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Chapter 2 - Simple Requests

I watched Eva pull a notebook out of her backpack. She rummaged for something, but turned up empty.

“Sorry, can anybody spare a pen?”

Everyone immediately lunged to give her one, desperate to be the donor. Even the girls. Actually, even I almost reached down into my bag, and I don’t carry anything to take notes with! With a Herculean effort of will, I stopped myself from looking. It was hard! I just… I just wanted to please her, for some reason!

She took the one nearest to her, causing everyone else to groan in disappointment. Her donor sighed in contentment, a big smile plastered on his face. Are you kidding me?

He continued to stare at her expectantly. Eva gestured for him to pay attention to class. Trembling violently, he whimpered and obeyed. Just what effect was she having on him?

As Mr. Tucker went over the course curriculum, Eva leaned back in her chair and idly spun the pencil in her hands. Her endless legs extended way far underneath the chair in front of her. Okay, I was jealous. If I had legs like that, in my cheer skirt, I would drive all the boys even crazier than I already did.

She was shaking her leg and twirling her hair as well. This girl just couldn’t sit still! I admired her long, slender fingers and her fancy black nail art. Her hair looked so thick and silky too. Fuck, was I getting turned on by just her restlessness?!

“Ms. Lin, are you bored?” Mr. Tucker asked. Yes! Mr. Tucker was a notorious hardass. It would be good if they got off to a bad start. Then I could goad her into acting out in class.

“No, I’m fine, Mr. Tucker. You’re doing a great job. Please continue.”

What the fuck!? I could swear Mr. Tucker actually blushed from her stupid “compliment.”

“Ah, thank you, Ms. Lin. Is there perhaps anything I could do for you? To make you more comfortable in your first class?”

She leaned back in her chair and stretched her arms above her head, thrusting her huge, perky breasts toward the ceiling and letting her t-shirt ride high. Holy fuck she was built! I couldn’t decide what to ogle more: her impressively large, spherical swells on her chest, or the best formed six pack abs that adorned her belly. Even her waist was tiny!

Mr. Tucker’s eyes grew as huge as saucers. He sucked in a gasp as she continued to stretch, twisting her arms and torso languidly. I heard Steve moan. Fucker! I elbowed him again, even harder.

“Not right now. Thanks for asking though, Michael! That was very nice of you! I’ll let you know when I need something,” Eva replied with a yawn.

“Ah, um, ahem. Yes. Well, let us continue,” Mr. Tucker replied shakily.

What. The. FUCK! He wasn’t going to chew her out? I could see him taking weird, wide side steps as he moved around the chalkboard. Did he have a boner!? The whole hour, he kept stealing glances at her while she just twirled her hair.

It was the most confusing class I’ve ever not paid attention in. Finally, the bell rang, signaling the end of first quarter. Mr. Tucker actually excused himself and bolted out the door! His boner was clearly in view. I could swear he even had a wet stain on his crotch.

I’ve never seen him affected like that. Believe me, I've tried.

I gave Brittany and Rachel some orders.

“Hey, you see that new girl’s trainers?” I whispered.

“Yeah, they’re fancy! I wish I could get a pair!” Brittany replied.

“Let’s go dirty them up,” I grinned. “See how she reacts when we stomp all over it.”

“Hey, great idea!”

I followed behind Brittany and Rachel, planning to get in the final blow. I was going to stomp hard.

We stalked her to her locker as everyone parted to make way for us. No, wait, they were making way for her. I could see the glassy eyed stares and the stupid smiles if she just waved her stupid sexy fingers at them. Her first day, and she thinks she’s queen of the school already? Hell no!

As she spun the combination dial of her lock, Brittany snuck up on her. She raised her leg, and I watched with glee as she began to bring it down. Eva’s sneakers would be ruined, she would be limping and hopping on one foot in pain, and everyone would laugh at her. And...

...and then what happened!? I swear Eva’s body blurred, and all of a sudden, she was facing both Rachel and Brittany. She had all four of their feet trapped under her single expensive sneaker! It almost looked like she had pushed their legs together by nudging them with the toe of her shoes, all into a neat little bundle. But how?! How had that happened?! I stopped in my tracks.

“Can I help you girls?” Eva asked casually.

“Uh, um, no…” my minions answered, squirming under her bind and relying on her and the lockers for balance. They looked ridiculous, flailing about like that.

“Be careful where you’re walking next time, hmm? You almost bumped into me.”

“Yes, Eva,” they replied obediently.

“Thanks girls!” Eva shooed them away with a gesture. Brittany and Rachel approached me, eyes downcast.

“We’re sorry, Jessie,” Rachel muttered.

“Yeah, really sorry. I… don’t think we should try that again. Eva told us to be careful,” Brittany agreed.

“What are you talking about!?” I screamed.

“She asked really nicely. I just… don’t want to upset her.”

What was going on?! What was she?!


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