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Heya hey peeps! November was a doozy of a month. I really didnt get to do art a lot for quite a few reasons. Holiday pacing at the day job picked up, holiday preparations got me pretty good, and then my birthday being on thanksgiving was a knockout. Lots of great quality time with loved ones and friends, that just pleasantly took up my time ^ ^

But a huge thing that has happened, I GOT A NEW BETTER JOB!!! Through some networking I will be working for a private firm doing what I do now, but with incredible benefits. So a huge upgrade again this year that will open new doors. My last day was yesterday and I will be starting on the 11th.

So what does that mean for art? Well a ton of things! this week I will be streaming almost daily since I have the time off to finish things and also try new stuff. In the sparse time I had to draw in November I have been messing around animating and that has been so much fun once again @.@ I have 4 animations cooking, one having a guest star with the homie Greja. And rewards/polls will be caught up to this month ^ ^ 

I also just gotta say again. Thank you all for being incredible friends and supporters. This year has changed drastically for me. Mentally and stability wise I feel that I'm out of the woods of survival mode and I feel good. I couldnt have done that without you all. The server has been wonderful, hanging out with friends and gaming. Being motivated to do art more and more. And now this big leap in work is just awesome.

The art is deffo flowing, and the future is bright. You guys are a part of that, and you guys made this happen. And it is only the begining ^ ^

I will be posting some wips over the next few days and of course updating peeps on things. Keep your eyes peeled! 

As always, much love, and be well <3



Great to hear the good vibes. Here's to a great next year! 🍸