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I forgot to post this one a month ago! I'm so sorry guys! Here it is...

“No way no way no way!” Dana squealed delightfully to herself, her seductive voice a deep purr. She loved reading about girls beating up the military, displaying their superiority over pathetic conventional weapons like guns, grenades, tanks, mines, aircraft, missiles, artillery... nukes... Dana let out a low groan as the heat in her super sex began to grow overheated even after the intense self love she had just performed with her steely fingers.

It was one thing to dominate people so freely. Her pathetic classmates, her fuckboy Oliver... and yes, it was another to dominate her teachers. The principal was now completely under the spell of Dana’s extremely powerful, unfathomably mighty, and exceptionally erotic bosom. Her PE teacher had given the reins to her—well, Dana had taken them, really—and now she could freely torment all of her teammates.

And not just her teammates. She had gang raped the lacrosse team, though Dana reckoned it couldn’t really be considered rape. After all, with her super hearing tuned to the quickened patter of their heartbeats and her keen sense of smell picking up the raging hormones they emitted just because Dana had stripped naked to show off her glorious superhuman body to them, she knew that they wanted her. Wanted to feel her tits, to be inside of her mouth, to be gripped by her nether lips. They wanted it more than anything in their life. And the fact that she had the entire team orgasming within a few seconds just because she lifted them by their throats, slammed them to the ground, and then lightly (for her, anyway) gripped their erect, throbbing penises—Dana was simply being a gracious host! Or a gracious guest, seeing how she had forced her way into the boys locker room. Regardless, she knew they would lust for nobody for her. Not after the forceful fucking she’d unfurled upon them.

Then, settling things with Oliver’s sister, now that was fun. Turning that judgmental bitch into a little submissive lesbian slut just because Dana had used her silly before fucking with Pauline’s mind with her huge, gravity defying hypno tits. Now that she was recalling it while in heat, Dana lamented that she hadn’t been powerful enough simply to fuck Pauline into submission. Why did a superpowered goddess like herself have to go to the trouble of actually pointing her spectacular breasts at someone before she could warp their minds? Sure, everyone had fallen under the spell of Dana’s compelling bosoms instantly, but a goddess like her should be powerful enough not to have to inconvenience herself in such a lowly manner. That should be reserved for lower level beings (whom Dana still enjoyed reading about). But not for her hopefully ultimate power, fulfilling her ultimate power fantasy.

Dana gasped as her long, strong fingers had found their way into her hot snatch a while ago. The planes hadn’t even been that far away by human standards, but for Dana’s brilliant mind and her ability to move at super speed, they might as well have been frozen in the air as she diddled herself. Her aching clit withstood the inexorable pressure of being pinched by those perfectly manicured digits, squeezing hard enough to turn stone into dust. Instead of pain, that slippery, erotic nub transferred millions of volts of pleasure through Dana’s lascivious body, all in the time it took the fighter jets to travel a fraction of a fraction of a centimeter through the air.

“Gahhhh...” she moaned, orgasming all over her hands as she now plunged her remaining digits deep into her tight sex. Those pulsing lips, invulnerable and impenetrable, simultaneously yielded to the force of her fingers, parting their fleshy gates to give access to the incomprehensible temple of apex sexuality deep inside of her body, while her inner muscles also squeezed back against those stimulating digits. And her womb was strong enough to squish dildos into slag, letting it dribble out of her pussy as a sign of her unworthy entry. Only her own body could withstand the stimulation and crushing of her wet, pink depths as she climaxed over and over again.

Dana’s fragrant juices squirted against the palm of her hand as her body racked and rolled in climax. As her body shuddered and processed the intense pleasure, she comprehended her displeasure at the interaction with Oliver’s sister Pauline. Simply having sex with Dana should be enough to take complete, absolute control over another person. No, that wasn’t enough. Just tasting the nectar of her pussy which was powerfully gushing onto her hand and the little black dress that she had conjured out of night dew should be enough to cause people to orgasm so hard they would be forever sexually crippled to love her. Yes, yes, that would be a good start... but it still wasn’t sufficient power for a goddess like her! The super redhead cried out in ecstasy as she dreamed of ways to take her seduction and perfected beauty to the next level. Anyone who breathed in her sexy, honeysuckle scent would be immediately pliable to her, orgasming if she so wished as she flooded their bodies with her love! No, even just looking at her voluptuous form would be enough! A curl of her full, pouty lips, or a dark, long lashed wink from her sparkling, otherworldly emerald eye, and men and women would be falling to their knees as their legs gave out from the force of the orgasm that Dana imposed on them!

