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Good morning my babies!

Today I bring you bad or good news depending on your point of view, this week there will be no update, this is because I have not had time to finish everything I had planned for this update.

I have been working as you know on the last part of the arrival at the nursery, however doing the dialogues is taking me longer than expected, even so I will give you a small summary of what I have been doing so that you can see that there is progress.

This week I have been writing the dialogues of the NPCs, working on the story (everything that will happen in the next updates written). Plus a system to detect if Miah has peed that works in areas around the npc (I'm still working on this and it will only be in the nursery). I have created the routes of the NPCs and the animations that some of them have.

In addition to all this, this week I have been collaborating with a friend in the creation of a much more elaborate abdl game, I can't tell you much about it and in fact there are still months left for it to be ready, so I leave you with the honey on the lips hehe~

Nothing more to say babies, I'm so sorry you don't have an update this Friday. Next Friday will be without fail! Little kisses~


Buenos días mis bebes!

Hoy os traigo malas o buenas noticias según el punto de vista, esta semana no va a haber update, esto es debido a que no me ha dado tiempo a finalizar todo lo que tenia planeado para esta actualización.

He estado trabajando como ya sabéis en la ultima parte de la llegada a la guardería, sin embargo el hacer los diálogos me está llevando mas tiempo del esperado, aun así os aré un pequeño resumen de lo que he estado haciendo para que veáis que hay avances.

Esta semana he estado escribiendo los dialogos de los NPCs, trabajando en la historia (todo lo que va a ocurrir en las proximas updates escrito). Además de un sistemá para detectar si Miah se ha hecho pipi que funciona en areas al rededor del npc (aun estoy trabajando en esto y será solo en la guarderia). He creado las rutas de los NPCs y las animaciones que tienen algunos de estos.

Además de todo esto esta semana he estado colaborando con un amigo en la creacion de un juego mucho más elaborado de AWWD, no os puedo contar mucho sobre el tema y de hecho aun quedan meses para que esté listo, así que os dejo con la miel en los labios hehe

Nada más que decir chicos, siento mucho que no tengais actualizacion este viernes. El siguiente viernes estará sin falta! Besitos~




Lovely to see you're still making a lot of progress! Also feel free to contact me on Discord if you want my help with the "system to detect if Miah has peed that works in areas around the npc".

Lord Salwatore

I feel like this has to be said. You don't have to bring a new version of the game every week. Working on a game needs a lot of time and besides work/study and every days life, there is sometimes no time for that. Don't feel pressured to work overtime. I think I speak for the majority of the folks that we are okay waiting longer for an update. Take your time and don't stress yourself. <3


Just because the game takes a week or two longer for an update, does not make the game any less enjoyable or less adorable to play. Take your time. The game at this point is already fantastic, and further updates as they come along will be the cherry on top.


Thank you very much ;-; It's just that I feel bad for not bringing you content every week


Don't worry. You already mentioned that a part of the game requires multiple weeks to finish, so people are already well aware that things may need to take some extra time. As Salwatore said, schedules are not something that you need to confine yourself to; they basically serve as a soft point. I am also willing to offer some help with the game design if you need it.