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Today is the day! I’m finally going to start my dream job with Zenterprise!

I’m the biggest Lady Z fan out there. The day she appeared, the world was transformed forever. Hovering in the air, single finger stopping a freighter boat from crashing into a dock… all eyes were on her. I fell head over heels in love. I haven’t been able to stop obsessing about her. And my devotion only grew deeper over time. She was so beautiful, inside and out. Such power, such heroism, so many selfless acts. It was more than the world could ever deserve.

Zenterprise was a company dedicated to her. They manufactured dolls, costumes, branded products, and even handled her day-to-day affairs, from what I understood. And they had just posted a new batch of job openings, with very vague responsibilities.

I applied for the job, knowing that I stood no chance. I’d never done any job of the like! I was just an investigative reporter. I’d broken big stories before, even written some about Lady Z, but I didn’t get many of those assignments. I had had a recorder implanted underneath my skin years ago when I was doing some undercover work, so that’s the kind of thing they used me for. In my free time, I moonlighted by working on my blog, Z-Blog, the biggest source on the internet all about Lady Z.

The application stressed that values were more important than any job qualifications. Dedication, work ethic, respect, belief in what Lady Z was doing, that sort of thing. I had linked my blog to the application, hoping that it would mean something.

In any case, I was in. I couldn’t wait.


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