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Why'd you make me get all dressed up just to show me these light weights? And I mean it, they're light, even for a weakling like you!

Oh, you carved all of these? That's cute. You want me to appreciate your workmanship, is that it?

Okay, let's see. This bench... snapped when I closed my thighs just a little. Seems pretty shoddy to me.

This barbell—you didn't make this, did you? Good. I just pressed on its center with my index finger, and look badly bent it is!

And we know it's not heavy at all. See how I can just twirl it in the air and catch it with a single hand?

Wait, what'd you say? It's not actually just 20 and 20 on each side? This is a super dense material that you created in a lab?

Well, it feels weightless to me. Let me see...

Oh wow, it really wasn't wood! Wood would have burned away from just a delicate brush against my heat vision!

So I guess you got me, alright. I thought it was something it wasn't. Good job. Too bad it did absolutely nothing to test my power.

Image submitted by thero

Model is Nata Lee



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