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Chapter 4 - After School Sports

I stalked Eva Lin to the rest of her classes. We didn't have any more in common - hers were all advanced placement. Calculus, Physics, Economics, you name it. At least I could be queen of the classroom for these brief moments, but I knew I needed to find a way to bring her down. Permanently.

Rachel was very eager to spy on her for me. In between classes, she raced to the classroom that Eva was coming out of. It was always the same, she said. Gasping students, trembling teachers, confident, perfect Eva.

After school, it was our first day of cheer practice and tryouts and whatnot. I waved to Steve and his teammates. Surely we wouldn't see Asian supermodel nerd girl here, and Steve could stop drooling over her when they crossed paths in the hallway.

I was in the middle of leading our school shout when I suddenly lost concentration. Eva had appeared, walking out onto the field. I wasn't sure whether to be relieved or disappointed that she wasn't in a cheerleader outfit. I was sure I could probably find something to pick her apart. There’s always something a girl feels insecure about on her body. Some acne, even though Eva’s complexion was perfectly even and smooth. Some bit of flab, maybe on the underarm. Though Eva’s arms were so beautifully fit and toned. Some stretch marks or anything else unsightly on her legs, although every single inch of it that I could see was taut, firm, flawless, and so long.

...I was openly staring as she walked across the field.

She was dressed in a pair of gym shorts. And short was the right term, for sure.

My legs were one of my best assets. Besides my breasts of course. I knew the way that my blue and white cheer skirt swished as I danced or wiggled caused it to flick just high enough to let boys get a glimpse of my ass or my panties. But even without that, my legs are so long, lean, and slender. Everyone marveled at how perfectly smooth and tan they were. And they better. I took really good care of them.

But Eva's… I hate to say it, and I would never admit it to anyone, but GOD FUCKING DAMN. They were endless! This was nothing compared to when I saw her in those expensive designer jeans.

And I don't mean just long because she was tall, that near six foot freak. I mean seriously leggy. Coltish. Unreal proportions. Just… god, they were even turning me on.

She wore a tiny pair of sneakers and white ankle high socks, basically leaving as much of her sculpted flesh bare as possible. Her calves were so elegant, so luscious. You could see the small bulges of her muscles rippling smoothly. She didn’t so much as walk as she did glide, floating across the ground elegantly.

Even her knees were sexy. No knobbiness here. Just tight, smooth, hairless skin all around.

Her thighs. Oh god her thighs. They were so smooth, sun-kissed, and tight. No extra fat, all powerful feminine muscle, no wrinkles or stretch marks. They barely jiggled as she approached the field. And they were accentuated by her wide hips, leaving a beautiful gap in between.

How long had I been drooling over her legs? Because I wasn't doing justice to her waist or her abs.

She wasn't freakishly muscled like those hard-bodied females who looked more leather than human. No, you could see the outline of her abdominal muscles, but they didn't clash with her femininity at all. This girl was all femininity. Every muscle was beautifully symmetrical, her six pack smooth and rippling as she twisted her torso.

And her waist! Where did she keep her organs!? This girl was the definition of hourglass, except I wasn't sure that grains of sand could actually fit through her tight, cinched curves! I could see myself wrapping my arms around her waist, crisscrossing my arms around the small of her perfect back, squeezing and grinding her succulent body against my own, slightly inferior one.

And her breasts… I thought her legs already outshone me more than anything else possibly could have. But no. In her sports bra, which was not standard PE wear, by the way, she was just…

They sat so high on her torso. The perfect ripe, teen years before gravity took its toll. At least I would have that going for me. She would start to sag much earlier than me.

Those full orbs sat just tastefully far apart from each other, allowing me fantasies of shoving a boy's dick in there and making him spurt all over her face. It probably wouldn't take long either. He’d probably grow hard just at the sight of her and moan and come within five seconds. It would serve her right to have ropes of cum splattered upon her face. I would pay to see that. I would pay a lot to see that. I’d even beg her to let me see that… no! What am I thinking!?

Her breasts were so large that they spilled beyond the frame of her upper body, bulging out the sides of her torso. I think I was beginning to drool. No, I had been drooling for a while. My mouth was a waterfall of saliva and panting lust. And that wasn’t the only place I was sopping wet.

Fake! Fake! Fake! I reminded myself. That made me feel better. There's no way. I bet if I examined her perfect hairless armpits, I could find the scars.

But were there such a thing as bicep and tricep implants? Her arms looked like they were carved out of marble. So firm, toned, flexible, strong.

Okay, fake. Fake. That was the only imperfection on her, as far as I could see. Her imperfection was that she was too perfect. Yes, that works, I convinced myself. I could have used that if she tried out for the cheer team.

But by this point I wasn't sure I would get any support from anyone else on the team. Especially if she could do to our squad mates what she did to our teachers…

"Jessie!" Brittant's voice broke me out of my reverie. "You've been silent for 5 minutes!"

Five minutes!? "Sorry girls, let's take it from the top again." I swallowed the lump in my throat and tried to quell my fiery arousal.

As we practiced, I kept sneaking glances at this teen Asian bombshell. This just wasn't possible. Had she been held back? She looked so mature!

In the middle of a pyramid stand, I used my high vantage point to see what she was doing. Shot put? Trying out for track and field I guess. I didn't think we had a female shot put team though.

I watched her pick up the metal sphere, hold it underhand, and then just casually tossed it out there. This wasn't any shot put throw I’ve seen before! I'm sure they'd laugh her off the field!

Instead, there was a deep shout of roaring applause. From the guys. She was trying out for the men's team?

I looked downfield for the metal lump. It was nowhere to be seen. I saw one of the guys point out into the sky. Following his finger, I nearly fell off my human pyramid when I saw it. It was still traveling, far beyond the bleachers and eventually out of my sight. Eva may as well have hit a homerun. No, three home runs? With a little toss of a heavy metal object.

Suddenly I was airborne. They had tossed me. I was supposed to tuck in and twist, but I just fell like a stone.


"Sorry girls, I'm not feeling so good. Let's take a break."

As we all toweled off in the hot sun and drank from our water bottles, I watched Eva kneel in a runner's stance on the track. The sight of her perfect derriere on display almost commanded all my attention. Her legs were so clearly longer and more lithe than any of the runners, girls included. She would have longer strides, but I recall short girls going just as fast or faster than the tall ones.

When the blast sounded, she blurred and vanished. Before I knew it, she had completed the whatever meter dash. Nobody else was even a few steps out of the starting gate.

She didn't even look tired. Or winded. Or sweaty. Her hair was still floating back down from her incredible speed. I bet she would be irresistible with a sheen of sexy sweat, watching her open that luscious mouth and pouring a sip of water in between those fleshy lips, spilling some down her top… oh my fucking fuck!

What was this girl doing to me? Was she even human? I bet she could pluck me off the ground with a single arm and hurl me into the atmosphere! I even wanted her to, if it meant being in contact with that perfect body, feeling her arrogant breasts press against my body and dominate me with their firm beauty.

NO! Stop fantasizing about her! Stop imagining those long, luscious legs in between my own and massaging my pussy with her single thigh! Stop fantasizing about her holding me by my legs, hanging me upside down and licking my clit! Jess! STOP!!


Bernard Phillips

Ok,ok...I WANT MORE EVA😜💪🤯😈


YESSSSSS wait till you see what how Rachel is acting in the next chapter. And what Eva does, period!

Bernard Phillips

And this is why I'm a subscriber...? LOVE your stories