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Day 24

There it was. Sitting on my digital calendar, pinned by me with a bunch of hearts, was my appointment with Lady Z. 10 PM would have been a weird time for a meeting at most other jobs, but I was certain this had to be one of the values Zenterprise ascribed to. I mean, if she can fly around the globe and save lives and capital, then who am I to not meet her late in the night? I was lucky I had this opportunity at all!

I had started dressing much more casually in the last weeks, feeling more and more at home. But I put on a business suit for this one. Even a silk tie made the ensemble.

With trepidation, I left at 9 PM, deciding that an hour-long walk in the cool summer breeze would help still my beating heart.

I had just finished imagining the 20th way the conversation could go when I saw a little notification pop up on my phone. She wanted to push the meeting earlier to 9:30. I panicked a little. I still had a long journey to mansion 5, but I’d gone far enough that I’d definitely be fifteen minutes late if I turned back for a vehicle.

I nervously replied to her message. Then, a swoosh followed by a gust of air, and there she was.

Lady Z.

My heart stood still.

“Ready to go?” she asked me.

I nodded mutely.

She flew to my side, wrapped her arm around my waist, placed my arm over her shoulder, and up we went.

My heart soared. Literally and figuratively.

Day 24.5

She had carried me into mansion 5 at incredible speed. My nerves were totally frayed. I would have just felt some soreness after a four-mile round trip walk; her assisted flight left me as stable as melting gelatin, and my legs gave out when she dropped me in an identical-looking antechamber to my own mansion.

“I’ll give you a moment,” she announced.

If I’d thought she’d done a number on me earlier, it was nothing compared to when she reappeared in front of me in a black, backless gown.

My eyes were level with her black, strappy heels when I managed to actually look up from my kneeling position. I’d never found feet particularly arousing, but perhaps that’s because I’d never seen her feet.

She was flexing her arches, causing her shoes to clack against her heels. Every toe looked so delicate, so perfectly formed, her nails a natural pink, glossy, even, and healthy. I gasped as my eyes traced up her infinitely long legs, shocked by how high the slits on the side of her dress were.

God, her thighs were luscious. They weren’t grotesquely big, just the right amount of thickness, and all of it looked like muscle. Strong, delicious, muscle. Her torso was always on display in her costume anyway, but seeing her dressed like this really brought it to another level. In her costume, she is powerful and beautiful. But dressed like this, she is outrageously, seductively, man-meltingly irresistible. I never thought of her beauty was a superpower; I do now.

Her belly was sleekly muscled, her waist thin. It was nothing anyone hadn’t seen before, but to admire it up close and to understand that her pictures were not touched up by photographers in any way was awe-inspiring.

And what man, or maybe woman, hadn’t imagined what her breasts looked like? The contours of those huge swells were always on display in her superhero crop top, but who knew how much support her apparently tough-as-steel costume was giving her?

Turns out, none. They looked even larger unbound, hanging freely on her chest, covered by her sheer gown. I’m sorry, did I say hanging? They don’t hang at all. They stand proud on the curves of her swooping torso, thrusting forward shamelessly for all the world to see. I could see her perfume-pink nipples peeking out the side of the dress. Not even my wildest fantasy did I imagine a body this divine, this sensual. My beloved superheroine was a verifiable sex goddess!

Before I lost total control, she beckoned me with a single finger. I stifled a groan as I tried to stand, my erection grinding uncomfortably in my dress slacks.

She led me into a side room, just like Zelda had many times. But this one was different. An intimate dining table, beset with candles, plates, and wine glasses. Behind it was a wall-mounted wine rack, the largest I’d ever seen. She hovered to the top of it and selected one.

“I understand you’ve consented to… meeting me?” she asked, as she came back down to earth. Inserting her index finger into the cork, she twisted the bottle with her other hand until it came out with a satisfying pop. My lord, her power!

Yes!” my voice came out with a pubescent squeak. I blushed furiously and cleared my throat. “Yes, yes!” my normal voice returned. “I’m such a huge fan!”

“I know. I’ve seen your Z-Blog. You write exactly the kind of content that our company aspires to.”

Lady Z read my Z-Blog? My tomato-red face somehow turned an even brighter shade.

“Surely Zenterprise could easily do what I do! These are just my ravings, as a fan.”