“Mmmf,” Dana moaned, her bright eyes snapping back, alert and ready instantly. Her hand blurred as she tasted her own juices—sweet and delicious, but probably not mind warping as she’d hoped. Just where did her powers come from? When would she get new powers? Her hunger knew no end. She was a glutton for more beauty, more powers, more domination. Always and forever.

Perhaps it was time to give her fetish fiction subscription another visit. Dana had been so busy enjoying living her fantasy, so much so that she had forgotten about reading it. Tch, she thought. Even with all this supernatural wish fulfillment, the fantasy still held an unbreakable sway over her torrid sex and mind.

And turning her attention back to the squadron of fighter jets, Dana’s pussy began to heat with need once again. They had still barely moved! She licked her lips and groped her own large, unrepentant breasts idly, rolling her invulnerable brown nipples between her thumbs and forefingers as she blinked the world back to normal speed. Immediately, they began to glide forward through the air once more, their thrusters roaring loudly to her sensitive ears, even though she recognized that these were far softer than the regular commercial airline engines she heard throughout the day around the world.

Stopping the ministrations with one hand, Dana tucked her luscious strands of fiery red hair behind one of her perfectly formed ears. Not that she needed to in order to pick up what, if anything, the pilots were saying. It just felt right to exhibit her super powers, even if nobody was around to notice it. And these pilots’ feeble eyesights were definitely not strong enough to notice this super supermodel with the greatest tits in the world floating completely unaided in the darkness of the sky.

Unfortunately, there was nothing to hear. Whatever they were up to, they weren’t speaking to each other through the masks and radios. Dana’s eyes glowed green as her x-ray vision stripped the metals away from the machinery, looking for any sort of information that was on board to offer. In a microsecond with a quick whip of her perfect head, she had read every word, found every document, and scanned every jet. There was nothing of use to her.

Well, whatever was happening, Dana wasn’t going to let this opportunity go to waste. Her first, real chance at playing with state of the art military tech. If there were consequences, she’d just take care of it. What were they going to do about it? Nuke her? Actually, that sounded like fun...

If her super hearing and her super eyesight couldn’t find the info she wanted, there was always the old fashioned way: a good old shakedown. Except augmented with her unbelievable, unopposable superpowers. Dana clapped her hands like a normal person to make sure she didn’t generate shockwaves that would immediately down all the planes and kill the pilots. That would be a great way to ruin an otherwise promising evening.

Hovering there in her air-fashioned black designer dress with her fists on her lush, firm hips, the superior Dana waited for the fighter jets to notice her. It didn’t take long for her to realize that there was no way for the machines to detect a target as small as her—not that there was anything small about the twin jutting orbs of erotic flesh bulging from her otherwise tight and fit torso. No, the machines just weren’t capable of picking her up. And of course, the pilots’ pathetic eyes fared no better.

No, if Dana was going to get any fun in the chilly air at dawn, she was going to have to get the fighter pilots’ attention. So that’s exactly what she did. Languidly, the redhead supergirl turned to lie flat on her belly and floated toward the fighter jets, instantly accelerating to multiple times their speed until she came to a complete standstill right in front of one of the pilots’ cockpits.

She watched with amusement as the pilot did a double, then triple take at the teenage girl dressed in an elegant flowing black evening gown. Her lips curled into a smile as her ears picked up the sound of his rapidly quickening heartbeat, his shortness of breath, and the beads of sweat forming on his face. In fact, it looked as if he was turning a little green!

“Uh... guys...” he spoke into his mask, all training forgotten. “Are you seeing what I’m seeing?”

“The hell you talking about? Come on, we agreed no fucking around until we landed.”

“No, I’m serious! Look, just above my cockpit window!” He sputtered into his radio as his gaze became permanently glued to the sight of Dana’s stupendous, pendant cleavage.

“Roger,” his wingman replied curtly.

Without even turning her head or using her super hearing or any super senses in any way, Dana could just feel another person’s eyesight turning on her. It was identical to the sensation of when a person simply “knows” that they’re being stared at. But instead of being unsettled or uncomfortable, Dana placed her fingers on her lips to stifle a laugh.

“I... I...” the wingman at a distance spoke into the radio. “Rey-2, take a look at this...”

“Wilco,” came the reply from the other side.

Oh, this was fun! Dana had one pilot completely under the alluring sexual spell of her breasts. And she wasn’t even exerting any hypnotic influence over him! It didn’t even occur to him the kind of exquisite control she had, to remain perfectly still above his window, perfectly matching the flight speed of his clunky machine. Going backwards. Without even looking! No, he was completely, utterly captivated by the sight of her superhuman bosoms.

