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Good morning my babies!

Today I bring you the tilesets that I have been using in The Demon Nursery. However, they do have a small drawback, these tilesets are paid. So please, if you really want to buy them, make (as I also did) a small contribution to their creator for having them, they are very cheap, don't worry.

Here is the edit I made to use them and I ask you please not to use them if you have not supported the creator of them.


Tilesets's Author: Itch.io 

Tilesets edited: Mega 


I hope you have a great day and see you in the next post, kisses ~


Buenos días mis bebes!

Hoy os traigo las tilesets que he estado usando en The Demon Nursery. Sin embargo, traen una pequeña pega, estas tilesets son de pago. Asi que por favor si de verdad queréis comprarlas haced (como yo también hice) una pequeña aportación a su creador por tenerlas, son muy baratas tranquilos.

Os dejo por aquí el edit. que hice para usarlas y os pido por favor que no las utilicéis si no habéis apoyado al creador de ellas.


Tilesets's Autor: Itch.io

Tilesets edited: Mega

Espero que paséis un dia genial y nos vemos en el próximo post, besitos~



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