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Chapter 5 - Eva Erotic

By the end of the week, Eva already had a boy with a ride wrapped around her finger. It wasn't anything special, but a car is a car in high school. His name was Eric, a player on the water polo team. I knew him in passing. We'd been to the same parties, and he had that lean muscled swimmer body look that was pretty appealing. We were chill.

Actually, it reminded me of the robotics nerd queen of our school, Vicki. What a fun one that was, when we discovered that she had left a confession note in his locker and had tried to ask him out to Sadie’s! I don’t know if Eric would have gone, but I teased her in front of the school about it until Eric basically had to turn her down cuz she was a laughingstock!

Rachel was the one who had reported to me the news of Eva and Eric being a couple. Actually, she looked on the verge of tears when she told me that they were seeing each other. I didn't know Rachel had any interest in him. She’d never said anything about it before. She was broken up about it because of Eric… right?

And she'd started wearing her hair differently too. I finally noticed.

"Rachel, you straightened your hair?"

"Yeah Jess. Do you like it?"

"No! You had the greatest, naturally curly flaming red locks! Why did you change it?"

"I just... wanted to try something different." She ran her hands through her own hair and twirled it around her fist. A weird gesture. I'd never seen her, or anyone, do that before.

"I was thinking of trying out some highlights too. Just a few streaks… What do you think?"

"Ugh! I don't know! Just do whatever you want! Actually no, I do care! Change it back!"

"Okay Jess," Rachel sniffed. "It wasn't really working anyway." She curled her hair around her hands once more.

"I think it looks nice," Brittany chimed in. "Some highlights would be great!"

"What? Nobody asked you, Brittany!" I yelled.

Anyway, about that goddess, no, I mean, bitch! Eva. By the second day she and Eric were already spending a lot of time together. He was tall, but she had him just out-inched. I'd only ever seen him with short girls. I didn't think Eva was his type, but I guess fake ten thousand dollar tits are everyone's type.

It was Friday, and after cheer practice was over, Rachel, Brittany and I quickly headed over to the pool to see if we could catch them doing something. And boy, did we see something.

They were clearly visible from the window of the locker room. The boys' locker room. Eva was in there with the rest of the water polo team. I quickly patted Brittany to tell her to snap some pictures.

Before she could get her phone out, it looked like Eva said something, and all of the other boys lined up single file and just walked out of the locker room with a big smile on their faces. They hadn't even gotten changed! We hid around the corner, and then quietly slinked back.

Eva was in the process of stripping! I heard Brittany's camera click loudly as she took a picture.

"Brit!" I hissed.

"Fuck, sorry!"

We all watched as Eva removed those gym shorts down her mile long legs. She was already bare footed, and her dainty, well-manicured toes were a sight to behold. Even the arches of her feet were sexy. Just imagine her reaching under a desk and rubbing someone’s crotch. I bet she could wreck me in seconds with just some swirling of her toes... Urgh! No!

Finally, with her toned arms no longer blocking our side view, we got a good look at her naked lower body. I don't know what to tell you. It was as perfect as the rest of her. No, it was even better than you could imagine.

Of course, she was perfectly smooth down there. Like a slutty porn star. I mean, I shave down there too, and I wish I could get mine looking as bald as hers. No bumps, no stragglers, just perfect, pink, glistening pussy lips... I was getting hot and bothered. And jealous. But never mind. Total slut. Yeah, an Asian slut with the body of a goddess.

But I kept looking. Really, her nether lips were so beautifully pink. No sign of discoloration on her lips somehow. I could see the glistening wetness reflecting off of her. I… I wanted to smell it. I wanted to taste it.

Before I could reveal my weakness, Brittany madly began snapping photos as she leaned forward.

"Nice work, Brit. We can use these later."

"Uh huh…" she kept on snapping photos as she moaned.

Eva extended her lovely arm and placed it on Eric's shoulder. As soon as she touched him, he went crashing down onto his knees!  He gasped, but I don’t know if it was from pain or pleasure.

She spread her own moist folds with two slender fingers and presented them to him. His eyes grew wide as saucers. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, shuddered, and then enthusiastically dove in. His hands wrapped around her wide hips and gripped her bulging bubble butt as he tried to pull her into his mouth. I've never seen anyone this enthusiastic to eat pussy outside of porno films. Either Eric was the greatest porn actor I'd ever seen, or he was really into eating Eva.

Eva had a hand in his hair, pushing his face into her perfect pink intimacy. Even her fingers looked good, so long, so slender, effortlessly forcing her way with him. I wanted to see them wrapped around a thick cock. She could probably pump a boy a few times, squeezing and choking their organs and grinding her fingers across their angry cockheads and making them come within seconds. No, better yet, I wanted to see her long fingers reaching deep into my core, curling and rubbing my wet flesh, pinching my swollen, throbbing clit with her thumb and index, or wrapping around my stiff nipples and tugging… I sucked in a deep breath and tried to control the blazing inferno inside of me.

Eventually I managed to stop staring at Eva's hands and looked at Eric. I could see the outline of his engorged member in his speedos. His angry, fully erect cockhead was poking out of the waistband. He was huge! Bigger than Steve. I might be missing out. Looks like that robotics nerd, Vicki, had some good taste after all. Too bad Eric was way out of her league.

