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Mm... third dose of serum now. What a good boy you've been. It's working well, wouldn't you say?

You like how I kicked that illegally double parked car across the street with my petite little foot? The one you're staring at right now? Watch me wiggle my toes a little... yeah, that's right, come yourself silly for my powerful toes.

Or you like how I pinned that store employee to the wall, off the floor, with just my index finger when he told me I couldn't have this outfit for free? He was coming even as he struggled to break free. In fact, he was coming when I pushed even harder, bruising him and making it impossible to breathe!

Oops, looks like you're coming again too.

Did you like how I leaned forward into oncoming traffic, causing everyone to lose control of their cars at just the sight of my full breasts? And then how I just blew it all away with a little puff of my breath?

Here, why don't you tell me what it feels like? Look at my lips, my teeth, my tongue... oh, here it comes...

Good boy, keep coming for me. And why don't you go get me more beauty serum for next time?

Model is Rachel Cook



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