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Hello everyone. I hope all has been well and good. Things are still tough for me at the moment but the show must go on. I am dedicating my time to practicing and improving so I can bring you guys better content. I am also working on my consistency, as its something that has always bothered me. The combo of feeling like my work is subpar at best and being very late on things is something I want to fix. Real life circumstatnces have really shifted my view on things and I need to work on myself and my goals. Starting with you guys, who have been at my side, who support me in all I do.

It is time to be about buisness. If I want to reach the goal of doing this for a living, to make my goals a reality, I have to work hard. It is time to show you guys what im capable of.

Thank you for all your support everyone, please enjoy the posts and as always, be safe and be well.


Not But Not

As long as you're doing your best, that's all we can ask of you. Keep up the good work and hang in there!