Wait, was Eric this big from just eating her!? I could barely get Steve to go down on me, and he's always flaccid after his amateurish slurping finally gets me off. I always have to help him with my own fingers. And then I have to spend time getting him hard again so he can fuck me. But Eric! Oh my god, he was even humping the air now, grinding his shaft against the tight swimwear!

Eva didn't register a trace of emotion as she began to rub his face against her, what I can only assume to be, her goddess' pussy. But Eric responded. He responded alright. I saw his body seize up as he began to shudder. His hips were fully extended as he kneeled there on the floor, face buried deep in her snatch. No way. No way. No fucking way...

It was the brief calm before the storm. Nothing happened for a few, tense seconds. Then he erupted. Hard. He blasted his load all over his own chest, his dick pressed against his abs thanks to his own speedos. Eva clucked her tongue and appeared disappointed. She seemed to be waiting for him to finish… which took an impressively long time, considering he was still erupting ropes after never having been touched. As he quaked and moaned into her pussy, she was rubbing his face over herself, controlling his whole body with seemingly superhuman strength along with her irresistible, commanding sexuality! Could it really be that easy!? Eric was shaking hard!

His thrusting body didn’t seem to be slowing down despite no fluid actually coming out any longer. His semen had splattered as far as his neck and chin! His viscous cum was dripping off his entire chest, and still he was trying to orgasm!

I could hear Eva sing out, “Eric, could you please control yourself?” And… his body slumped.

“Thanks Eric! Now, please try and do a better job.”

He leaned up on his haunches, wrapped his hand around the beautiful spheres of her rear, and began to lick in earnest once again. This was fucking hot! I was basically watching porn with the most beautiful actress the world had ever seen! I wish I could do this to Steve! I wanted to be Eva. I wanted to do this to Eva. I wanted Eva to do this to me. I don’t know!

I was broken out of my reverie by the sound of Brittany’s phone hitting the floor. Her face was contorted in pleasure, her hand in her pants. I was too stunned to react; she just moaned and gasped like she was having the best orgasm of her life. Her drool was accumulating at the corner of her mouth, and I could tell that her entire body was flushed. What was I supposed to do!? So I just watched her finish, her head flying back, her body bent and tensing. It… went on for a long time. Every time I thought it had to be over, the dark stain in her crotch spread even wider.

“Brittany!?” I asked, as her spastic breathing returned to normal and her body relaxed.

“Jess! Um… sorry! I’m so embarrassed!” she panted.

But she didn’t waste a moment grabbing her phone and checking that it had recorded the video of Eva. She held onto it like the most treasured possession of her life. She was clearly relieved that it was still playing as she directed the camera at the porno scene unfolding before us.

I was speechless. Then I heard a similar lusty moan to my right. Rachel was touching her hair with one hand, her other hand also massaging her pussy. She was coming too! Her mouth was moving, not making any sound, but I could swear she was mouthing Eva’s name!

Oh god, seeing my two underlings experiencing that kind of profound ecstasy made me want to submit to Eva’s undeniable sexuality. I wanted to join my friends on the floor, soaking myself silly while thinking about sucking on Eva’s perfect folds. My clit ached; my core burned. I just had to allow it to happen… Eva...

I turned back to my voyeurism, Rachel and Brittany long since gone. The sight of Eva trembling in orgasm almost swept me away in sympathetic ecstasy. I suppressed a squeal as I felt my pussy gush! I could see her mashing Eric’s face deep into her perfect nether lips as her long, slender, sinuous stems trembled in pleasure. Eric’s cock was still standing at full attention, leaking and visibly throbbing! I rubbed my thighs together and pulled my panties, stimulating my hot, aching clit. Sweat dripping off my chin, I barely held onto sanity. But I knew what I was going to be fantasizing about tonight.

I began to reach my hand down to my wetness that wouldn’t stop aching and throbbing…

But I can’t! I just can’t! My hand trembled as I actively fought its descent, but my body wasn’t listening to me. I didn’t have any control at all! In desperation, I bit my lip, drawing a drop of blood to stop my raging libido from bubbling over!

No! No, I told myself! It’s not my place to submit to this Asian teen goddess. No, not goddess. Irresistible sexual dynamo. No! Sex bomb on legs! No! Aghhh! This… freak!

Finally, Eva came down off her high. The sex-goddess-sex-bomb-freak finally pulled Eric’s face back. He was absolutely drenched in her juices. His face was slick, even his hair was sopping wet as the thick fluid dripped off of him.

“Okay, Eric, you can finish again, if you like,” she suggested gently.

No way! Just from a few words!? She still hadn’t touched him!

As his body jerked helplessly and he sprayed himself with his cum, Eva dropped him unceremoniously to the floor and left him there to finish. She pulled a thermos out of her bag and carefully poured its slightly viscous contents into the stopper. She drank the shot, trembled a bit, and then recapped her bottle.

Eric continued to spray like a firehose as she stood up, towering over him. And then… she wrapped her fingers around his neck and hoisted him off the ground as if he were weightless!

She shifted both her hands under his armpits, presumably not to choke him to death, and carried him to the showers in the back.

I was completely, utterly, hopelessly outclassed.

Tears dripped down my face as I denied myself my own happy ending through sheer force of will. I gathered up Rachel and Brittany, both limp and drained from their own earth-shattering orgasms, and we stumbled away, defeated.

I was nothing compared to Eva. How would I get my throne back?