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Heya peeps. It's been a minute since I've made one of these but I'm excited to announce some major changes to this Patreon! But first I'd like to apologize for the lack of a ridgid structure between polls and content here. From now on that's going to change and tiers are going to change for the better and more engaging content is going to be made!

One of my biggest goals is to make art my main gig and to explore my characters in all the cute and Lewd situations I can think of while also drawing things you guys vote for and give worthwhile rewards. So by tomorrow evening there will be some changes here that will highlight that.

3$ tier- this tier will have access to every wip and full piece of work I do 4 days ahead of time from posting online. I think seeing things ahead of time is great and I'm not a fan of paywalls but it's a good deal to see what's cooking.

5$ tier- this will have previous tier rewards but also be able to submit ideas for polls and vote on them. This will range from any popular character or OC online and it'll only be limited to 2 suggestions per person.

10$ tier- this will include all previous rewards but will be for ideas with my OCs. It'll be a spot where you guys can ask to see certain things with them. Lewd or just general stuff! A fun one for sure.

20$ tier- this tier is going to have everything in the previous tier but will also give a 10% off a Commission once a month if they choose to do it! The stipulation is only that it can be a max of 2 characters and at the rendered level and can only be used one time per month if you wish to cash it in. I will remind people in this tier on the 15th of every month, so look out for that!

New tier! Limited 70$ tier. Starting Monday there will be 1 limited slot that will have a single char rendered com at this discounted rate! Whoever gets this tier will have a single rendered com done for them every month after billing goes through. Only when someone leaves this tier will it be available again until the next milestone is reached. Then there will be a second, and so on! This tier will open op at 5pm Monday November 8th.

I'd love to hear your feedback on these changes and also do tell me what you'd like to see in general. I love and appreciate each one of you guys for the support, I look forward to making things much much better and improving to show ya some new better things :3.


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