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Good morning my babies!

Today I bring you a big update with a lot of content, I've been working tirelessly so that you have it available today, so I hope you like it ^^'

What's new in this update?

The main new thing in this update is the activities that you will do after the nannies feed you in the nursery.

You will have to do three activities (I was thinking that it would be just one to choose between the 3 before moving on to the next stage, but in the end I decided to do the three activities in a row, if you don't like it tell me in the comments) *spoilers* These three activities are: Drawing with Laurie and Taylor, playing hide and seek with Cadence, Sonia and Abby, and finally sleeping with Evelyn and the babies. You can find all the activities in the living room and they will be marked with arrows.

I hope you really like this afternoon of activities in the nursery. Also if you have any suggestions or ideas I will always read you in the comments section.

Any bug or error you find (dialogue or tilesets) you can report them on Patreon or through Discord in the #Bugs section! I will try to fix them as soon as possible.

See you in the next post my babies! I hope you have a super great weekend! Little kisses~




One thing I consistently think about is the movement pathing needs to be better. The game needs to find better ways to move the character as currently it seems to just find the fewest amount of tiles in between the player’s current position and the selected tile.


Do you mean when you move the character by clicking with the mouse in the game?


clicking with the mouse. yeah its not a big problem but its definitely something that would help even a little bit.


The problem with that is that when you click on a place for the character to move, the game traces the shortest route but without counting the invisible events that are on the map, so if the place you want to go through is full of invisible events the character will make a weird move or stop. These are the events on the map: https://gyazo.com/dd44b8b11018f0e7f1da2eb57510d4e9 I personally recommend that you play with the arrow keys, you will not have any problem that way. (Oh and as far as I know there is no way to fix this problem ^^')