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Yoyoooooooo its been a while and im so sorry I have been sparse @.@ this month has been crazy busy. Lots of family coming down to visit, my birthday and thanksgiving being on the same day, and a potential new and better day job looking like its in the bag.

This week art will resume as normal and If I get this new gig I will have a brief period of time where Im basically free for a few days. Deffo looking to stream tomorrow and catch up on things along with working some things I have been super excited to do!

Later this week I will post polls, I know I have been behind on those, but Im deffo looking forward to seeing what your all cooking up!

Be well and much love <3 and thank you for all the wonderful support and kindness as always~




Glad to see you on the up and up. 🙏🏾🙏🏾

Commissar Spuds

Looking forward to seeing more from you, happy to hear everything is on the up swing!