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Good morning my babies!

Today I bring you a small update after a long time to inform you of the situation this month and the plans I have going forward.

> What's new in this update?

Many of you have communicated to me during this month that you have had errors when playing the game, errors like "audio/se/3-%20Laughter%20ni%C3%B1os.ogg". Everything related to these errors is fixed in this version. Quickly explaining the error, this one happened because several files contained the letter "ñ". I've edited the filenames and also changed them ingame so there won't be any issues.

If you find any similar error remember that you can post it on Discord

 or in this post.

In addition to fixing that bug, I've made some dialog fixes provided by @Colonel_Gerdauf, thanks a lot as always! ^^

> Month Info.

As you may have seen in recent days there have been almost no updates, this is because I have been working on a collaboration that you will soon know more about (possibly in August). It's an abdl project we've been working on since February of this year and I'm pretty sure it's going to fascinate you all!

Although this is not an excuse to leave AWWID aside, so don't worry that this month you will have a big update, this week I will be working only on it.

And this is all, see you in the next update! I hope you are having a great weekend~



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