“That’s exactly what we’re missing. We need the voice of an earnest fan, not corpospeak. I’ve been saying that to Zelda for years. There’s a genuine warmth to what you write.”

Now my head really was going to positively explode.

“I want you to write for us. We’ll spin off our own blog from Zenterprise. You’ll have full oversight. Our editors will proof your text, and they may end up corpofying it on the way. But you can always seek a second opinion from Zelda or myself.”

“That is such an honor!” I nearly squealed.

“Great!” She hovered next to me, and I swear, intentionally invaded my personal space. Oh my god, she smelled nice too! I was pretty sure she could hear my heart pounding in my chest.

As the wine glugged into my glass, she brushed her breast against my shoulder—the small, intimate contact driving me mad with desire. Then, leaning even further forward, putting her marvelous breasts on display, she poured herself a glass. I tried not to stare at her amazing tits out of the corner of my eye. I succeeded at that; I stared openly. We toasted, and I chugged mine like a man dying of thirst to try and ease my nerves.

And then she spoke.

“Now you understand, based on our values, your consent, and the agreement you’ve signed, that this does not constitute sexual harassment?”

She slipped those tantalizing straps off her shoulders and let that majestic dress drop to the floor.

Day 24.8

We fucked, right there in the dining room. Though it would be more accurate to say that she fucked and played with me like I was her toy.

I shouldn’t mention what happened after I saw her in the nude when she dropped her dress, but my implanted recorder picked it all up anyway. It sounded a lot like me thrusting my hips, my jagged irregular breathing, and a prolonged groan. Then, female laughter.

I was so embarrassed! I choked on my words and tried to make excuses, but what excuse could fool the world’s greatest superheroine? So I just stood there, dripping in my own shame, looking ashamed.

Mercifully, she ceased her giggling. Though part of me wishes she hadn’t. The way her firm, jutting breasts rippled with her laughter… I wasn’t even softening.

“Don’t worry, it only starts becoming really funny when I do it to you a second or a third time.”

“You… did this to me!? You made me come just like that?” I was both relieved and shocked.

“I’m pretty good at it now. Seems like my nude body can push people beyond their limits. What do you think?”

She traced those beautiful, delicate hands across the front of her thighs. Dipping into her moist slit, she gathered some of her sexual juices and continued her journey, leaving a glistening trail along her wide hips, cocking from side to side. When her hands reached the spectacular outer curve of her lush breasts...

My eyes slammed shut. I came so hard, my legs actually shuddered, causing me to flop to the floor like a fish out of water. That also happened to be ejaculating.

And now there was full-bodied female laughter.

“So easy! And I don’t think I’m going to stop improving any time soon! I’m going to have so much fun fucking with you!”

I didn’t have a chance to respond or react, still in the throes of a violent orgasm. She zipped either around or over the dinner table—I wouldn’t know, and stood, legs spread, over my prone, still-convulsing body.

With one hand on either side of me, she pinned my arms to my side and picked me up, perpendicular to her. One arm then snaked behind my back while the other slid down to grip my butt. And she used me, right there, legs squatting for minutes straight, pumping me in and out of her like a dildo.

“Mine… to… mmf! Control!” she panted.

I could only moan. My balls ached from my impossible, neverending orgasms. My first time experiencing her slick, steely, velvety folds was almost wasted on me. Almost. It felt like her insides were actively churning and rubbing my flesh tightly. I’d never experienced anything like this before!

“And so I say...,” she continued to use me, “stay hard and keep coming!”

I roared in pain and pleasure as I jetted again.

“God, I love controlling and fucking you people!” her eyes closed. Her thrashing and moans grew more urgent as she continued to effortlessly maneuver my entire weight, thrusting me in and out, in and out, harder and faster. Even as I was getting rag-dolled about, I felt the heat of her arousal build.

I grimaced as I felt myself hit her pelvic floor, over and over. She was ever adjusting me, twisting and nudging me at angles, and panting with desire as I came inside of her nonstop.

Suddenly, I got flipped upright, my erection rubbing deliciously inside of her as she seized up. My body was flush against hers. As Lady Z came, she pulled me all the way to the hilt and her body contracted everywhere, squeezing me hard! Her arms and chest were so powerful, I couldn’t even breathe as she shivered while she suffocated me.

Finally, the searing orgasmic heat she was radiating died down. Lady Z released her bind, slipped me out of her, and let me go. I crashed to the ground with a dull thud and passed out.


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