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Kay's Full Service and Fine Dining

Mark and Maggie flew their private jet into the landing strip at Kay’s Full Service and Fine Dining. To their left, they could see the profile of a beautiful woman, long blonde hair streaming in the wind, supporting another private jet carrying two passengers. Mark may have been a fairly successful entrepreneur, but he couldn’t afford a personalized service from Kay like this. Maybe one day…

He landed his jet with a little bump, applying the brakes and extending the flaps to slow down their acceleration. The end of the runway was quickly approaching, with only unpaved dirt and farmland beyond. How was he supposed to stop on time?! Had he landed too far forward on the paved landing strip?

Suddenly, Kay was in front of their runaway jet, smiling brightly at both Mark and Maggie through the cockpit. She gave them a little wave before gently touching her hands down on the nose of the fuselage. Mark and Maggie jerked forward at the sudden deceleration as Kay’s gentle pressure slowed the jet to a crawl.

There still wasn’t enough runway, but Kay reached under the jet and lifted them, pointing the nose toward the sky. Then, she rolled the jet backwards, all the way to the beginning of the runway.

“Oh my god! Mark, that was scary! You need to take better flying lessons!”

“Sorry, Maggie. But we paid two hundred thousand for this… I don’t think Kay would just let us crash. In fact, the private reviews said it would be kind of fun to land badly and have a little scare…”

Before Maggie could retort, they saw Kay, hovering in her short, red skirt above the window of their plane. Her white panties, emblazoned with the emblematic “K” symbol clearly in view.

“Welcome!” She greeted them. “Shall we get seated for dinner service?”

“Wow, this is real…” Maggie marveled at the blonde bombshell’s unbelievable power.

Mark gulped. This was his fantasy come true.

“If you need help deboarding, I can assist you afterward, free of charge. Let me just attend to this third pair… they paid for the action landing.”

Mark and Maggie’s eyes followed Kay’s easy flight toward an out of control plane, coming in at far too sharply of an angle and way too fast. Flying parallel underneath it, she tilted her head and seemed to blow, shunting the aircraft back up. A pale beam of light emitted from her eyes, slicing off both of the plane’s engines. Before they could fall to earth, she unleashed an even wider beam from her beautiful azure eyes, detonating them in mid-fall.

With the plane now horizontal and dropping like a stone, Kay gently cushioned its fall, letting the glorified metal box gently land on her back as she floated downward to absorb the impact. Not gently enough however—the metal cylinder molded to the voluptuous curves of her backside as it landed on her just a bit too hard.

She turned perpendicular to it as it came under the control of her immaculate power. Descending gracefully, arms supporting the thousand pound weight, cape fluttering in the wind, she touched down in her red high-heeled boots, outrageously long and sculpted legs fully extended. She looked like a runway model, but for the massive, unbalanced weight she was holding above her head with her slender arms.

Kay let the front of the jet touch down gently, “crawling” backwards along the metal like monkey bars on a playground. As the wheels hit the tarmac, she scooted the entire engineless plane forward, rolling it out until it was level.

A couple emerged from the cockpit. The woman looked terrified and worse for wear from the near-death experience. The man whooped and hollered.

“Yeah! That’s what I paid for! That was awesome!!”

With all three of the couples back on solid earth, they made their way to the outdoor dining tables.


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