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Hello guys, today I bring you a slightly different post talking a little about me.

What happened this month, why have there been no updates?

Well... it's been a mix of many things, I'll tell you from the beginning. This month I was working the first week on a collaboration with a friend to help him create a game (You may have news about this in the future) and the following week I was also working many hours with him.

The fact is that I got quite saturated with all this and just in the 3rd week when I started to work I got sick. For some reason I had blurred vision for several days and well, I had to go to private doctors (because in Spain public health is very slow) and I was doing tests, they diagnosed me with some ugly things that I already knew about and they gave me another appointment to make more tests, (well, the thing is that my eyesight is bad and i'm doing medical tests) on Monday the 30th I have what I hope will be the last appointment and they will see if I have an operation on my eyes or simply change my glasses u.u

In the little while that I had good eyesight, I've been working on the next update that you have here, update 1.11, also, as I'll tell you, I've written quite a bit of the story and you'll see more soon!

Do not worry because I am already somewhat better than the first days and I will try to bring updates frequently. See you in the next post and thanks for trusting me guys, I love you very much ^-^




Health comes first, I wish you a speedy recovery


I hope your eyesight recovers and that you find a solution to the problem <3


I hope that you will feel good soon. I wish you getting well quickly :)