“That’s a... a... naked girl...” Dana’s ears now picked up a third voice.

“Uh, hi,” the pilot she was closest to greeted her breasts. “W-what... do you want?”

Dana didn’t answer in words. Instead, she pursed her plump, ruby red lips. The pilot she was so mercilessly teasing, his erection throbbing and steely hard, suddenly orgasmed at the sight of Dana’s little pucker. He tried, and failed, to stifle the low, guttural, animalistic groan emitting from deep in his throat as he pumped his seed into his flight suit powerfully.

He barely had a chance to enjoy his climax at the hands—or lips—of this impossible beauty. Having an orgasm from the sexiest, voluptuous vixen was only a precursor to what this goddess had in mind. A tiny gap formed in between her cupid bow lips, those fleshy folds barely parting, giving him new fantasies of how it would feel to be kissed by her as his climax continued powerfully.

Enough was enough. Dana had already given more pleasure than she had intended to, and she was waiting to receive. So, to spur her playmates into action, she exhaled gently toward the middle plane.

A powerful gust of frozen whooshed out from between those soft lips, forceful and frozen. Dana’s endless lungs produced an infinite frozen blast with as much, or as little force, as she desired. She aimed it slightly downwards, pointing it at the front nose cone of the jet. So powerful it was that it looked as if an invisible giant had stepped on a children’s seesaw in a playground, tilting the state of the art machine immediately from horizontal to nearly vertical.

And the frozen breath? That was for the benefit of the two other pilots. So that they could see the impossible power that Dana could produce. Just from a little puff!

Of course, the pilot inside was killed instantly. His entire body turned pale blue, lifeless and frozen as soon as Dana’s super cold super breath touched the plane. The machine spiraled out of control, plummeting down to earth, its odd weight causing it to rotate and spin randomly as it disappeared from view.

“What the fuck!?”

“What happened!”

“She... blew him! Froze him out of the sky!”

Dana closed her lips and flew a little bit closer to each pilot, giving them a sinister sneer and a little wave. Then, she assumed the position of the pilot in the center of the formation, her long arms and even longer legs splayed out behind her as she flew just a little tiny distance ahead. She wanted them to be able to keep up, after all!

Her air-conjured black dress flowed in the air as she eagerly listened to their conversation. Dana could feel the heat between her legs as her pussy, eager for stimulation once more, began to anticipate the upcoming weaponry she was about to experience. And coming it was.

“Shit! Shoot her! Shoot her!”

“She’s too close!”

Well, that problem was easily solved. Smoothly and without effort, Dana burst forward, not putting any serious power into it lest she break the sound barrier. Quickly, she pulled away from the two pilots in a few seconds, her perfect body presumably far enough away to be targeted by their hopefully powerful weaponry.

And remembering how they had trouble detecting her to begin with, Dana looked downward with her deep, sparkling green eyes. Her gaze was impeded by her humongous breasts, but that wasn’t going to be a problem. Focusing the power behind her irises, Dana generated two searing beams of white light, lancing the searing heat downward onto her own impossibly sexy, completely indestructible body.

The dress that her body had conjured out of midair disappeared, disintegrating back into the ephemeral nothingness that Dana had enveloped herself in. She turned her head slowly, blasting her own breasts with enough heat and concussive force to blow an enormous tunnel through an entire mountain range while leaving its boundaries dripping with molten slag. But to her own body, the heat and power merely stoked her arousal even further.

Naturally, her lasers didn’t make it past the significant swell of her breasts. But having two, large, overheated targets should be more than enough for the airplanes to pick her up. Dana flexed her pectoral muscles, moaning as she jiggled her bosom without even touching it before slipping a hand between the deep crevasse of her cavernous cleavage. Her lasers lanced across the back of her hand and down her fingers, making them tingle pleasantly before striking the smooth, pebbled muscles of her impressive abs.

“Target locked! Fire! Fire!”

Dana had gotten so into blasting herself with her heat vision that she almost forgot the original reason she’d been tickling herself. But now, the missiles were on their way. She cut off the lasers without even blinking, placed both hands behind her head, thrust her chest out, and waited for the heat seeking payload to hit. Right before impact, her body shed the heat that she had so effortlessly generated.


A sudden burst of heat, pinging debris and shrapnel, and a cloud of red and black smoke completely obscured the target. Both fighters cheered as they remained locked onto their original location, expecting to see nothing remaining in the air...


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