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Day 20

I saw Zelda again. She gave me the same smile the day she had hired me.

“Great work you’re doing. Especially the catch on the DNN piece.”

“Oh, that’s such a relief to hear! I thought I might be reaching or reading too much into it…”

“No, not at all! This is why we hired you. It bothers us when people insinuate that Lady Z is a vigilante. Of course, she technically is, but it has such a negative connotation.”

“Right!” I agreed. Zenterprise got it. Of course they got it. “She’s completely wholesome. She just… can’t be bound by red tape if she wants to do good! It’s not like she lurks in the dark and actually beats up or kills people. ”

“Exactly,” Zelda smiled. “We’ve taken care of it now.”

“Taken care of it?”

“Oh you know, spoke with the network execs, explained our position, making sure our message is clearer going forward. The usual corporate buzzwords. But you did great to spot it. Lady Z wants to meet you, you know.”

A lump formed in my throat. After two weeks of wild schoolboy fantasies and pining over her, Lady Z wanted to speak? To me?

“I… I was actually against it,” Zelda continued. “But she insisted, and she is Lady Z. We just need your consent. Would you like to meet her?”

“Yes!!!!” I screamed. I just couldn’t contain it. I was over the moon!

“Very well,” she sighed. “I’ll put something on your calendar. Good luck!”

Every article about Lady Z I read that day took twice as long, as I fantasized about getting to speak to the woman of my dreams.


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