”

“Peter!! I told you so many times, why do you put your lab shit in our personal thermos?! And then you leave it in the fridge next to my actual stuff!”

“Look, it’s something I’ve been working on in secret! How much did you drink?!”

“All of it! There wasn’t much. Wait! Was it… poisonous? Am I going to die!?”

“Piper! Do you know how much work it is to make even that little? It’s super concentrated!”

“The fuck is it!? Am I going to die?”

“I don’t know. I hope not. It’s… um… it’s supposed to be a super serum.”


“Yeah, uh, I was going to suggest… that you try a little at a time… Like one drop maybe.” he replied sheepishly.

“You and your fucking fantasies! Fuck!” Piper struggled to her feet and began to climb the staircase to their bedroom.

“Piper! Let me help you!” He put his arm around her waist and tried to help her up.

“Go away!” She flung her arm, slamming him against the wall before he tumbled down just a few steps, bruised but not broken.

He gingerly rubbed his wounds as he watched her stumble up those steps.


Piper awoke to the pleasant aroma of grilled chicken. Peter was sitting there with a takeout bag of gyros, pita, hummus, dolma—everything that he knew she liked best.

“Hey Pip. I was monitoring you, but you were deep in sleep and you were breathing okay, so I went out to get you dinner. I have chocolate chip cookies in the oven too…”

“Oh, thanks. You know, I really do feel pretty good. And that smells great! You got it from Stop, Falafel, Go?”

“Yeah, your favorite…”

“Thanks Petey! I’m really hungry.”

She tore into her food with relish, packing an open pocket of fresh pita full of everything and devoured it in huge, ravenous bites.

Peter watched as she chomped on her meal. His wife was positively glowing as she ate more and more. In fact, it was more than glowing. She was… transforming?

Her wispy red hair grew thicker, brighter, bolder. It positively screamed “Look at me!” She would definitely stand out in a crowd of dumpy brunettes and badly bleached blondes. Every single strand of hair, down to its root, was healthy and lustrous. A flip of her flaming locks would absolutely floor onlookers.

Her blue eyes, already a stunning combination with her auburn locks prior to this metamorphosis, grew even more intense. The color in her pupils brightened, a sharp contrast to her tanned skin and bold red mane. They appeared to almost emit their own light, sparkling brightly as she devoured her favorite meal. He could only fantasize about those eyes, glowing ever brighter before emitting an unstoppable ray of death, her gaze obliterating everything in its wake!

In fact, her entire face seemed to be subtly shifting. Her eyes grew wider, rounder, her eyebrows and lashes, normally a light, faint tint, grew a dark shade of scarlet, finally adequate to accent her luminescent eyes. Her cheekbones rose, giving her face a nice heart shape as her lips filled in. Those soft, cupid-bow folds, looked so plump and oh-so-kissable now. Even her teeth seemed to gleam bright white, all perfectly straight in a row.

Piper’s arms seemed to grow taut as well, loose skin turning into tight cables of feminine muscle. He marveled as they actually appeared to change before him with every bite of her food. Her fingers grew slimmer and longer, looking so beautifully delicate… Yet Peter could only imagine the juxtaposition of how powerful they must be, if her swelling muscles were any indication.

Now even her body seemed to be shifting! He could see her torso growing just a big longer, revealing her beautifully sculpted abs. Suddenly, he felt her feet press into his legs at the side of the bed. But she hadn’t moved! Were they getting longer too?

He hadn’t said a word during her entire meal. Finishing off the last bite with a satisfying smack, she patted her tight tummy before performing a big stretch, arching her back with her hands on her waist.

Oh my god, Piper’s breasts look huge! He thought to himself.

“Hey sweetie, what about those cookies? I can smell them. They should be done. Why don’t you bring me cookies and milk in bed, like all those times you promised you would, hmm?”

“Y-yes dear!” He bounded down the stairs in two large leaps.

Returning with a plate of warm, gooey chocolate chip cookies and a large glass of milk, Peter’s heart surged as he looked at his beautiful wife. Had the serum really worked!? He hadn’t had a chance to test it, what with the fact that he was stealing company time and materials.

Piper bit into the steaming hot cookies without a care in the world.

“Piper, they’re hot!”

“Mmf?” she responded, lips smeared with chocolate. She licked them clean and gulped down the entire glass of milk in one swig.

Peter could swear she could see her boobs expanding underneath her loose shirt as she continued to gobble down cookies. He swore he could even hear it.

“Thanks Petey. I feel good. In fact, I feel great! You think it’s safe that I drank your whatever the hell serum?!”

“I think it’s better than safe, Pip…”

“What do you mean?”

“You better take a look at yourself…”


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